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隋唐妇女与文学研究本世纪曾有过两次高潮 ,第一次是配合五四以后的新妇女文学的发展而出现的 ,第二次是伴随着新时期改革开放以来的学术研究的繁荣而出现的。隋唐妇女对推动隋唐文学的发展起到了改变风气的作用 ,并在文学传播中充当了特殊的角色。隋唐妇女文学除了包括女性作家的创作外 ,还包括作家对女性生活及其精神世界的关注。  相似文献   

试论妇女的教育与就业司荫贞妇女教育论也是教育理论体系的一个构成部分。在我国长期以来妇女教育与职业培训来被作为独立的问题进行研究,认为妇女的利菲寓于无产阶级和全国人民利益之中,而忽略了妇女矛盾的特殊性,忽视了妇女的特殊利益要求解放、争取教育权、劳动权、...  相似文献   

在明清这一社会转型时期,徽州妇女作为一个特殊群体在徽商的发展以及整个徽州的社会生活中起着特殊的进步作用,同时徽州也出现了大批的贞洁烈女,且其情形触目惊心。这两种截然不同的现象反映了徽州妇女的性格受社会诸多因素影响,呈现出鲜明的二元化特点,并反映在社会生活的各个方面。本文揭示了明清时期徽州妇女二元化性格在社会生活方面的表现,并试图浅析这种性格形成的原因。  相似文献   

我国妇女作为一个特殊群体,是杜会主义精神文明建设者的一个重要组成部分。正如党的十二大报告早已指出的;“妇女不仅是我国经济建设中的重要力量,而且在社会主义精神文明建设中具有特殊重要的作用。”在我国实行市场经济体制的今天,重新审视妇女在社会主义精神文明建设中的特殊作用,对于“形成有利于改革开放和社会主义现代化建设健康发展的舆论力量.价值观念、道德规范、文化条件和社会风尚”有着重要意义。  相似文献   

妇女解放运动的发展,经历了从追求法律上的两性平等权利到肯定性别差异下的社会性别公正的历程。我国在保护妇女权益方面也经历了从维护妇女与男子平等的法律权力到把妇女当成了一个需要特殊保护的群体,给予性别关怀的跌进,《妇女权益保障法》和新《婚姻法》就是这一跌进的体现。  相似文献   

在中国历史上,秦始皇第一个把妇女“贞节”由道德提倡变为法律强制。他采取种种措施倡导贞节,反对淫乱。秦始皇选择如此的妇女政策的主观原因,在于他青少年时代的特殊经历及由此造成的心理压力。  相似文献   

随着我国改革开放的不断深入,农村劳动力开始大规模向城市流动,农村留守妇女这个特殊群体也开始出现。留守妇女在促进农村经济发展过程中发挥了巨大作用,但自身也面临着劳动负担重、心理压力大、家庭教育困难、精神生活匮乏等生存困境。将农村留守妇女纳入成人教育研究和实践的视野,将更好地发挥女性在新农村建设中的独特作用,同时也是女性自身寻求发展的必然要求。本文分析了农村留守妇女的生存困境及原因,提出了成人教育改善农村留守妇女生存困境的应对策略。  相似文献   

1993年对全院女职工进行了妇科临床检查、实验室诊断及特殊检查,结果在参检122人中,患各种妇科疾病者占68.9%,其中子宫疾病占61.7%,普查的结果显示了我院妇女保健的必要性和重要性。为了妇女保健提出加强妇女保健知识的宣传和妇科病的咨询;定期普查妇科病及时进行诊治;设立妇科疾病门诊室等措施。  相似文献   

妇女的污染地位是衡量妇女在家庭和社会生活中地位的标尺,本主要从法律制度角度对海峡两岸妇女在社会地位方面规定的异同进行较为系统的比较分析研究。认为两岸的有关法律规定都体现了男女平等法律价值观的要求,体现了时代进步对妇女的特殊权益进行法律保护的要求,但在一些具体的细节方面还存在着一定的差异,呈现出因社会政治、经济、化发展程度不同所导致的不同特点,同时,对海峡两岸妇女在社会地位方面法律制度的变迁方向提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

