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我国是世界银行创始会员国之一。自一九八○年五月我国在世界银行的席位恢复以来,已和该行合作进行了不少贷款项目。党的十一届三中全会以来,在改革开放方针的指引下,我省在利用世界银行贷款发展教育事业方面取得了一些成就。目前,由省教育厅主管的贷款项目有:“电大/短大项目”、“地方大学发展项目”、“中学在职教师培训项目”,这三个贷款项目均在执行过程中。现正在准备签定贷款协议的有“普教教材建设项目”与“职工技术教育项目”。为了做好世界银行贷款工作,今简要介绍世界银行贷款程序,以供参考。  相似文献   

作为当今世界最重要的国际经济组织之一,世界银行在其与借款人签订的贷款协议中,均未约定明确的法律适用条款。这并非是世界银行的疏漏,而是世界银行出于种种考虑的结果。随着国际政治经济形势和法律环境的变化,要求世界银行修改其贷款协议中的法律适用条款。将国际法明确规定为贷款协议准据法的呼声日苴高涨,面临这一形势,世界银行极有可能对其贷款协议中的法律运用条款作出调整。由于我国是世界银行的主要借款国之一,了解并掌握世界银行在这方面的动态,对我国具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

党的十一届三中全会以来,我国利用外资的规模逐年扩大,其中,世界银行贷款已成为我国利用外资的重要渠道。世界银行(包括国际复兴开发银行、国际开发协会和国际金融公司)是世界上向发展中国家提供发展与援助资金的最大国际组织。世界银行一  相似文献   

利用世界银行贷款引进国外的先进的教学仪器和科学管理方法,以加速我国职业技术教育事业的发展是十分必要的。我校为接受世行贷款的院校之一。该项目90年进入执行期,94年末结束《执行期5年》。目前,进度已超过90%,贷款项目取得了明显成效。这主要表现在:  相似文献   

世行贷款“师范教育发展项目”的效益指标与我国师范教育相关效益现状比较谈肖伟才世行贷款“师范教育发展项目”是我国为解决高等师范教育投入不足的现状,利用世界银行而实施的贷款项目。此项贷款主要用于教学仪器设备采购、技术援助和图书采购等。世界银行非常注重对师...  相似文献   

一、问题的提出世界银行贷款“贫困省教育发展”项目,是经国务院批准,国家计委已正式立项的。这是我国从世界银行争取的教育事业的第五笔贷款,也是数额较大的一笔贷款。接受贷款的项目省份包括:陕西、贵州、湖北、山西、湖南和云南六省。  相似文献   

世界银行职业教育政策的演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界银行是对教育项目资助最多的国际组织,几十年来世界银行的职业教育政策经历了几个阶段性的演变,对世界各国的职业教育政策产生了重要影响.本文梳理了世界银行的职业教育贷款政策演变进程,并对其政策进行了评价.  相似文献   

业界动态云南职业教育发展将获世界银行3.2亿元贷款支持据云南省教育厅介绍,世界银行贷款云南职业教育发展项目启动,世界银行将提供3.2亿元贷款用于支持云南高职、中职、技工共9所学校提高办学水平,促进职业教育改革创新。  相似文献   

世界银行,是当今世界最大的国际金融开发组织和首要的国际发展组织。作为世界银行的两大信贷工具之一,政策贷款是用于帮助借款国恢复国际收支平衡、填补政策改革和制度建设方面的资金缺口,旨在实现借款国宏观发展目标的非项目贷款。发展中成员国取得政策贷款往往以满足特定条件,例如经济改革、行政改革、司法改革等为前提,习惯上我们把这些条件合称为“条件性”。条件性可谓世界银行在经济全球化的大时代背景下,向国际社会提供的一项公共产品,它以减少贫困、实现全球普遍发展为终极目标。  相似文献   

这篇论文是对1983年发表在《英国教育技术》杂志上的一篇论文的补充和更新。目前,中国的电视大学系统借助世界银行贷款,正在扩展和实现现代化。然而在专业技术人员的配备,对电视的依赖性,偏重城市和教学质量信度等方面尚有潜在的问题。世界银行对中国电大系统寄予很高的期望。本文中列出了双方确认的贷款项目进展指标。我们将以此来评价中国的电大系统。1990年以后,电视大学的学生整体将改变规模和性质吗?电视大学将开设不同的课程吗?电视大学将改变所使用的教学媒体吗?电视大学将会由于无需存在而消失吗?本文将回答这些重要的问题。  相似文献   

In the context of low-income countries, the role of donors in public policymaking is of great importance. Donors use a combination of lending and non-lending instruments as pathways of influence to shape policy directions in aid-recipient countries. This paper reports some findings from a doctoral study on the role of the World Bank in the recent higher education (HE) policy reform process in Ethiopia. It focuses on the nature and impact of non-lending assistance by the Bank to the Ethiopian HE subsystem. Based on an interpretive policy analysis of sector reviews and advisory activities of the Bank, and selected national HE policy documents, the following findings are highlighted. First, as a ‘knowledge institution’, the World Bank produces, systematises and disseminates knowledge through policy advice, policy reports, analytical sector reviews, and thematic conferences and workshops. Second, knowledge aid from the Bank not only has a profound discursive effect on shaping Ethiopian HE policy reform priorities in accordance with its neoliberal educational agenda but also undermines the knowledge production capacity of the nation. The paper also argues that, for an effective education policy support, the Bank needs to shift its modality of engagement from knowledge aid to research capacity building.  相似文献   

