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This paper reviews the literature on the location and regional effects of science and technology (S&T) in the context of developed economies. Two processes associated with the creation of new products, agglomeration and spin-off, act to attract further innovative activity in those regions. Other regions, where R&D and related activities do not take place, are unlikely to be the locations of new-product production, and instead will tend to specialize in the production of standardized products. Both corporate and government R&D rely on pools of technical labor for technological and new-product activities; these pools of mobile workers are most attracted to large urban areas. In only some of these areas, however, does the spin-off process result in the generation of new technology-based firms. The availability of local venture capital appears to be the principal influence on this variation. Government policy regarding science and technology has impacts on regions by contributing to the agglomeration of R&D. Government policy also often fails to recognize that S&T policy and industrial policy have regional effects that may be long-term in nature and most detrimental to those regions whose economies are least competitive. Finally, some priorities for future research on innovation in a regional setting are identified.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the effects of the deregulation policy introduced in India in the mid-1980s on the relationship between technology imports and in-house R&D efforts. Using appropriate statistical techniques, it examines the interactions between policy regime, economic environment and the determinants of inter-industry variation in technology imports in Indian manufacturing. In doing so, it introduces R&D efforts as one of the main determinants. Literature suggests that there is simultaneity in the relationship between technology imports and R&D efforts. To tackle this problem, lagged R&D expenditure intensity is adopted as a proxy for in-house R&D efforts. The empirical results reveal that technology imports were only weakly related with the past in-house R&D efforts in the protective regime. Deregulation promoted complementarity between technology imports and R&D efforts significantly. The results also suggest that after deregulation, the impact of product differentiation, demand conditions and technology-related factors increased significantly in determining the inter-industry patterns of technology imports. Thus, unlike in a regulated regime where technology imports are viewed important for filling gaps in domestic technological capabilities, in a deregulated regime technology upgradation seems to be the major role of technology imports.  相似文献   

政府R&D投入、环境规制与农业科技创新效率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
环境规制、政府R&D投入是制约农业发展的两大难题,度量二者对农业科技创新效率的影响,对研究现代农业可持续发展具有重要意义。本文采用2004-2015年我国30个省、市、区的面板数据,使用超对数SFA模型,测算出30个省级的农业科技创新效率,再采用门槛面板数据模型,研究环境规制和政府R&D投入对我国农业科技创新效率的影响,及对二者最优强度区间进行分析。研究表明:在农业科技创新过程中,环境规制和政府R&D投入对农业科技创新效率提升具有正向影响,且二者对农业科技创新效率存在显著的门槛性。当环境规制强度低于门槛值0.617时,环境规制对农业科技创新具有显著的正向影响,影响系数0.798;当政府R&D投入强度高于门槛值0.109时,影响系数为0.194,政府R&D投入对创新效率促进作用持续增强。只有当环境规制和政府R&D投入处于合理区间时,环境规制政策才能引致政府R&D投入,具有“激励效应”,进而影响农业科技创新行为,产生创新补偿效应,实现农业科技创新效率的提升,促进农业经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

在借用并优化刘君构建的区域高等教育科技创新能力评价指标体系的基础上,对2005—2016年全国30个省市自治区的高等教育科技创新能力进行了评价。研究显示,全国各省域的高等教育科技创新能力总体不断提高并保持良好发展趋势,但不同区域间高等教育科技发展存有较大差距。在科技创新结构方面,高等教育科技创新能力、区域经济发展水平与区域科技发展水平虽有提高,但高等教育科技创新能力始终落后于区域经济发展水平与区域科技发展水平。为此,可通过建设科技城、实施高等教育圈发展战略等措施提升区域高等教育科技创新能力。  相似文献   

