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暴力与主体休戚相关,对暴力的真正解读乃是还原其心理的创伤维度.暴力,是在压抑中回归的本我快感,撕裂庸常的中产阶级生活;是超越认同的自我欲望,树立起固执的主体姿态;是时秩序与法的超我补充,呼唤当代集体的出场.各种暴力影像彼此错位、互指、交涉,形成一座庞大的镜城,身陷其中的破碎个体借此获得一种身份的整合.  相似文献   

随着当代电影对暴力的美学化处理,暴力经历了一个日常化过程.三类典型的暴力叙事一一对应现实主义、现代主义与后现代的主体姿态.但是现实反抗、彼岸救赎与游戏解构仍然无法完整定位暴力的真实和身陷其中的主体真相.赋予暴力以叙事的形式,那么它将失去真实.而如果我们真的捕捉到某种暴力真实,又势必无法将自身再嵌入跨人际的现实.正是在此视阁下,当代电影种种暴力与主体的悖论叙事获得了揭示性的症候价值.  相似文献   

近年来"网络暴力"事件层出不穷,引起了社会各界的广泛关注。网络暴力是基于互联网的兴起与发展而产生的一种象征性的暴力。网络暴力的主体是人,涉入网络之中的主体之间充斥着关于自由与平等的矛盾冲突,这些不同群体之间的伦理关系共同构成网络暴力的整体。本文试从网络暴力的伦理困境入手,分析网络暴力的成因并提出解决对策。  相似文献   

司法实践中对于准抢劫罪的“当场使用暴力”中的暴力性质和强度等的界定存在不同看法。对暴力性质的界定,争议之处在于准抢劫罪的暴力是否等同于抢劫罪的暴力;对于暴力的强度。争议之处在于准抢劫罪的暴力是否与普通抢劫罪的暴力的强度相同。笔者按照刑法第269条属于目的犯的精神.对“暴力”的性质、强度、时间、主体以及对象进行分析,在此基础上提出界定暴力的新视角。  相似文献   

如今校园暴力事件偶发,社会、学校以及家庭对校园暴力事件的关注也日益增高,校园暴力的产生是多方面因素引起的。家庭教育对于校园暴力的防治有基础性的作用,通过对校园暴力进行阐述,对校园暴力产生的家庭因素进行分析,对校园暴力主体行为与其家庭教育的相关性进行探讨。  相似文献   

善、理性和美德是霍布斯政治哲学的基本概念,三者之间错综复杂的关系彰显出霍布斯伦理思想的发展脉络和理论特征。霍布斯认为人本性追求绝对的自由和主观的善,结果导致人与人之间的战争状态。暴力致死的恐惧使人们发现自我保存是最根本的善也即客观的善。为达到自我保存这一目的,人们的正确理性发现了自然法,并立约建立国家主权来提供道德和法律保障机制。霍布斯的伦理思想以人性论为基础,突出了公民的主体意识,兼具规范伦理学和美德伦理学的理论特征。  相似文献   

以2010年至2020年的28个暴力侵害儿童事件为研究对象,采用Nvivo12软件进行编码分类,通过解构案例的内容与"文字符号",发现在我国暴力侵害儿童事件强制报告制度的实施中,人们首选向警方报案;报告主体包括直系亲属(主要是父母)、警察、陌生人、邻居、教师及医生等;人们对于非监护人暴力侵害儿童行为的容忍度较低,而对家庭暴力的容忍度较高。制度规范不健全、社会文化认知落后以及资源支持不足等是我国暴力侵害儿童事件强制报告制度贯彻和落实面临的主要障碍。  相似文献   

"暴力美学"是近几年来才出现的一个新概念。它与时尚和消费以及审美心理有着密切的联系,并且蕴含着深刻的美学内涵。本文从暴力美学电影到暴力绘画再到行为艺术中的暴力倾向出发,分析暴力美学产生的原因;它的背景及历史渊源;以及暴力美学艺术的基本特征和审美意蕴。从两方面分析暴力美学的渊源。一是艺术史上从古至今都有对暴力美的表现和对暴力形式美的追求,二是暴力题材电影自身的发展和绘画艺术上的暴力美学的演变。最后指出暴力美学的艺术表现意蕴还在于它折射了人的一种生存状态;那就是一种情感的宣泄的需要;一种对现实的超越,从而得到精神的自由和艺术上的自我展现。  相似文献   

李白女性诗、咏侠诗对两性形象大量、广泛的展现,为我们提供了一个性别研究的个案.女性诗中的各类女性存在暴露出一种性别规范的暴力.而咏侠诗中对侠客形象的暴力操演则构筑了普遍性的男性主体.性别与暴力的逻辑转换,有效说明了两者深层的同构.因此颠覆男/女二元逻辑的前提在于,首先要清醒地认识到性别身份仅仅是一种建构性、开放性的集合.  相似文献   

