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This article presents an analysis of the policy rhetoric of partnership and the reality of the process of partnership working using data from a qualitative case study of a sub‐regional partnership. The purpose of the partnership is to widen participation in post‐16 learning in the Black Country, a part of the Midlands in England. Data collected through observation of partnership meetings, in‐depth interviews with members of the Partnership Board and documentary analysis provide a rich insight into the work of the partnership and the processes that have shaped its lifecycle. The findings reveal that at one level of analysis, partnership can be interpreted as a pragmatic response to New Labour's policy initiatives in the post‐16 sector of education and training but this reading of the data does not explain the ability of the case study partnership to sustain itself over a period of over five years. A deeper analysis of the stages in the lifecycle of the partnership indicates that shared goals underpinned by mutual values and trust amongst key people in the partnership constitute the ‘social glue’ that hold organizations and individuals together to provide the basis of effective and sustained partnership working.  相似文献   

A growing body of literature on students as partners in learning and teaching offers evidence on which academic developers can draw when supporting, advocating for, or engaging in partnerships. We extend a previous systematic review of the partnership literature by presenting an analysis and discussion of the positive and negative outcomes of partnership, and the inhibitors to partnership. Implications include the importance of academic developers supporting: the relational processes of partnership; institutional or structural change to address resistance; and the potential of partnership to make institutions more equitable and empowering spaces.  相似文献   

This paper begins with the observation that in education today, partnership is ubiquitous, in that partnership is mentioned in virtually all policy documents emanating from the Department of Education and Science, Ireland. However the lack of a clear understanding of partnership may mean that its usage in educational debate may obscure more than it illuminates. For this reason, a definition of partnership is offered and explained in the first part of this paper. The second part of this paper begins by highlighting the increasing importance of parent–teacher meetings and school reports on children's progress in current education. These two strategies are then examined in the context of partnership. In both cases, the argument is presented that while both strategies can be implemented according to the partnership model, it is possible for schools to conduct parent–teacher meetings and issue school reports that do not conform to partnership. The challenge then for schools is to assess to what extent their parent–teacher meetings and their school reports adhere to the principles of partnership.  相似文献   

通过对合伙企业的设立、合伙变动的核算的讨论,说明了合伙企业在业主权益核算上的独到之处。  相似文献   

The development of meaningful partnerships with communities is a shared concern of many higher education institutions. However, the building of significant partnerships between universities and communities is still a complex task, which generates multiple tensions. Based on a qualitative study that examined the lived experiences of participants in an innovative university-community partnership in Israel, the article analyzes the concept of partnership from a social constructivist theoretical perspective. The study focused on four research areas: the experience of partnership; the perception of partnership; the barriers to partnership-building, and the impact of participation on participants. Findings challenge essentialist views of partnership and highlight the constructed and discursive nature of the concept. The article found several crucial factors to be acknowledged in the process of partnership management: role perspectives, group affiliation, institutional context, power relations, the organizational culture of the partnership, and the societal perceptions of social problems addressed by the partnership. It concludes with some recommendations for the management of more meaningful university-community partnerships.  相似文献   


Under neo-liberal modes of governance, new forms of partnership are emerging. This article begins by looking at the notion of partnership and the dominant model of partnership operating under New Labour in the United Kingdom, through a discussion of two cases of partnership working. I argue that the dominant model of partnership is primarily concerned with promoting the modernising agenda, and is instrumentalist and economically driven. As a result, the potential for partnership, in terms of democratic renewal and participation, cannot be realised. In the final section I argue that we need to conceptualise partnerships as learning partnerships, through which collaborative working could provide opportunities and spaces to resist the narrow instrumentalism of the neo-liberal agenda.  相似文献   

在国家大力推进职业教育校企合作制度化建设的背景下,以国际比较视野,对发达国家校企合作相关政策法规进行研究及借鉴,梳理和对比分析国内相关文件,为制定我国职业教育校企合作政策法规提供思路,推进校企合作的制度化建设。  相似文献   

Student–faculty partnership has been researched by contemporary academic developers, particularly its outcomes and challenges. However, theoretical discussions linking it with larger social–educational–political discourses are still lacking. This reflection aims to help fill the gap by analysing how student–faculty partnership might contest the neoliberalisation of higher education. It argues that, by positioning partnership as the basis for learning, student–faculty partnership provides an alternative discourse to contest the marketisation and corporatisation of higher education, the (re)production of learners as competitive and self-interested, and the standardisation and mechanisation of learning.  相似文献   

对于合伙是否具有民事主体地位这一问题,民法学界一直有争议。从国内民事立法对合伙的态度入手,认为团体性合伙是民事主体而非团体性合伙不是民事主体。然后结合民事主体的构成要件及团体性合伙自身的特点加以论证,并阐述赋予团体性合伙民事主体地位的价值。  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in researcher–practitioner partnerships, particularly those that take the form of a networked improvement community. In this paper, we describe the partnership between the National Center on Scaling Up Effective Schools and the Fort Worth Independent School District to build student ownership and responsibility. By outlining the organizational structures established to enact the partnership and roles of our various partners, we provide an in-depth look at how one researcher–practitioner partnership operates. We begin by describing the concept of an improvement community as one type of partnership, identify several types of improvement communities currently operating in educational systems, and define the key features of improvement communities. Then, we outline the specific improvement communities that are central to the Center's work, highlighting how these structures help us enact our partnership. We end with our reflections about how the partnership created new roles for both researchers and practitioners as well as the challenges and opportunities that accompanied those new roles.  相似文献   

