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央属高校招生名额分配的原则和方案设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于我国央属高校的地区分布不均衡,加之招生名额分配缺乏明确、合理的依据和有力的统筹,导致不同地区学生就读优质高校的机会差异悬殊,引起了社会的质疑和不满。本文通过大规模的数据分析,直观地描述了目前在分省配额制之下,我国各省考生就读央属高校入学机会的差异及其影响因素,提出了促进央属高校入学机会均衡化的基本原则,并在对多种方案进行模拟计算后,提出了可以大幅度改进招生名额分配的公平性且具有较强现实操作性的建议方案。  相似文献   

Forty‐six subjects (22 young, 24 old) received three training sessions with software (Borland's “Sidekick"). Each session lasted a maximum of S h. The fourth session was a test. Subjects were randomly assigned to two learning environments, partnered or individual, and half were given a computer “jargon” sheet before training. All instructions were written, learning was self‐paced, and tasks were formulated according to discovery‐method guidelines. Attitudes toward computers were measured before Session 1 and on completion of Session 3. The results showed that older adults took twice as long as younger ones but achieved nearly equal performance levels, exceeding young adults in one condition but falling slightly below them in others. Older adults requested help two to three times as frequently. Session 3 attitude scores were positively correlated with the mark achieved on the final test, and changes in attitudes were related to training conditions.  相似文献   

Individuals in various colleges and universities may dream of their institution's having an educational program designed to serve older adults. Starting such a program is not a simple process. With many demands currently being placed on the educational dollar, administrators are often hesitant to begin new programs. An educational program for older adults is usually not a high priority. I describe how such a program came into existence in a large land‐grant university. Factors that were important to securing administrative support are discussed, along with how the various program dimensions have evolved. The organizational structure is described, indicating how the university is trying to use a membership‐driven format. The factors discussed here should provide other higher education institutions (both 2‐year and 4‐year institutions) with some guidelines as to how they might begin educational programs for older adults.  相似文献   

The present study assessed the association between rated mental status and response to a memory‐training program. A commonly used general measure of cognitive impairment, the Mini‐Mental State Exam (MMSE), was administered to 102 elderly participants enrolled in a 2‐week memory‐training program. The program used two visual‐imagery mnemonics (name‐face recall and list learning by the “method of loci"). The MMSE scores were positively related to improvement in recall performance. Individuals with relatively mild deficits (those scoring below 29) showed less improvement than those scoring 29 and 30. Differences in ability to benefit from training were also noted between the two mnemonic devices, suggesting a more rapid fall off in ability to benefit from training with a more complex mnemonic, the method of loci.  相似文献   

A survey of 653 Seventh‐day Adventist young adults, randomly distributed throughout the United States and Canada, compared their perceptions of the way their parents treated them as children with their present commitment to the church. Warm, caring behaviors from parents predicted strong religious commitment when the children entered adulthood. In the case of the mother it also predicted regularity in worship attendance. Of the four styles of parenting, “affectionate constraint,” a mixture of care and control, produced the largest percentage of enthusiastic members and the fewest drop‐outs.  相似文献   

There is strong experimental evidence to indicate that regular exercise can prevent disease, decrease the risk of falling, reduce physical disability, improve sleep, and enhance mood and general well being. Despite these benefits, approximately 50% of sedentary adults who start an exercise program stop within the first six months of involvement. To help older adults initiate and adhere to a regular exercise program, a seven step approach was developed. The seven steps include. (1) education, (2) exercise prescreening, (3) setting goals, (4) exposure to exercise, (5) role models, (6) verbal encouragement, and (7) verbal reinforcement and rewards. The seven steps provide a useful guide for how to implement an appropriate exercise program, and how to help these individuals stick to such a program once it is initiated.  相似文献   

