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Measures of biographical data, or biodata, provide indicators of one's life history and past experiences. Biodata information is often available in various forms during processes of academic admissions to higher education. Such information can be used, in combination with other factors, to predict students’ future academic and extra-curricular accomplishments. There is a scattered body of literature investigating relationships between standardized biodata measures and a number of student criteria in college. The current study uses meta-analysis methods to summarize findings on how various biodata measures—overall scores or scale scores—predict student accomplishments, including grades, self- and other-rated performances, persistence, and extracurricular accomplishments. Data from 46 independent samples, consisting of 38,478 students and resulting in 74 individual predictor–criterion relationships were analyzed. Results indicate, generally, that biodata measures predict substantially students’ academic and extra-curricular accomplishments. Overall biodata scores correlate with grades at .39, persistence at .25, and point-hour ratios at .35. Students’ accomplishments in leadership, visual and performing arts, music, and science were predicted best by biodata measures developed specifically to target those outcomes. This meta-analytic study provides support for the predictive validity of biographical data inventories with respect to student outcomes and adds justification to the use of biodata in academic selection.  相似文献   

Despite the similarities that researchers note between the cognitive processes and knowledge involved in reading and writing, there are students who are much stronger readers than writers and those who are much stronger writers than readers. The addition of the writing section to the SAT provides an opportunity to examine whether certain groups of students are more likely to exhibit stronger performance in reading versus writing and the academic consequences of this discrepant performance. Results of this study, based on hierarchical linear models of student performance, showed that even after controlling for relevant student characteristics and prior academic performance, an SAT critical reading–writing discrepancy had a small effect on 1st-year grade point average as well as English course grades in college. Specifically, students who had relatively higher writing scores as compared to their critical reading scores earned higher grades in their 1st year of college as well as in their 1st-year English course(s).  相似文献   

The structural relation of the seven noncognitive dimensions proposed by Sedlacek and Brooks in 1976 and traditional definitions of academic ability, as indicated by Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores, to first semester grade-point average (GPA) and persistence after three and five semesters was examined in this study. Random samples of entrants at one predominantly white state university were administered the Non-cognitive Questionnaire (NCQ) during summer orientation in 1979 and 1980. The NCQ results and the SAT scores were used to derive structural models (using LISREL) or early academic success for both black and white students. The structural models for the black and white students were found to be very different. For black students, traditional academic ability was related to first semester GPA, but neither GPA nor academic ability was related to persistence. Only the noncognitive dimensions were predictive of black student persistence. For white students, academic ability was the best predictor of first semester grades, and these grades were the major predictor of subsequent persistence. The noncognitive dimensions were not important in white student academic success, whereas they were crucial in black student academic success.  相似文献   

针对学生的大学成绩和高考成绩及学生自身的努力程度的相关关系问题,收集泉州经贸学院07级会计专业的某20名学生的相关数据,采用典型相关分析的方法,通过SAS9.1进行了分析。结杲显示,高考成绩及自身努力程度都对大学成绩产生影响,尤其是学生的个人努力程度对大学成绩中的学习成绩产生非常重要的影响。  相似文献   

倾斜性招生政策是近年来我国面向贫困地区弱势学生实施的重要举措。使用国内某“双一流”大学追踪调查数据,分析国家专项与高校专项两类学生的在学发展情况。研究发现,两类专项学生受惠于倾斜性招生政策得以被录取,尽管高考成绩显著更低,但在各类能力自评得分方面没有劣势。不过,进入大学后,国家专项学生在自我认知方面和高校专项学生在批判性思维发展方面的自评得分均存在显著劣势。此外,高校专项学生入学时的毅力优势也在大三消失。在学业成绩方面,受学业基础较差影响,两类专项学生大一课业成绩显著偏低,且均在人文学科方面表现不佳。国家专项学生所获得的高考降分越多,大一挂科率和挂科数均显著越高,平均成绩显著越低,且在人文学科中尤为明显。研究认为,“双一流”高校在制定和实施国家专项招生政策时,应根据各自往年生源情况科学分配各学科专项招生名额,给予专项生更多的志愿填报指导,尝试放宽专项生转专业限制,并为专项生提供富有针对性的发展支持,在保障弱势学生入学机会的同时,更好地促进其在大学期间的良性发展。  相似文献   


A new college admission policy will be implemented in Taiwan in 2022. The purpose of this study was to understand the relationship between admission criteria and college success. Data was obtained from the Taiwan Higher Education Database; a sample size of 8443 students from 156 universities was used in this study. By using the structural equation model, this study tested a research model that included factors such as motivation, standardized test scores, high school achievements, and college success. The findings revealed that the General Scholastic Ability Test scores (in Chinese, English, Social Studies) and high school average academic grades are significantly associated with college success. A student’s motivation to complete a certain major can significantly predict the quality of student effort and influence college success. These findings highlight the importance of some admission criteria and provide practical implications for educational policy-makers, school administrators, students, and parents.  相似文献   

