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The purpose of this study was to identify pay disparities within gender and race using private and public Association of Research Libraries (ARL) libraries as a lens. In this study, 44 ARL libraries participated, leading to 1099 usable responses to our survey. The findings indicate that race and gender pay disparities are larger at private libraries than at public libraries. However, disparity levels at both public and private ARL libraries are smaller than the national averages for all professions and continue to shrink.  相似文献   

公共图书馆免费服务探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文指出公共图书馆实行免费服务的真正目的不是简单的取消一系列仅在图书馆事业发展中占很少比例的读者"入门"费,而是在免费基础上打造优质图书馆资源,让人民共享文化发展成果。文章对公共图书馆优质资源的内涵进行了详细阐述,并对公共图书馆有效实现免费服务的措施进行了深入探讨。  相似文献   

免费开放:理论追寻、历史回顾与现实思考   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
免费向社会开放是公共图书馆历史发展的必然,是现代公共图书馆精神的体现.本文梳理、总结了公共图书馆免费开放的理论研究脉络和成果,回顾了我国公共图书馆免费服务的百年历程,并从建立经费保障机制、提高服务质量、实行科学管理、合理调配资源、加强宣传引导五个方面提出公共图书馆免费开放的应对措施.  相似文献   

文章通过对十五城市公共图书馆数字参考咨询服务方式、服务质量、回答时间等因素的调查,指出存在的问题,提出改进服务的建议,并对其可用性进行评价。  相似文献   

Branch libraries are considered important for effective public library service to large communities. This study was aimed at investigating the administration of branch libraries in a developing country, Nigeria. A pretested mail questionnaire was used for data collection. Usable responses were received from twelve state public library services which had 66 branch libraries. The branch libraries were inadequate for the populations they were meant to serve. They were poorly funded and staffed, and had small collections. Though efforts were made to reflect the interests and needs of the branch libraries in book selection and other aspects, heads of branch libraries had inadequate administrative powers for efficient management of their units.  相似文献   

By means of a mailed questionnaire, a study was undertaken to assess the collection development resources and procedures of public libraries in a developing country, Nigeria. Usable responses were received from nine of the nineteen public (state) library services in the country. The results show that Nigerian public libraries receive grossly inadequate funds, especially for acquisition of library materials. Consequently the libraries' collections are small. There is no uniform pattern of allocating staff to the acquisitions departments, which are over-staffed in relation to their workloads. It was found also that slightly differing acquisitions procedures are adopted by the various public libraries.  相似文献   

The author briefly describes arguments used in the quality versus demand debate, discusses how a number of public librarians have compromised between the two in their selection practices, and shows how battle lines are being redrawn with the rise of public libraries which claim to be exclusively demand‐oriented.

The bulk of the paper, however, reviews research done during the last quarter‐century in public libraries to determine whether any evidence has been found to support claims that demand‐oriented public libraries are filled with materials of dubious quality. While a great deal has been written on the quality versus demand issue, the author notes that much of it is rhetoric only; the research itself is scanty, in part due to the complexities of defining and measuring quality. However, three factors are identified which have been assumed to affect collection quality: the financial resources the library devotes to book purchases, the educational background of individual selectors, and the degree of contact such selectors have with the public. The author reviews studies relating to these factors and concludes that to date, there is no evidence to corroborate the belief that the quality of books in demand‐oriented libraries is less than that of their quality‐oriented counterparts. Suggestions for future research needed are included.  相似文献   

谢欢 《图书馆》2011,(6):101-103
美国图书馆开展政府信息服务历史悠久,健全的法律保障、与政府良好的合作关系、公民的主动参与、完善的利用机制是促进美国图书馆政府信息服务的重要因素。与美国相比,中国图书馆开展政府信息服务的时间短,地区发展不平衡;相关法律、政府信息、服务对象的缺失很大程度上阻碍了中国公共图书馆政府信息服务的开展。中国需要加强相关法律的制订与完善,为图书馆开展政府信息服务创造一个好的环境,此外图书馆自身也要积极参与到政府信息服务这项工作,同时通过努力强化公民的参与意识。  相似文献   

通过对比分析公共图书馆文创产品开发,得以借鉴与启示,从而提高我国公共图书馆文创产品开发质量和水平.选择五个国内外公共图书馆文创产品开发典型案例,主要从品类内容与开发经营模式两个角度,对所选案例进行了调研与对比分析.最终得出我国公共图书馆文创产品开发应当:明确文创产品定位、关注消费人群需求、建设产品设计队伍、吸引社会力量...  相似文献   

