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始于20世纪60年代的美国第三次拉美移民潮以墨西哥移民为主体,它具有移民分布集中,历史与语言文化风格独特,规模庞大的特点。拉美移民族群难融于美国主流社会,美利坚文明的聚合力受到了冲击,从而招致美国社会的不满以及政府政策的限制,这引起了美国与拉美有关国家之间的外交摩擦。本文试图对拉美移民潮给美国社会所带来的影响作出客观评价。  相似文献   

20世纪纽约移民与社会重构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪以来,随着美国的崛起和移民政策的调整,亚非拉移民人数增多,从而导致纽约市人口结构的诸多变化,非白人人口比例上升,移民年轻化、女性移民比例增加及移民受教育程度提高。这些变化引起纽约少数族裔为适应社会而斗争,并促使有组织的族裔团体和纽约人特性的形成。他们在冲突中求生存,在竞争中求发展,为纽约社会重构作出了巨大贡献。  相似文献   

The present article analyzes the development of the ethnic gap—with respect to the attainment of vocational degrees—over the immigration cohorts 1960–2001 by examining how social integration indicators and general secondary school education may help to explain the trend. It was found that the gap between natives and migrants increased. Above all, the large increase in the gap over cohorts between Germans and Turks is alarming. In contrast to that the gap and its increase between the group of immigrants from Central-/Eastern-/Southeastern European countries as well as from other former recruitment countries and German natives is comparably small and can to a large extent be explained by a growing gap regarding the level of general secondary education among the newer immigration cohorts and native Germans due to educational expansion and to a growing impact of the secondary school education for the achievement of vocational education. The effect of social integration plays a smaller role compared to general secondary school education and it even decreases over immigration cohorts.  相似文献   

Since 1990, Latin American immigrants to the United States have dispersed beyond traditional gateway regions to a number of "new destinations." Both theory and past empirical evidence provide mixed guidance as to whether the children of these immigrants are adversely affected by residing in a nontraditional destination. This study uses administrative public school data to study over 2,800 8- to 18-year-old Hispanic youth in one new destination, North Carolina. Conditional on third-grade socioeconomic indicators, Hispanic youth who arrive by age 9 and remain enrolled in North Carolina public schools close achievement gaps with socioeconomically similar White students by sixth grade and exhibit significantly lower high school dropout rates. Their performance resembles that of first-generation youth in more established immigration gateways.  相似文献   

明代贵州的移民种类主要有军事移民、民籍移民和仕宦谪迁三类,其中军事移民的数量最多,影响也最深远。笔者保守估计,明初仅军事移民的人数就超过一百万。一百多万的汉族移民对贵州的政治、经济、文化教育、民风和民族关系都产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

德国移民教育策略对我国城市新移民职业教育的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德国一直以来是世界移民的目的地,除了因为德国经济发达,对外来劳动力的需求量大之外,更因为其推行的移民政策相对于欧洲其他国家,在政治、经济、文化、教育、生活等多个方面都能促进移民融入德国.文章从德国对移民的教育策略出发,分析德国移民种类和德国移民教育就业情况,以此深入探讨我国城市新移民职业教育面临的问题及德国教育策略对我国城市新移民职业教育的启示.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代以后,美国的移民政策开始宽松,非法移民的数量也随之增多,其子女的受教育问题自然成为社会关注的焦点。《民权法案》《普勒莱法案》保证了所有学生都可以接受平等的基础教育,而在高等教育问题上,非法移民学生的发展却遭遇了瓶颈。在此背景下,《梦想法案》2001年得以问世,到今天已经是第14个年头,但由于受到众多阻挠,该法案真正成为法律还有待时日,非法移民学生获得公平的高等教育权及其寻求合法权益之路仍然困难重重。  相似文献   

20世纪60年代以后,美国的移民政策开始宽松,非法移民的数量也随之增多,其子女的受教育问题自然成为社会关注的焦点。《民权法案》《普勒莱法案》保证了所有学生都可以接受平等的基础教育,而在高等教育问题上,非法移民学生的发展却遭遇了瓶颈。在此背景下,《梦想法案》2001年得以问世,到今天已经是第14个年头,但由于受到众多阻挠,该法案真正成为法律还有待时日,非法移民学生获得公平的高等教育权及其寻求合法权益之路仍然困难重重。  相似文献   