学业预警通过对学生学习过程中的学业指标进行分析,整合学生学习中的不利表现,对学生进行警示、劝告,并采取一定教育、引导措施,可以帮助发现学生群体中存在学业问题的学生,及时开展相应学业帮扶,避免走向退学的不利境地.本研究旨在通过一系列指标对高校学生学习行为进行量化评估,对于全体学生进行定期评估,筛选出处于不利情况学业情况的学生,并及时采取相应学业帮扶措施.本研究综合多种学习行为影响因素,能够全面细致评估学生的整体情况和单一因素表现,设定相应学业预警分级体系,旨在为学生学业预警做出贡献.  相似文献   

高职院校学生成绩预警管理是以对学生学习成绩的记载、统计和分析为依据,并通过成绩数据对存在的学习态度不端现象的学生进行及时告知和警示为管理核心的工作过程。高职院校成绩预警管理模式具有课程考核阶段化、成绩数据多元化、成绩统计立体化、成绩预警与反馈及时化等主要特点。实践证明,成绩预警管理模式的实施对高职院校在稳定教学秩序、树立良好学风、促进人才培养工作等方面有着极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

This study examines the academic performance and “engagement” of ethnic minority students at a leading university in southwest China. Results indicate that ethnic minority students have significantly lower grades, lower class ranking, and have failed more courses than majority Han students. Results also show that the level of student-faculty interaction (SFI) for ethnic minority students is significantly lower than for Han students. Study results also indicate that average scores in coursework and student ranking among their cohorts are significantly, but weakly, correlated with SFI. The study concludes that SFI may have little influence on students’ academic achievement itself, but would help students integrate into the college community, enabling a sense of belonging, which is a major factor in supporting academic success among ethnic minority students.  相似文献   

The role of alcohol or drug use has been underestimated in the etiology and diagnosis of the physical, academic and psychological problems of the college student; so has the fact of being the child of a parent with substance use disorder (SUD). SUD can masquerade behind a multitude of problems seen by college counselors such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, social and academic difficulties. The price of unrecognized SUD for the student is continued dysfunction. The price for the counselor, floundering therapy. Even when SUD and other or other problem(s) co-exist (dual diagnosis), treatment may still fail (or remain incomplete) if SUD is not identified and treated. The current principles of SUD diagnosis are outlined here with the purpose of raising the consciousness of counselors, deans, doctors, or other health or administrative personnel to the concern of college student SUD so that casualty among students may be minimized. Brief reference is also made to the problems of being the child of an alcoholic or other substance abusing parent.  相似文献   

Using the College Classroom Environment Scales (CCES) and controlling for differences in class size, it was found that there were significant differences in students' perceptions of their classroom social climates depending on the type of collegiate institution they attended. Students at research universities perceived their classes as having more structure than did those at two year colleges and liberal arts colleges and they perceived less concern by instructors for their personal development and learning than did students at liberal arts colleges. Two-year college students perceived that their classes had higher academic standards than did their counterparts at liberal arts colleges. When comparing classes (and controlling for class size) in English composition, laboratory sciences, and behavioral sciences, it was found that students in English classes perceived them as being the most intellectually exciting and interesting, as being the most academically rigorous, as having the least amount of formal structure, and as promoting more friendships and cooperation among students (than in behavioral sciences classes). Laboratory sciences classes were perceived as having the most hostile and intimidating environments. Significant interactions of institutional type and academic discipline occurred on all scales of the CCES. It was found that perceptions of the classroom environment differentially affected students' course grades in each of the academic discipline areas.Mary E. Vahala is currently Associate Director of Student Activities and Centers at the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse and teaches in the college student personnel program. She obtained an Ed.D. in counseling and student personnel services from the University of Georgia. Her research interests focus on environmental assessment. Roger B. Winston, Jr. obtained his Ph.D. in counseling and student personnel services from the University of Georgia. He is professor and coordinator of the student affairs administration specialty in the Department of Counseling and Human Development Services at the University of Georgia. His research interests include environmental and outcomes assessment in higher education and the psychosocial development of college students.  相似文献   

In considering and evaluating approaches to the admission of college students, the usual approach is to try to measure past academic achievement and primarily verbal and math ability on the assumption that these abilities will predict subsequent college academic grades and achievement. These measures do predict classroom achievement, though far from perfectly so. It is also the case that most universities claim to develop students in areas not well represented by classroom grades such as leadership, social responsibility, integrity, multicultural appreciation, and others. In our work, we have adopted a model employed by industrial/organizational psychologists in personnel selection. We began with a “job analysis” of the “job” of undergraduate students. We developed a list of expectations universities claim to have of students and derived a list of constructs that were hypothesized to be essential to success. This set of constructs has been central to the development of a series of measures we use to assess student potential as well as a set of outcome measures that we believe is a better representation of the totality of relevant college student outcomes.  相似文献   