目前我国公共图书馆的设施总量、建筑面积总量和馆藏纸质图书总量三项基础性指标已居世界第一,一所设施平均覆盖人数和电子资源总量两项基础性指标已步入世界先进水平。与英、美、日、韩等国相比,目前我国存在短板,一是基层、农村公共图书馆质量水平低,二是基础资源人均拥有量低,三是体现服务效能的指标差距明显。英、美、日、韩等国公共图书馆步入世界先进水平的历程显示出一些基本规律:公共图书馆事业快速发展有赖于经济快速发展奠定坚实基础,公共图书馆整体跃升到世界先进水平一般经历10—20年,公共图书馆立法是推动事业快速发展的强大动力,加强基层、乡村公共图书馆建设是普遍重视的任务。我国公共图书馆迈向世界一流的重点举措包括:一是建设世界一流卓越公共图书馆群,打造100家主要共性指标处于世界领先水平、中国特色鲜明的标志性公共图书馆,拓展和深化"图书馆之城"建设;二是实施公共图书馆"强县馆"计划,主要包括县级公共图书馆资源保障和服务效能倍增"三步走"计划、县级公共图书馆数字服务能力提升计划;三是实施乡村公共阅读空间提质增效行动,推动农家书屋与县级图书馆总分馆体系融合发展,公共阅读广泛嵌入乡村文旅设施,新型公共阅读空间向乡村延伸。世界一流公共图书馆体系的中国特色主要表现在:公共图书馆事业纳入公共文化服务体系建设总体战略;满足人民文化需求和增强人民精神力量相统一;政府强有力主导公共图书馆体系建设;区域协作、对口帮扶,全国一盘棋促进公共图书馆均衡协同发展。  相似文献   

托管型公共图书馆是地震灾区公共图书馆引入市场机制,改革图书馆管理与运行模式的产物,具有政府搭台、委托管理、企业运作、全民享受的体制特点。其建设的现实意义在于提高政府公共服务效率;唤醒公众意识,优化公共图书馆生态。保持服务的公益性、合理的定价机制、优质高效的服务、完善到位的监管,是托管型公共图书馆发展的核心要素。  相似文献   

构建江西全省公共图书馆信息咨询协作网,开展网上免费信息咨询服务,对服务江西崛起,提高全省公共图书馆的服务能力和质量,有着不可估量的作用。分析了构建江西公共图书馆网上联合参考咨询服务体系的必要性和可行性,提出搭建网上联合参考咨询服务平台的建设方案。  相似文献   

0-3岁的婴幼儿时期对于养成终身阅读习惯至关重要,欧美发达国家较早认识到婴幼儿阅读对提高全民素质的重要性,从战略高度保驾护航。通过文献调查梳理国内外公共图书馆婴幼儿阅读服务现状和宏观政策条款,结合我国公共图书馆立法,提出在图书馆法视域下从政府、行业组织、公共图书馆、社会层面,优化婴幼儿阅读服务的策略。  相似文献   

图书馆、博物馆、档案馆是当今社会重要的公共信息服务机构,电子数据质量是数字时代影响图博档信息服务水平的重要因素。分别从图博档的服务方式与内容的特点出发,研究与探讨了在图书馆、博物馆、档案馆中电子数据质量要求及具体的管理方法。较高的电子数据质量管理水平是图博档信息服务相融合的基础。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 探究不同环境下,美国不同服务范围的公共图书馆应对不同种类重大突发事件的经验,从中获得相应启示,继而为我国公共图书馆应对类似事件提供参考。[方法/过程] 对公共图书馆面对社会重大突发事件所做的工作进行全面梳理,将其分为自身业务工作和对外社会服务两大类。其中,针对社会服务类工作,将案例以突发事件来源归类,并探讨在不同类型的重大突发事件发生后,现实与网络两种环境下,美国公共图书馆社会服务的模式内容。[结果/结论] 研究发现,从突发事件的来源看,自然灾害和社会问题下的社会服务都具有对损失的补偿性,但社会问题下的社会服务在短期应急响应方面还具有对灾后不良后果的遏制性;而从提供服务的环境看,在面临重大突发事件时,公共图书馆逐渐呈现出将工作重心从现实转移到网络的趋势;此外,从公共图书馆的类型看,大型公共图书馆更具宏观调度的特点,中小型公共图书馆则更具针对性服务本地民众的特点。最后,根据上述分析结果得出对我国公共图书馆应对重大突发事件的启示。  相似文献   


