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《档案管理与整理》这本书是何鲁成在实际档案管理工作过程中的经验总结,代表了20世纪30年代中国档案学的最高水平,奠定了档案学发展的基础。书中的档案管理思想,如主张推行文书档案连锁法,提倡采用集中制的档案管理方式,提出机关档案管理人员选拔、训练以及档案工作分配的开创性建议,强调档案点收、归卷、调卷及分类的重要性,以及对档案管理研究方法的总结,对我们今天的档案管理工作仍有重要的启迪作用。  相似文献   

Working in the archives of living writers provides exciting possibilities for extended interpersonal research as well as ethical challenges. This article explores the author’s experience of working in Helen Garner’s restricted archives and negotiating the demands of scholarly objectivity with an increasingly felt empathic engagement. The author traces a chronological path through the archives relating to Garner’s three substantial works of non-fiction: The First Stone (1995), Joe Cinque’s Consolation (2004) and This House of Grief (2014). She draws attention to some of the ways in which distance and objectivity can be influenced not only by contact with a living writer but also by the space in which the archive is encountered. With a deliberate focus on the lived experience of researching, rather than a scholarly examination of archival theory, the author offers a case study of how the interaction of archives and living subject can shape research and publication.  相似文献   

The Australian National University Archives holds both the archives of the University and a large collection of business and labour archives in the Noel Butlin Archives Centre. Both are governed by collecting policies, and neither of these policies mention gender. The relative absence of women’s voices in both collections raises the question about whether archival policies should seek to redress past silences.  相似文献   


The Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS), Australia’s archival repository for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage, is the nation’s peak body for collecting, recording, archiving and returning Indigenous-related knowledge and information. Since 1964 AIATSIS has amassed the world’s largest collection of print, audio and film materials on Australian First Nations peoples. This paper canvasses the Deadline 2025 campaign for audiovisual collections at risk and the complexities of preserving audiovisual archives. It argues that while the Plan’s institutional focus is essential, equally essential is institutional leadership in establishing integration with community-held archives, supported by appropriately resourced and skilled community-based partnerships.  相似文献   

本文从哲学时空观的角度出发,分别论述了档案工作时间的过程性与连续性;档案工作的时间属性与档案管理三大体系;档案工作的时间属性与文档连续体的运动循环论;档案工作的时间属性与档案定义;档案工作的时间属性与档案管理的过程与环节等诸多档案学重要理论问题。  相似文献   

沿着集体记忆的思路,我们重新认识档案和档案工作,档案的价值也超越了凭证、情报价值而可以在更大的范围内发挥精神纽带、感情维系的作用。大学班级作为一个典型的集体,其构建意义与构建模式具有典型性。本文通过对在校学生进行访谈,对大学班级档案的收集范围、管理方式等问题进行了分析,提出了班级档案收集的策略,以期促进高校班级档案管理工作、高校集体记忆的保护与开发。  相似文献   

This paper defines and delineates the concept of participatory microhistory through an examination of the South Asian American Digital Archive’s First Days Project, a community-based online project that solicits short audio, video and written narratives about South Asians immigrants’ first day in the United States. First, this paper provides a brief overview of the history of the South Asian American Digital Archive and the First Days Project. Next, this paper highlights three important functions filled by participatory microhistory projects: they generate new records that represent perspectives not commonly found in archives, they convey an important sense of emotion and affect, and they effectively solicit community participation in the archival endeavour. Throughout, this paper explores participatory microhistory projects as tools to harness technology for community empowerment and build support for archives.  相似文献   

Over the last couple of decades, the modern Australian women’s movement has been the subject of history, which includes the creation of feminist archives in various locations This essay analyses one particular collection – the personal papers of the feminist activist, Merle Thornton – as an account of the making and meaning of a feminist archive. I wish to explore the ways in which the feminist subject impacts on the archive. Accordingly, I analyse the archival process, as well as the contents of Thornton’s personal papers. What emerge are the difficulties of negotiating the public–private divide for this feminist activist.  相似文献   

User perspective and user studies have received noticeably little practical attention in archives and archival science. The purpose of this article is to address the issues of communication and user participation in archival contexts. Two action research projects-based digital archives are discussed. The insights gained during the research and development work are used to formulate a new approach to a participatory archive. In spite of the historical nature of the archives discussed, the suggested ways of interacting with an archive are not specific to historical records. The fundamental characteristics of the proposed approach are decentralised curation, radical user orientation, and contextualisation of both records and the entire archival process.
Isto HuvilaEmail:

何永斌 《四川档案》2007,(1):9-9,12-13
本文认为《四川省〈中华人民共和国档案法〉实施办法》充分体现了强化政府职能、推进依法治档的基本理念与核心价值,在贯彻执行该办法的过程中,应切实解决和落实好目前档案工作和档案事业发展中面临的若干重大问题.特别是要正确处理好强化政府职能与档案行政职能转变、推进依法治档与社会和谐共进两大基本关系。  相似文献   

