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以英国联合信息系统委员会提出的科研生命周期为基础,分析从提出科学问题、组织研究团队、确定研究课题、开展科学探索到最终产出科技成果全过程可能的科研工具需求,设计"科研软件工具调查问卷"开展用户调研,总结科研人员利用软件工具的现状、特点和存在的问题.围绕信息知识环境构建、科研工具素质教育、文献与数据的甄别与获取、科研信息工具推介、课题动态监测定制、工具平台共建共享、工具资源订购推荐、开放工具数据库资源建设等服务,构建基于工具应用的嵌入式学科服务体系,提出图书馆在拓展学科服务模式和服务策略方面的新举措.  相似文献   

探索开放获取背景下学术信息交流场域用户角色的演变,有利于图书馆等信息服务机构改进信息服务方式、提高信息服务效率等。运用学术交流和场域等相关理论,诠释开放获取背景下学术信息交流场域用户角色演变的关键影响因素,并分析其角色演变的主要特征。在开放获取背景下,学术信息交流场域用户的科研惯习及用户之间的协作关系发生演变,动摇了学术信息交流场域中资本和权力的分配结构,形成以用户为中心的动态交互场;图书馆、情报中心等信息服务机构密切跟踪和关注用户的角色演变,可以有针对性地改进信息服务方式,与用户一起实现场域共赢。  相似文献   

高校图书馆在学科服务过程中,图书馆与用户之间存在信息不对称现象,导致学科服务难以深度广泛地开展.可以通过创新人才引进方式、提升馆员综合素质、重视对用户的调查研究、建立良好的信息交流渠道和学科馆员服务团队等方式,抑制信息不对称带来的负面影响,促进学科服务的发展.  相似文献   

社会网络分析在团体知识共享中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从某科研团队出发,通过问卷调查得出成员间的知识交流矩阵,利用社会网络分析法的相关可视化工具绘制出团队成员间的知识交流图。然后从整体结构、节点中心度、小团体等角度来分析该科研团队的知识交流共享状况,发现团队中的关键人物、知识流动的瓶颈和孤立点。这些信息有助于发现组织的知识共享问题与特点,可以作为组织改善知识共享的客观依据。  相似文献   

依据EI Compendex数据库所提供的统计数据,分析西安邮电大学2008~2012年科研产出情况,并与省内外同类高校的科研产出量进行了比较,发现西安邮电大学的科研产出量在不断提升.但是同其他大学相比仍存在很大差距,科研产出量整体偏低.针对这些问题从注重论文质量、培养科研团队、加大科研奖励力度、加强国内外合作交流及充分发挥图书馆的信息服务作用等方面提出建议和举措,以期促进高校科研水平迈上一个新台阶.  相似文献   

高校图书馆嵌入式学科信息服务是介于知识服务与信息服务之间的一种服务,是以用户需求为驱动的深层次信息服务模式,特点在于空间、内容、目标、系统的全方位"嵌入",注重学科服务中的人性化关怀.E-Research环境下嵌入式学科信息服务的内容包括:学术交流宣传推广、科研数据管理服务和学科分析与科研决策.其成功开展需要相应的服务模式与服务运作机制为支撑.  相似文献   

基于知识管理的教育Blog应用策略探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍博客的三大功能,诸如信息交流、信息共享与知识共享、知识管理等;围绕知识管理探讨分析Blog在教学与科研中的不同应用策略。教学方面的应用体现在信息发布系统,个人电子文档,信息共享空间、教与学的知识管理等;科研方面的应用包括持续性知识积累工具、虚拟性团队组织平台、立体化交流共享以及系统性知识分类管理等;最后提出建立教育博客平台应注意的若干问题。  相似文献   

以中国科学院13个研究所的科研管理人员为对象,采用深度访谈的方法调研科研管理过程中的信息需求,概括出科研管理过程中所需的五项信息服务:信息资源推送、专题培训、专题报告、动态信息推送、信息平台搭建.结合学科馆员的服务实践,从信息服务的内容、形式、时机、服务中用到的工具与资源、协同机制、用户反馈机制等方面对信息服务进行设计,提出针对项目管理、科研成果管理及评价、知识产权管理、战略规划、院地合作/国际合作、成果转移转化、平台建设的信息服务模式,形成嵌入科研管理过程的信息服务模式.  相似文献   