The availability and quantum of resources at the disposal of libraries greatly influence service delivery. This study seeks to assess the adequacy and effect of attenuating resources on the quality of public library services and the barriers to accessing sufficient resources for the provision of quality services. Based on a qualitative approach, the study interviewed 32 participants drawn from three regional libraries, using purposive and convenience sampling methods. Data were analyzed using interpretative techniques. The results showed that all three regional libraries were highly under resourced in terms of qualified personnel, physical resources, and current library materials which ultimately resulted in low patronage of the library facilities. A major concern was the absence of a National Library and Public Library Policy guiding the establishment of public libraries in Ghana. We strongly suggest that the new public library service bill should include a statutory formula for resource allocation to public libraries. Though our research concentrated on Ghana, the implications of the study are of great value to similar contexts.  相似文献   

心理学知识在图书馆读者服务中的运用刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共图书馆的快速发展给读者研究工作带来了许多新情况,对读者特点和他们在文献利用过程中所反映出来的阅读心理、阅读需求、阅读行为等规律进行研究,有助于公共图书馆对不同读者进行有针对性的服务,提高公共图书馆的服务质量和效率。文章阐述了心理学在图书馆读者服务工作中的重要意义,对心理学与图书馆读者服务工作的关系进行了一定的探讨,并结合工作实践对如何创造适合读者的心理环境以及合理运用心理学知识为读者服务进行了分析,并提出了建议。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 调研当前新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情特殊时期,高校图书馆通过微信公众平台提供远程服务的现状,探讨突发公共卫生事件发生时,高校图书馆开展远程服务的策略,为高校图书馆通过微信公众平台提供远程服务提供借鉴。[方法/过程] 调查36所"双一流"A类高校图书馆微信公众平台数据,分析研究高校图书馆通过微信公众平台开展远程服务的现状和存在的问题,并提出优化策略。[结果/结论] 在新媒体环境下,微信公众平台已成为高校图书馆开展远程服务的重要平台。高校图书馆远程服务需常态化,当突发公共卫生事件发生时,从资源保障、服务保障、阅读活动、读者远程教育及心理疏导等方面入手,为学校教学科研、人才培养提供有力支撑。  相似文献   

文章论述了坚持图书馆公益性对图书馆服务质量提升的意义,有助于促进图书馆公共利益的整合、扩大读者范围、提高服务工作绩效、维护与读者的关系。公益性服务理念在图书馆的实践,将增强理念、加大宣传力度、开展公益培训、创新服务方式。针对当前形势下公共图书馆如何坚持公益性服务展开重点论述。  相似文献   

《Public Library Quarterly》2012,31(4):428-452

This exploratory research investigates how American public libraries have addressed the issue of media literacy in their communities from 2016 to 2018, including programs, partnerships, and other initiatives. The authors selected this period because events, such as the 2016 U.S. presidential election, contributed to an increased national concern about media literacy. This study fills a research gap by providing a broader assessment of public library responses to this issue, as most of the published literature thus far stems from academic libraries. An electronic survey solicited data from both a stratified purposive sample and a self-selecting sample of public libraries throughout the United States (U.S.). Analysis of qualitative and quantitative data from sixty-five public libraries revealed several key themes related to media literacy initiatives, including types of initiatives developed, initiatives deemed most successful by staff, community response to initiatives, and reasons for not pursuing initiatives. Findings denote the current state of how public libraries address media literacy and offer practical guidance for those developing media literacy initiatives. Key findings are as follows: lack of staff time is the reason most often cited for not engaging in media literacy initiatives; more effective measurements are needed to assess both community needs and outcomes of library initiatives; “fake news” is a topic of interest in the community and among library staff; and there appears to be a relationship between staff interest in the topic and perceived interest on the part of the public, which may impact efforts to address the issue. Implications for practice resulting from those findings include engaging in initiatives that maximize service while minimizing staff time involvement; measuring and assessing community interests as well as outcomes of initiatives; using trending topics such as “fake news” to increase interest in library services; and continuing to increase staff awareness of and training in issues deemed important by the library community.  相似文献   

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