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Chinese print can date back 1100 years. For example, carved bricks and stones in the Han Dynasty are actually ear, forms of woodprint. As a type of print art, wood board printing invented in the Tang Dynasty was closely related to life of ordinary people and helped to spread arts in ancient China. Buddhist sutra Vajracchedika printed in 868 AD is the important evidence testifying to the wood board printing of the Tang Dynasty and the world's earliest complete printed book still preserved today. Thus it is generally recognized as the peak of print art of the Tang Dynasty.  相似文献   

A bookplate is usually a small print or decorative label pasted to a book to indicate its owner. As a form of higher art, bookplates are praised as "gems on paper" or "pearls in print". First appearing in the 1 5th century, bookplates are collected as timehonored artworks. In Europe, collecting and appreciating bookplates is recognized as one of qualifications for intellectuals. In China, bookplates have gained increasing popularity among collectors thanks to the upgraded aesthetic level of Chinese people.  相似文献   

Print on fabric-is a traditional art popular in rural areas of Linyi, Shandong Province This folk art is said to first appear during the Qin-Han :period (221 BC - 220 AD) and floufshed from the 14^th century to the 20^th century.  相似文献   

Hangu District is located at the lower streams of nine rivers which stretch through the city of Tianjin,an industrial city neighboring Beijing.It faces Bohai Bay in the south,salt marshes in the east,vineyards in the west and vegetable fields in the north.Hangu is a beautiful town,with an ancient canal winding through it.Endowed with gorgeous sceneries and rich cultural traditions, Hangu has enjoyed a vibrant and unique art form of print painting.In the 1980s,a group of young print painters stood out in Hangu,enjoying nationwide reputation.In 1986,more than 300 pieces of Hangu print painting were on display at the  相似文献   

Pan Yuanshi, an art teacher in his early years and a renowned print artist, enjoys high respect among southern Taiwan's art circle. In his professional career as the CEO of Chimei Foundation, he remarkably enhanced its public exposure and abilities to organize events, making it the most important cultural and art foundation in southern Taiwan.  相似文献   

Letter paper design in woodblock print is a unique art of ancient China. It evolved into a distinct and elegant art form during the Ming and Qing dynasties when many famous artists and writers ordered letter paper specially designed for themselves. Some was even decorated with special water prints and secret marks. In ancient China, letter paper was not simply used for the purpose of writing but imbued with cultural richness.  相似文献   

Woodprint is pronounced “Shiangba” in the Tibetan language. Shiangba features its own distinctive style, which makes it different from other forms of woodprint. Not long ago, an exhibition on Shiangba works was held in the National Art Museum of China (NAMOC), jointly organized by the print art committee under the Chinese Artists Association, Sichuan Provincial Association of Artists and Aba Higher Normal School. It is the first exhibition on Tibetan-style woodprint ever held in China's top art gallery, which set a milestone in the history of Chinese painting.  相似文献   

“Art has never been so close with money as it is today. Over the past several decades, art has become a global business. If you want to learn about what changes have taken place in the art world and the relationship between people and art, you must be aware of the power of finance involved,” Noah Horowitz wrote in his book “Art of the Deal: Contemporary Art in a Global Financial Market”.  相似文献   

All problems of art are prob- lems of rhythm. Hence, in trying to understand Chineseart, we must begin with Chinese rhythm and the source of artistic inspiration. Allowing that rhythm is universal and that the Chinese do not own a monopoly of nature's rhythms, it is still possible to trace a differ- ence of emphasis. It has already been pointed out, in the discussion on the ideal of womanhood in China,  相似文献   

“Bund” derives from an Anglo-Indian word for an embankment along a muddy waterfront. In the late 19^th century after Shanghai was forced to open to Western colonists, the Bund became the site of some of the earliest foreign settlements and now is known as one of the most recognizable architectural symbols of Shanghai. But the Bund is not a feature exclusive to Shanghai. Similar styles of architecture also appear in other coastal or river cities in China, such as Wuhan,Guangzhou, Chengdu and Fuzhou.  相似文献   

If there is any miracle in the modern fine affs history of China, you can't point anyone but him. His name is Qi Baishi who lived through 1864 to 1957 and was a benchmark of Chinesefine arts and a great man of his time. He used to be a carpenter, but because of his persistence on the exploration of art, he climbed onto the peak of Chinese fine arts and eventually became a world renowned Chinese painting master.  相似文献   

