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This article examines the educational dimension of the General Agreement on Trade in Services of the World Trade Organisation (WTO/GATS), with a special focus on its potential implications for the Latin American region. This ambitious strategy to transform education into a tradable commodity in a global economy cannot be isolated from other international treaties and from the neoliberal policies that have impacted Latin American societies for the last two decades. In this regard, we argue that the WTO/GATS educational agenda has the potential to further the project of privatisation to a higher level, opening the door for international competition. In a continental political economy characterised by large asymmetries in educational export markets and in interactive technologies, such competition will not take place on an even playing field, as the USA is better positioned than most countries in the region to take advantage of a ‘free educational market’. If the proposed WTO/GATS goes ahead in such a context, Latin American countries can be adversely affected in terms of their sovereignty on cultural policy, the quality and accessibility of their public education systems, the training of scientists and researchers oriented towards national development, and the contribution of their education systems to the common good and to the equalisation of opportunities in largely unequal societies. We recommend that Latin American governments do not commit themselves to the educational agenda of the WTO/GATS before holding a wide process of public participation, information and reflection in national parliaments and in civil society.  相似文献   

This article was written in response to concerns that have been expressed about the possible consequences of an increasing number of countries overtaking the United States in educational attainment. International statistics on educational attainment were analyzed, questions about comparability of data were discussed, and the impact of different approaches to the organization of higher education on attainment rates was examined. The author concluded that comparing the rate of attainment of subbaccalaureate credentials between the United States and other countries is problematic both because of definitional issues, and as a consequence of the major transfer function of American community colleges. The article explains how colleges that previously offered short term vocational training in many European countries have evolved into vocationally-oriented baccalaureate granting institutions that have enabled their nations to achieve rapidly rising levels of baccalaureate degree attainment. It suggests that the experience of these countries may provide useful lessons—and cautions—for policy makers and educational leaders with respect to expanding the role of community colleges in awarding baccalaureate degrees.  相似文献   

Long seen as adaptive, responsive, and flexible higher education institutions in the face of educational, economic, and social changes, the American community college model has been adapted in many parts of the world. However, the extent to which the American community college model could be successfully adapted and implemented depends on the political, educational, and socioeconomic contexts of each country. Therefore, to better understand how the American community college model has been adapted by other countries requires critical analysis of these systems case by case. This article aims to critically analyze how American community college models are adapted in other countries, particularly focusing on the systems in Taiwan and Turkey. The article starts with a literature review on the community college systems around the world and the accompanying challenges that these countries face in the adaptation process. Before presenting the Taiwanese and Turkish community college models in detail, their American counterparts are introduced to provide a theoretical/conceptual context for understanding international case studies. This article concludes with discussions on the commonality and differences of this form of higher education in Taiwan and Turkey and highlights emerging themes that draw attention to community college researchers, practitioners, and policy makers.  相似文献   

从近代学校的兴起到学校系统在工业化国家的确立再到其他国家的仿效,公共大众学校教育在全球推广普及.然学校教育对学业成绩的残酷投注而其自身在提升学业成绩上的能力不足,驱使家庭购买大量校外辅导及相关服务以助子女取得学业佳绩,这在一些国家业已成为学校教育的制度化组成部分.通过效法并补充学校教育同时辅以世界教育文化的助推,课外辅导(影子教育)得以在全球扩张并挑战着学校教育.辅导机构有望成为教育组织系统的有机构成;学校在课程设置、运作管理等方面亦呈现与辅导机构相似、兼容之端倪.学校与辅导机构在明争暗合中形影游移、界限模糊,衍生一种混合型教育组织或有可能.依此而论,消除校外“辅导热”大抵是个伪命题.  相似文献   

This analysis recounts and examines the history of American public education, focusing on the experiences of poor urban and rural students of color. Using the lens of critical race theory, it suggests that educational inequity is not just raced and classed but also spatialized—that is, embedded in and maintained through geography. The mechanisms of this spatialization similarly disadvantage rural and urban schools serving poor children of color, and educational reforms have failed to dismantle the relationship between inequity and geography. Offering a clearer understanding of today's inequities, this analysis shows that these schools should be seen less as opposites than as allies with a shared interest in expanding educational opportunity across geographies.  相似文献   