This article explores the way in which the World Bank has worked effectively with China in higher education. It investigates whether or not the cooperation between the two has changed in line with their changing relationship. More specifically, it discusses whether the World Bank’s China agenda reflects the reform package of socio-institutional neoliberalism which the World Bank has tended to promote worldwide in the era of the Post-Washington Consensus, and how China’s higher education reform has been influenced by the agenda. The article argues that as China is transferring its role from that of a recipient country to that of a donor country, it is increasingly important to position itself as a global player. Other than mastering the game rules of the international community, China should also expand its influence within and through these major international organizations.  相似文献   

This article contrasts the official, largely silent, role of the World Bank as an agent of global markets with its professed role as agent of the poor. The failure to make explicit its role as global market advocate creates a policy environment that can be destructive of both global markets and the long-term survival of the world’s poor. The article examines the World Bank’s Education Sector Strategy in this light. The article begins by outlining the institutional, policy and education frameworks that emerge from the conflicts of the World Bank’s dual role in markets and poverty. It then shows that the implementation and outcome analyses in The Strategy grow out of these frameworks and are, therefore, limited in scope and effectiveness. An approach that explicitly acknowledges the market roles of the World Bank would have led to a more effective policy document.  相似文献   

This essay review discusses the report of TheTask Force on Higher Education and Society(TFHES), convened in 1998 by the World Bank butindependently financed and staffed incollaboration with UNESCO and severalfoundations. Peril and Promise marks anhistoric turning point in the framework forpostsecondary educational planning. Rate-of-return analysis has been de-emphasized,while promotion of the public interest hasmoved front and center. The report of theTFHES, published in 2000 by the World Bank, hasreceived deserved attention in some parts ofthe world and has even developed an associatedwebsite (http://www.tfhe.net). As we explainbelow, the framework advocated by the TFHES isalready being used in official policy documentsof the World Bank, whose position will surelymultiply the influence of the Task Forcethrough its effect on other development banksas well as on programs of bilateral nationalassistance. And yet, despite its seminalimportance, the TFHES report has yet to befully appreciated by many researchers of highereducation. With this essay review, we hope tobroaden the discussion of the Task Force, and to offer a preliminary assessment of its impactin the 2002 World Bank policy document, and toconnect its arguments to questions that arecentral in the scholarly literature of ourfield.  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代与国际组织开展合作起,我国高等教育政策及发展历程中就有了国际组织影响的痕迹.本文以世界银行和世界贸易组织与我国的合作为例,阐释了这两个国际组织在我国高等教育改革与发展中所发挥的影响,在分析合作所带来的机遇和挑战的同时,认为我国高等教育应继续积极参与国际合作,与国际组织建立更为密切的工作关系,从而扩大我国在全球经济和知识发展中的作用,并使我们更好地应对来自诸方面的挑战.  相似文献   

论中国中央银行的独立性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
货币本位制的确立和二战后各国经济的发展,使得货币政策日益显示其重要性,中央银行的独立性问题相应地也引起了广泛的争论。世界各国经济发展的实践表明,中央银行能否有效地制定和执行货币政策,保持货币稳定,在很大程度上取决于中央银行的独立性。  相似文献   

This paper relates the contemporary educational reforms in Sri Lanka to the processes of globalisation. The international monetary organisations such as the IMF and the World Bank and the regional organisations like the Asian Development Bank (ADB) play a dominant role in influencing the debt-receiving countries when it comes to their educational practice. The intensity of the influence of these organisations can vary depending on the existing educational policy of the aid receiving countries. This paper, after a brief introduction on globalisation, examines its effects on the education policy in Sri Lanka with a special emphasis on the current language policy. Equity in education is usually advocated at primary level based on the universal primary education concept so highly upheld by the World Bank. However, the present high human development indicators are undoubtedly due to Sri Lanka's free education policy in native languages. The paper concludes stressing the importance to retain the national education policy as a means of empowerment and liberation of its masses and creating stronger ethnic harmony.  相似文献   

The current director of the Institute of Higher Education of Peking University is a forty-three-year-old professor, Min Weifang. After receiving a double masters degree in studies in higher education and organizational management, Professor Min was sent abroad by the state and received a doctoral degree from Stanford University in educational management and policy making. He then further undertook postdoctoral studies in the areas of educational economics and educational finance. After returning to China, he has been invited to undertake research work in the headquarters of the World Bank in the areas of educational investment and educational effectiveness. He is a national-level young expert who has made outstanding contributions in his fields of endeavor. At the moment, in addition to serving as an assistant to the president of Peking University, as the director of the Institute of Higher Education at Peking University, and as a faculty adviser to doctoral students, he also serves on the editorial board of the international journal Higher Education and holds the positions of Higher Education Investment Consultant for the World Bank and Group Leader of the Chinese Experts Group for the World Bank's loan program to educational development projects in the impoverished provinces and regions in China.  相似文献   

1927年至1937年国民政府统治前期,为了实现对全国金融业的垄断,进而巩固其在全国的统治,国民政府相继采取了一系列措施,金融货币方面采取“废两改元”及“法币政策”,金融机构方面建立了以“四行二局”为中心的国家信用体系。这样,国民政府最终确立了官僚资本金融垄断体系,掌握了全国国民经济的命脉。  相似文献   

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