清华大学图书馆学科馆员结合相关院系的特色培养计划,以信息共享、提升信息素养为目标,挖掘在信息素养、数字素养等方面的领先用户组成“信息达人”团队,发起“信息达人”分享计划,在本校师生中开展了一系列灵活、互动的信息素养能力提升活动,学科馆员也因此通过活动的策划和开展与用户群体构建了长期的合作共赢机制,打开了学科服务的新局面,获得读者广泛认可。本文详细分析“信息达人”分享计划实践的过程、重点和难点,以及相应的解决思路,与同行交流。  相似文献   

占南 《图书情报工作》2018,62(21):71-79
[目的/意义]探索科研人员个人学术信息管理工具使用意愿影响因素,构建相关理论模型,为开发设计有效的个人学术信息管理工具,提高信息利用率和科研工作效率提供理论指导和建议。[方法/过程]基于扎根理论的研究方法,采用理论饱和抽样的方法对17名科研人员进行面对面的包含开放性问题的半结构化访谈,通过编码分析归纳科研人员个人学术信息管理工具使用意愿影响因素,包括感知有用性、感知易用性、个体因素和情境因素,构建相应的理论模型。同时按照本研究对科研人员需求调查分析选取常用的8种学术信息管理工具进行比较分析,从信息分类获取、存储管理、组织和交流共享等方面进行对比。[结果/结论]面向科研人员的个人学术信息管理工具构建需要考虑到用户界面、信息组织结构、弥补用户认知局限、解决信息同步共享、保障学术信息安全、符合用户使用习惯、支持语义整合和推送并进行团队科研信息共享。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]帮助学者深入了解团队成员亲密度、协作倾向对小规模在线知识协作行为的影响,以及小规模用尸在线知识协作的行为模式.研究成果可以应用于在线教育、科研协作等领域,为在线知识协作工具、平台功能改进提供参考.[方法/过程]通过用户实验,对小型团队的任务规划、信息检索、信息共享、信息使用和沟通交流5种类型行为进行分析,...  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):161-183
Studies of organizational members' assimilation information seeking have focused on traditional channels for uncertainty reduction (e.g., face‐to‐face communication and traditional technologies like employee handbooks) and on the experiences of newcomers. This investigation extends organizational assimilation research by examining a variety of socialization experiences (not just those of newcomers) and by considering Advanced Communication and Information Technologies (ACITs) as an additional channel for obtaining assimilation‐related information. Data from 405 employees of four organizations were utilized to explore the relationship between three channels for information seeking (face‐to‐face communication, traditional media, and ACIT) and perceived socialization effectiveness. Predictors of employee selection and use of ACITs also were examined, including perceptions of media richness and social presence, and user responses to their experiences using ACITs for assimilation. Results indicate that face‐to‐face communication is the most important predictor of assimilation effectiveness, followed by ACIT use. Least important are traditional technologies. Media characteristics, as elucidated in two prominent theories of organizational communication technology use, predicted individuals' selection and use of ACITs. Finally, a typology of members' behavioral responses to feedback regarding their ACIT use was derived, which revealed that users respond by continuing current practices, supplementing the channel, discontinuing use, expanding use, learning new uses, or by implementing a variety of these strategies.  相似文献   

This research examined the ways in which academic librarians and users interact when using social media tools such as Twitter and Weibo as well as end-users' and librarians' perceptions of the types of interaction through social media. The study conducted an analysis of 1600 microblog posts sampled from twenty university library Weibo (Chinese Twitter) sites and twenty library Twitter sites in English-speaking countries. The results were compared using Chi-Square analysis. Results indicated that at present academic librarians in English-speaking countries use post information relevant to the library (news and events) and respond to information/research inquiries. And academic librarians in China are likely to use Weibo to communicate with users and to disseminate library news. Given the lack of previous research on how social media such as micro-blogging in general facilitates communication between librarians and library users in academic libraries between in English-speaking countries and China, this study provides valuable information concerning librarians' and end-users' interactions of information/knowledge sharing activities, which will enable libraries to be better positioned to promote user engagement through SNS usage.  相似文献   