在过去的半个世纪里,多校园大学系统已经成为美国公立高等教育管理的主导模式.总校与分校之间在行政权力、学术权力以及其他利益群体权力的划分是多校园大学内部管理的核心问题.管理和运作一个多校园大学事实上就是一种不断寻求平衡的行为和过程,关注及思考总校与分校、效率与效益、集权与分权之间的关系问题,对于深入讨论美国多校园大学管理模式是有相当意义的.  相似文献   

Is the popularity of market-based educational reform among urban residents of color the epitaph of a progressive educational vision, or does it bespeak a struggle to reincarnate that vision within a postwelfare state? This article examines ethnographic work with African American voucher families in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Discursive overlaps and tensions among three sets of stakeholders—African American voucher families, the powerful social forces that fund voucher reform, and defenders of public schools and educational progressivism—suggest avenues for rearticulating voucher families to ultimately more democratic and effective educational reform movements.  相似文献   

A great deal has been written in the last several years about the use or lack of use of instructional systems design (ISD) in public schools. The general discussion has revolved around why ISD has not been accepted by public schools; why instructional design experts have not been hired by public school systems; and primarily what an educational technologist can do to change the situation. The focus of most discussions by educational technologists is: how can schools and teachers alter their practice to benefit from ISD? In this article, we maintain that one reason why ISD has not been adopted in schools is that there may not be a fit between the philosophies, needs, resources, and constraints of schools and the benefits of adopting ISD. We also argue that for ISD to have a significant influence in public schools, it must be accepted by teachers. The general question we ask in this paper is this: are we attempting to redesign schools and classrooms to accommodate our technologies with insufficient attention to the perceived needs of clients and to the consequences of adopting ISD? Our approach to answering this question was to search the literature to uncover perceived inconsistencies between ISD theory and practice on the one hand and teacher needs, wants, and practices on the other.  相似文献   

Globalisation and education   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper analyses the links between globalisation and education. The growth of the global economy has increased opportunities for those countries with good levels of education, but has made growth more difficult for countries with weak levels of education. Countries with good human resources, high savings and good economic policies (chiefly in East and Southeast Asia) have attracted foreign investment and technology, and have experienced fast growth in exports of manufactures and in output per capita. Developed countries find it increasingly difficult to compete with such economies unless they invest in good education, training and skills, leading to high rates of innovation and productivity. Countries with weak levels of human resources have found it more difficult to succeed—and many, especially in Africa, have experienced falling per capita incomes. Globalisation has made it more difficult to build up educational levels in these countries, as public expenditure has been cut during adjustment. Hence virtuous and vicious cycles of development have emerged, with a good spread of education leading to high growth and generating resources for further development of education and, conversely, countries with poor human resources having low or negative growth and reduced potential for building up their educational systems.  相似文献   

The relationship between research and policy and practice in education is a long‐standing issue in many countries. Focusing on the UK Government, which is responsible for education in England, this paper looks at the criticisms of education research that have been made in recent years by government and related non‐departmental public bodies and stakeholders. It then looks in more detail at specific examples of the use that has—and has not—been made of research in developing policy. But rather than produce a balance sheet of pluses and minuses in policy makers' use of evidence, the paper emphasises the realities of the policy making process and the difficulties in establishing consistently and exclusively evidence‐based policy. At the same time, it argues that researchers should beware of allowing their work to be shaped entirely by the Government's call for research that is directly useful to policy by always prioritising applied or practice‐based approaches. The paper concludes by highlighting the need for BERA to promote all types of education research—regardless of its utility for policy makers—and, as part of this, for the education research community to ensure that appropriate quality criteria are available for all approaches.  相似文献   

蒲蕊 《教育研究》2006,(6):34-40
评估型政府的形成已经成为世界范围内公共教育体制改革一个共同特征。对“评估型政府”概念的认识,不仅有助于我们了解政府管理教育职能的改变,而且有助于我们认识政府如何在放权的同时保持对公共教育的强有力的领导。在公共教育体制改革中,评估型政府的形成与发展意味着政府与公共教育关系的重建。在我国,公共教育体制改革已经出现与世界其他国家相似的政策思路和改革路径,但依然存在一些问题,因此,有必要认真思考政府管理教育模式与新的政府教育职能。  相似文献   

