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As medical programs place increasing importance on competency-based training and surgical simulations for residents, anatomy laboratories, and body donation programs find themselves in a position of adapting to changing demands. To better assess the demand for “life-like” cadaveric specimens and evaluate the possible impacts that competency-based medical education could have upon the body donation program of McGill University, Canada, the authors tracked, over the course of the last 10 years, the number of soft-embalmed specimens, along with the number of teaching sessions and the residents enrolled in competency-based programs that are using cadaveric material. The results reveal that the number of soft-embalmed specimens used within residency training increased from 5 in 2009 to 35 in 2019, representing an increase from 6% of bodies to 36.5% of the total number of body donors embalmed in this institution. Correspondingly, the number of annual teaching sessions for residents increased from 19 in 2012 to 116 in 2019. These increases in teaching are correlated with increasing number of residents enrolled in competency-based programs over the last 3 years (Pearson r ranging from 0.9705 to 0.9903, and R2 ranging from 0.9418 to 0.9808). Those results suggest that the new skill-centered curricula which require residents to perform specific tasks within realistic settings, exhibit a growing demand for “life-like” cadaveric specimens. Institutions’ body donation programs must, therefore, adapt to those greater need for cadaveric specimens, which presents many challenges, ranging from the logistical to the ethical.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to propose an elective social work course as a means of better preparing social workers entering practice in healthcare to meet the challenges of promoting health and reducing health disparities in minority and underserved communities. Course offerings specifically targeting health or medical social work training vary widely. The additional training provided at places of employment and through continuing education after the master's degree is often inadequate for competently addressing the issues clinicians face in practice.  相似文献   


This paper describes an internal evaluation performed on the BSW curriculum of the School of Social Work of Tel Aviv University, Israel. It focuses on the inductive, participatory method by which the evaluation was designed, and on the measure that was developed. The aim of the paper is to encourage internal evaluation of social work curricula and to provide a model for doing so that others can adopt.  相似文献   

幼儿园体育课程是幼儿园课程的重要组成部分,是幼儿身心健康发展的保障。由于教师课程理念落后、课程资源开发不足、课程组织不合理,当前我国幼儿园体育课程存在机械、片面、低质、低效等问题。建构园本体育课程,应以幼儿身体发展为基础,指向幼儿身心的全面健康发展。园本体育课程不仅要合理确定课程目标和课程内容,为幼儿创设适宜的体育活动情境,而且要采取适宜的课程实施方式和多元化的课程评价方法,促进幼儿对体育活动的深度参与。  相似文献   

为保证工作过程导向职业教育课程开发的质量与效果,首先必须对其进行准确定位,这就涉及课程开发的取向问题。工作过程导向职业教育课程目标应以学生的综合职业能力和人格培养为取向,课程内容应以工作过程知识和学生的经验知识为取向,课程实施应采用相互适应取向和课程创生取向,课程评价应采用过程评价取向和主体评价取向。  相似文献   

首先提出开发校本化德育课程是解决当前小学德育教学实效性不足的重要策略,进而分析小学校本化德育课程开发对学校教育、学生发展和教师教学的价值,最后基于以上的理解,结合实践总结了学校校本化德育课程建设的三方面经验,即依据社会需要建设德育校本活动课程、让学生参与德育校本活动课程建设和依据学校特色资源建设德育校本活动课程。  相似文献   

构建我国教师教育新课程体系的几点思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为达到教师教育专业化,其培养途径与方法要发生变革,课程结构就要进行调整和重组。针对我国教师教育课程体系存在的种种弊端,可从通用性、继承性、针对性和借鉴性四个向度思考与解决此问题,在遵循课程设置原则的前提下,以教师职业劳动为逻辑起点,最终构建出符合时代要求的教师教育的新课程体系。  相似文献   

There is growing consensus among baccalaureate program directors on the importance of the research curriculum in undergraduate social work education. This consensus, however, is not reflected in the practices of many baccalaureate programs which often are characterized by lack of integratino of practice and research content, and isolation between research and other segments of the curriculum. The seriousness of this problem is reflected in the frequency with which social work programs are cited by the CSWE Commission on Accreditation for concerns about, or noncompliance with, the research requirements of the Curriculum Policy Statement. This paper presents one model for integrating research in the social work curriculum. Research content is broadly identified and suggestions provided on how to incorporate that content across all curriculum areas.  相似文献   

校本课程的提出和迅速发展,其直接的背景和动因是对西方国家20世纪60年代课程现代化运动挫折的反思及人本主义课程的推行,也是20世纪以来历次世界性课程改革运动发展的必然,目前在我国建构有中国特色的社会主义校本课程论体系既是必要的,也是可能的。  相似文献   

