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美国教育博士专业学位教育与教育哲学博士学位教育的趋同问题由来已久。关于教育博士研究生该不该像教育哲学博士研究生那样撰写传统博士论文,一直聚讼不休。目前越来越多的大学认为传统博士论文不适于或者至少不能充分展现教育专业人员应掌握的专业知识和技能,并尝试用专题博士论文、项目研究、顶岗实习等新型毕业环节取而代之,以便突显教育博士专业学位教育的特点。  相似文献   

The Ph.D. versus the Ed.D.: Time for a decision   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this study, U.S. institutions that offer doctoral programs in education were surveyed and institutional catalogues of the past decade were reviewed to determine trends regarding the Ph.D. versus the Ed.D. Results of the study showed that (a) there is no clear institutional movement toward one degree title or the other; (b) research universities are increasingly reluctant and comprehensive colleges and universities are increasingly likely to offer the Ed.D. as their only doctoral degree title, and (c) requirements for the two doctoral titles are remarkably similar, including competencies in research and statistics. Findings are discussed in relation to three common positions of those who favor the Ed.D. over the Ph.D.: (a) the professional school argument, (b) the unification argument, and (c) the autonomy argument. The article concludes with a call for increased national dialogue to strengthen the education profession by reducing confusion between its two doctoral degree titles.Russell T. Osguthorpe, Associate Dean of Brigham Young University's College of Education, has done research in special education, instructional design and technology, and teacher education. He is presently responsible for graduate programs, research, and technology in the College. Dr. Osguthorpe received his education at Brigham Young University. Mei Jiuan Wong, a doctoral candidate in the Department of Instructional Science, Brigham Young University, has done research on instructional design and technology and teacher education. She is currently completing her dissertation on decision making in instructional design.  相似文献   

教育对一个国家和一个民族的振兴与发展非常重要,教育强国需要懂教育的人办教育,实行教育家办学。教育博士(Ed.D.)是培养高层次职业教育者的实践性新型专业学位研究生教育,是教育强国、培养教育实践专家的重大举措。我国开始教育博士专业学位研究生教育的试点工作,试点工作中应处理好与教育哲学博士(Ph.D.)的趋同、培养与使用脱节和社会需求与规模、质量的关系。  相似文献   

This article argues that despite an absence of distinctions in implementation, there are perceived and actual differences between the Ed.D. and Ph.D. degrees in education. Failure to make the distinctions in administering the degrees has caused confusion among faculty in other fields and within graduate schools. The article suggests that all doctoral degrees in education be changed to the Ph.D. with two tracks-one for scholars of practice and one for scholarly practitioners.In addition to his professional interests in administration and program development, he teaches and conducts research in educational gerontology and instructional methods. This article describes the dilemma of having two doctoral degrees in the field of education. The Ph.D. degree with two tracks is suggested as the solution.  相似文献   

本文简要记载美国基础教育在改革大环境中对领导管理人员专业培训的需要,以皮博迪学院教育博士学位的定位框架和规格标准为例,在治学宗旨、办学对象、教学方式等方面综述当前美国学术界对教育博士的定位和改良的探讨,为中国高校探索教育领导管理专业学位的设置和发展提供参考.  相似文献   

哈佛大学教育博士专业学位改革对世界各国教育博士培养具有引领和带动作用。在回应专业博士教育社会质疑、弥补哲学博士教育长期缺失双重需要推动下,哈佛大学对教育博士学位培养进行了大刀阔斧改革:撤销原教育博士学位(Ed.D.)、新设教育领导博士学位(Ed.L.D.)、创设教育哲学博士学位(Ph.D.),形成了两种博士学位并存共生新格局。从培养模式比较看,专业博士回归“实践”属性,教育哲学博士凸显“学术性”特点,且两者均高度重视跨学科教育和培养质量提升。我国培养教育博士起步较晚,具有较大发展空间,可借鉴哈佛大学经验教训,积极推动教育博士培养模式改革,更好地满足国家经济社会和教育事业发展需要。  相似文献   

