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新课改背景下的中小学英语教师角色的转变,积极促进了教师的专业发展。通过自我激励、自我反思、自主探究、自主学习,不断更新自身的知识结构、提高教学能力和反思能力以及科研能力,实现教学、反思、学习、研究的一体化,更好地承担教育教学中的多元角色,服务于学生,促进学生的综合语言运用能力的形成,培养学生的探究能力和创新能力,最终实现学生的全面发展。  相似文献   

教师专业发展学校的构建   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
教师专业发展学校是以中小学为基地,由大学或教育科研机构和中小学合作建立的旨在促进教师专业发展的教学研究共同体。本文在分析教师专业发展学校特征的基础上,对构建教师专业发展学校的整体架构以及教师专业发展学校的运作载体与策略进行了初步探索,以期能对我国构建教师专业发展学校有所裨益。  相似文献   

The implementation of new content and pedagogical standards in science education necessitates intensive, long-term professional development of science teachers. In this paper, we describe the rationale and structure of a comprehensive and intensive professional development program of school-based leaders, namely school chemistry coordinators. The year-long program was designed so that the chemistry teachers who enrolled in the program were able to develop in three interrelated aspects: content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and leadership ability. Several strategies for the development of these aspects were adopted from Loucks-Horsley, Hewson, Love, & Stiles (1998). The evaluation of the program focused on the changes that participating teachers underwent regarding their personal beliefs and their functioning as school chemistry coordinators in their schools.  相似文献   

个性教育是素质教育的重要方面。本文对个性教育的特征及其在素质教育中的地位问题进行探讨,并提出了实施个性教育的措施。  相似文献   

办学定位模糊、培养模式单一、专业设置趋同是高职院校普遍存在的问题。高职院校坚持"错位发展",必须科学定位、精心规划、有效运作,错开专业设置,创新人才培养模式,加强"双师"队伍建设,推进资源共享。  相似文献   

The American Association for School Librarians suggests an important mission for school librarians is to ensure personal growth through ongoing exposure to conferences, journal articles, webinars, presentations, and membership in professional organizations. As professional educators, School Librarians should exemplify the vision for being life-long learners. Methods and means to grow in the profession should be evaluated and examined for elements that lead to success in growth and maturity as professionals in school library media. This article investigates the attributes of successful professional development experiences which include learning environment, characteristics of learners, methodologies, and instructional design of staff development workshops.  相似文献   

This essay summarizes the author's 10 years of experience at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation mentoring secondary school science teachers during 8-wk Summer Research Institutes. The summary is presented as a learning model, which we call the research dynamic. This model consists of three interlocked components: specified ignorance, peer interactions, and gateway experiments. Specified ignorance is based on the work of the sociologist Robert K. Merton. It is essentially the art of highlighting what is not known about a phenomenon but must become known for further progress. In practice, specified ignorance is framed as a hypothesis, a prediction, or a question. It is commonly the outcome of peer interactions, which are the second essential component of the research dynamic. Peer interactions are the inevitable outcome of having teachers work together in the same laboratory on related research topics. These topics are introduced as gateway experiments, the third component. The most important attribute of gateway experiments is their authenticity. These experiments, when first carried out, opened new scientific vistas. They are also technically, conceptually, and logically simple. We illustrate the research dynamic with a line of seminal experiments in biochemical genetics. We provide evidence that the research dynamic produced significantly positive effects on teachers' confidence in their professional preparedness.  相似文献   

The authors examine how counselor educators can become involved in professional development schools to create enhanced training opportunities for school counseling internship students. The benefits of collaboration between university and public school faculties are explored, and research opportunities are discussed. Counselor educators' expertise in research and program evaluation, combined with school counselors' pragmatic experience in dealing with real‐life issues, may promote best practices in the schools and improved training for school counselors and can set the stage for collaboration as an educational team at the preservice level.  相似文献   

Winburn Community Academy is a school-university-community partnership that uses win-win collaboration to remove barriers to learning. The primary partners include Winburn Middle School, the Lexington Parks and Recreation Department, and the University of Kentucky. Working together through the Academy, these agencies link with others in the community (nonprofit organizations, businesses, and individuals) to sponsor a school-based recreation and homework center, community learning opportunities both in and out of school, service learning, and a professional development school for the University of Kentucky's middle-level teacher education program. A common thread across all facets of the project is the building of networks-among students, teachers, and parents-to strengthen the community and improve student learning. Our 6-year history shows that developing successful partnerships is a messy but rewarding process. We hope our experiences will be helpful to others.  相似文献   

The article reviews the activities that have been taking place in Europe in the field of senior staff training, particularly headteacher training, based on a study undertaken by the author in 1980 in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands and France. It goes on to consider some of the underlying problems and some major areas of study that require further examination, i.e. it is difficult to define the job to be undertaken by the trainer; to analyse the nature of the organisation and school system in which he works; to identify ‘leadership'; to provide relevant training and to then evaluate that training and its real impact on the school and on the quality, effectiveness and relevance of education offered to pupils and students.