宋清平  青鸟 《高中生》2008,(1):25-25
是我一时的兴起,打破了一个淳朴少年对城市的美好向往;是我在一颗善良的心里埋下了暴力的种子;是我毁掉了一个农村少  相似文献   

电影"暴力美学"的变化与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以吴宇森为代表的一代大师创造了"暴力美学"这个名词,然而随着时间的流逝,观众的欣赏兴趣已经发生了变化。昆廷的几部电影引发了新的"暴力美学"潮流。但是仔细分析,最符合"暴力美学"名号的,还是以北野武风格的作品——最大的暴力是无常。  相似文献   

近年来我国中学生暴力犯罪呈现高发态势,其在未来较长时期内仍将保持较高水平。我国中学生暴力犯罪具有犯罪年龄低龄化、手段残忍化、行为共同化的特点,突显了我国中学生暴力犯罪的严重性。中学生的暴力犯罪按发生原因的不同可分为生理需要型、安全需要型、爱的需要型、尊重需要型、自我实现型等五类犯罪。针对不同类型的暴力犯罪可以并应当采取不同的预防措施,同时在类型化预防措施之外也需注重一般性的预防。  相似文献   

Violence is one of the most prevalent elements in the lives of homeless families with young children. This violence may come in various forms: domestic violence, street violence, violence in one’s childhood, witnessing violence, and other avenues and modes. Violence disrupts the normal bonding between parent and child. It isolates and degrades families. Early childhood professionals can support parents and children who are victims of violence through support, education, and nurturance.  相似文献   

This preliminary study examined the relationship of use of violence to exposure to violence, attitudes toward violence, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptomatology in 45 adolescent male perpetrators of school violence and 45 nonviolent control participants from inner‐city schools. Participants completed the Exposure to Violence Questionnaire, Attitudes Towards Violence Scale, Checklist of Children's Distress Symptoms, and Use of Violence Scale. The perpetrator and control groups differed in use of violence, exposure to violence, and PTSD symptomatology. Use of violence demonstrated a unique relationship with attitudes toward violence, PTSD, and exposure to violence for the perpetrator sample, with the relationship between exposure to and use of violence remaining significant after controlling for attitudes and PTSD. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 43: 591–598, 2006.  相似文献   

港府于2008和2009连续两年修订《家庭暴力条例,》2010年更名为《家庭及同居关系暴力条例》。该条例修订最大限度扩大了受保护主体范围,着重规定法院适用强制令制度,顺应了世界反家庭暴力立法趋势。香港对防治家庭暴力专门立法、扩大适用范围,强调法院严格适用强制令等做法已走在世界前列,其立法经验颇值内地借鉴。  相似文献   

Universities and colleges across the country offer courses on domestic violence. A few programs have developed such academic opportunities even further, offering specializations, graduate certificates, and degrees concentrated on domestic violence. This paper introduces two innovative academic programs: the undergraduate Domestic Violence Prevention and Services Concentration and Minor at the University of Delaware and the graduate Program on Domestic Violence at the University of Colorado Denver. The authors review the structure, content, benefits, and challenges of these programs with a view to informing and inspiring others who might be interested in establishing similar curricula at their own institutions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Parental negative affect is a risk factor for child physical abuse. As negative affect contributes to aggression, and because physical abuse involves an aggressive act directed at the child, we examined the relationship between negative affect and parent-to-child aggression (PTCA) in parents reported to Child Protective Services for physical abuse. METHOD: Baseline assessment data were retrospectively examined on 49 participants in a treatment study for child physical abuse. The negative affects studied were depression, anxiety, and hostility on the Beck Depression Inventory and the Brief Symptom Inventory. PTCA was assessed using the physical aggression subscales (Minor and Severe Physical Violence) of the Conflict Tactics Scale. The contribution of these negative affects to PTCA was examined after controlling individually for the effects of parental attributions and contextual variables widely regarded as etiological factors in child physical abuse. RESULTS: Contributions of negative affect to PTCA after individually controlling for other predictors were found for Minor Physical Violence but not Severe Physical Violence. Findings were strongest with depression on the Beck Depression Inventory and to a lesser extent with hostility on the Brief Symptom Inventory. CONCLUSIONS: Finding that negative affect contributed to PTCA in this sample suggests that it may be important to study the effects of emotion-focused treatments in physically abusive parents. These findings also suggest that PTCA may have qualities of impulsive aggression, a form of aggression that is conceptualized as driven by negative affect, occurs in response to aversive events, and is not planned.  相似文献   

Young Texans Against Gun Violence rallied at the State Capitol on Monday and called for the Legislature to pass laws that would make it more difficult to get guns.  相似文献   

文章主要论述了中国家庭暴力的危害、原因及对策,以及尽快在我国建立《防止家庭暴力法》的必要性。  相似文献   

This article describes an exploratory evaluation of a rape prevention program targeted toward fraternity members. The program is based on the Men Against Violence (L. Hong, 2000a) model, which emphasizes the association between male role socialization and sexual aggression. Implications for college counselors who conduct rape prevention programs are provided.  相似文献   

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