Pang Zhu, or named Shan Zhu, born in Changchun, Jilin Province in 1945, is currently member of the Artists Association of Sichuan Province, executive council member of the Photographers Association of Chengdu City and professor with the department of art and design of Chengdu University of Science and Engineering. With the degrees in painting, photography, and advertising and decoration, Pang has dedicated himself to art education and painting for forty years or so. As a retired professor, he now offers advice on graduation design and thesis defense and organizes academic workshops in CUSE.  相似文献   

Chinese arts have undergone tremendous changes thanks to the fast-growing modernization and urbanization process in China. One of the monumental changes is the emergence of “public art”, most notably, urban sculpture. This art is increasingly related to modern urban planning, architecture, and community building.  相似文献   

Wenzhou, located in the southeast province of Zhejiang, is known as a "hometown of craftsmanship", with such distinctive folk craft arts as Ou-style embroidery, Huangyang wood carving and fine-patterned paper carving. Ou-style embroidery is indigenous to the valley of the Ou River in Wenzhou, celebrated as a unique craft art of Zhejiang. This type of embroidery is highly decorative with distinctive local characteristics.  相似文献   

"Architecture is music in space, as it were a frozen music. "A theater is a perject mix of the two. The past three years has seen the construction of numerous theatres around China. They are not only cultural landmarks, but also bear significant economic and social implications. It is the joint responsibility of builders, operators and managers to make them cultural icons that play a key role in promoting local cultural and art development. The reporter recently visited Guangzhou Opera House, put in use jbur years ago, in order to find its success in bringing cultural experience Jor local citizens.  相似文献   

The setting of the film Peacock is the small town of Heyang, home of the Gao family. The Gaos are not wealthy, but there is no lack of love and warmth among them. The parents are hardworking, honest people. Weihong, the daughter, loves art and is full of dreams, but often feels depressed about her failure to join the military. Both her career and her marriage are unsuccessful. The elder son, Weiguo, has a slight mental disorder and is his parents' pet, but is often bullied by people outside the family. He also suffers setbacks in finding his ideal mate and has to settle on a less-than-perfect love to marry. The younger son, Weiqiang, is a sensitive, gloomy lad who is silent but self-adoring. He drops out of middle school and marries a divorced actress. Heyang, though a fictional place, is based  相似文献   

The year of 2005 marked the centennial anniversary of Chinese film.Over the past century,film has changed people's ways of life,influenced their ideas and concepts and expanded their sphere of imagination.As a celebrated American critic said.film is the most typical art form of the time which has an integrated feature in both technology and society.Therefore,it takes an important responsibility to develop,restore and upgrade people's ability to feel and experience. The year of 2005 has passed and to review Chinese movies in the past year will fring us a delightful memory.  相似文献   

Printing painting usually refers to varieties of painting printed on wood, stone, linoleum, copper and zinc blocks carved by knife or etched by chemicals. China is generally recognized as the inventor of printing painting, but for quite a long time, it has had a poor market for print painting trade, with only few collectors dedicated to for this type of painting. In recent years, with print paintings by master artists gaining outstanding performance in the international market, values of original print painting have begun to be recognized in China's collection market.  相似文献   

In China there are small matriarchal societies which survived for thousands of years and whose culture is unknown by the majority of our modern world.One of them is the ancient cuiture of the Mosuo, an ethnic minority group living in the provinces of Yunnan and Sichuan, areas referred to in old Chinese historical records as "the empire of women". After reading about this culture, Mathilde Heijne, a Berlin-based artist, started thinking about an art proiect that would locus on their social structures and began planning a trip to Lake Lugu - the home of the Mosuo.  相似文献   

Farmer printing first appeared in Qijiang County, Chongqing Municipality in the 1960s and 70s when the first print works, "The Party Branch's Secretary", was created by artists from Sichuan Artists Association, based on their experience in the county and characterized by the mix of revolutionary realism and romanticism. During the Cultural Revolution ( 1966 - 1976), while traditional culture and classical Western culture were both labeled as "poisoned and collapsed", only print painting was encouraged by the communist government as it depicted realistic subjects of the time. Print exhibitions and workshops were launched in Qijiang's villages, which helped to give rise to indigenous print in the decades to come. Farmer printing of Qijiang County embraced heydays in the 1980s when the reform and opening policies were exercised nationwide, as a result of the influence by the print style of Jinshan.  相似文献   

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