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对于形成于20世纪二三十年代具有学院派色彩的京派作家群体的探讨,以往的研究者往往过分强调京派作家与中国传统文学的内在关联,本文意在探讨京派作家与外国文学(尤其是与外国诗意抒情小说)的关系,并探寻京派小说在中外文学的交流与融汇中形成的文体特征。  相似文献   

Schwab (Schwab, J. J. (1970). The practical: A language for curriculum. Washington, DC: National Education Association, Center for the Study of Instruction) named the teacher, learner, subject matter, and milieu as the desiderata essential for curriculum making. In our research, the teacher commonplace has formed the entry point of inquiry. Increasingly, the milieu commonplace has perplexed us. In this article, we examine what we have termed “traveling stories” through different field texts focusing on what happens when individuals from different milieus are brought together in one school context. We explore how learning may be shut down in a miseducative way or opened up to educative possibilities through understanding the influence of diverse milieus—those we vicariously carry with us and those we currently share with others—and how they converge to shape the meanings individuals create in seemingly shared situations.  相似文献   

著名的德国物理学家高斯,在青少年时代就有独特的钻研精神,学习成绩优异、智慧过人,取得了不少让他的同伴羡慕的荣誉.同伴们动脑筋想出了一道难题,想让他出洋相.  相似文献   

受研究者不同哲学背景、语言学教学及研究范式的影响,第二语言词汇难度研究一直游离于两个维度之间:词汇的统计学特征或词汇的语言学特征。结合语言心理学等方面最新进展论证,人类心灵,即在第二语言词汇习得过程中呈现的心理学特征是统一词汇难度研究的又一维度。通过整合相关研究给出了一个具有通约性的词汇难度定义。  相似文献   

Performance support is close to the center of a host of related fields and specialties, including human performance technology, electronic performance support systems, technical communications, and instructional design. Because of their common interest in performance support, and common external influences such as cognitive psychology and digital technologies, roles and tools within these fields are beginning to converge, resulting in unprecedented overlap. In times of rapid change, related fields have an opportunity to learn from one another, borrowing useful elements and incorporating them into their own practices. The purpose of this paper is to explore the similarities, differences, and emerging trends among some of these fields and to gain insights into how their evolution affects performance support. Across these fields, we find a continuing tension between designed messages and tools allowing users more flexibility and control. The best performance-support systems include both of these components as well as a strong human support component. We also observe a trend toward greater reliance on users and user communities in defining and controlling support systems.  相似文献   

作为关联理论的一个重要概念,认知语境强调了听话者在交际中发挥的认知主体作用。在话语理解过程中,交际双方在认知语境上越趋同,交际就越成功。以该理论为基础所引入的趋同性认知语境概念,突显了"最大化互动-渐进性趋同-最大化相似"理念,呈现了如何定位英语阅读理解中的词汇、短语、句子及篇章意义及如何在阅读教学中帮助学习者建构趋同性认知语境。  相似文献   

NBIC会聚技术的“后人类”议题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着会聚技术的兴起,在欧美各国引发了“后人类”热议.“后人类”技术的“善”的价值是毋庸置疑的,但是其“恶”的效应必须引起高度警惕.技术主体——类的消解以及技术客体——技术异化诠释了其负面价值.在资本逻辑推力下,后人类主义借助于高新技术手段,一路高歌猛进,书写了“后人类”技术调控难题的沉重画卷.在发展会聚技术的同时如何调控好它,将是21世纪人类共同面临的长期而艰巨的任务!  相似文献   

Six different measures of orthographic processing (three different letter string choice tasks, two orthographic choice tasks, and a homophone choice task) were administered to thirty-nine children who had also been administered the word recognition subtest of the Metropolitan Achievement Test and a comprehensive battery of tasks assessing phonological processing skill (four measures of phonological sensitivity, nonword repetition, and pseudoword reading). The six orthographic tasks displayed moderate convergence – forming one reasonably coherent factor. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that a composite measure of orthographic processing skill predicted variance in word recognition after variance accounted for by the phonological processing measures had been partialed out. A measure of print exposure predictedvariance in orthographic processing after the variance in phonologicalprocessing had been partialed out.  相似文献   