A persona represents a group of target users that share common behavioural characteristics. The personas method, an approach to systems design, has been receiving significant attention from practitioners. However, only anecdotal evidence currently exists for the effectiveness of personas and there have been criticisms about its validity as a scientific approach to research. This paper attempts to demonstrate how incorporating personas may lead to better understand the information needs of humanities scholars. Humanities scholars in an advanced ICT environment in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan are sampled as a case. Previous studies show that the humanities scholars have a significant negative relation with ICT use; they are using it less than scientists and social scientists, and they demonstrate a significantly higher use of library facilities than other academics. There is also a lack of up-to-date international research on the humanities scholars' information needs that takes into account recent rapid increases in the availability of ICT infrastructure, especially the Internet. As such, the objective of this study is to understand the information needs of humanities scholars and the effect of the electronic environment on their information seeking behaviour using personas. This study is conducted within a conceptual framework based on an integration of existing models of information-seeking behaviour, along with additional new elements representing the information context environment, such as languages, decision to seek and format of information resources. The four personas that were uncovered in this study may be able to effectively communicate the actual information needs of the humanities scholars through the personal narrative, name, and face, which continuously will remind the academic library of what their users really want and need from their services. This study also lays the foundation for future research by identifying variables of interest, and building construct validity through the themes of information needs that emerged.  相似文献   

The public services divisions of forty-seven medical school libraries participated in a survey to document jargon used by library staff and users in referring to information sources in the health sciences. The survey yielded 624 unique instances of jargon, 54% of which were acronyms of initialisms. Examples of problems created by the use of jargon are given and the importance of the librarian as a facilitator of communication, even in the presence of automated information systems, is discussed. Implications of the study for novice librarians are suggested. The body of jargon appears to serve as an effective cross-professions communications device.  相似文献   

把高频词及其可视化呈现作为数字图书馆用户信息分析的辅助策略,对其与用户信息分析效率之间的关系进行考察,通过对照两组用户三个阶段的实验结果,发现高频词表对被试完成浏览型的数字信息分析任务的效率无显著影响;高频词的可视化呈现对被试完成浏览型数字信息分析任务的效率有显著影响;高频词及其可视化呈现对被试完成归类型数字信息分析任务的效率无影响。实验结果证明了数字图书馆辅助用户提高信息分析效率的可行性。  相似文献   

This report presents a detailed review of current published research on cancer communications that provide strong positive outcome data on the effectiveness of strategic communications in cancer control. The research literature is examined in three categories based on the communications strategy used and behavior targeted: 1) strategic communications on adoption of prevention behaviors in diverse populations; and on promotion of cancer detection and screening behaviors; 2) tailored communications on promotion of cancer prevention and control; and on promotion of screening and detection behaviors; and 3) interpersonal communications on provision of social support to individuals living with cancer. The review of the literature suggests that communication interventions can influence important health outcomes in cancer prevention and control, and communication is a central process for disseminating cancer information to key populations. For example, the review illustrates the role of the NCI's Cancer Information Service as an important source of communication for providing consumers with relevant cancer information. Implications are drawn from this review for demonstrating the value of the expanded research programs proposed by the National Cancer Institute as part of their Extraordinary Opportunity in Cancer Communications Research initiative.  相似文献   

从用户、信息源和数字化手段等方面总结嵌入式知识发现情报分析服务的发展特点,研究分析嵌入式知识发现情报分析服务所涉及的人才队伍建设、需求调研、知识发现系统、综合分析方法和用户反馈机制等关键内容,并从商业化和机构已研发的知识发现系统角度,研究融入科研数字环境的情报分析服务,对情报分析可开展的服务内容进行探究。  相似文献   

李晶  章彰  张帅 《图书情报工作》2019,63(3):115-122
[目的/意义]以威斯康辛麦迪逊分校的跨学科项目为案例,从信息学的视角分析跨学科团队成员信息交流的规律及影响因素,揭示跨学科团队的机构合作和学科合作规律,为研究同类跨学科团队问题、促进跨学科团队建设和跨学科合作提供参考和借鉴。[方法/过程]获取案例中跨学科团队成员信息交流次数、成员的机构和学科等一手数据,采用统计学方法分析信息交流次数对团队成员合作的影响,采用复杂网络分析技术分析机构合作和学科合作规律。[结果/结论]信息交流对团队合作具有显著性影响,团队成员数并不是影响团队沟通次数的唯一关键因素,还受到学科跨度、研究内容复杂程度的影响,提出完善信息联系人制度,建立有效的跨学科研究实体机构,合理配置团队成员的学科比例。  相似文献   

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