The increase of part-time adult students in Ed.D. programs calls into question the effectiveness and feasibility of the traditional, full-time residency. Adult education concepts provide a basis for designing an alternative residency which offers a quality academic and socialization experience. The Syracuse University alternative residency for the Ed.D. in Adult Education provides a model which can be adapted to other institutions and programs.Prior to joining the SU faculty, she had extensive experience as a postsecondary continuing education administrator. For almost three years she has been the Alternative Residency advisor for the Program's Ed.D. students.  相似文献   

美国“教育博士”培养的实践、问题与挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国教育博士培养经过80多年的发展,不断修正、完善自身的培养方案,形成了符合本国国情的培养系统。但是,由于教育博士质量标准参差不齐,以及在学位属性和培养方式等方面表现趋同化,引起国内关于教育博士学位的争论不断。面对挑战与危机,美国一些大学教育博士项目不断改进,突破了传统哲学博士的模式,提高了教育博士的价值和意义。其实践、问题与挑战对我国教育博士的培养具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The University of Florida offers an online professional practice Ed.D. focused on Educational Technology. Twenty-three students have completed professional practice dissertations and graduated since the program’s inception in 2008. The purpose of this article is to share what these dissertations have looked like and to begin a dialogue about professional practice dissertations completed in online educational technology programs. Specifically, we (1) provide an overview of different ways professional practice Ed.D. dissertations are structured, (2) share guiding principles for professional practice dissertations in our Ed.D. program, (3) analyze the ways in which these guiding principles played out in the dissertations and (4) discuss the implications of our analysis for our program and for other online professional practice programs in Educational Technology.  相似文献   

美国教育博士( Ed.D.)学位与教育哲学博士(Ph.D)学位之争由来已久.这既有复杂的历史原因,也与美国高等教育多样性、不同利益诉求、对学位教育质量关切等因素有关.从历史角度分析两种学位之争的缘起、演变及成因,并探讨其对发展我国教育博士专业学位教育的启示,具有积极的现实意义.  相似文献   

美国教育博士专业学位在发展与变革的进程中积累了丰富的经验:高等教育变革是教育博士专业学位产生与发展的前提基础,现代大学制度建设是教育博士专业学位发展的根本保障,不断地发展与变革是解决教育博士专业学位存在问题的基本措施。美国的教育经验启示我们:创造教育博士专业学位研究生教育的环境;构建教育博士专业学位研究生教育的质量保障体系;形成我国教育博士专业学位教育的制度体系。  相似文献   

Over the years, educational psychology has been a part of teacher preparation, moving from a centerpiece in many programs, through periods when it was deemed irrelevant by some, to current concerns about its role in the reforming of teacher education and teaching. Today, psychological knowledge is used to ground reforms in teaching and schooling, particularly the call for teaching for understanding. Current standards for teacher certifications and licensure and suggestions for reform in teacher education assume that teachers will have a deep and generative understanding of learning, development, motivation, and individual differences. This article explores several themes that recur in the writing on reforms and teacher standards: the need to place learning at the center of teaching, the call for integrated studies, and the value of collaboration with the public schools. These themes have both positive and negative implications for the role of educational psychology in teacher education.  相似文献   

This article explores the changing context of school leadership in our nation, a context that requires education leaders who are skilled and knowledgeable with a new set of dispositions to lead complex, diverse, and innovative institutions. The article also discusses recent critiques of existing leadership preparation programs, with emphasis on what has been said about the Ed.D. and Ph.D. degrees in educational leadership. Data are provided about trends in advanced degree offerings in higher education institutions, and the mission statements of top-ranked graduate programs in education leadership are assessed. Finally, the article discusses the consequences that these trends, critiques, and the changing context of school leadership might have upon the design and delivery of leadership preparation programs for current and aspiring school leaders.  相似文献   

The article uses the framework of resiliency to examine the strategies of principals in schools working under challenging socio-economic conditions that show higher-than-expected educational results. We collected a unique set of data within the Russian ‘National monitoring of education markets and organisations’ programme. This work continues the study, begun in 2014, of the peculiarities of the functioning conditions, management and educational strategies of different groups of schools (urban, rural, implementing higher-level programmes, private, etc.), where authors supplement the economic indicators of school performance with socio-economic contextual factors. A contextualisation model was applied to distinguish the resilient schools studied and the socio-economic characteristics for each school. The typical strategies of principals of resilient schools are as follows: recruiting more successful students from other schools, the branding of the school, creating a culture of high expectations for staff and students, and a less bureaucratic management style.  相似文献   

