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本文从社会课教学实际出发,对北京学生进行了调查.作出了实事求是的分析,并提出了思考和建议.  相似文献   

A dearth of research has investigated the language preference of bilingual childhood populations and its subsequent relationship to reading skills. The current study evaluated how a sequential bilingual student's choice of language, in a particular environmental context, predicted reading ability in English and Spanish. The participants were Latino children ranging in age from 7 years, 5 months, to 11 years, 6 months, with 43% born in the United States. Results showed a relationship between a child's higher English language preference for media and for communication with others outside the family and better reading skills in English. Language preference differences predicted reading abilities better for English than for Spanish. Results suggested that sequential bilingual children's language preference may be a useful marker of English language (second language [L2]) facility and use that is related to their reading proficiency or influences the development of English reading skills in such bilingual children in the United States. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 44: 171–181, 2007.  相似文献   

The visual-motor integration of preschool children who varied in terms of race, sex, and socioeconomic status was assessed using the Beery-Buktenica Test of Visual-Motor Integration (VMI). An analysis of covariance revealed that there were significant main effects for race, sex, and socioeconomic status. Since, at the three- and four-year level, the VMI was normed only on white suburban children, the results of this study seemed to indicate the need for norms for black children at the preschool level. Thus, the second part of this paper reports normative data for black preschool children on the VMI.  相似文献   

The goal of the present study was to study the relationship between affective responses to social comparison and test scores among high school students. Our analyses showed that three types of responses to social comparison could be distinguished: an empathic, constructive, and destructive response. Whereas girls scored higher on empathic response, boys scored higher on destructive response. In addition, students who had a high social comparison orientation (SCO) scored higher on all three types of responses than students who expressed a low SCO. Multilevel regression analyses indicated that, after controlling for previous performance, a destructive response was negatively related to performance on tests for reading comprehension and mathematics. An empathic response was positively related to performance on reading comprehension only whereas a constructive response compensated the negative relationship between destructive response and reading comprehension. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Male and female Sprague-Dawley rats reared in social isolation and in crowded conditions were tested on their active-avoidance performance. Only males appeared to be affected by the treatments; no housing-condition effect was found on the performance of females. The most severe housing-condition effect was that of social isolation; the isolated males showed impaired acquisition of the avoidance response. We have previously reported diminished adrenocortical flexibility in male isolates, which might account for the present results. A possible failure of the inhibition mechanisms of isolates is also taken into account.  相似文献   

有关社会网络与大学生创业绩效关系的研究文献已经积累了一定的数量,但相关实证研究结论并不一致,这就需要通过元分析来寻求一般性的结论.本研究基于20102020年期间国内24项研究的5868个样本对社会网络与大学生创业绩效的关系进行元分析,并分析了取样地区、创业绩效测量方法等5个变量的调节作用.元分析结果显示:社会网络对大学生创业绩效有显著的提升作用,网络规模和网络强度均对大学生创业绩效具有显著的正向影响;研究取样地区、文献发表时间和创业绩效测量方法可以显著调节两者之间的关系.在此基础上,本研究提出大学生创业者要积极通过社会网络来获取创业所需的战略性资源,高校的创新创业教育要注重提升大学生的社会网络拓展与管理能力以及政府应当重视提高政策的支持力度和针对性等建议.  相似文献   

马克思主义的阶级理论对分析研究我国新社会阶层现象仍具有理论价值和现实意义.我国的新社会阶层是伴随着改革开放和社会主义市场经济的发展而产生的,它不同于西方的中产阶级,不仅是中国特色社会主义事业的建设者,而且也是我国社会结构稳定不可缺少的因素.对于新社会阶层,党和政府应该在充分尊重其权益的同时,积极引导,以更有利于构建我国社会主义和谐社会.  相似文献   

现代和谐社会结构的根本特征在于各利益群体自觉维持的利益均衡格局以及中间阶层的兴起.中国社会阶层结构变迁表现出明显的路径依赖和封闭性特征,其根本原因在于各阶层占有的社会资本的不同导致了获取资源的机会的不平等.创新体制,弱化社会资本的作用,建立交易成本更低的市场经济体制,在利益群体的博弈过程中形成利益均衡格局和利益协调机制,促进阶层流动,是构建和谐社会的一个重要方面.  相似文献   

Measures of trait anxiety, state anxiety, and achievement were obtained on a sample of undergraduate students, half of whom received additionaal humorous items in the achievement test. In a regression analysis, the trait anxiety × test version interaction was a significant predictor of achievement. Subsequent analyses revealed a disordinal interaction in which highly anxious students had lower achievement on the humorous test than on the nonhumorous test, and students with low anxiety had higher achievement on the humorous test than did students with high anxiety. The results do not support the popular assumption that humor is a positive factor in reducing high anxiety associated with academic evaluations.  相似文献   

浅析大学英语大班教学的困难与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国高校自扩大招生以来,大学英语大班授课的情况日益普遍,给我们的教学带来了不少困难和问题,严重地影响了我们的外语教学质量.文章着重介绍大学英语大班教学中所出现的一些主要问题,并进一步探讨了一些提高大学英语大班教学质量的途径.  相似文献   

语言类学科需要的是学生的时时应用和融合于自己的生活中才能真正的掌握.学习英语不应只是在课堂上死板的背单词和练习语法,这样的做题高手往往在现实生活中根本不能将所学发挥出来,甚至很难用英语交流,违背了学习的初衷和目的.采取互动式的教学,教师作为引导者启发学生的想象,开放、活跃的课堂气氛将传统的授课变为师生之间的交流,充满了活力与乐趣.在互相学习、共同进步的教学模式下,学生被激发出来的热情和积极性带动着大脑思考,使课堂传递知识的有效率大大提高.  相似文献   

班班通的设备与资源为小学英语教育提供了多元的信息输入和输出方式,为异域文化背景下的小学生的语言交际和文化理解提供了相对真实的情境。班班通的推广实施对于正处在探索中的英语教学中的文化教学实践中的英语国家的文化与中华民族优秀传统文化的对比理解以及目的语中的词汇社会文化内涵意义的感性认识的提高具有重要的意义,从而优化小学生语言学习的形式方法,实现两种语言文化下思维方式的逐步养成都有重要的意义。  相似文献   

This study investigated the associations of oral language and reading skills with a sample of 282 Spanish-speaking English language learners across 3 years of elementary school. In the 3rd grade, the English and Spanish decoding measures formed two distinct but highly related factors, and the English and Spanish oral language measures formed two factors that showed a small positive correlation between them. The decoding and oral language factors were used to predict the sample's English and Spanish reading comprehension in the 6th grade. The decoding and oral language factors were both significant predictors of reading comprehension in both languages. The within-language effects were larger than the cross-language effects and the cross-language effects were not significant after accounting for the within-language effects.  相似文献   

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