Finally it describes some of the possibilities for fruitful cooperation and collaboration over the next few years through the efforts of a wide variety of international organisations.

Cet article fait un tour d'horizon des actions qui ont été entreprises en Europe dans le domaine de la formation des directeurs d'établissement et des maîtres chargés d'une responsabilité particulière dans l'enseignement. Il s'appuie sur une étude entreprise par l'auteur au Danemark, en France, en Norvège et dans les Pays‐Bas en 1980.

L'article étudie ensuite certains problèmes fondamentaux et quelques grands sujets d'étude qui demandent une analyse plus poussée: par exemple la difficulté à définir le travail que doit entreprendre le formateur, pour analyser la nature de l'organisation du système scolaire dans lequel il travaille, la difficulté à identifier les fonctions de ‘leadership’, à etablir une formation appropriée, puis à évaluer cette formation et son impact réel sur l'école et sur la qualité, enfin l'efficacité et l'appropriation de l'enseignement qui est offert aux élèves et étudiants.

Finalement, l'auteur expose quelques possibilités de collaboration fructueuse pour les prochaines années grâce aux efforts de différentes organisations internationales.  相似文献   

教师专业发展学校:探索、经验与启示   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24  
教师专业发展学校是实现教师职前培养与在职培训一体化的一种新的探索。它在认可中小学校对于学生发展的价值的基础上,强调学校也是教师发展的场所。教师专业发展学校不仅促进了实习教师的专业成长和中小学生的发展,而且也为大学教师和中小学在职教师提供了对话的平台。专业发展学校的发展历程为我们提供了许多有益的启示:实习教师的“临床实践”是其完成教师角色转变的必经之路;教师教育必须与学校教育改革实践紧密结合;教育理论与教育实践的沟通必须在理论主体与实践主体的“对话”中实现。  相似文献   

夏欣 《培训与研究》2010,27(1):113-115
网络为教师提供了丰富的学习和教学资源,促进外语教师专业知识和能力的提高;网络有助于教师进行教学反思,促进外语教师专业技能的提高;网络为外语教师之间的合作以及平等交流提供了广阔的空间,也为外语教师进行科学研究提供了平台。  相似文献   

学校既是科层组织同时又是制度化组织。在现实实践层面,作为科层组织的学校遵循科层制的规则,在行为时追求效率最大化,也就是追求人才培养的效率最大化。作为制度化组织的学校遵循制度化组织的规则,其行为的特点是追求生存的合法性,在现实中集中表现为博取舆论赞誉,获取外界承认,确保学校在大环境下生存和发展的合法性。正是学校同时具有的这两重性质,导致学校行为方面的某些自相矛盾。  相似文献   

当前,促进小学教师专业发展、整体提升小学教师素养,是我国义务教育均衡发展的重要内容。研究对江苏省20位小学教师和校长进行访谈调查,借助质化研究Nvivo11分析软件,经过开放编码和主轴编码,探究小学教师专业发展的影响因素,结果发现,当前小学教师专业发展在外部环境上存在三大困境:以筛选为目的的同级竞争、失去激励作用的绩效考核、缺失教师需求评估的官方要求。据此,从终身发展的理论视角出发提出三点讨论。  相似文献   

21世纪初,我国大学与中小学效仿美国大学与中小学伙伴合作模式,在实践中建构教师专业发展学校,但这些年的本土实践没有取得理论预期的效果。从美国教师专业发展学校理论以及我国60多年教师发展成就,审视我国教师专业发展学校现状、探究问题根源、寻找本土对策,希冀重构我国教师专业发展学校本土化建设道路。  相似文献   

摘要:校长的教育领导能力对一所学校的发展起着至关重要的作用,为了更好地提高中小学校长的教育领导能力,世界各国都在改革和完善中小学校长专业发展机制。美国通过制定校长专业标准、建立校长资格证书制度、完善校长培训机制来帮助和督促中小学校长提高自身的相应素质和能力,其中一些做法值得我国借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

读书会起源于美国,在瑞典得到蓬勃发展,在我国台湾地区的学校读书会广泛用于治疗性活动以及教师专业发展领域。读书会与学校读书会在组织运作上对组织目标与规范、活动组织与规模、人员分工与经费、活动时间与地点都有相对特殊的要求。与传统教师进修或培训方式相比,学校读书会体现了非正规的终身教育及成人学习理论的特点,是促进教师专业发展的"校本教师教育"活动,有利于增强教师专业发展的自主性、自愿性与平等性。  相似文献   

"学校群"策略是信息技术环境下教师专业发展的新模式,其关注区域性校际协作,其从组织策略、学习服务支持策略和效能策略三个方面组织和实施教师专业发展活动。通过讨论"学校群"教师专业发展的三个策略和新思路与方法,试图实现延伸校本培训、共享优质资源和推进协作研究,实现教师共同体和学校群体共同发展。  相似文献   

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