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论学校心理健康教育的生活性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
学校心理健康教育是关于生活智慧的教育,它是从生活出发,在生活中展开并为了生活的教育。  相似文献   


Despite elevated rates of suicide and evidence of poor mental health among medical professionals, there is a paucity of research in the UK into the mental health of students destined for these careers. This study estimated and compared the prevalence of mental ill-health in students studying veterinary medicine, medicine, dentistry and pharmacy in the United Kingdom. A group of law students was also included, who, although subject to similar stressors as undergraduates, do not go on to share a heightened risk of suicide as professionals. A total of 1744 respondents completed a questionnaire with validated measures to assess wellbeing, psychological distress, depression and suicidal ideation and attempts. Results indicated that law students experienced the poorest mental health of the student groups studied. Wellbeing was highest among veterinary and medical students. However, the medical students were the most likely to have previously attempted suicide. These findings highlight the importance of directly comparing student groups and of appropriately supporting students as they progress through training and into the professions.  相似文献   

It has been estimated that 9 to 13% of children and adolescents have a mental disorder that causes significant functioning impairment and that only one fifth of those who need mental health services actually receive them. The majority of children and adolescents are enrolled in schools, where they spend a considerable amount of time, and this is followed by the increasing efforts to establish collaboration between mental health professionals and school personnel. The role of mental health professionals is crucial in improving children’s mental health, as well as for providing better response to parents, educational staff and other agencies. There are several ways for a child psychiatrist to reach children and adolescents in a school setting: through individual student consultations (case consultations), through consultations to schools on general mental issues (systems consultations) and through promotion of mental health by creating and demonstrating evidence-based programmes for children, parents, school staff and others who are involved in child’s care. In order to achieve these goals, we need to establish partnerships and to define roles among organisations and individuals in the wider school environment, such as schools and school management, municipal authorities and administration, media, police, social welfare centres, health centres, parents and youth associations.  相似文献   

加强学校心理健康教育培养学生健全心理素质   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  
心理素质是人的素质的重要组成部分,培养学生健全的心理素质是学校教育尤其是学校心理健康教育的重要目标。对学校心理健康教育重要性和必要性的正确认识,弄清学校开展心理健康教育亟待解决的若干理论问题,探讨学校如何科学有效地开展心理健康教育,是当前学校开展心理健康教育培养学生健全心理素质急需解决的重要课题。  相似文献   

以某中等卫校学生为研究对象,通过准实验法比较心理健康知识讲座和个别咨询相结合的心理健康教育模式1以及心理健康知识讲座与班级心理辅导和个别咨询相结合的心理健康教育模式2的效果。实验前后SCL-90评定多重比较结果显示:模式1与对照组相比,只有恐怖因子变化差异具有显著性,而模式2与对照组相比,除躯体化、偏执和精神病性因子外,其他各个因子和总分变化差异均具有显著性。学生自评及班主任和任课教师评价均表明:实验2班学生在自我认识、人际关系、情绪调控能力、挫折承受能力、学习效率等方面均有显著变化。心理健康知识讲座与班级心理辅导相结合是现阶段中等职业学校心理健康教育有效而可行的途径。  相似文献   



The proportion of young people suffering from poor mental health is on the increase, including in Scandinavian countries. This increase seems paradoxical, as Scandinavian countries are among those with the lowest degree of material deprivation, economic inequality, and social exclusion.  相似文献   

重大疫情爆发容易引发大学生焦虑、愤怒与应激等心理。做好重大疫情下大学生的心理防护应该开展心理教育,优化大学生认知结构;开展心理训练,稳定大学生情绪心态;开展心理疏导,完善大学生内心追求;开展心理危机干预,提高大学生心理应激水平。通过四位一体的心理防护模式,帮助大学生形成良好的行为应对方式,打赢疫情防控阻击战。  相似文献   

Young people's wellbeing is often lowest where they assume a relatively low position within their school's socioeconomic hierarchy, for example, among poorer children attending more affluent schools. Transition to secondary school is a period during which young people typically enter an environment which is more socioeconomically diverse than their primary school. Young people joining a school with a higher socioeconomic status intake relative to their primary school may assume a relatively lowered position within their school’s socioeconomic hierarchy, experiencing a detriment to their wellbeing as a consequence. This article draws on data from 45,055 pupils in Years 7 and 8, from 193 secondary schools in Wales, who completed the 2017 Student Health Research Network (SHRN) Student Health and Wellbeing (SHW) survey. Pupils reported which primary school they previously attended, and survey data on wellbeing were linked to publicly available data on the free school meal entitlement of schools attended. In cross-classified linear mixed-effects models, with primary and secondary school as levels, mental wellbeing varied significantly according to both primary and secondary school attended. A higher school-level deprivation was associated with worse mental wellbeing in both cases. Mental wellbeing was significantly predicted by the relative affluence of a child's primary and secondary school, with movement to a secondary school of higher overall socioeconomic status associated with lowered wellbeing. These findings highlight transition to secondary school as a key point in which socioeconomic inequality in wellbeing may widen, and thus as an important focal point for intervention to reduce health inequalities.  相似文献   

