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This paper analyses a specific disjunctive policy space in Scotland involving the current key children's social and educational policy agenda, Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC), and a recent national report on teacher education, the ‘Donaldson Report’. In four main parts, the paper first introduces and applies in policy review and analysis a capitals frame to identify the policy–practice discontinuities currently inherent in the ‘GIRFEC-child practitioner education’ policy space, exemplified by the Donaldson Report. Then, the same capitals frame is applied to examine the capitals resources demanded in the particular ‘child–child practitioner education’ policy space previously delineated. Next, examples of policy disconnects amongst current child practice and practitioner education policy production and implementation, which warrant a concerted integrative cross-sector project to ensure coherent social and intellectual capital relations at all levels, are discussed. Finally, the paper calls for the governing professional registration bodies and universities involved in the education of child-sector practitioners to engage in the redesign of university programmes underpinned by principles of transdisciplinarity and transprofessionalism. The methodology is policy sociology and policy text analysis.  相似文献   

One outcome of more than three decades of social and political transformation around the world, the result of processes broadly referred to as globalisation, has been the emergence of a complex (and at first glance, contradictory) conceptual language in the social sciences that has sought to grasp hold of these developments. Throughout the 1990s, theorists began to emphasise a world in motion, deploying concepts like ??liquid modernity?? (Zygmunt Bauman) to signal rapid and profound changes at work in the social structures, relations, and spatialities of societies (Neil Brenner) that were reconfiguring state-citizen relations (Saskia Sassen). Recently, however, researchers have concentrated on the study of borders and containers as a corrective to the preoccupation with mobility, arguing it is not possible to imagine a world which is only borderless and de-territorialised, because the basic ordering of social groups and societies requires categories and compartments. This paper focuses attention on processes of bordering and ordering in contemporary education systems, suggesting that comparative educators ?C whose main intellectual project is to understand how (different) education processes are re/produced within and across time, space and societies ?C would get much greater purchase on transformations currently under way.  相似文献   

莫言被授予诺贝尔文学奖时,评委会给他的颁奖词是"将虚幻现实主义与民间故事融合,历史与当代社会融合在一起",其实虚幻现实主义一直以来就是莫言小说中最突出的特点。莫言善于用虚幻的叙事与真实情节之间的关系来对小说进行同构,将现实放在虚拟的氛围之中,以看似怪诞的故事来揭露社会现状,这种虚幻现实主义的作品对中国文学创作以及文学批判的发展起了推进的作用,本文根据笔者多年的经验以及对莫言相关小说的理解,对莫言小说的虚幻现实主义展开论述,不足之处还望大家批评纠正。  相似文献   

从意义理论的视角看,实在论与反实在论争论的焦点是语句的真值条件是否是观的超越证实的。反实在论采取了两个策略对实在论发难:一是否定某些论说(例如伦理)的语句不具有真值;二是否认语句有客观的潜在超越证实的真值,为此反实在论提出了三个基于语言理解的反驳。该反驳存在的主要不足是它假定的前提仍需要论证,但它从语言分析入手探究形而上学问题的思路和方法,对我国的哲学研究无疑具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

《新格拉布街》是乔治·吉辛的成名之作,尽管很多评论家把它归类于一部"现实主义"小说,但是作者对作品中异化现象的刻画却有着明显的历史和社会意义,这部作品不论从思想性还是写作手法上,都体现了吉辛从传统创作向现代过渡的超时代性。  相似文献   