This study examined perceptions of college of education students and their experiences with Channel One, a privately-owned news service used in public education. Given that about one-third of middle and high schoolers in the US view the broadcast every school day, the authors surveyed 172 freshmen to discern their views and attitudes toward Channel One programming and commercials and the role colleges and universities might play in relation to this media service. While most studies on Channel One have been conducted from a K-12 point of view, the goal of this study was to reconsider the topic from the perspective of prospective teachers and post-secondary education. A. J. Angulo  is Assistant Professor of Social Foundations, Winthrop University. He received an Ed.D. and Ed.M. from Harvard University. His research interests include history of education, technology and education, and student rights. Susan K. Green  is Associate Professor of Educational Psychology, Winthrop University. She received a Ph.D. in social psychology from Loyola University, Chicago and a Ph.D. in educational psychology and research from the University of South Carolina, Columbia. Her interests include classroom assessment, motivational and instructional strategies to promote learning, and multicultural issues in education.  相似文献   

当前学校心理健康教育的困境与出路   总被引:109,自引:0,他引:109  
学校心理健康教育正日渐成为素质教育新的生长点,但在学校心理健康教育的具体实施过程中,还存在着心理健康标准混乱、心理健康教育模式医学化等问题.学校心理健康教育要走出当前的困境,还需澄清标准,实施全员、全科、全过程参与的心理健康教育模式.  相似文献   

Although students with disabilities are over-represented in the juvenile justice system and frequently receive poor educational services, few studies have examined strategies to increase compliance with student needs and individualized education programs. In this study, we conducted interviews with eight probation officers in the Advocacy Unit of a juvenile justice system in a large Midwestern city. We examined the advocacy strategies used by the probation officers as well as the barriers they faced in ensuring court-involved youth received appropriate educational supports. Advocacy strategies included: documentation, collaboration with other stakeholders, and assertive but not aggressive communication. Probation officers also mentioned more creative advocacy strategies. Barriers to effective advocacy included: poor working relationships with schools, older age of youth, and obstacles to parent involvement. We discuss implications for research and practice.  相似文献   

This paper discusses current issues in the education of visually impaired children in the U.S.A., with emphasis on appropriate educational placement. A review of recent literature suggests that a dichotomy exists between advocates of public school and residential school programs, with differing interpretations of how Public Law 94‐142 will ultimately affect educational placement of the visually impaired. The author concludes that both types of programs will continue to operate and that cooperation between public and residential schools may increase thus creating a favorable climate for the provision of a continuum of appropriate educational services for visually impaired children.  相似文献   

This paper explores distinctive features of Bachelor of Education (B. Ed.) training at several well known Ukrainian and Chinese universities. Comparative analysis was performed taking into consideration important criteria in the educational process of the degree programs (legislative, social, organizational, technological). The Chinese experience is of particular interest to Ukrainian educators because of China’s ancient history and educational traditions. Radical changes took place in the education systems of both countries in the period of transition to a market-based economy in the 1990s and to knowledge-based societies. The contribution of the educational system to fast economic development of China has brought the county to second place among the largest economies in the world. The authors found similarities in the documentation on the organization of educational processes at the universities, the shared purpose of the training, the use of traditional forms of education, and the emphasis on the practical part of the training. At the same time, different features were found in the content of theoretical training, the organization of practical training, the approaches to innovation, the social benefits provided to teachers, the prestige of the teaching profession, principles of moral education, as well as financial and technical support. The authors considered a number of progressive ideas in China’s B. Ed. training, the implementation of which, at national and institutional levels in Ukraine, might contribute considerably to the modernization of pedagogical education.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a framework for assessing the quality of education, based on the outcomes defined in educational standards. The author takes the view that educational standards reflect the mission that schools must fulfill. He explains that the classroom curriculum, derived from educational standards, must customize the learning process to respond to the teaching–learning environment. Defining quality as the extent to which the delivery of the school curriculum realises the learning outcomes defined in the educational standards, the author proposes that quality in education should be evaluated using two approaches: relative achievement assessment and absolute achievement assessment. In elaborating on the two dimensions of assessment on which the model is based, the author highlights the need for greater attention to be paid to values and attitudes in assessing quality of education.  相似文献   

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