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A collaborative postcard project completed by 22 students as part of a drawing course conducted at a university in Hong Kong is introduced. The project entailed inviting students into an art practice in which the author was herself engaged as a practitioner as well as a researcher. After introducing the educational context in which the project took place, the author provides an account – informed by ‘participant‐observer’ feedback from students – of how the project unfolded and was experienced. In the second section of the article the creative and pedagogic efficacy of the project is considered with reference to the experience‐centred and dialogic principles expressed in the educational philosophies of John Dewey, Simone Weil, Hannah Arendt and Paulo Freire. The third section draws on insights from scholars working in a range of disciplines – cultural history, anthropology, sociology and psychology – to argue that a particular set of organisational and collaborative dynamics catalysed students’ levels of engagement, creativity and motivation. The article argues that the collaborative postcard project is an example of an experience‐centred and practice‐based pedagogy that is founded on dialogue, mutual generosity and experimental play, and engenders in students the ‘quality of mental process’ that is, for John Dewey, ‘the measure of educative growth’.  相似文献   

"教育实践"与"实践教育":成人教育学的观点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
成人教育实践必须同时是成人实践的教育;实践性是其根本特性。这种实践,具有认识论与本体论之双重意指;而本体论是其根本。成人教育若要祛除功利化、工具理性至上和技术意识形态化的流弊,就须从本体论意义出发,赋予实践以本体论意义与价值,方能使成人教育得以和谐、全面发展。  相似文献   

艺术设计类课程教学是集文字、图形、图像、声音、动画及视频剪辑于一体的综合艺术表达,多媒体PPT是对课程教学再设计的过程,也是学生接触设计课程的视觉第一体验。通过分析艺术设计类课程教学中PPT使用中存在的问题,阐述了提高艺术设计课程教学PPT的艺术表现力的几点思考。  相似文献   

受主客二元对立的认识论思维的影响,教育被认为是知识经验单向度传输的活动,教育学成为形而上的探究教育本体存在的"唯理"之学。从教育具有实践生成性的本质出发,坚持教育是生成的而不是现成的观点,以教育实践为教育学研究的逻辑起点,把教育本体存在扩展为教育主体创造性发挥人的生成性本质去确认自我价值和选择教育规律的实践活动,从而建构走向实践的教育学,是克服当前中国教育学发展瓶颈的一个有益的尝试。  相似文献   

教育学:科学抑或艺术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“教育学是科学还是艺术”是教育学史上的经典论题之一。围绕这一论题,基于不同的学术立场和文化语境,学者们提出了一些富有启发性的观点。总体上,“科学”指向“知”,追求符合教育事实的规律;“艺术”指向“行”,探寻指导教育实践的规则。因此,两者的对峙实质上是“科学理论”与“实践理论”的分野。随着教育学作为统一的知识体的瓦解,“教育学是科学还是艺术”这一论题面临着前提性的困境,但又由于其对教育学发展路向的暗示,获得了在现时代的存在合理性。  相似文献   

理论教学与实践教学是促进教育学课程目标达成的两个相互依存、相互促进、不可缺少的教学形态。以教育学内部单元为依托,以理论教学为基点,采取多种形式的实践教学对其纠偏补弊,有利于将教育理论知识的传授纳入学生的动态生成之中,有利于让理论教学中平面的、静态的知识传授转化为立体的、动态的、充满生命活力和有意义的教育生活,有利于造就出师德高尚、业务精湛、充满活力的高素质专业化教师。  相似文献   

The following paper continues discussions within this journal about how the work of Delueze and Guattari can inform radical pedagogy. Building primarily on Noel paper, we take up the challenge to move towards a more creative form of ‘becoming cyborg’ in our teaching. In contrast to work that has focused on Deleuzian theories of the rhizome, we deploy Guattari's work on institutional schizoanalysis to explore the role of group creativity in radical pedagogy. The institutional therapies of Felix Guattari's schizoanalytic practice in the 1950s and 1960s and, before him, the Francophone educationalist Celestin Freinet, who founded the Modern School Movement, are explored and used to illuminate examples of some of our own attempts to set the classroom up as a space for collective engagement. We conclude by exploring how this understanding of the class as subject group may be used to mobilise action and de‐stabilise the coordinates of existing academic divisions of labour.  相似文献   

小学数学教学论是高等师范院校小学教育专业的一门专业基础课.随着社会发展以及教师教育开放性的需要,高师“小数教”课程改革势在必行,这是适应基础教育课程改革、培养新型小学数学教师的需要.就“小数教”课程如何确定更加科学合理的课程体系与教学内容进行论述,通过构建课程体系、优化教学内容,加强教学实践,提高从教能力,进一步突出”小数教”课程的教学实效.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to share ideas from 5x5x5=creativity, a research initiative established in Bath (UK) in 2000, with the aim of developing and embedding a creative and reflective pedagogy in schools and early years settings. 5x5x5=creativity research, in partnership with schools, educators, artists, creative professionals, mentors and cultural centres, aims to raise the aspirations and improve the life chances of children and young people as creative learners. In our research we want to develop creative reflective practice and influence systemic educational change. This research defends the special role of the arts in developing a more flexible concept of education through curiosity and creativity, together with the capacity for the arts for allows ‘possibility thinking’ through a creative and critical pedagogy. In this article we analyse the impact of the artists’ involvement on the development of a creative, reflective pedagogy in schools. As both artists and educators we believe it is necessary to challenge current orthodoxies and establish creative and critical thinking at the heart of learning for both children and adults.  相似文献   