The study had five objectives: first, to determine what Virgin Islanders believe the tasks of their public schools are; second, to determine what Virgin Islanders believe the tasks of their public schools should be; third, to determine if the existing task of public education theory, as it is used in several countries, applies in whole or in part to a Caribbean society; fourth, to identify educational goals or tasks which may have relevance for the entire Caribbean region; and fifth, to demonstrate a research procedure for identifying and clarifying educational goals, objectives and tasks in West Indian countries. The significance of the study lies in the information it provides for (1) specifying educational goals, objectives, and tasks; (2) synchronizing perceptions and beliefs of educational tasks; (3) planning and formulating educational policy; and (4) evaluating education programs. The design of the study was developed around the task of public education theory developed by Downey. four research questions, and two hypotheses which interrelated the beliefs of the Virgin Islands Legislature, the Virgin Islands Board of Education, Department of Education, principals, teachers, students, and administrators and professors of the College of the Virgin Islands.Among other findings, the study revealed that (1) Virgin Islanders' beliefs about educational tasks were not that different from beliefs other people hold about educational tasks; (2) the task of education is interpreted and applied in the Virgin Islands as it is in other countries; and (3) schools in the Virgin Islands do have a set of viable education goals and tasks which can focus curriculum development, instruction practices, and learning outcomes.  相似文献   

We live in difficult times—socially, economically and politically—and it is right that learned societies, such as the British Educational Research Association, reflect on their purpose and direction. We cannot take for granted the social contract that supports the funding of social science and educational research. This paper reflects on enduring themes and new pressures and argues for special attention to: collaboration within and beyond the community of university‐based educational researchers; support for, and recognition of, the importance of reviews of research; the development of accessible forms of communication of findings and their implications, to guide sound decision making; more direct engagement with practitioners, policy makers and the public. It argues that it is time for communities of educational researchers to have confidence to become outward looking and strengthen alliances with other groups of researchers at home and abroad, across disciplines, with different types of research institutions and also with practitioners and policy makers. What drives this should be our principal aim to pursue educational research and its application for the improvement of education and the public benefit.  相似文献   

Dwight W. Allen 《Prospects》1975,5(2):187-192
One of the growing concerns of educationists is the rigidity of traditional educational systems and their apparent inability to respond to social change, much less to stimulate it. Out of this concern with the inadaptation, in particular of schools, to contemporary demands, have come a number of different responses, from the theoretical to the concrete, both reformist and revolutionary.Prospects has given considerable space to discussion of the inadequacy of formal schooling in many parts of the world; deschooling, ‘conscientization’, alternative models have been discussed in theory and practice in the pages of the journal. The following article by Dwight Allen describes one type of response to disenchantment with formal school schooling, spontaneous and increasingly widespread, by the clients—pupils and parents—of the school system in one highly developed country. It could be argued that the very existence of ‘alternative’ schools indicates an economic system advanced and healthy enough to absorb the products of a ‘non-traditional’ school, and that therefore the experiences sketched below are irrelevant to developing countries. It seems to us, on the contrary, that the issues raised are fundamental, relating to the very concept of educational systems. The style of the article is not controversial, but the implication of its arguments is very much so: the system and the experiences described by the author, although they are set in a specific social and educational system, are none the less interesting as indicators, reference points, for highly centralized systems and even more so for all those systems which are in the process of moulding themselves in the likeness of one or the other model. We hope our readers will express their opinions and thus carry the discussion farther afield, into the developing world.  相似文献   