对新型研发机构实践经验典型案例进行研究,探讨其提高科技成果转化效率的工具和手段,为我国新型研发机构探寻科技成果转化道路提供参考。中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院作为我国最早一批的新型研发机构之一,科技成果转化机制创新成效显著,因此以其为典型案例,从学术文献、机构官网、实地调研谈话和新闻媒体报道中获取资料,梳理其中的关系机制,构建新型研发机构科技成果转化机模型,分析新型研发机构推动科技成果转化过程中的动力机制和主要影响因素。研究发现:新型研发机构以产业化创新理念为精神内核,以科研管理模式、孵化育成体系、创新生态体系为治理结构,借助市场化运作模式形成内生发展动力,共同推动科技成果转化。基于研究结论,提出推动新型研发机构科技成果转化的对策建议,包括完善新型研发机构科技成果转化机制、促进科技金融深度融合、优化地方自主创新环境等。  相似文献   

采用Pearson相关性分析、灰色关联分析和Granger因果关系检验方法,从相关性和因果关系的角度分析湖南省科技统计面板数据与以RD投入为代表的科技投入的相互作用关系。研究结果表明:湖南省高新技术企业数量、专利申请与授权数量、地区生产总值(GDP)和RD项目金额与其RD投入关系密切,其中高新技术企业数量与RD投入的相关性最高,且这些因素之间存在单向的作用关系,具体表现为GDP增长刺激RD投入增加,RD投入增加则进一步促进高新技术企业成长和专利成果的产出。通过分析认为,湖南省要增加RD投入、提升区域科技创新能力,应稳定经济稳增长,提高RD投入的转化水平,并合理搭配科技政策。  相似文献   

By introducing the concept of innovation regimes, the aim of this article is to show how the rapid pace of technological development in the telecom sector may be explained by the close links between the sector's own R&D and the creation of numerous innovations, many of which are radical. In contemporary innovation theory, a theoretical antinomy exists: Whereas, the creation of incremental innovations is variously explained in terms of «rational» responses to markets, dynamics of technological regimes, dominant design, etc., radical innovations, in contrast, are explained in terms of serendipity, chance or haphazard scientific discoveries. Evidence from analysis of innovations in the telecom sector suggests that innovation regimes have provided a capability of coordination, direction and leadership in the creation of many of the radical technological innovations that have emerged in the sector. Thus, one may claim that the strong innovation regimes and high R&D intensity of the telecom sector, at least until recently, have provided a capability of creating innovations on purpose — for a purpose. The policy implications of this contradict some of the assumptions on which the prevailing market-oriented R&D governance models and policies are based — and which are supported by contemporary innovation theories.  相似文献   

Olivier Bertrand   《Research Policy》2009,38(6):1021-1031
This paper investigates the causal effect of foreign acquisitions on the research and development (R&D) activities of domestic target firms over the period 1994–2004. Using accounting data on French innovative manufacturing firms, we implement appropriate difference-in-difference estimation techniques associated with a matching propensity score procedure. We find that the acquisitions of French firms by foreign companies boost R&D spending. There is a simultaneous rise in the external and in-house R&D expenditures of French acquired firms. R&D is more contracted out to local research providers, in particular to local public laboratories and universities. The increase in internal R&D spending benefits to development, but also basic and applied research. Finally, the growth of the R&D budget is not only financed by internal resources but also receives financing from external partners, especially parent companies. Thus, our results call into question the idea that foreign takeovers hamper the R&D development of target firms and are detrimental to the national innovation system of the host country. First, acquisitions appear to bring efficiency gains enough to counterbalance the various costs of integration and market power effects, pushing firms to invest more in R&D. Acquisitions do not seem to incite managers to take shorter term and more financial driven decisions at the expense of R&D. Second, when motivated by technology sourcing and overseas R&D development, acquisitions might be used to access the specific know-how of target firms and to tap into the knowledge of the national innovation system. Then, purchaser firms could be more likely to develop the innovative capability of target firms and to strengthen their linkages with local partners than to reduce them and relocate R&D abroad.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between the economic growth of European regions and their knowledge and human capital endowments. The share of adult population with tertiary education and the intensity of R&D expenditures in value-added emerge as the most effective factors enhancing the growth of GDP per capita recorded, during 1995–2002, by the regions belonging to twelve countries of the former EU15. However, while the educational variable is effective for the whole regional set, the impact of R&D is significant only for the regions that are above a given threshold of per capita GDP. Moreover, remarkable disparities arise among the regions of different countries. In particular, only within North European countries there is a significant relationship between regional growth and the intensity of R&D and higher education. The policy implications of both findings are discussed.  相似文献   