Past research into the relationship between English proficiency test (EPT) scores and score profiles, such as the IELTS and the TOEFL, has shown that there is not always a clear relationship between those scores and students’ subsequent academic achievement. Information about students’ academic self-concept (ASC) may provide additional information that helps predict future academic success. Research has consistently shown a positive relationship between students’ ASC and subsequent academic achievement and educational attainment in both school and higher education settings. The purpose of the current study was to examine the relationship between the academic performance of international students and their language proficiency and academic self-concept as well as other characteristics related to academic success. The study focused on first year international students in undergraduate business programs at an English-medium university in Canada. The following information was collected about the student participants: grades in degree program courses, annual GPA, and EPT scores (including subscores). In addition, students completed an academic self-concept scale. To obtain additional information about success in first-year business courses, instructors in two required courses were interviewed about the academic and language requirements in their courses and the profile of successful students. Correlations between the students’ course grades, GPA, EPT scores, and ASC score were calculated. The instructor interviews were analyzed using a content analysis procedure. The findings from all data sources were triangulated and show that language ability, ASC, and other factors impact academic success during the first year in a business program. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is an academic support program consisting of a series of free, voluntary based weekly study sessions for students taking historically difficult courses. SI is designed to increase student retention and academic performance. Whereas Hensen and Shelley (2003) examined SI impact at a large public midwestern university, this study examined a newly implemented SI at an urban community college in downtown Dallas, Texas. General psychology students who regularly attended SI study sessions had an 83% success (final letter grade of A, B, or C) rate compared to 64% for students who did not participate. To further increase overall success, an early alert warning system within the Blackboard? learning management system was set up to track each student’s performance in the event students started to fall behind in assignment completion. In that case, the student was placed in the SI study group. Additionally, this study examined the SI leaders themselves by tracking their academic and professional activities.  相似文献   

Each year, more districts implement early warning systems (EWS). These EWS predict negative student outcomes, such as dropping out, before they occur. Predictions are then used to match at-risk students to appropriate supports and interventions. Research suggests that these systems are useful in ensuring educators respond to student needs early, generating conversation around specific students at risk of dropping out. However, no research considers what new information teachers gain from having a specific prediction for a student. This article bridges this gap by comparing teacher and EWS predictions of whether students will complete high school and enroll in college. Further, it assesses whether accuracy in teacher judgment stems from additional information not in models—especially related to academic tenacity—and biases like self-fulfilling prophecies. Generally, EWS can provide benefits both as organizational tools and by increasing the precision with which students are identified for supports and interventions.  相似文献   

The current studies test the hypothesis that the financial burden of college can initiate a psychological process that has a negative influence on academic performance for students at selective colleges and universities. Prior studies linking high college costs and student loans to academic outcomes have not been grounded within relevant social psychological theory regarding how and when the financial burden of college can influence students’ psychological and cognitive processes. We test the hypothesis that the salient financial burden of college impairs students’ cognitive functioning, especially when it creates an identity conflict or perceived barrier to reaching a student’s desired financially successful future. First, we use longitudinal data from 28 selective colleges and universities to establish that students who accumulate student loan debt within these contexts are less likely to graduate from college because student loan debt predicts a decline in grades over time, even when controlling for factors related to socioeconomic status and prior achievement. Then, in an experiment, we advance research in this area with a direct, causal test of the proposed psychological process. An experimental manipulation that brings high college costs to mind impairs students’ cognitive functioning, but only when those thoughts create an identity conflict or a perceived barrier to reaching a student’s desired financially successful future.  相似文献   

采用《大学生学习拖延问卷》对河西学院185名在校大学生的学习拖延行为进行了问卷调查。调查结果显示:有47%的大学生存在不同程度的学习拖延现象,大学生学习拖延现象较为普遍;大学生学习拖延行为存在显著的性别差异和年级差异,但不存在学科与城乡差异。男生的学习拖延行为多于女生,一年级学生的学习拖延行为少于其他三个年级学生。学习拖延对大学生的消极影响较大,这些消极影响包括情绪困扰、学业不良、生活不适等。  相似文献   

通过对大学生学习成绩的比较分析,以及学习成绩与宿舍卫生成绩的相关分析,显示了类型不同的班级和宿舍之间的学习成绩有显著差别,且学习成绩与宿舍卫生成绩之间呈正相关关系。高校辅导员需要将学生的学习生活环境建设作为工作的重要内容之一,需要高度重视学生"亚环境"的形成与发展。  相似文献   

This retrospective study evaluates early semester predictors of whether or not community college students will successfully complete blended or hybrid courses. These predictors are available to faculty by the fourth week of the semester. Success is defined as receiving a grade of C- or higher. Failure is defined as a grade below a C- or a withdrawal. Method: Seven variables available to faculty are considered: gender, degree sought, students’ academic level, attendance for the first 4 weeks of face-to-face classes, scores on orientation extra credit assignments, grades on the first quiz, and grades on an early semester reflective essay. Logistic regression is used to evaluate the power of seven variables to predict successful course completion in 15 sections of two business courses: Introduction to Marketing and Marketing Research. Three hundred forty-three students were included in this study. Results show that completion of optional extra credit assignments offered during the first 2 weeks of the semester and performance on the first quiz are significant predictors of successful course completion. These results suggest that students’ self-regulation skill or learning presence in the community of inquiry model is a strong predictor of student success. A faculty-based model like the one presented here can help faculty to enhance their students’ chances of success by highlighting factors that predict successful course completion early in the semester.  相似文献   

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