清代农业合伙制初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清代农业中的合伙虽不如工商业中的合伙那么普遍、影响那么深远,但有着自己明显的特点,对清代农业资金的取得也发挥了一定的作用。清代农业中的合伙制存在着多种类型:与租佃制等有关的合伙制、资本与资本的合伙、由共买共有关系转化来的合伙制等。清代农业中的合伙制发展水平还很有限,未能形成比较大规模的合伙企业。  相似文献   

西部高校对口支援工作中最核心的工作是教育资源的支援与优化配置。如何对受援高等学校公平、透明、有效配置教育资源一直是我国教育行政管理部门在西部高校对口支援工作中希望研究解决的问题。教育资源配置理念决定了教育资源配置的效果。基于教育部陈希副部长对今后对口支援工作提出的“四个显著提升”战略,使政府、支援学校和受援学校3个主体有效互动,研究提出了“政府主导,资源共享,绩效优先,验收后补”的政府对高校对口支援教育资源优化配置的理念,以及“强化领导,培育特色,提高质量,形成机制”的受援高校内部对对口支援教育资源的优化配置理念。  相似文献   

在邓小平和平与发展理论和江泽民、胡锦涛的外交战略指导下,中苏—中俄外交在中苏关系正常化的基础上,实现了从中苏关系到中俄关系的平稳过渡;经过中俄睦邻友好、面向21世纪建设性伙伴关系,达到21世纪中俄战略协作伙伴关系的高度。今年是中俄建立平等信任的战略协作伙伴关系十周年,又是《中俄睦邻友好合作条约》缔结五周年。3月21日俄罗斯普京总统访华,与胡锦涛主席共同签署了《中俄联合声明》,这被视为中俄战略协作伙伴关系新的里程碑。  相似文献   

This article contributes to the growing scholarly literature about students as partners in learning and teaching in higher education by describing an initiative designed to support partnership and a study investigating international staff and student perspectives. The initiative – an international summer institute – is a four-day, professional development experience that brought together students and staff from seven countries to learn about partnership and develop specific partnership projects. Participants in the institute were invited to contribute to a qualitative study exploring their experiences of students as partners work and their perceptions of the institute’s capacity to support it. Given that much existing research on this topic tends to be celebratory, we focus here on the challenges participants ascribed to student-staff partnership, and on the features of the summer institute they thought particularly useful in helping them to navigate these difficulties. Looking beyond the summer institute, we consider the implications of these findings for those looking to support partnership more broadly.  相似文献   


This study is an autoethnographic reflection on power and expertise in an evolving student/staff partnership. The partnership was initiated as pedagogical co-design in the development and implementation of a peer-assisted learning programme. Through a process of critical reflection that linked our partnership experience with themes from relevant literature, we (the staff and student authors) became co-researchers of our practice. The evolution of the partnership provided a unique perspective from which to compare our experiences of power and expertise across both contexts. We characterised our pedagogical co-design partnership as a shift from the more traditional ‘power over’ model of delivery towards ‘power to empower’ where both student and staff partners had agency and voice. Key to this important transition was a shared philosophy of student-centred teaching. As the partnership transformed from co-teaching to co-researching we needed to re-negotiate power dynamics; while our different pathways had converged on a common view of student-centred learning, our research expertise remained disparate. We were able to negotiate this challenge by drawing on our existing relationship based on respect, reciprocity and responsibility, reinforcing views of partnership that value equality of opportunity and a focus on learning and process, rather than equality of contributions and outcomes.  相似文献   

徐娟 《世界教育信息》2007,(3):24-26,42
教师伙伴学校是20世纪90年代初在英国教师职前教育体系改革中出现的一种以大学和中小学合作为特征的教师教育模式。文章在分析教师伙伴学校的发展过程及特点的基础上.提出了对我国教师教育改革的一些启示。  相似文献   

合伙制度并没有因为现代企业制度的发展而消亡 ,仍然是行之有效的一种经营方式。无论是大陆法系国家 ,还是英美法系国家都对此给予不同程度的确认。我国现行合伙制度应在以下三个方面给予明确规定 :应确立合伙企业作为法律主体的地位 ;应允许法人和个人组成合伙 ;应规定合伙企业破产时 ,债务偿还顺序。  相似文献   

浅论我国有限合伙制度的不足及其完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年修定的我国《合伙企业法》首次确立了有限合伙制度。由于有限合伙具有普通合伙与公司所不具备的独特魅力,弥补了公司制度和合伙制度的不足,丰富了我国企业的组织形式,而且还为实现多种组织形式的市场主体自由竞争创造了条件。有限合伙的组织结构也较简单,不像公司那样需要股东会、董事会、监事会等组织机构,因此合伙事务的决策程序也简单、灵活,有限合伙的经营管理权相对集中、灵活、高效,容易适应瞬息万变的市场和高新技术产业发展的要求。但在我国作为一个新建立的制度,还有很多方面存在着不足,主要有:合伙人数上的限制;出资制度的缺陷;有限合伙人和普通合伙人转换制度的缺陷;有限合伙人责任制度的缺陷。  相似文献   

Government policy stresses partnership as a critical organizational form of the future to support the development of schooling. This article uses intergroup conflict and gaming theory to analyse data from one partnership. The views of young people and staff are explored to establish the nature and extent of conflict and its impact on the partnership. Gaming theory is used to investigate the engagement and expectations of organizations in the partnership. The article challenges Government rhetoric that suggests that as experience and trust grow, partnership will overcome the barriers which exist as a legacy from previous more competitive and isolationist cultures, to the benefit of service users. It further suggests that the availability of adequate resources alone, if ever achieved, would not in itself create the conditions for successful partnership. Far more attention is required to be given to the complex range of conditions which might support partnership and increase the possibility that the interests of learners would not be subordinated to those of organizations.  相似文献   

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