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我国幼儿园科学课程价值取向的历史研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
幼儿园科学课程是在传统的自然常识课程的基础上于20世纪80年代末、90年代初演变而来的,是传统的自然常识课程的延续和发展。从“常识课程”到“科学课程”,这一提法的改变,本身就表明了人们对幼儿科学教育的重视和教育观念的转变。  相似文献   

社会教育由于其在社会治理与发展中的重要作用而被人们所重视。理学教育家也极为关注社会教育问题,对于如何推行社会教育进行了诸多的思考与探索。理学教育家认为,在社会教育的网络体系中,中央政府处于最高的决策与管理地位,发挥着非常重要的作用。对于中央政府如何确定自身在国家社会教育中的地位并充分发挥其作用,理学教育家提出了一些很有价值的建议。  相似文献   


This in practice paper describes the experience of seven lecturers in a hybrid and flipped version of an introductory mathematics course for higher education. In a Mexican university, lecturers adapted to this innovation supported by an adjusted Massive Open Online Course. The experience revealed the relevance of leaving conventional assessment processes to make way for an understanding of lecturers as a collaborative team, trying to transform their own perspective about the learning of mathematics. This experience is an example of the reconceptualisation of the teaching of STEM education that contributes towards a non-formal educational context, promoting lecturers’ education and dialogic transformative learning.  相似文献   

在现代社会中,人们越来越重视学生的教育问题,通常家长更愿意让孩子有更高学历,一些学校也进行了一些扩招,学生日渐增多,但伴随着一个问题的出现,那便是学生在毕业后找不到合适工作。所以就出现了学生自己开创新行业,但这些学生通常在校的时间多,而与社会的接触少,这使得不少的学生在新事业中陷入窘境。学生自身对于开创事业的了解不够全面,所以就有不少学者建议为学生开展教育教学工作,给学生讲全面而系统的开创事业新事项,让学生有更多的发展空间。笔者通过学生开创事业的现状进行分析,希望为新课程的开展提供一些建议。  相似文献   

教育是实现由自然人向社会人转化的系统社会化过程,文化内容构成了教育的核心内容。教育的本质与个体人由社会价值体系所衡量的素质提高密切相关,所以任何教育都应该是素质教育。通识教育是实现大学素质教育的有效途径,而文化向度构成了大学通识教育最重要的向度。通识教育文化向度上的国际化视野与本土坐标,确立了通识教育在传统文化与西方文明内容选择上的基本原则。  相似文献   

社会实践对于大学生的成长具有重要意义,然而目前大学生参与社会实践的积极性不高,效果也十分有限。本文根据90后当代大学生自我实现的需求高、心理承受力差、实际交往能力弱等特点,探寻适合他们的社会实践的有效途径,比如采取较长时间的集中实践与平时有规律的短期实践相结合的方法等。  相似文献   

Kris Clarke 《Compare》2005,35(4):479-494
In the autumn of 2004, an interdisciplinary social science course entitled Remembering, Forgetting and Forgiveness: Justice and Reconciliation from the National to the International was offered to undergraduate students at the University of Tampere, Finland. The course had 49 students from 10 different countries on three continents. A large portion of the students were on international exchange through the European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students (ERASMUS) programme. The objective of the course was to explore the role of social memory and justice in the process of reconciliation on many different levels. Learning activities aimed to initiate discussions on cross‐cultural understandings of how to overcome violations and forgive or forget. Among the cases explored were child abuse, the massacres in Kosovo, the South African truth commissions and the Finnish civil war. A variety of teaching methods were utilised in the course. Cooperative learning methods were emphasised. Students engaged in group work activities and discussions and listened to a wide range of guest lecturers from diverse disciplines. The evaluation of students was based on individual learning portfolios constructed by students.

This paper focuses on how a multicultural education was constructed through the pedagogy of the course, along with discussions with students who assessed their own learning process and perspectives. The theme of the course was judged by students to be very interesting and important, but the role of creative learning methods was viewed as equally significant. Exchange students, in particular, appeared willing to take greater risks in learning during their year abroad. The development of new approaches to learning could thus be an important element of internationalising efforts by universities. Finally, sensitive issues, such as contested collective social memory and complex reconciliation efforts, are best approached through cooperative learning methods that emphasise dialogue.  相似文献   

本文用报刊检索法调查社会对科学教育的需要 ,两份调查的结果一致表明 ,创新精神和创新能力培养是现今社会对科学教育的最主要需要。  相似文献   

Science education controversies typically prove more intractable than those in scientific research because they involve a wider range of considerations (e.g., epistemic, social, ethical, political, and religious). How can educators acknowledge central issues in a controversy (such as evolution)? How can such problems be addressed in a way that is ethically sensitive and intellectually responsible? Drawing in part on pragmatic philosopher John Dewey, our solution is politically proactive, philosophically pragmatic, and grounded in research. Central to our proposal is (1) steps toward creating a philosophical “total attitude” that is democratic, imaginative, and hypothetical; (2) a deeper understanding of how scientific theories can be pragmatically true; and (3) an assessment of differing pedagogical approaches for teaching evolution in the classroom.  相似文献   

In this action research work, I analyze the theory–practice integration in teacher preparation within the context of a science and technology (S&T) education teaching methodology course aimed at future elementary teachers. The course was designed, developed and evaluated taking into account this relationship as one of its axes. The results reveal that the proposal favors progress in theory–practice integration and stimulates the students’ reflection and research. By means of a written report and an oral presentation, the students communicated their reflections on S&T teaching in the context of their concomitant professional practice. They also collected and presented resources and activities they found useful for teaching, practiced the use of certain educational S&T kits, and looked for and shared S&T pieces of news from different mass media. They additionally conducted a school learning project simulation and reflected on it. Besides, they prepared three written essays about theoretical–practical assigned readings and discussed them. In this paper, I refer to achievements and difficulties that emerged during the process, relating them to other research findings in the area and to theoretical considerations. Finally, I make proposals for further efforts in this field.  相似文献   

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