The following study investigated the effectiveness of comprehension preadjunct questions as a learning strategy for older adults in a classroom setting. Preadjunct questions are questions presented at the beginning of the to‐be‐learned material to guide what is learned and to increase the likelihood that learners will correctly answer criterion test questions. Fifty‐five adults from 55 to 70 years of age were randomly assigned to two groups: the preadjunct question group and a no‐question control group. The groups viewed a video on high blood pressure and completed a recall posttest immediately after viewing the video and 7 days later. Results demonstrated that there was no significant difference between groups. However, the no‐question control group obtained a higher mean score on both the immediate and delayed recall tests than did the preadjunct question group. Results were explained in terms of resource theory of cognitive aging. If educators plan to use preadjunct questions when teaching older adults, they are advised to build opportunities for training and practice into their teaching plans.  相似文献   

The subject of the 12th Biannual Conference of the Standing Conference of Rectors and Vice‐Chancellors of European Universities (CRE) held on 8‐9 April 1976 in Munich, was “Foreign students and their access to universities”. The Conference analysed this theme on the basis of the following three papers:
  • “Reflections on the Problem of Student Mobility in Europe” by Professor Dr. Hansgerd Schulte, President of the German Academic Exchange Service, Bonn

  • “Reflections on Problems of Student Mobility from the Third World” by Professor Dr. Gerhard Grohs, Berlin

  • “Mobility of Students and Mutual Recognition of Diplomas in the European Community” by Karl H. Massoth, Head of Division, Directorate‐General for Research, Science and Education, Commission of the European Communities, Brussels

Information on UNESCO's involvement with the subject of the Conference and on the objectives and activities of the UNESCO European Centre for Higher Education was given by its Director (see page 30).

We give below the main elements of the three above‐mentioned papers.  相似文献   

After the Federal Constitutional Court, in 1976, had confirmed the personal right of access to universities, political discussions to “open up Higher Education” (Öffnung der Hochschulen)intensified. Specific laws and regulations were passed relative to the mobilization of all capacities. During the following years, the number of first‐year students grew in an unforeseen way, but the percentage of graduates decreased. In 1986, intensive activities for analyzing the situation and for developing solutions for numerous problems began; however, an anticipated “Educational Summit conference” has been postponed by the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany to the summer of 1993. The interests which are in conflict concern mainly the democratization of higher education (including the individual right of access), responses to future needs, budget cuts, and the improvement of the quality of teaching. This article surveys the development of the problem, describes activities for analyzing the situation and the development of solutions, and suggests perspectives for future developments.  相似文献   

Past research found a negative impact of Internet use on psychological well-being of young adults. This finding conflicted with the emerging literature on Internet use among older adults, which usually suggested positive effects. The goals of the current research were a) to examine age differences in psychological well-being, b) to study the impact of Internet use on psychological well-being of young and older adults, and c) to explore group differences between older Internet users and nonusers of psychological well-being and personal characteristics. Three hundred and ninety-six young and older adults completed a survey on internet use and psychological well-being. Young and older adults were found to differ on dimensions of psychological well-being. In addition, older Internet users were more positive than non-users concerning psychological well-being and personal characteristics.  相似文献   

We present below the main elements of a new strategy for Belgian universities in the years 1976‐1985, presented in a report prepared by a working group assigned by the Conseil national de la politique soientifique.  相似文献   

We present below the main elements of a new strategy for Belgian universities in the years 1976‐19853 presented in a report prepared by a working group assigned by the Conseil national de la politique scientifique.  相似文献   

本文对120例自发性气胸进行临床分析。按年龄分为青年人自发性气胸(≤10岁)和中老年自发性气胸(>40岁)。发现二者之间在发病原因,临床表现,并发症,治疗方法及预后等方面均存在明显差异。  相似文献   

The number of computer‐illiterate older adults in the workplace in expected to increase as the number in that age group grows, creating a need for computer training. Negative stereotypes of the incompetent older adult have not been supported by research. Older adults’ attitudes toward the computer do improve with positive experiences with the computer. Also, training studies show that older adults can learn how to use the computer, but need approximately twice as long to complete training as young adults. Factors that are important for computer training in this population are discussed.  相似文献   

高校扩招后,高师声乐课的教学由原来的一对一的授课方式转变为一对多的小组授课方式,在教学时间不变的情况下,如何提高教学效率已成为急待解决的问题。本文通过对声乐小组课特点的分析,从实践基础上对如何提高声乐小组课的教学效率提出了行之有效的方法。  相似文献   

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