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正确地看待凭祥和东兴边贸的基本情况和边贸之间的差异,并对其成功的经验进行分析总结,不仅有利于提升两地在中国—东盟自由区运作中的桥梁作用,加快广西北部湾经济区的建设速度,而且对推动和提升广西乃至全国其他沿边省区边贸发展具有启示作用。  相似文献   

《边城》和《雪国》的死亡意识比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在沈从文和川端康成的小说中大量描写了死亡,尤其在《边城》和《雪国》中,巧妙地安排死亡情节,小说的悲剧性体现得淋漓尽致。分析这两部小说中的死亡情节,追问作家的死亡体验和宗教在两个作家创作中的影响,从而挖掘出两个作家不同的死亡意识和死亡观。  相似文献   

In the English-speaking Caribbean, the Advanced level qualification is the traditional and preferred route to accessing an education at the University of the West Indies (UWI). However, applicants with nontraditional qualifications—such as the associate degree qualification, teacher certificate, diploma, and mature student status (meaning one who is out of school for five years and over, is over the age of 25 years, has demonstrated academic potential, and has gained academically relevant knowledge and workplace experience)—are also considered for admission into the UWI degree programs. The objective of this study was to establish whether students with the traditional qualification, that is, two Advanced (A) level subjects, are better able to cope with the requirements of undergraduate study than those with an associate degree, which is one of the nontraditional qualifications. The study compared the performance of two groups of students in the University of the West Indies Faculty of Social Sciences three-year bachelor's degree program (University of the West Indies, 1996 University of the West Indies ( 1996 ). [UWI University of the West Indies: Faculty of Social Sciences Entrance List: 1996/97]. Unpublished raw data . [Google Scholar], 1997 University of the West Indies . ( 1997 ). [UWI University of the West Indies: Faculty of Social Sciences Entrance List: 1997/98] Unpublished raw data.  [Google Scholar], 1998 University of the West Indies . ( 1998 ). [UWI University of the West Indies: Faculty of Social Sciences Entrance List: 1998/99] Unpublished raw data.  [Google Scholar]). One group held the Barbados Community College (BCC) associate degree with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 and the other group consisted of persons entering with two Advanced level subjects from colleges/secondary schools in Barbados. The study compared the performances of 1999, 2000, and 2001 UWI graduates to ascertain whether entry qualifications were related to the type of degree attained. The findings suggested that there is no significant relationship between qualifications at the time of entry and performance.  相似文献   

〈边城〉与〈大淖纪事〉文本互读,我们发现沈从文在文学史上更多的是扮演了一个诗性家园的寻找者;而汪曾祺则是一个不折不扣的守望者,汪曾祺并不刻意营造"抽象的过去",构造所谓的"理想国",而以现代自由意志的生活方式和古典意趣的艺术化氛围的和谐结合为民间立场争取了一席之地.  相似文献   

中越两国均重视边境地区的经济和社会发展,但两国的边境政策在系统性、针对性和适应性等方面有所不同。中越两国边境政策的制定和实施对云南产生了重要影响,不仅促进了中国边境地区经济和社会发展,也导致中方部分边民不满情绪和跨境犯罪等现象的出现。  相似文献   

Videotaped excerpts of actual counseling interviews were rated using the criteria of empathy, unconditional positive regard, congruence, depth of self-exploration, and counselor effectiveness. Analysis-of-variance techniques indicated no significant differences among the ratings of counselors, counselor educators, and graduate students; there were significant differences among ratings of graduate students in different programs.  相似文献   

本文从大学新生的角度,通过作者对初等代数和高等代数的认识由浅入深的过程回顾,具体生动地总结出自己的学习感悟:初等代数是解决具体的问题,高等代数则是将方程扩大到一般化,用特定方法解决所有一次方程.初等数学到高等数学是一个从特殊到一般的过程.  相似文献   

边境少数民族地区能否顺利脱贫是我国脱贫攻坚取得全面胜利的关键环节,也是国家安全、区域经济发展与社会和谐的重大议题。地形地貌限制、机会与资源有限且分配模式相对固化是其贫困文化的内核。本研究以云南省怒江傈僳族自治州和德宏傣族景颇族自治州两个边境少数民族地区的教育脱贫攻坚政策实践为例,阐释了边境少数民族地区的贫困特征与特殊挑战,从杜绝因学致贫、阻断代际贫困、促进民族团结、辐射边境教育等方面分析了教育脱贫攻坚政策的效能,并指出教育脱贫攻坚政策的设计与实施基本是按照教育外部因素和内部因素两层逻辑展开。  相似文献   

对横断山南部边缘地区蝴蝶调查研究表明,有蝶类451种,隶属于11科,212属.其中,蛱蝶最多,114种;其次是灰蝶,97种,第三是弄蝶,69种,这三科蝴蝶占了总数的近三分之二(280/451).东洋种占总数的80.5%,说明了本地区蝴蝶东洋区的基本属性.  相似文献   

采用熵值法对湖南省湘西州扶贫攻坚政策实施情况进行综合绩效评价,得出结论:湘西州扶贫综合绩效分为南部吉首市和凤凰县,北部的龙山县和永顺县,花垣县-保靖县-古丈县-泸溪县等三级扶贫绩效区;贫困程度表现为古丈县,保靖县,龙山县-永顺县-花垣县-凤凰县-泸溪县,吉首市依次降低,较强较弱县(市)连片分布特征明显。  相似文献   

基于Hom-同态在基元上保持方括号运算及满足Hom-Jacobi等式,通过比较Hom-同态作用后等式两边系数,确定了Lie代数A2的一个子代数的Hom-Lie代数结构。  相似文献   