The integration of immigrant children into the education system is a process that is accompanied by serious debate, especially in advanced countries, which have large shares of immigrants and a long history of immigration. The poorer educational outcomes of foreign-born children are largely explained there through their socio-economically disadvantaged background compared to the native-born population. This article examines whether the observations for those countries also apply to the Czech Republic—a country with a relatively short immigration history and immigration flows from different source countries than those in Western Europe. Regression analyses conducted on PISA 2012 data focusing largely on the maths skills of 15-year-olds reveal that the performance of immigrant children in Czech schools roughly compares to that of their counterparts in Western Europe. While their PISA outcomes were lower than those of Czechs, this was because immigrant children have poorer conditions at home or in the classroom.  相似文献   

This paper provides important new insights into the reasons for the observed gap in educational attainment between children of immigrants and natives in Denmark using a dynamic discrete model of educational choices to determine at what stages of their educational careers children of immigrants face barriers to educational progression and how background characteristics affect educational choices at different points in the educational system. The main findings of the paper are that dropout rates from vocational upper secondary education are much higher among children of immigrants and that strengthening family characteristics reduces the dropout rates. However, behavioral differences and/or differences in constraints and institutional factors are also important barriers and thus determinants of the observed educational gaps as is age at immigration.  相似文献   

王军健 《云南电大学报》2012,14(2):39-40,44
西双版纳外来移民可划分为“自行流入”、“计划迁入”、“有序移入”3个时期和外国移民、国内移民,计划性移民、自主性移民等不同群体,并且不同时期、不同群体的地域认同和国家认同特点也有区别。  相似文献   

国际移民是国际人口流动的主要方式,它对目的国经济增长和劳动力市场产生重要作用。文章运用经济合作与发展组织(OECD)国家相关数据考察了国际移民对OECD国家经济及劳动市场的影响,得到以下结论:第一,移民流量对经济增长的影响不显著,但移民存量能够显著促进经济增长,即移民对经济增长的影响存在长期效应。第二,移民流量对目的国本地居民失业率影响显著,移民流量增加1%,失业率下降0.18%;移民存量同样能够显著降低本地居民失业率,移民存量增加1%,本地居民失业率下降0.48%。移民对失业率影响的长期效应大于短期效应。第三,移民流量及移民存量对目的国本地不同性别人口失业率影响均显著为负。第四,移民流量对本地居民工资水平的影响不显著,但是移民存量能够显著提升本地居民的工资水平。第五,移民存量能够同时降低高工资人员比例与低工资人员比例,进而在一定程度上缩小收入差距。第六,移民流量对目的国性别工资差异影响不显著,但是移民存量能够显著降低目的国性别工资差异。由此可见,国际移民显著影响目的国经济增长与劳动力市场,但是异质型国际移民对目的国经济增长及不同类型劳动市场的就业和工资水平的影响存在差异。  相似文献   

With the increasing number of undocumented workers entering the United States and the costs associated with educating their children, bilingual education may soon become the target of opponents of illegal immigration. Furthermore, recent leftist shifts in Latin American governments have provided an impetus for an educated biliterate population that can build bridges with these countries. This will promote safety for all who live within the Americas, protecting them from acts of aggression and terrorism while promoting commerce and shared progress.  相似文献   

This paper is based on a preliminary exploration of the in‐depth interviews and focus groups that are part of a more extensive research project on the education of children of immigrants in Spain. In the process of migration, families undergo profound transformations that are often complicated by extended periods of separation—not only from extended family members, but also from the nuclear family. Though many immigrant families are involved in transnational separation and reunion processes of this kind, there has been little research on the impact of these forms of family transformations on the vision of education held by immigrants. This impact seems to be two‐fold. On one hand, family separation and living or work conditions hamper educational support and monitoring; on the other, the experience of migration poses a tremendous faith in the benefits of education and makes families highly motivated in education. The main idea underlying this paper is that an accurate knowledge of the schooling experience of the children of immigrants has to be related to the moral and psychological effects of this adaptive transformation and, in a very special way, to the weave of projects, expectations and frustrations that permeate the life of an immigrant family. The psychosocial consequences of the processes of adjustment and relearning that immigration entails, the need for a comparative perception of success and the willingness to make an effort and work hard make immigrant families strongly meritocratic and—contrary to some common beliefs—able to show a high level of commitment and expectations in relation to the education of their children.  相似文献   