构建面向教师专业化的高师课程新体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师专业化是现代教师教育的新理念,师范教育是教师专业发展的平台,课程建设是培养专业化师资的保障。教师专业化对现行高师课程体系提出了挑战,我们必须把握机遇,科学构建高师课程新体系,培养专业化的新型师资,以适应现代教育发展的需要。  相似文献   

高职教育培养目标应从培养方向和业务规格上准确定位,体现高职教育基本特征.依据培养目标,应以技术应用能力为主线进行实训课程开发与实施,增加程序性知识教学内容,合理设置课程,科学整合教学内容,构建理论课程与实践课程并重的具有特色的高职教育课程体系.  相似文献   

职业教育课程平衡是职业教育课程开发、设计、实施等环节需要关注的重要方面。职业教育课程的目标平衡、结构平衡、内容平衡及实施平衡构成了职业教育课程平衡的重要要素。而职业教育课程在课程类型、课程设计主体、课程生态系统等方面表现出不同程度的失衡,致使学生就业能力及可持续发展能力受到较大影响。可以通过选择职业教育课程平衡标准,确定职业教育课程平衡者,建立课程平衡的运行机制等措施改善职业教育课程现状,达到课程平衡的目的。  相似文献   

高职课程开发的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
课程开发目前已成为高职课程改革之中的一个重要方面,高职课程开发中主要存在以下问题:课程开发主体积极投入不够,课程开发模式过分强调能力本位,课程开发内容仅仅注重显性知识。课程开发的策略有:树立科学的教育理念,构建合理的支持系统,注重缄默知识的开发。  相似文献   

旨在与同行们共同探讨新形势下体育课程资源、体育课程资源的开发、体育课程资源开发的途径等相关问题。以便于我们的体育教育工作者能更好地提高对体育课程资源的开发意识。能够因地制宜的开发和利用体育课程资源,更好的完成课程改革目标。  相似文献   

为解决高等职业技术教育发展不能适应社会需求的问题,高职院校需根据高职教育的特点,按照培养目标、广泛调研,在确定所面向的岗位群来确定岗位核心能力,从而改革教学模式,设计教学情境构建以工作过程为导向的课程体系。使培养的学生能尽快融入企业,缩短适应期。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the culture of human interchange, which is included as a component of the implicit curriculum in the current EPAS. It presents the use of the implicit curriculum concept in teacher and medical education as a context for its application to social work education. The authors argue that professional behaviors taught in the explicit curriculum of the classroom need to be consciously reinforced in the many venues and through the ongoing interpersonal relations throughout the educational environment. The article identifies the challenges that movement in this direction would create but which the implicit curriculum standard mandates us to address.  相似文献   

社会科课程中的公民教育新取向及其教学策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公民资质传递的观点蕴涵着对"公民"概念的基本理解。分别强调社会科学的学习、决策能力的培养和批判思考的养成等三种公民教育取向,在社会科课程中占据了越来越重要的位置。在全球化的背景下,公民资格已经演绎成为一个多维度的概念,公民资格逐步从民族国家拓展到全球社会,从单一的宪政意义上的法律概念演变成为一个以法律、政治为核心的多维度概念;公民权责作为公民资格的核心逐步从单一强调公民责任发展成为强调公民权责的平衡。  相似文献   

论可持续发展教育的课程观   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
可持续发展教育的课程观主要表现在发展为本的课程理念,具有审美特征的课程设计,关注价值和联系的课程内容,问题引领的课程组织,可选易行的课程实施原则以及强调收获与生成的课程评价等。这些课程理念和教学设计对促进我国新课程实施和教师发展具有重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

高师院校教师教育类课程教学团队建设探析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
教师教育类课程教学团队建设是提高高师院校此类课程教学质量的重要保障。该文从论证高师教师教育类课程教学团队建设的必要性出发,并在分析了教师教育类课程的特点及教学团队性质的基础上提出团队建设的相关措施。  相似文献   


Migration across national borders has resulted in demographic changes in the United States, causing the country to become more multi-ethnic. This presents considerable challenges for graduate level educators who need to be responsive to the unique academic needs of diverse populations by considering students' previous experiences, values, and beliefs. This change requires educators to incorporate various teaching styles and to create a classroom atmosphere where security, trust, and openness can be achieved. Developing cultural competence and creating a transformative learning environment is essential for social work educators teaching in multicultural environments in the 21st century. This article provides a brief overview of Burchum's (2002) Evolutionary Perspectives that will help to assist readers in obtaining a clear understanding of cultural competence. It also presents Blunt's Model of Cultural Competence for Transformative Education, which can promote both transformative learning and assist social work educators in fostering a transformative learning environment.  相似文献   

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