基于综合评分模型,以甘肃省深度贫困地区560个农户、74个行政村的调查数据为研究样本,对其扶贫绩效进行了实证分析。研究表明,扶贫绩效整体上处于中等水平,普遍实现了"两不愁,三保障"。描述性分析显示,饮水安全问题尚未得到全面解决;村组道路、农户通网、文化活动场所等公共服务基础设施建设还存在一定缺口;医疗卫生条件缺口较大,是社会发展的短板之一;农村基层组织"两委"班子服务群众的意识不够强,群众对帮扶工作的满意度偏低;生态环境保护工作成效仍较低。  相似文献   

Interest in spatial ability has grown over the past few decades following the emergence of correlational evidence associating spatial aptitude with educational performance in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The research field at large and the anatomy education literature on this topic are mixed. In an attempt to generate consensus, a meta-analysis was performed to objectively summarize the effects of spatial ability on anatomy assessment performance across multiple studies and populations. Relevant studies published within the past 50 years (1969–2019) were retrieved from eight databases. Study eligibility screening was followed by a full-text review and data extraction. Use of the Mental Rotations Test (MRT) was required for study inclusion. Out of 2,450 screened records, 15 studies were meta-analyzed. Seventy-three percent of studies (11 of 15) were from the United States and Canada, and the majority (9 of 15) studied professional students. Across 15 studies and 1,245 participants, spatial ability was weakly associated with anatomy performance (rpooled = 0.240; CI at 95% = 0.09, 0.38; P = 0.002). Performance on spatial and relationship-based assessments (i.e., practical assessments and drawing tasks) was correlated with spatial ability, while performance on assessments utilizing non-spatial multiple-choice items was not correlated with spatial ability. A significant sex difference was also observed, wherein males outperformed females on spatial ability tasks. Given the role of spatial reasoning in learning anatomy, educators are encouraged to consider curriculum delivery modifications and a comprehensive assessment strategy so as not to disadvantage individuals with low spatial ability.  相似文献   

A comprehensive, statistical review of gender differences in verbal performance has not been conducted in several decades and the majority of previous work on this topic used published studies that often include small, non-representative samples. The introduction of national legislation in US public schools required schools to assess and publicly report verbal performance, thus providing verbal assessment data for millions of American students. The current study presents a meta-analysis of gender differences in US state verbal assessments. Data were collected from the departments of education in 16 states representing more than 10 million US students in grades 3 through 11. Results indicated a small gender difference favoring females for overall verbal performance (d?=?0.29). However, when type of assessment was considered, the female advantages in reading (d?=?0.19) and language arts (d?=?0.29) were smaller than in writing performance (d?=?0.45). The small gender differences in verbal performance increased in a linear pattern from grades 3 to 8 and then remained steady in high school.  相似文献   

国策机制从根本上来说是行政主导的环境资源保护路径,它有自己的优势,特别是在特定时期的优势,但也存在局限性。国策机制对公众具有神秘性和对立性。西方的社会生态运动最早得到的是社会认可,其次得到了法律的认可,成为环境立法、司法和行政的源泉。社会生态运动初期的效率可能是较低的,而一旦它被公众所认可,会形成全社会的自觉行动;国策机制在初期其效率远高于社会生态运动,但是它在公众中的影响力是有限的,甚至会造成公众对环境问题的冷漠。中国的环境资源保护要突破固有的行政主导的局限,需实现从国策上升到法律的转变,需要加强社会生态运动的理论和制度建设,并注重国际交流和与本国国情适应的经验借鉴,逐渐使社会生态运动在中国实现其对司法、立法和行政的影响。  相似文献   

从人口城镇化、经济城镇化和社会城镇化3个维度,以及生活水平、教育和医疗3个方面,分别构建城镇化和区域贫困程度综合评价指标体系。运用熵值法并结合GIS技术,以湖南省的37个县市区为对象,研究武陵山片区城镇化与贫困程度的空间关联性。结果表明:(1)武陵山片区城镇化整体水平偏低,贫困地区数量大,占整个区域的89%;(2)城镇化综合指数与贫困综合指数成负相关性,即城镇化综合指数越高,则贫困综合指数越低,城镇化对当地经济发展具有带动作用;(3)城镇化综合水平较高地区在空间上零散分布,仅有市辖区、县级市城镇化综合水平较高。(4)根据城镇化综合水平与贫困综合指数的分布状态把研究区域分为四种类型,其中城镇化综合水平与贫困综合指数相对应的占整个区域的35%,异常型占8%,高低型占19%,低高型占30%。  相似文献   

近百年来,原住民或少数民族地区的贫困与社会经济发展问题已成为世界关注的对象。全球各地的不同机构和组织对此提出了多种观点和政策,并将其中不少措施予以实践。在这一进程中,非政府组织的参与,为寻找解决问题的有效思路提供了值得继续深入的途径。本文拟结合具体的社会实例,对中国西部民族地区在政府和非政府组织开展扶贫工作方面的多种实践进行比较研究,探讨对于中国西部民族地区更为有效的扶贫方式,并总结在现代化发展中保护原住民与少数民族文化传统的相关理论。  相似文献   

纵观中越边境地区扶贫开发政策及其实施效果,在很大程度上说,具有共性和个性的特点,各自都有明显的优惠政策,但不论是单方面的扶贫开发政策,还是综合扶贫开发政策,越方比中方全面、具体、细化。在分析研究中越边境地区扶贫开发的优惠政策的同时,也分析了中方扶贫开发政策中存在的问题和原因,并结合实际,提出中方在中越边境地区综合扶贫开发合理性和可行性建议。  相似文献   

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