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Home Schooling and the Question of Socialization   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  

我国社会学界对个人社会化的目标和标准问题的忽视并不意味着该问题不重要,以人作为类所应具有的本真意义为背景,结合西方社会的发展走向,联系我国转型社会的实际,可以推出社会化的原典标准和道德性目标,在应然思想方式的指导下,将社会化的目标和标准结合并统一起来,就能在更高层次上指导角色认知和角色实践,昭示社会化研究的新动向,引导社会的发展方向。  相似文献   

In previous publications, Gert Biesta has suggested that education should be oriented toward three domains of purpose that he calls qualification, socialization, and subjectification. Many educators, policymakers, and scholars have found this suggestion helpful. Nonetheless, the discussion about the exact nature of each domain and about their relationships to each other has been ongoing, particularly with regard to the domain of subjectification. In this article, Biesta revisits the three domains and tries to provide further clarification with regard to the idea of subjectification. He highlights that subjectification has to do with the existence of the child or student as subject of her or his own life, not as object of educational interventions. Subjectification thus has to do with the question of freedom. Biesta explains that this is not the freedom to do what one wants to do, but the freedom to act in and with the world in a “grown-up” way.  相似文献   

美国"家庭学校"的教学述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先对美国家庭学校教学的现状予以梳理,然后阐述家庭学校教学的特点及其教学效果,最后分析美国家庭学校的教学为当代学校改革带来的有益启示.  相似文献   

英国义务教育学龄儿童"在家上学"现象述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对英国义务教育学龄儿童“在家上学”现象产生的背景、法律依据、现状和问题进行了介绍和分析,并提出了其对今后义务教育发展可能的影响。  相似文献   

In this paper the authors carefully study the problem of liberty as it applies to school choice, and whether there ought to be restricted liberty in the case of homeschooling. They examine three prominent concerns that might be brought against homeschooling, viz., that it aggravates social inequality, worsens societal conflict and works against the best interests of children. To examine the tensions that occur between parental liberty, children's interests, and state oversight, the authors consider the case of homeschooling in the Dutch context.  相似文献   

美国"在家上学"现象的迅猛发展源于多种力量的推动。在教育理念上,自然主义教育思想和进步主义教育思想是其教育思想基础,它同时也得益于教育私有化理念的影响;在政治方面,美国政治文化中反主流倾向的发展、女性主义的发展以及相关组织和机构的积极活动对于"在家上学"起到了极大的促进作用;公众对宗教祈祷的强烈要求和对学校价值观教育的不满也是推动"在家上学"现象发展的重要因素;此外,家庭经济状况的好转、郊区化进程、网络和技术的发展进一步推动了"在家上学"现象的兴盛。  相似文献   

美国在家教育运动由基层的教育革新演化成政治色彩极强的社会运动,其间利益集团的参与发挥了重要作用。强大的支持网络是在家教育运动的组织保障,而在家教育利益集团利用司法诉讼和游说疏通活动参与政策制定和立法程序,使该集团的利益诉求得到回应,这对我国建设和谐社会的教育、满足弱势群体诉求有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird is one of the most widely taught texts in language arts classrooms through the English-speaking world and is greatly valued by many readers today for its depiction of youth grappling with racism in the American South of the Depression Era. However, the novel’s subtle and sustained critique of public education has remained largely unrecognised. This essay identifies in the novel an underlying nostalgia for the past homeschooling of Southern white aristocracy as well as disdain for modern public institutions and for the democratic values that those institutions seek to instil in youth.  相似文献   

随着美国"在家上学"运动的迅速发展,越来越多"在家上学"的学生开始进入高校学习或准备读大学。针对这一特殊群体,美国高校采取的政策主要有三类:完全拒斥、特别青睐以及与其他学生一视同仁;但整体而言,越来越多的美国高校开始接受和认可这类学生。美国高校政策转变的动力在于美国高等教育的市场化机制、分权制管理体制以及对多样性的珍视。对于以"在家上学"为代表的多元化的教育形式,我国高校也应采取包容的态度,满足多元化的教育需求。  相似文献   