做好易地扶贫搬迁后续帮扶工作是巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果的重要举措。社区教育作为有效帮扶途径之一,不但有助于乡村振兴战略的落实、脱贫长效机制的建立、搬迁地区终身教育体系的构建,更有助于搬迁移民尽快适应新社区的生产生活方式,实现在搬迁后"稳得住、能致富"。国家与地方出台的相关文件、我国历史上的社区教育经验以及移民自身的学习需求,为开展易地扶贫搬迁移民社区教育提供了政策基础、实践基础和动力基础。易地扶贫搬迁移民社区兼具城镇与农村特征,故需从城乡融合视角制定其社区教育发展路径:一是以"稳秩序升内涵"为宗旨,确立社区教育的发展定位与目标;二是以"广服务融生活"为目标,构建社区教育的内容与载体;三是以"多形式活方法"为理念,组织与实施社区教育活动;四是以"成合力升效率"为指向,保障社区教育的运行与效率。总之,开展易地扶贫搬迁移民社区教育应当基于城乡融合发展理念,注重将其与产业发展和社区治理相结合。  相似文献   

In the early years of the twentieth century, the great structural, social and cultural changes in American society included a growing number of immigrants arriving from the poorest regions of Europe. For the first time, the issues of immigration, assimilation and social integration became the most important problems facing American society. In the optimistic climate of the so-called progressive era, social reformers thought that these problems could be solved by the science of pedagogy, as applied to the educational needs of foreign immigrants. This essay centres on the pedagogical efforts of Italian-American educator Angelo Patri, who attempted to integrate Italian-American children into the fabric of American society through education. It starts by assessing Patri’s early writings, such as A Schoolmaster of the Great City, and his private and professional papers. In doing so, his work is situated in the debate on progressive education alongside pedagogue Maria Montessori, demonstrating his central role in the debate on integration through education. Within this analysis, particular attention is paid to the notion of learning by doing, and it is argued that both educators were influenced by this particular aspect of progressive education.  相似文献   

随着人类社会的快速发展,非自愿移民是世界上所有国家在经济发展过程中都要面对的社会问题。非自愿移民研究涉及的范围甚广,笔者将这些研究分为非自愿移民带来的贫困问题的分析研究,非自愿移民过程中产生的安置补偿问题的研究,国家、社会和移民自身三方在移民过程中的行为与采取的措施及产生的影响的研究和人力资本开发和就业的研究以及与之相类似的非自愿移民可持续发展能力研究。其中解决非自愿移民贫困难题的最重要对策是进行人力资本开发和提升可持续发展能力。  相似文献   

This article addresses the difficulty of local-level qualitative educational research in Amsterdam in light of changes related to contemporary political discourse on decades of immigration, especially from the 1970s onward, and increasingly critical assessments of Dutch education in the literature. It considers recent developments in the Netherlands while taking into account similar processes elsewhere in the European Union, with the aim of understanding taboos and problems associated with research on immigration, racism, and discrimination. Specifically, we utilize one researcher’s efforts to gain access to educationally based field sites to focus attention on the links between contextual political discourses and policies excluding immigrants with efforts to sociologically examine the experiences of immigrants. We conclude with a discussion of broader challenges faced by social scientists, including the benefits and disadvantages of having outsider status, attempting to utilize ethnographic methodology abroad when scrutinizing politically sensitive topics.  相似文献   

加拿大是一个移民国家,移民的第二语言能力发展与该国的综合发展密切关联。笔者利用两次赴加拿大实地学术考察的机会,通过与大量移民的直接交流、问卷调查结果统计以及对科研机构学者的调查报告分析、政府相关机构和独立机构的实地走访,从多个角度对加拿大移民第二语言能力提高策略进行了研究和评述,并从加拿大移民政策等宏观方面和第二语言课程开设等微观方面,对移民第二语言能力的真正提高给出了建设性的建议。  相似文献   

澳大利亚是一个移民国家,移民政策一直是其重要的基本国策之一。由于历史、政治、社会和文化背景等方面的原因,在100多年来澳大利亚对华移民政策史上,以种族歧视为核心的“白澳政策”长期占据主导地位。第二次世界大战结束以来,澳洲政府逐步调整对华移民政策,其间经历了一个从逐步调整、渐进改革到彻底废除“白澳政策”;从以引进非技术移民为主到鼓励商业移民和独立技术移民赴澳的历史演变进程。澳洲政府最终废止白澳政策的基本原因主要是:二战促使澳洲人对种族歧视问题进行了认真反思;战后反种族歧视的世界进步潮流的推动;华人素质的改变和中国国际地位的提高,以及改变对亚洲关系和开发澳洲、发展经济的需求。  相似文献   

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