妇女是特殊体育群体 ,本文从体育群体着手 ,对妇女体育历史沿革进行回顾 ,阐述了妇女体育对体育事业发展所起的作用  相似文献   

Objective:To investigate the periodontal status and associated risk factors among women of childbearing age to increase the awareness of oral health.Methods:The study was conducted on childbearing age women in Cixi,a city in Zhejiang Province in the southeast of China.A total of 754 women participated in periodontal examination while receiving prenatal care.Data of the women were collected from the Cixi Family Planning Commission and during an interview.Clinical periodontal indices,such as bleeding on probing(BOP),probing depth(PD),and clinical attachment level(CAL) were measured during the examination.Statistical analysis on subject-based data was performed.Results:The prevalence of periodontal disease among childbearing age women in Cixi was high(84.7%).A significant association was found between the disease and educational level,pregnancy,taking oral contraceptives,stress,alcohol consumption,overweight,dental visit,and teeth brushing(P<0.05).Women who suffered periodontal disease showed deep PD,obvious BOP,and clinical attachment loss.Among this population,pregnancy was closely associated with higher BOP percentage;teeth brushing no more than once per day or brushing for less than 1 min(P<0.001) after adjusting for age and stress.Conclusions:The periodontal status of childbearing age women in Cixi needs to be improved urgently.Attention towards the periodontal health should be warranted,especially for those in special statuses and with poor awareness.  相似文献   

This paper is a discussion of how the educational attitudes, perspectives and experiences of young South Asian women in schools and colleges in the city of Birmingham, UK, are affected by domestic religio-cultural norms and values. Taking into consideration social class and the different types of schools they attend, young South Asian women were interviewed and surveyed to ascertain the effects of religion and culture upon education. The empirical findings show that all young South Asian women had supportive parents who actively encouraged them in education, irrespective of religion. For young Muslim women a strong bond between religion and individual was found, but for Hindus and Sikhs it was more tentative. For young working-class South Asian women, Hindus and Sikhs also regarded religion as less significant in their lives, but for Muslims it was again seen as crucial--but certain practices were argued to be more cultural than religious, and thereby problematic. For some young South Asian Muslim women, it leads to further marginalisation in education, given that they also originate from lower social class positions.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the relationship between education and political partisanship, using the British Household Panel Study (1991–1999). It is known that partisanship has been falling in Britain since the mid–1950s. However, voting abstention rose only gradually until the June 2001 election where the turnout (at 59 per cent) was the lowest since 1918. Partisanship also fell sharply during the 1990s. Although social class and education are associated with turnout in the USA, no relationship has been reported in the UK, and voting seems to have been perceived as a citizen duty. However, in the light of recent changes in voting patterns and educational participation, this paper investigates the role of education, contextualising education effects in social class and gender effects. The preferences of young people are observed in their late teens, before entering the labour market or higher education, and are compared with those of the same young people in their early 20s, after completing higher education courses or gaining labour market experience. The BHPS yielded a sample of about 500 young people with the required data over the time period. It was hypothesised that dissatisfaction with government performance would take different forms for the more and the less educated, with the more educated shifting preferences to minority parties while the less educated shift preferences to voting abstention. The hypothesis was confirmed for young men. Endorsement of abstention was very high for adolescent women who also seemed to be more influenced by their family's social class. However, by early adulthood a lower proportion of young women endorsed abstention than young men. Strong effects of education were still found with more highly educated young women (as with more highly educated young men) being more likely to have party preferences.  相似文献   

20世纪20年代的美国中产阶级女性是美国妇女研究的一个重要课题.这一时期的中产阶级新女性“福莱帕尔”(flapper)展开了一场惊世骇俗的时尚革命,挑战了传统的社会价值观,彻底颠覆了传统的女性规范.“福莱帕尔”的崛起有其特定的文化根源:工业化城市化的发展开启了中产阶级女性了解外界的窗口;教育机会的增加唤醒了中产阶级女性的自我意识;消费主义文化的出现带来新的价值观念和生活方式,力图真实地展现这一时期的中产阶级女性史.  相似文献   