粤桂琼区域创新体系建设存在原始创新能力不强,科技资源配置尚显滞后;企业创新动力不足,创新组织机制不完善;科技中介服务未适应产业发展需求等问题。粤桂琼在已有的合作基础上深化科技合作对策措施包括:三地政府建构协调机制、强化制度创新;企业加大研发投入、建立行业联盟;科研机构加强产学研、培养创新人才;科技中介服务机构搭建信息平台、建设服务体系等。  相似文献   

Electricity sector liberalisation has coincided with a significant decline in R&D spending. This paper reviews the industrial organisation literature on R&D and innovation to explore the likely causes of the decline in R&D spending in the electricity sector. Meanwhile, R&D productivity and innovative outputs in utilities and equipment suppliers appear to have improved. However, a lasting decline in R&D expenditure can have a negative long-term effect on technological progress and innovation in the sector. We conclude that the decline in R&D could have been predicted from the literature. We also discuss the need to reorient the post-liberalisation technology policy.  相似文献   

党的十九大报告开启了我国迈向世界科技强国的新征程。文章从科技指标研究的视角,梳理我国面向科技强国建设还存在的短板和发展潜力,指出我国科技创新发展近期需要着力提升全社会研发经费投入,特别是企业研发投入的强度,提高国家高等教育人才培养水平,加强国际专利申请水平。中长期看,要面向科技强国建设的战略需求,强化科技人力投入和科研产出质量效率,提高劳动生产率和能源产出率,从而实现从科技强到国家强的发展目标。  相似文献   

以广东省科技金融发展情况为主要研究对象,以北京、上海、江苏、浙江等20个省市为对标省市,对科技金融相关内容进行统计。从科技产出、投融资体系以及支撑体系三个方面进行指标选取,筛选出18个子指标建立三级指标体系。利用投影寻踪模型对每个指标赋权重,构建出一个有权威数据支持、科学的指标体系构成的科技金融发展评价模型,并得出2015年各个地区的科技金融发展指数。模型结果表明新三板挂牌比例,R&D投入强度,财政支持力度对于区域科技金融发展起突出作用,广东的科技金融发展指数排名在20个省市中排名第三。  相似文献   

智能化是数字经济时代推动经济结构转型升级的可靠手段。本文基于系统构建的智能化体系框架,测度了2010-2019年区域智能化水平,并将科技人力资源异质门槛纳入智能化驱动产业转型升级机理框架,通过构建非线性动态面板门槛回归模型,探讨在不同地区科技人力资源异质门槛下智能化对产业转型升级的非线性影响。研究表明:区域智能化水平整体偏低,存在一定发展空间,且地区差异显著。智能化对产业转型升级作用呈现出显著的科技人力资源异质门槛效应,较低程度的科技人力资源显著抑制了产业转型升级,随着科技人力资源水平的提升并突破“临界值”,科技人力资源显著正向推动智能化对产业转型升级的作用,即智能化与产业转型升级呈现U型关系。研究回答了数字经济时代如何有效利用科技人力资源实现智能化、帮助区域产业转型升级问题,为现有研究提供系统性参考借鉴。  相似文献   

Niron Hashai  Tamar Almor   《Research Policy》2008,37(6-7):1022-1034
Complementary insights from Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) and the Resource-Based View (RBV) of the firm are combined to predict the relationship between firm specific technological knowledge and patterns of integration within organizational boundaries. The findings show that the level of Research and Development (R&D) intensity (representing the creation of firm specific technological knowledge) has an inverted U-shaped relationship with the propensity of firms to integrate activities within organizational boundaries. At low levels of R&D intensity, firms’ propensity to integrate their activities is low, but increases with escalating levels of R&D intensity in order to avoid the misappropriation of value generated by technological knowledge. However, beyond a certain R&D intensity level, the propensity to integrate activities declines, since the level of technological knowledge is high enough to prevent imitation by third parties. As expected we further find that firms which follow this integration pattern outperform those which do not. As the level of R&D intensity increases, the integration of production and marketing activities enables firms to improve performance until a certain R&D intensity threshold, after which such integration negatively affects performance.  相似文献   

