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大学教学:应然、实然与当然   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学是大学的首要职能,大学教学具有学术性,教学与科研是大学人才培养的共同载体,这本应是大学教学的应然形态。但大学教学地位与教学职能符合度、教师教学水平与学术水平符合度、教师教学与科研结合度存在问题却是当下大学教学的实然状况。使大学教学由实然回到应然,提高教学质量的当然策略是:认识大学教学学术性,形成大学教师多元学术评价机制,建立大学教师教学专业发展制度,构建大学生学术教育教学体系,增强大学教师教学责任意识。  相似文献   

The current study was designed to understand the development of comprehension monitoring among beginner readers from first to third grade, and to determine the extent to which first graders’ comprehension monitoring predicts reading comprehension in grade three. Participants were 113 children (57% female) from four US states who were followed from Grade 1 (M = 7 years, SD = 4 months) to Grade 3 (M = 9 years, SD = 4 months). Measures included decoding, vocabulary, working memory, comprehension monitoring, and reading comprehension. Children’s ability to monitor comprehension grew significantly from first to third grade, with a deceleration in growth over time. In addition, comprehension monitoring in Grade 1 made a significant contribution to reading comprehension in Grade 3, even after controlling for decoding, vocabulary, and working memory. Together, these findings supplement our understanding of young readers’ development of comprehension monitoring as well as its association with reading comprehension at a later time. Practical implications of the results in the context of providing support for higher-level language skills in beginning reading instruction are discussed.  相似文献   

Debra Torrence is polishing a business plan for a child care facility while she completes her Early Childhood Education master's degree in Winston-Salem, NC. She already has a degree in Marketing and Business Administration. Donald J. Harris is an attorney with Petree, Stockton, &; Robinson in Winston-Salem, NC.  相似文献   


Beginner educators cannot produce their best work and achieve the objectives of the schools that employed them until they have adjusted to the work they are required to do, the environment in which they are to work and the colleagues and learners with whom they have to work. However, it is well known that the transition from student educator to newly qualified educator can be problematic. The best way of supporting and developing novice educators is a clear understanding of their problems and constructive induction programmes that train and sustain them by addressing these issues. The article therefore focuses on the plight of, and support for, beginner educators. It addresses two questions. First, what are the needs and concerns of beginner educators? Second, what strategies can be offered to support beginner educators that will ease their transition into the classroom and reduce attrition early in their careers?  相似文献   

学校的服务对象是学生,而直接参与管理学生的是班主任,班主任工作是学校工作的重中之重,只有班主任工作做好了,整个学校的工作才能顺利地开展。  相似文献   

网络传输作为新崛起的一种传播方式,急需被纳入版权保护体系来维护版权人的利益,而各国版权界对将其界定为何种版权权利来保护有不同意见,争论的焦点集中在发行权和公众传播权上。本文通过分析各国关于这两种权利的规定,认为将网络传输行为视为传播权来保护更为合适。  相似文献   

This qualitative study examines perceptions and use of assignment feedback among adult beginner modern foreign language learners on higher education distance learning courses. A survey of responses to feedback on assignments by 43 Open University students on beginner language courses in Spanish, French, and German indicated that respondents can be classified into three groups: those who use feedback strategically by integrating it into the learning process and comparing it with, for example, informal feedback from interaction with native speakers, those who take note of feedback, but seem not to use it strategically, and those who appear to take little account of either marks or feedback. The first group proved to be the most confident and most likely to maintain their motivation in the longer term. The conclusion discusses some of the pedagogical and policy implications of the findings.  相似文献   

柳青  王斌 《英语沙龙》2014,(2):48-49
正在刚刚过去的春节,你是怎么跟亲友说祝福语的?除了"Happy Spring Festival",你还可以再有创意一些!试着用"Wish you are as fi t as a fi ddle!"来祝福你的亲友吧,用乐器表达健康的祝福既新鲜又独特。还等什么,赶快来跟小编一起学学跟乐器有关的其他有趣表达吧!  相似文献   

把重要极根Limn∞1+1nn=e推广到一般情形上去,并给出了重要极限的推广形式在求极限中的部分应用.  相似文献   

据中国媒体报道,中国中部因湖水泛滥而遭受鼠灾,该地区的20亿只老鼠正被货运到南部成为餐桌上的菜肴。用中国新闻社引用卖主的话来说就是由于供求强烈,买卖老鼠的生意一直都很火。提到广东省省府的居民什么活物都吃的现象, 一名卖主说“最近老鼠泛滥……广州人有钱又喜欢吃奇异的东西,所以生意非常好”。  相似文献   

人类精神史既是一部理性的发展史,也是一部情感发展史。理性与非理性作为整体的人类精神不可分割的两部分,共同塑造人之为人的天性。本文试图循着这一思想导向,探讨作为整体的人类精神的本源、分裂以及复归的可能性,为受极端理性和极端非理性分裂的当代人类精神的重建提供一个积极的思考。  相似文献   

以群作为报告文学研究者,他的研究成果主要反映在报告文学发生论、抗战报告文学论和报告文学典型论三个方面.以群为报告文学重要的研究者,不仅因为他对报告文学研究历时甚久,而且更是由于他研究报告文学比较广泛且有一定的系统性,对有些命题的探讨,颇富理论的开创意义.  相似文献   

"文学散兵"是孙犁文学生涯的客观现实,也是他的主动选择。它表明:孙犁是革命队伍中鲁迅式的战士,创作始终以国家、民族利益为出发点,以建构积极向上的现代民族精神为宗旨;孙犁具有坚定的现代知识分子立场,文学生涯中的各种外在干扰不能动摇他对思想自由的坚持;孙犁在逃避中保护自己,保存自我。"文学散兵"定位的核心是对作家独立精神生活的捍卫,对作家主体性和文学主体意识的强调,既是对自己的总结,也是对历史的反思,对当代作家精神品格建构具有重要的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

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