在工业化的影响下,19世纪法国资产阶级妇女的社会角色发生了嬗变。工业化的初期,初掌政权的资产阶级在理论上、法律上强化了男子在家庭中的绝对权威,妇女则完全被囿于家庭之中,在“家庭天使”的光环下,资产阶级妇女成为丈夫的附属物,既无政治权利,也无经济地位。随着工业化的进一步发展,资产阶级妇女的女权意识觉醒,19世纪后半期她们开始了争取自身解放的努力。但是由于法国的文化传统,直到一战前她们所取得的权利仍然相当有限。  相似文献   

陈独秀是中国女权运动思想史上代表性人物之一,他在新文化运动之前、之中、之后各自表达了一套女权言说,从中可以观察到这些言说与他的更为宏大的叙述——民族主义、自由主义、社会主义思想——更替有关。女权与国权、人权、阶级权之间本来具有相当距离甚至冲突,却没有影响到陈独秀对它们的兼顾。其基本的原因,在于20世纪早期中国面临的空前危机,需要急切调动全民的力量来应对,而女性在功能、数量上都不容忽视,故引起重视并将女权论说朝推进国权、人权、阶级权的方向开展,注重其“人”的同质性。可见陈独秀的女权论说,与西方女权主义反对的“性歧视”不可同日而语,实际上谈不上所谓“男权释放”的问题。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study whether women with a history of child sexual abuse are at increased risk of delivering low birth weight infants. Secondary aims were to study smoking habits, obstetric complications, health care use, and health complaints during pregnancy among women with a history of child sexual abuse. METHOD: In a case control study, 82 women with birth of a low birth weight infant (< 2500 g) (cases) and 91 women with birth of a normal birth weight infant (controls) were interviewed about experiences of child sexual abuse. RESULTS: Fourteen percent of the women disclosed a history of child sexual abuse involving at least genital touch. Birth of a low birth weight infant was not associated with a history of child sexual abuse (OR 1.03, 95% CI .44-2.40). More women with a history of child sexual abuse were smokers during pregnancy (56% vs. 31%) compared with nonabused women. Abused women reported lower age at menarche and sexual debut. Nonscheduled contacts with the antenatal care clinic and discomfort during pregnancy were more frequent among abused women when controlled for low birth weight. CONCLUSIONS: Women who delivered low birth weight infants were not more likely to have experienced child sexual abuse than women who delivered nonlow birth weight infants. Abused women were unemployed and daily smokers more often than nonabused women. Some of the abused women reported more health complaints, and more use of health care services during pregnancy, but did not have more obstetric complications during pregnancy and delivery.  相似文献   

Over 500 British adolescents aged between 12 and 20 completed a questionnaire concerning their attitudes to the role of women. Relatively few of the 27 items yielded high consensus among the subjects. There were numerous sex differences which showed males to be more traditional and conservative in their attitudes to women than females. About half the items yielded significant age differences, but almost none class differences, with older children being more liberal and egalitarian in their attitude. By and large, these findings are in accordance with previous studies in the area. The results are discussed in terms of the socialisation of sex differences.  相似文献   

The impact of an introductory course on aging knowledge and attitudes toward aging was examined. Twenty‐five students from class and 20 comparison group members rated their grandparents and older men and women in general at pre‐test and post‐test on 19 attitudinal dimensions. During the class, students were exposed to the process of aging directly through two experiential exercises. The results suggested that the students viewed their own family members as exceptions both before and after the class. The ratings of nonfamily elders, although not as positive as the ratings of grandparents, changed more dramatically during the course of the study. Implications for teaching are suggested.  相似文献   


Some Intellectual characteristics, academic problems and study habits of mature college undergraduate women were Investigated, Forty young (median age = 20) and 40 older (median age = 35) coeds matched on grade-point average were administered four WAIS subtests and a questionnaire. Older women were Inferior to younger women on WAIS performance subtests. Mature women reported more problems In concentrating, reading rapidly, and taking class notes while younger coeds reported more difficulty in remembering academic material. Older students reported better study habits. The results suggest that mature women can adjust successfully to the demands of the undergraduate academic situation.  相似文献   

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