家庭学校(homeschooling)是欧美国家兴起的一种教育运动。本对欧美国家家庭学校运动状况进行了分析,并从教育历史发展及教育思潮演变的角度对家庭学校的产生进行了深入的剖析,揭示出家庭学校是教育发展到一定阶段的一种新形式,是教育发展多元化的表现。  相似文献   

Homeschooling only has become a choice for many families of gifted children during the last two decades, as the number of gifted families has grown steadily along with the general homeschool population (Lubienski, Puckett, & Brewer, 2013). The current study examines a group of homeschooling mothers of gifted children who publish and maintain publically available blogs about their homeschooling experiences. In this qualitative study, four themes emerged (a) unintentional homeschoolers, (b) curriculum pivoting, (c) reflection as progress, and (d) reaching forward and back. In the current study we have identified some interesting but preliminary findings about families who homeschool their gifted child or children. We should continue working to understand the phenomenon of gifted homeschooling and its implications for schools and for society.  相似文献   

Millions of children in the United States are educated in the home. Millions more receive their education from private institutions. For parents, a common reason for seeking alternatives to public education is the desire to ensure that they receive instruction in accord with their religious beliefs. In many cases, these beliefs include exclusive claims about the nature of God, salvation, or morality. Recently, several scholars have argued that, to achieve a diverse and tolerant society, homeschooling and private education should be abolished or severely limited. They have contended that “a liberal multicultural education,” which will expose children to different ideas and perspectives, is necessary for the preservation of democratic values. Homeschooling, they claim, leads to close-mindedness and intolerance because children are taught to affirm certain beliefs which imply that not all other traditions are equally valid. The argument that homeschooling should be banned or severely restricted, however, relies on illiberal and intolerant premises that have already been discredited as inconsistent with our constitutional liberties. Although tolerance may be a valuable objective, it cannot be forcibly imposed by using the state's power to create philosophical homogeneity. True tolerance and diversity require a constitutional commitment to liberty for all, not a “constitutional norm” of silencing the “intolerant.”  相似文献   

美国的家庭学校教育经历了孕育与萌芽时期、形成与合法化时期,目前已经进入稳定发展阶段.在发展过程中,美国家庭学校教育的群体规模不断扩大,形成了具有特色的课程与教学体系和完善的教育支持系统.家庭学校教育在学生学业水平和社会化水平方面都取得了良好的教育效果,并对美国的家庭、教育与社会产生了重要影响.  相似文献   


Regulators ubiquitously dichotomize schooling into two discrete sectors: public and private. Although homeschooling is regulated in some contexts as a third sector, the general approach is to treat it as a species of private education by subjecting it to public regulation while simultaneously denying it public funds. But the public/private binary is increasingly difficult to sustain as charter schools multiply and, especially, as virtual schooling increasingly penetrates primary and secondary education. Public school systems are deploying virtual education in ways that erode once impermeable walls between public and private. Many obstacles to homeschooling will fall with those walls—particularly obstacles related to government financing of homeschooling activities.  相似文献   

Blogs have become a go-to information resource for members of online communities. In this qualitative study we applied uses and gratifications theory (U&GT) to analyze the experiences and perceptions of four mothers of gifted children who maintain blogs about their homeschooling experiences. Data suggest that this novel context and population did not yield different categories of gratification; however, not all prior categories were represented among this relatively narrow sample. Results support findings from prior research in other contexts suggesting that bloggers find gratification from self-expression, social interaction, information exchange, maintaining community, and recording life events.  相似文献   

法国居家教育由来已久,法国家长若选择居家教育,必先向政府提出申报,获批后可根据情况安排教学,但儿童须接受政府的教育管控与考核,若愿意,他们之后也可回归主流学校教育。继承与监管并行是居家教育制度的最主要特点,这一方面表现为法国政府对传统家庭教育形式的传承,从而使居家教育同义务教育并无冲突;另一方面反映在居家教育需受到相关法律约束,且其制度设计周全,分类明晰,实践过程始终须受政府监督。  相似文献   

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