英国的档案数字化建设项目起步较早且成果显著,在当前数字战略发展背景下,对英国档案数字化项目进行研究,对于促进我国推行档案大数据建设具有重要的参考意义。本文通过对英国档案数字化建设的典型项目Archives Inspire项目和Archives Unlocked项目进行分析,得出了英国档案数字化建设项目的主要特征为重视建设数字技术的开发与应用、注重数字人才的培养和注重数字档案资源的公开利用,并针对我国档案大数据建设现状提出了加强项目建设、加强人才培养、加强技术应用、加强法制建设等建议,以期为我国推进档案大数据建设提供新思路。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the factors influencing the integration of digital archival resources in China. The integration of digital archival resources as discussed in this article refers to the way in which information contained within dispersed digital archives within a country, or a specific area such as a province, city or county, can be successfully integrated, classified and restructured around specific topics and actual needs in order to realise optimal social sharing and utilisation of digital archival resources. There is little Chinese published research regarding what factors influence the integration of digital archival resources. This article, therefore, uses Charmaz’s Constructivist Grounded Theory approach and draws forth the theory that archivists’ cognition on the integration of digital archival resources and the context (which consists of the organisational culture of archives, archives management systems, and the laws and regulations on archives disclosure), influence the integration of digital archival resources, and these factors interact with each other. This theory can also be illustrated by the model: cognition–context–action. This research can provide some recommendations for the promotion and sustainable development of the integration of digital archival resources in China as well as other countries.  相似文献   

校友是高校持续发展的重要资源,校友档案是校友与母校联系的感情桥梁。文章通过文献研究法和内容分析法对当前国内高校校友档案管理中的问题进行分析并提出解决方案和思路,通过完善校友档案管理制度保障,为服务师生和校友之间交流合作提供平台,依托丰富的校友档案资源建立校友网站和出版校友刊物,共建共享校友档案管理平台,为高校校友工作和档案工作提供思考和借鉴。  相似文献   

档案行业是以档案信息为中心的事业,建设档案信息资源共享平台与数字档案馆(室),打通档案信息的收集、管理、服务横纵干线,是经略档案事业具有战略性的基础工程。本文就二者的建设现状、相互关系进行探讨,以理清二者所处的现实站位,梳理两项建设间的有机联系,为决策部门科学筹划建设、高效使用资金、获取合理效益提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

档案服务外包已成为深化档案工作内容的主要手段之一。银行档案服务外包既符合现实需要又满足政策要求。基于国家开发银行的调研情况表明:国开行档案服务外包需求较为强烈,各部门可自行采购,正由单一服务外包向综合服务外包方向发展,且采购中存在"明星"供应商。为此,做好银行档案服务外包工作不仅需要银行做好外包过程风险管控,还需要银行总部充分发挥统筹协调作用,制定相关制度规范,规范外包行为,合理确立档案服务外包供应商,以便各部门节缩招标成本。此外,银行档案部门要重视技术对档案环境的变革影响,积极推动档案工作数字转型。  相似文献   

This article is based on a study which aimed at broadening archival representation by investigating how to bring the contemporary history of the South African Portuguese community into the country’s archival heritage. To achieve this aim, the study sought to develop an archival collecting model for the records generated by Portuguese community-based organisations, since these materials are deemed an important source for preserving the social history, memories and experiences of an under-documented group, such as the Portuguese in South Africa. National and international sources were analysed and reviewed, and an empirical investigation to examine the Portuguese community organisations was conducted, in order to gain an understanding of the most effective strategies for collecting, managing and preserving these records. This article therefore proposes an archival collecting model for the records generated by South African Portuguese community-based organisations which demonstrates the processes, resources and other factors that are necessary to establish and sustain an archival collecting initiative for the Portuguese community in South Africa. It is hoped that, in addition to benefitting the Portuguese community, the model will also benefit other underdocumented communities in South Africa interested in preserving their histories and experiences.  相似文献   

民生公司是我国近代著名交通运输企业,其档案管理兴起于近代企业发展转型、科学管理思想广泛传播以及我国档案事业近代化的背景。民生公司所建立的档案工作制度专业而系统,其中包括档案安全应急预案,由文件归档、档案鉴定销毁和档案利用组成的档案管理制度,以及档案职务规范与业务规范。其上承传统文献管理经验,借鉴机关文书档案整理方法,立足企业自身特点而成的档案管理规制,堪为近代企业档案管理的一个典范,对当下企业档案管理不无参考和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

颜之推是中国档案史上的奇才,学问极为渊博精深,思想颇为先进。本文首先介绍了颜之推的生平及其可敬之处,再通过对其所著的《颜氏家训》内容的分析后,指出该书是像《尚书》、《国语》那样的以记言为主的档案文献汇编珍品,凸显了颜之推对档案文献编纂所作出的重要贡献。  相似文献   

Jessie Lymn is a PhD Candidate at University of Technology Sydney (UTS) and a casual academic in the Information Studies programs at both UTS and Charles Sturt University. Her doctoral research focuses on the archival practices of subcultural communities and how this furthers temporal and spatial understandings of archives.

Building on Eichhorn’s concept of ‘archival genres’, this article considers the recent spate of zine anthologies published in Australia and the United States as examples of these genres. It proposes that the anthologies are archives of content, form and practice, given that they commonly reproduce entire zines as visual material, not just text, and are produced by members of zine communities. This article argues that the anthologies’ narratives, presentation and distribution preserve ideologies of zine culture and that archival genres create spaces for the preservation of practices.  相似文献   

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