教育学实践教学资源具有实践性、动态性、发展性的内涵特征;按照不同的逻辑分层方法,主要分为静态型与动态型、实体型与精神型、过程型与结果型、创建型与模仿型、课内型与课外型、校内型与校外型等可开发利用资源类型。打造多角色开发利用主体、拓展多维开发利用途径和增强综合开发利用效果,是教育学实践教学资源开发利用的主要实施策略。教育学实践教学资源的开发利用,对促进教育学理论研究与教育实践有机融合有积极意义。  相似文献   

教育理论与实践的关系问题事关教育学学科的学术地位尊荣,近年来对此问题的研究取得的进展不多,本文认为可以通过调整思路,强化教育学的技术方面的因素,甚至向指南或手册方向发展,以增强教育学实效性的方式强化教育学学科的学术地位。  相似文献   

Rapid technological advancement has changed the landscape of design education to be integrated with educational technology, and the worldwide COVID‐19 pandemic has further accelerated its transition to online education. Pedagogical engagement with online education is unavoidable to ensure that the transition is successful when the situation ends. Yet, many prior studies on online design education remain focused on technical and administrative uses of digital technologies. In this article, meta‐connective pedagogy is introduced to enable educators and researchers critically to engage with pedagogical concerns emerging from the connective nature of the digitally networked world. Meta‐connective pedagogy is to focus on we are always‐being‐connected and argue that authentic learning and teaching are determined by diverse forms of pre‐existing connectivity. This article consists of four parts. First, it is argued that studio‐based learning has developed a ‘resistant’ stance towards online education, which justifies the omission of understanding connective features from its discourses. Second, four up‐to‐date studies on online design education are critically reviewed in a comparative manner, as their views are split into technical and pedagogical aspects. Third, meta‐connective pedagogy is introduced to address why and how connectivity becomes an emerging pedagogical concern for online education. Fourth and last, a schematic form of meta‐connective design education is articulated, and new roles and responsibilities of educators are addressed. Overall, it is argued that the whole concept of design education is subverted towards connectivity that is inclusive of social components of traditional design studios in a more efficient way.  相似文献   

This article is based on a project that explored the practices of art and design beginning teachers (BTs) working with learners in a post‐age‐16 context. The aim of the project was to: explore contemporary art and design practices; explore the concept of artist teacher learner researcher; enable beginning teachers to collaborate with post‐age‐16 pupils and develop new approaches and strategies to art and design pedagogy. Through practices that blurred learner‐teacher identities a dialectical pedagogy emerged and a collaborative community of practice developed, all enabled through a renegotiation and reconceptualising of places of learning. The beginning teachers also started to construct their artist teacher identities, understand what it means to practise as an artist teacher in the classroom, understand the impact of these practices on teaching and learning and develop new learning and teaching methods. This project demonstrates the possibilities of these practices for contemporary art and design pedagogy and also how these practices can endure and be sustainable for this community of beginning teachers in the current cultural, social and political contexts of education.  相似文献   

项目教学法在机械创新设计课程教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本次机械创新设计课程的教学设计以新产品开发为教学项目。本课程是发挥学生个人想象力和协调合作能力的开放性实验课。学生通过自己动手进行各种相关工程实践的创新设计,一方面获得基本实际技能的训练,培养独立思考和操作的能力,另一方面培养分析和解决实际问题的能力,激发创新潜能,从而为毕业设计以及今后从事生产技术工作打下良好的基础。  相似文献   

本文从当今教育学教育理论研究的尴尬现状出发,探讨教育实践对好的教育理论的迫切需要,阐发好的教育理论的标准及获得好的教育理论对研究者的要求.  相似文献   

在新课程改革的背景下,探讨教师专业发展的要义,应该聚焦于教师的专业实践活动层面。在当今教师的专业实践活动中,既有先进、时尚的理念来引领,又有具体、丰富的经验作指导。问题在于,先进理念与实践经验之间常常存在着空白。那么,对教师专业发展而言,在先进理念与实践经验之外,还有什么关键因素?这些因素能否填补这一空白?本文试对此问题作一探讨。  相似文献   

模拟课堂教学实践就是学生在教师的指导下,以数学教学理论为指导,充分发挥教师的创造性,自行设计教学方案,并模拟中学数学课堂对其中的一个教学设计方案进行教学实践。模拟课堂教学实践分为前期准备、课堂教学设计、模拟课堂实施和总结评价四个阶段。它充分调动学生自主学习的积极性,有效地促进学生之间的相互学习;创造理论与实践相结合的机会,深化学生对数学教学理论的理解;提供训练教学技能的平台,促进学生数学教学能力的初步形成。  相似文献   

“生命实践教育学”的内涵以及建构,是一个值得反思和批判的问题。因为无论是在生命内涵,理解生命的方式,还是在以之为核心的教育学体系上,都存在诸多疑问。从根本上讲,“生命实践教育学”对待生命、实践的态度都远离了二者的真义,从而使“生命实践教育学”成了“技术教育学”。  相似文献   

翻译研究的功能途径一直是翻译界的学术热点,它强调根据不同的语言功能、文本类型、翻译目的、读者对象等采取不同的翻译策略,将翻译视为由目的驱动、以产品为导向的跨文化交流行为,对以信息的跨文化传递为目的的应用型翻译提供了切实可行的理论指导,并可具体运用于应用型翻译的实践和教学之中,帮助译者从分析原文语言及文本功能入手,预测译文功能,树立译前决策意识,采取灵活适当的翻译方法,以实现译本功能和保证跨文化交流的顺利进行。  相似文献   

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