The pressures and influences experienced by school leaders as school policymakers, during the first responses to COVID-19 pandemic, made their task of interpreting, translating and implementing school guidance both difficult and stressful. During COVID-19 pandemic, school leaders faced challenges to prioritise and balance ever-changing government policy advice with the limitations of school buildings, the welfare of students and staff, and the needs of communities, a task made complicated by the methods of communication used by government. By surveying and interviewing headteachers, senior leaders and governors, this article identifies the reactions and responses of school leaders who construct and enact policy in the context of COVID-19 pandemic. The article addresses the nature of, and factors affecting, pressures school leaders feel in authoring and implementing policy. These pressures are non-trivial and increase tension in already highly stressful work. The report draws on data collected from a randomised, stratified sample of primary and secondary school leaders from across England in early June 2020, during the time of national lockdown and remote learning. Findings suggest quality, quantity and frequency of top-down communication contributed to school leader stress, while horizontal communication and collaboration between school leaders and across school communities supported leaders during rapid change. We recommend that government and the Department of Education strengthen and streamline stressful communication systems while building cooperative communities, mitigating against the challenges identified by school leaders during the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

自2019年12月31日湖北省武汉市卫健委首次通报当地新型冠状病毒肺炎病例以来,新冠病患一度遍布中国各个省份及多个国家,病毒的传播速度超乎人们预期。全球疫情升级是灾难,是对人类健康和生命安全的一大考验,更是对人们心理的一次历练。基于此,各地高校应抓住这一契机,分析大学生所表现出的复杂心理活动和行为方式,提出积极的教育对策,引导提升大学生在突发公共事件下的心理健康水平。  相似文献   

当前中国新冠肺炎疫情防控工作已从应急状态转为常态化状态.调查显示,学生在疫情下的心态变化呈现出消极情绪明显缓解、思想认知趋于理性、行为表达积极正向、"四个自信"更加坚定的总体特征.但是,由于疫情所引发的学生心态问题及成长困境也不容忽视,高校应结合疫情防控工作对大学生进行针对性和实效性的引导,发挥高校思想政治教育在组织动...  相似文献   

Although the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic is still ongoing, vaccination rates are rising slowly and related treatments and drugs are being developed. At the same time, there is increasing evidence of preexisting immunity against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in humans, mainly consisting of preexisting antibodies and immune cells (including T cells and B cells). The presence of these antibodies is mainly due to the seasonal prevalence of four common coronavirus types, especially OC43 and HKU1. The accumulated relevant evidence has suggested that the target of antibodies is mainly the S2 subunit of S protein, followed by evolutionary conservative regions such as the nucleocapsid (N) protein. Additionally, preexisting memory T and B cells are also present in the population. Preexisting antibodies can help the body protect against SARS-CoV-2 infection, reduce the severity of COVID-19, and rapidly increase the immune response post-infection. These multiple effects can directly affect disease progression and even the likelihood of death in certain individuals. Besides the positive effects, preexisting immunity may also have negative consequences, such as antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) and original antigenic sin (OAS), the prevalence of which needs to be further established. In the future, more research should be focused on evaluating the role of preexisting immunity in COVID-19 outcomes, adopting appropriate policies and strategies for fighting the pandemic, and vaccine development that considers preexisting immunity.  相似文献   

The role and future directions of the educational psychology services are being re‐examined and there is a drive to build a more integrated system of services for children and young people that incorporates education, health and social care. This qualitative study examines teacher’s perspectives on their professional involvement with educational psychology services. The results indicate that while it was clear that educational psychologists are highly valued by teachers, there are a number of issues that teachers believe constrain service provision. We suggest that greater cross‐system consultation is needed in order to more closely examine how the roles of professionals working in education, health and social care services impact on each other.  相似文献   

The Targeted Mental Health in Schools (TaMHS) programme was a nationwide initiative that funded mental health provision in schools for pupils at risk of or already experiencing mental health problems. The implementation, impact and experience of this programme was evaluated using quantitative and qualitative methodology involving three main studies: (1) a 1-year RCT involving 8658 8–10 year olds and 6583 11–13 year olds, (2) a 3-year longitudinal study involving 3346 8–10 year olds and 2647 11–13 year olds and (3) qualitative interviews with 26 TaMHS workers, 31 school staff, 15 parents and 60 pupils. The RCT demonstrated that TaMHS led to reductions in behaviour problems but not emotional problems for 8–10 year olds. No impact was found for 11–13 year olds. The effects on behaviour problems in primary school were enhanced by the provision of evidence based self-help materials, but not by other area level support. The longitudinal study found information giving and good inter-agency working correlated with more positive outcomes for behavioural problems in secondary schools. The qualitative findings indicated that TaMHS was well received by all groups, though challenges to its implementation were noted. Overall, findings indicate the utility of targeted mental health provision in schools, particularly in primary settings. The implications for implementation are discussed.  相似文献   

为了解新冠肺炎疫情下大学生的认知和行为特征,本研究以全国7582名大学生为调查对象,从大学生的风险感知能力、学习适应性、社会责任感和价值观四个方面开展调查,采用交叉表、非参数检验、对应分析等统计方法,对大学生的认知和行为的差异性进行分析。结果显示,大学生在疫情下表现出较强的风险认知能力、社会责任感和家国认同感,学习适应性一般,个体特征不同的大学生的认知和行为具有显著的差异性。提高大学生应对重大突发公共卫生事件的能力,应以风险认知教育为起点,以社会服务融入专业教育为导向,提高学习内驱力和外驱力。  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2005,20(2):83-89
In this article Simon Ellis and Janet Tod review the KS3 National Strategy Behaviour and Attendance strand (DfES, 2003a; 2004a) and the Behaviour and Attendance pilot materials from the Primary National Strategy (DfES, 2003b; 2003c; 2003d). Relevant policy documentation is examined in order to explore how the role of the special educational needs coordinator (SENCO) can be interpreted in relation to these strategies. Issues for debate and the implications for emergent practice are highlighted by the authors.  相似文献   

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