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胡歌 林更新 蒋劲夫 Easy 独家花絮帅与二之间由胡歌、蒋劲夫、林更新主演的魔幻武侠巨制《轩辕剑之天之痕》在经历小小波折之后终于得以顺利开播。为此幸事,ieasy为你送上胡歌、林更新、蒋劲夫独家拍摄花絮!  相似文献   

金秀贤有望饰演吸血鬼英气俊美据韩国媒体报道,金秀贤所属经纪公司KEYEAST的子公司购买了《吸血鬼儒生》的版权,并正在积极筹备中。据悉,金秀贤目前已被列入该剧的备选演员名单,但还没有最终确定是否参演。  相似文献   


刘忻 Easy独家拍摄花絮一见倾“忻”以刘忻为封面的《Easy》杂志10月下刊已于10月5日全国发售,领略过了小鬼在专访大片中的百变造型,你是否也很好奇大片拍摄中的幕后花絮呢?那就请看ieasy为你精心准备的侧拍视频与花絮照吧!  相似文献   

József Eötvös     
István Mészáros 《Prospects》1993,23(1-2):321-332


Loránd Eötvös (1848–1919) wasthe best-known Hungarian scientist ofthe turn of the century, made worldfamous by his investigations on gravitation.His high accuracy measurements of theproportionality between gravitational andinertial mass performed using the torsionpendulum designed by himself provokedthe admiration of Einstein.

So far, we have not known why Eötvösstarted investigating gravitation: in hispublications, he only indicates the exactyear (1888) when he started. Historians ofphysics have so far considered 1886 as thebeginning of this research, since this wasthe year when he last made publications inhis previous research topic, capillarity.What happened between 1886 and 1888?This will be treated in the following.

It will turn out that the main motivationfor Eötvös for the scientific researchon gravitation was the intention to populariseuniversity education and science.We might also say: the desire for``Science as Culture''.


This study investigated whether a major new children’s television series on mathematics, produced primarily for an at-home audience, could be “repurposed” for classroom use. Segments were selected from the PBS children’s series, “Square One TV,” and edited into 30 videocassettes organized by curriculum topics. Teachers in two public elementary schools in Cambridge, Massachusetts, used the cassettes over a 10-week period. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected, including teacher interviews, teacher journals of classroom use, researcher observations, a survey of student attitudes toward mathematics, and student interviews. Teachers found the reformatted cassettes to be useful motivational and instructional resources, especially in demonstrating connections between mathematical ideas and real-world situations. A videotape of teacher and student responses is available from the authors. This paper written while Dr. Chen was an assistant professor at the same school, won the Instructional Video Paper Competition marking the 25th anniversary of the Agency for Instructional Technology, Bloomington, Indiana.  相似文献   

How L.A.T.E. it was, how L.A.T.E.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The London Association for the Teaching of English is a subject group that was founded in 1947 to ‘provide a live forum for the exchange of ideas, and to undertake the practical study of problems connected with the teaching of English’. The early history of this Association, its influence on the development of English pedagogy and practice is the subject of my current PhD research. Within this work are key questions about the nature of subject English, the curriculum, and the ways in which members of a subject community work together to effect change. This article gives some background to the research project, and begins to point towards some potentially important questions about the subject and ways of working together. After two decades of top down, centralised government initiatives around English pedagogy, curriculum and assessment, and teachers’ professional development, these questions are worth addressing.  相似文献   

This article suggests a device that counselors may use as a reference for bridging the gap between counseling theory and technique. Cognitive development theory provides the basis for understanding a single transaction between counselor and client. The acronyms FACTS and CRACKS suggest the structural dynamics taking place within the client's cognitive field as the counselor performs in two different stages of the counseling process.  相似文献   

Project R.A.C.E.     

Learning by doing may not be the most effective strategy for teaching environmental problem-solving skills. A survey of Michigan educators indicates that of the teaching strategies listed, case studies and talking about what others do to solve environmental problems are the most important. The implications of building familiarity with environmental issues and solutions from a variety of examples are discussed, and an explanation for the reported low success of classroom action projects is presented.  相似文献   

Motherhood is a complex experience that can be transformative, offering women opportunities for personal enrichment and spiritual development. Because the largest incidence of births occurs to women in the Millennial or late Generation X generations, this complex, potentially transformative experience occurs at a critical time in young adult women's identity development, making it both the content and context of their quest to live a meaningful and integrated life. A richly re-imagined religious education can fashion a context in which young adult women might perceive their experiences of motherhood as an invitation to spiritual growth.  相似文献   

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