新型研发机构是响应科技创新和科研组织范式变革的新事物,以创新的组织模式和机构形态构建了知识转移的新逻辑,有效促进了知识的转移和应用。文章通过多案例研究,探索分析了新型研发机构推动知识转移的内在机理。研究结果显示:(1)新型研发机构构建了面向市场的知识价值识别功能,提升了知识识别的动力和能力;(2)新型研发机构发展了基于应用场景的知识加工功能,形成了以专业团队、设备和平台为支撑的知识加工能力;(3)新型研发机构构建了促进知识显性化的功能,降低了知识的嵌入性和缄默性,提升了知识传播的效率;(4)新型研发机构完善了服务知识接收者应用知识的功能,降低了知识接收者利用新知识的风险。研究结论对于国家探索新型科研组织模式,深化科技体制改革,促进科技与经济深度融合发展提供了思路和理论支撑。  相似文献   

以我国创业板高新技术企业为研究样本,实证分析财税政策对企业RD活动的影响效应,研究表明税收优惠对企业RD有显著的正向作用,能够有效激励企业增加研发投入,而政府补助的影响效果不显著。进一步研究发现,税收优惠对不同区域企业技术创新的影响存在较大差异,对东、中、西部地区企业RD的激励效果依次递增,政府补助对西部地区高新技术企业的研发投入有一定的激励效应,却难以促进东部和中部地区高新技术企业的科技创新。基于此,提出建议兼顾税收优惠与政府补助的平衡性,着重依靠税收优惠扶持,结合地域特点制定有差别的税收优惠和政府补助政策。  相似文献   

通过运用DEA-Malmquist指数对我国2006-2016年省级科技服务业发展的技术效率以及全要素生产率进行测度,结果表明:科技服务业整体发展效率较低,已有生产要素投入潜力未能得到有效挖掘,处于规模不经济状态;科技服务业TFP以年均9.8%的速度增长,其中主要源动力来自技术进步变化,而技术效率变化对TFP增长的贡献较弱;生产率指数区域发展不均衡,高水平与较高水平区逐渐从东部地区向中西部地区扩散,地区间技术效率变化差异显著。要促使科技服务业效率提高,需要加大研发投入促进自主创新,完善制度环境加强管理创新,因地制宜缩小区域差异等。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how the structure and the evolution of inter-firm agreements have shaped the development of the smart card industry. The aim is to establish a closer connection between the evolution of inter-firm agreements in the smart card industry and the patterns of change of technology and demand in this new high-tech industry. Based on a proprietary database covering both collaborative agreements and mergers and acquisitions (M&As) occurring in this industry over the period 1992–2006, we find that the evolution of technology and market demand shapes the dynamics of R&D networks and M&As are likely to change the industry structure. We also find that a small group of producers – first-movers – still control the industry and technological trajectories. Their position arises not for oligopolistic reasons of market structure, but for technological and organizational reasons.  相似文献   

郭惠  刘航 《科研管理》2021,42(9):184-192
    “官产学研”融合是新时代创新型国家建设的重要举措,有效释放政府研发资助的调节红利至关重要。本文借助理论模型阐释高校创新活动与地方创新发展之间的逻辑关系,揭示政府研发资助对高校创新溢出的调节影响可能存在较为复杂的动态机制。采用Hansen的门槛回归方法以及中国30个省份的面板数据实证研究发现,高校创新能力提升对区域创新发展具有积极影响,但在不同水平时影响弹性系数有所差异,高校创新能力处于(0.275 3 0.560 3\]区间的溢出效应最佳。政府研发资助对高校创新溢出具有动态调节作用,当资助强度高于0.085 3门槛阈值,高校创新才会释放正向溢出的“挤入效应”,并且随着研发资助强化,溢出轨迹呈现出边际递增规律。相应研究启示在于,定位高校创新溢出的最佳区间,跨越政府研发资助的约束门槛,才能有效撬动“官产学研”的内生驱动,加速区域创新转型。  相似文献   

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