China has seen dramatic transformations in ideals of femininity since the 1970s. This article explores what it entails for young women of the only-child generation to construct ‘modern’ womanhood within a context of multiple and conflicting gender discourses. Based on life history interviews in Beijing, the article shows that both a ‘degendering’ and ‘(re)gendering’ of the female self ensued as the participants positioned themselves simultaneously as the ‘autonomous modern female’ and the ‘dependent modern female’. It is suggested that despite some commonalities with the western middle-class neoliberal girlhood, this reflects a particular Chinese ‘dual’ approach to modernity that defies a standard/western notion of modern girlhood.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates how a final year student teacher takes up a two-stage methodology for reflective practice. The methodology is generated from the principles of traditional literary theory and cultural studies, particularly poststructuralism. The analysis shows that Lucas, one of the more successful respondents in the study, is able to produce a personal reading of his experience documented as a picture book and then a critically alternative (re)reading, but he does not exploit the methodology fully and venture into a resistant (poststructuralist) reading. The author provides such a reading. A rationale is offered for why this methodology for reflective practice might be appropriated more effectively by experienced mentor teachers who could then pass it on intergenerationally to the student teachers or beginning teachers.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on memory, not as a school subject with which it is still associated for many learners, but as one in which school is the subject and where the question ‘what are some of your earliest memories of playing school?’ can serve as an autobiographical prompt. In what ways do we continue to ‘play out’ early experiences of school long after we begin our teaching careers? What significance should we attach to not remembering? How can early memories of school, of teachers and of particular episodes of playing school become part of what bell hooks describes as ‘the usable past'? (hooks, 1984, Feminist Theory: from margin to centre, South End Press).  相似文献   

本文旨在探讨语用研究中呈现出的一种新的发展趋势,笔者称之为"人本主义取向"。文章首先讨论了语用学源起与人本主义的关系,然后尝试着分析了语用研究中该取向的种种体现,结语处对该取向之意义作了简要论述。  相似文献   

许文雨《钟嵘诗品讲疏》亦有十弊,(上)以举五弊,以下五弊为:六曰人事失考,七曰引述失正,八曰不明文意,九曰不重校勘,十曰不知阙疑,并作出举正。  相似文献   


Student-teachers are exposed to different approaches to teaching Religion Education in South Africa. Amongst these have been the phenomenological-reflective-dialogical approach of Cornelia Roux and the empathetic-reflective-dialogical approach of Janet Jarvis. These different approaches made immeasurable contributions as they started to shift how Religion Education has been taught. The approaches are both informed by a social constructivist methodology, which riposte previous traditionalist approaches. This article questions whether these approaches, amidst the decolonial turn and the posthuman predicament, are still germane as they tend to separate ontology from epistemology. A diffractive reading of posthumanist theory and decolonial literature enabled us to bring texts in intra-action so as to problematise the colonial, capitalist and patriarchal character of existing approaches to Religion Education, both ontologically and epistemologically. This remains pivotal for a country like South Africa where colonial epistemicide prevails despite it being vehemently challenged. Our aim is to weave a text(ile), an ontoepstemic approach, to (re)configure Religion Education in support of the transformative potential of the decolonial project in South Africa. In our pursuit of ontoepistemic justice, we advocate for decolonising the Religion Education curriculum, understood as a verb, as (1) a means to critical empowerment and as (2) a complex encounter with entangled, embedded knowledges.  相似文献   

This article traces the emergence of the world culture theory in comparative education using critical discourse analysis. By chronicling the emergence and expansion of world culture theory over the past four decades, we highlight the (unintended) limitations and exclusive regimes of thought that have resulted. We argue that the theory's telos of a ‘world culture’ neglects the notions of power and agency, and continues to use discourses of modernism and ‘scientific’ methodology to justify conformity as the reigning global ‘norm’. The world culture theory ultimately results in an unwitting legitimisation of neoliberal policies and its varied educational projects. Drawing on the micro-, meso- and macro-levels of discourse analysis, we examine how the semantics and content of the world culture theory have evolved as it embraced an increasingly large and diverse community of scholars aligned with it. By highlighting some significant semantic shifts during the last four decades, we explore how the world culture theorists forged a relatively new (privileged) space in comparative education – a space that has increasingly turned deterministic and normative. Through a careful deconstruction of some of the basic assumptions of world culture theory, we call for reopening of an intellectual space for new ways of thinking about educational phenomena in the context of globalisation.  相似文献   

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