Informed by different ontologies, rival research traditions in comparative education forward divergent epistemological platforms, types of analyses and conclusions for the comparative education community. This article examines two studies of educational designs in socialist states-- Joseph Farrell's study of Allende's Chile and Jonathon Jansen's study of Mugabe's Zimbabwe--both of which share remarkably similar conclusions, despite their disparate geo-cultural contexts, as well as divergent research methodologies. Through a comparative analysis of the religio-political conflicts highlighted in each study's conclusion, as well as the research methodologies utilised by each comparativist, this article suggests that rival research traditions can not only arrive at similar conclusions, but offer one another complementary, though divergent, ontologies, which together offer a more complete and fuller picture of the reality or realities being studied.  相似文献   

在“一带一路”政策持续深入推进和高等教育国际化进程加快的当前,随着来华留学生生人数的急剧增长,“留学生的教育管理质量”已成为高校与社会关注的焦点。当前,多数高校在留学生教育管理工作的理念认知、工作队伍建设、育人体系建设以及学生自我教育管理等方面仍存在不足。笔者认为,应在尊重中外文化差异的基础上开展“同中有异”的“趋同化”教育管理,提高育人质量,加快实现我国留学生教育的可持续、“内涵式”发展。  相似文献   

This paper investigates children's use of converging obliques in their drawings of objects. Adults and adolescents, as well as 7‐year‐old children, were not very successful in using converging obliques in their drawings of small‐scale objects; they tended to use parallel edges. When confronted with the apparent convergence of a real road receding into the distance adults and adolescents switched to using converging obliques; 7‐year‐olds still drew parallel roadsides. Children were induced to use converging obliques, however, when asked to copy from a line drawing of a road or from a photograph, particularly when the convergence of the road in the photograph was more dramatic.  相似文献   

测边交会法可用于建筑施工变形监测中,传统的方法是钢尺丈量边长交会法,随着电子技术的发展,电子测距仪的应用,特别是全站仪的逐步推广与应用,测边交会法用于建筑施工变形监测又有广泛应用的趋势。但交会点的坐标及误差计算比较复杂,经作者进行测边交会的误差分析的计算结果公式,应用可编程序型计算器fx-4500P及开发的程序,可快速、准确计算测边交会点的坐标和点位精度。  相似文献   

在Banach空间讨论严格伪压缩映射有限族的隐迭代序列弱收敛于其公共不动点的条件.  相似文献   

We present a comparative survey between the French and Indian higher education systems. In spite of their respective idiosyncratic features, we show that the two countries have both evolved comprehensively toward a knowledge-based society, in order to ensure the prosperity of their citizens. Secondly, we single out a threefold convergence between the two higher education systems on academic, technological and institutional grounds.  相似文献   

This paper examines theoretical linkages between Anzaldua’s borderland scholarship, in particular the notion of mestiza consciousness, and participatory action research. Two studies with high school and college co-researchers falling along different points of the PAR spectrum are described to illustrate these conceptual linkages. Points in the process including critical decisions in crafting questions and conducting actions, reflections on who are the knowledge holders and producers, and struggles with responsibilities and vulnerabilities doing this work, are discussed through a lens of mestiza consciousness.
Jennifer AyalaEmail:

Conclusions For the population of subjects, and the films and kinescope recordings used in this series of experiments, it made little or no difference whether a given film was represented as being a “kinescope recording” or a training film, or whether a given kinescope was represented as being a “training film” or a kinescope recording of a TV program. This study was in no sense a comparison of the teaching effectiveness of training films and kinescope recordings as such. Since we did not have a film and a kinescope presenting the same material we could not compare the instructional effectiveness of a film and a kinescope. The results suggest, however, that substantial learning resulted from seeing all the films and kinescope recordings used in the study, but the exact learning gains, as measured by pre-and post-tests, are not solely dependent on the films or kinescopes, but include also the effect of the pretests. A possible reason for the discrepancy between these results and those of Jackson is that the “novelty effect” of television has “worn off” since the date of his study (April 1952). The reluctance of audio-visual communication researchers to replicate previous experiments has doubtless resulted in the acceptance of many invalid conclusions. Missing from social science research is that drive which is one of the characteristics of research in the physical sciences: to either verify or refute previous findings by repeating the experiment. In this study such a replication has been made of an earlier experiment—and with different results. Paul M. Hurst, Jr. is an instructor of psychology at Idaho State College. This report is based on a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of requirements for the Master of Science degree at Pennsylvania State University.  相似文献   

产业的集聚发展、相互间渗透发展以及产业持续发展构成了新世纪产业发展的主旋律。文章将逐一分析和探讨产业发展集群化、融合化和生态化的内在涵义及其相互关联性,以期对把握我国未来产业发展的前景分析有所启示。  相似文献   

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