In Australia, education think tanks have become increasingly influential in policy circles through ‘reports’ to government, and in public debate through the mainstream media. Invariably think-tanks draw on educational research to lend authority and legitimacy to their work. This is desirable if the research deepens understandings about important educational issues. However, it can be dangerous if it is enlisted to serve a specific ideology. This paper takes a case study of an avowedly conservative think-tank in Australia—the Education Standards Institute (ESI)—to explore the ways in which research is (mis)used in the service of a particular ideology in the public sphere. To sharpen the case study, the paper focuses on a contemporary policy issue in Australia—Independent Public Schools. It is argued that over a prolonged period of time the ESI Director has argued for an extreme version of school autonomy which goes far beyond anything which has yet been proposed by policy-makers in Australia. In so doing he uses the imprimatur of research evidence to substantiate his claims. The paper explores the many flaws in the ways in which educational research is employed to bolster the case. Education research should play a central role in informing public discussions and debates about education policy. It should not be used as a front for sloganeering for particular ideologies, and educational researchers have an important role to play in pointing this out.  相似文献   

There has been an increasing interest in providing educational opportunities for the elderly in most industrialized countries over the past decade. This is a reflection in part of more older people actively seeking out learning opportunities, a recognition on the part of educators of the continued ability to learn well into old age and a desire to democratize higher education, and the goal of policy makers to promote active retirement in the hope of warding off pathological processes that can accompany aging. Although accurate statistics remain elusive, there has been widespread expansion in both formal and nonformal adult education opportunities for older learners in other industrialized countries. Striking examples include the success of study circles in Sweden and universities of the third age in Europe, Latin America, and Japan. Evidence collected to date suggests that they are not only tremendously popular with older students but also have salutary effects on individuals’ health and well‐being and enhance their ability to contribute to their communities. Nevertheless, all these educational opportunities still reach only a minority of the elderly; efforts in the future must be directed to expanding nonformal learning opportunities if larger numbers of old people are to be reached.  相似文献   

This study examined job satisfaction and job stress across 19 higher education systems. We classified the 19 countries according to their job satisfaction and job stress and applied regression analysis to test whether new public management has impacts on either or both job satisfaction and job stress. According to this study, strong market driven countries are in the high stress group and European countries are in the high satisfaction group. The classification implies that market oriented managerial reforms are the main source of academic stress while the high social reputation of academics in their society and academic autonomy are the source of job satisfaction. Our regression analysis also shows that the new public management which is measured by the performance-based management in this study is the main source of academic job stress. In addition, this study highlighted the higher education systems that are classified as the high satisfaction and high stress group. These countries represent the conflicting nature of current academic society—on the one hand they are satisfied, but on the other they are highly stressful.  相似文献   

The last decade has seen considerable changes in patterns of financing higher education in both industrialized and developing countries. Financial stringency affecting public budgets, rapid growth in student numbers, and concern for both efficiency and equity have resulted in changes both in systems of financial support for students and mechanisms for funding higher education institutions. This article reviews recent changes in sources and methods of financing higher education in OECD countries, including Australia, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States. It examines attempts to shift some of the financial burdens, for higher education from public to private sources, through the introduction of tuition fees and student loans, not only in industrialized countries, but also in developing ones in Africa and Asia.  相似文献   

The lack of postsecondary success for African American males has garnered significant attention from academic scholars and public policy leaders. While this scholarship provides a strong portrait on issues related to African American males, there are still significant gaps to be addressed. Most notably, current research tends to focus on students entering four-year institutions and rarely presents student narratives about their educational experiences. The purpose of this study is to explore the experiences of African American males in various stages of transition from high school to their local community college. Students discuss three main areas—encouragement for their postsecondary aspirations, assistance with navigating multiple pathways to access, and persisting through stereotypes and perceived barriers. Discussion connects findings with theoretical frameworks to enhance our understanding of the experiences of this traditionally marginalized population.  相似文献   

Over the Past several years, a new and unprecedented challenge has been thrust upon professionals in the field of Jewish communal service—the development of effective instrumentalities to absorb into the American Jewish community masses of Soviet Jews. Jewish educators have grappled with the difficulties and frustrations of this task along with their colleagues in the other disciplines of Jewish service. Yet if the influx of these new Russian settlers presents the organized Jewish community with unique and seemingly intractable problems, it also offers Jewish educational agencies—and more particularly central Bureaus and Boards of Jewish education—with an unparalleled opportunity to play a leadership role in this orchestrated communal effort. This essay purports to analyze this potential and to describe how one central agency, the Atlanta Bureau of Jewish Education, has endeavored to exploit it.  相似文献   

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