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宋琦 《山西档案》2007,(4):46-48
狭义的档案文化指作为人类物质文明和精神文明的记录与反映的档案信息及其载体,即档案实体文化。广义的档案文化除包括档案实体文化外,还包括人类有效管理和利用实体文化成果而采取的活动方式及其创造出来的档案事业文化。我国的档案文化是中华民族五千年文化的精华,是社会和谐文化中的一只奇葩,要把档案文化融入社会主义和谐文化的建设中来,[第一段]  相似文献   

This essay is a preliminary assessment of David Bearman as the leading archival thinker of the late twentieth century. Bearman has revolutionized thinking in archival circles around the world by offering a defence of traditional archival notions of provenance, evidence, recordness, and contextuality that equals the noblest statements of a Hilary Jenkinson, and by positing a relevant, dynamic, engaged future for archivists to transform the Information Age into a Record-Keeping Age. The essay is both a personal reflection and critical analysis. There are three main themes: an assessment of Bearman's ideas and their overall importance to general archival theory; a more specific exposition of the nature and importance of the University of Pittsburgh Project and of where Bearman sees that its results are leading archivists and their profession and institutions in future; and a critique of some of the implications, if not the conscious intentions, of his ideas and methods that seem to exclude the cultural, historical, and heritage dimensions and uses of archives, public or private. The overall aim of the essay is to push the archival discourse to the next stage by challenging and constructively critiquing as well as extolling the work of this archival pioneer.  相似文献   

The author, who is Guest Reviews Editor for this special issue on macro-appraisal, introduces and provides context for four review articles, written by archival educators from Canada, the United States, and Australia, that discuss the most important works they use to teach macroappraisal and why these works are chosen. While each article demonstrates the unique characteristics of the archival education program in which the author is situated, they are united by a common theme—the need for educators to prepare students, as best they can, to take their places as practising professional archivists.  相似文献   


Scrapbooks present a particularly challenging set of preservation issues to archivists. However, as an intriguing combination of diaries, photograph albums, and ephemera, their format and arrangement are an essential part of their usefulness as sources to researchers. The fascinating link between scrapbooks and quilts, evident in a brief history of scrapbooks and an exploration of several types, indicates that scrapbooks are a particularly rich source for researchers interested in women's history. In order to facilitate the richest understanding of these unique and fascinating sources, material literacy should be increased among both archivists and researchers. In particular, archivists should understand the important function these records have to researchers, and how their storage and preservation choices affect that function.  相似文献   

档案文化自提出以来,顺应了我国文化强国战略的历史潮流,逐渐受到各界的重视,成为社会主义文化建设不可或缺的部分。档案资源是信息资源、知识资源,更是文化资源,档案文化是根源性文化,重视档案文化的建设,探究文化强国战略之下的档案文化建设路径是档案工作者义不容辞的责任。  相似文献   

任越 《档案学研究》2016,30(1):4-10
档案文化问题是近年来我国档案学界研究的热点问题之一,而针对档案文化的社会推广与社会公众档案文化观念的养成是我国档案文化实践的重要内容。然而,当前我国档案学界的档案文化认知与社会层面文化认知存在着明显的冲突,这种冲突衍生出我国档案学界对档案文化问题研究的悖论。本文从分析我国档案文化问题现状入手,阐释了档案文化研究悖论的表现及其成因,并分析了消解档案文化认知冲突的途径。  相似文献   

论文提出确立乡镇图书馆与"农家书香"工程相一致的服务思想和服务理念,抓住乡镇图书馆促进"农家书香"工程发展的有利条件,整合利用乡镇图书馆资源要素,寓"农家书香"工程于构建农村公共文化服务体系之中,拓展乡镇图书馆服务网络,切实解决农村读者读书难的问题,不断推进新农村文化建设.  相似文献   

加强社会主义先进文化建设,尤其是改革开放文化建设是全面深化改革开放,推进国家治理体系与治理能力现代化的内在要求。改革开放文化档案资源开发是揭示和传播改革开放文化,推进改革开放文化建设的重要途径。立足改革开放思想和辩证唯物主义与历史唯物主义来揭示改革开放典型实践主体形成档案所蕴含的改革开放精神与行为特征,是传播改革开放文化的重要形式。档案馆应围绕党和国家中心工作来选择档案资源开发主题,通过开放合作策略的实施,推进改革开放文化档案数字化开发与传播,满足不同社会对象在改革开放文化建设中对档案资源的诉求。  相似文献   

文章用知识考古的方式考察一般文选学史,审视《文选》的传播途径、阅读《文选》的目的、常见《文选》的内容,以及读者对《文选》的认知程度,管中窥豹地描绘最普遍的被有一定知识的人所接受、掌握和使用《文选》的情形。  相似文献   

Terry Cook 《Archival Science》2005,5(2-4):101-161
Macroappraisal as developed in Canada has had significant currency in archival literature over the past decade, and aspects of its program and ideas have been implemented in other jurisdictions. For the first time, this essay probes the theoretical and practical origins of macroappraisal in Canada since 1950 and why its originators no longer found convincing the predominant status quo on appraisal as articulated by T.R. Schellenberg. The essay then summarizes the theory of macroappraisal as articulated at the National Archives of Canada, and the strategic and program infrastructure developed in the 1990s to turn the new theory into operational reality. As no archival concept is universally locked in time, the evolution and changes in the macroappraisal program, both in theory and strategy, are also analysed in its Canadian home base over its first decade, as well as some internal and external criticisms of it. The essay intends to illuminate the deeper context of macroappraisal, so that an international audience may better understand its strengths and weaknesses. As the author is the principal architect of macroappraisal, the essay consists of equal parts of archival history, theoretical analysis, and personal reflection.  相似文献   

中国《文心雕龙》资料中心的建立与运作,实际上是公共图书馆向专业图书馆领域的延深与拓展,其未来的发展与走向可以遵循这一思路予以深入思考。在网络时代,中国《文心雕龙》资料中心应当加强馆藏的专门化,实现服务的专业化,并在网络一体化的知识环境中为专业图书馆的统合贡献自身的力量。  相似文献   

Case files are voluminous and present challenges to archivists, government departments, and other institutions that are charged with the responsibility of managing these records either throughout or at various stages of their life cycle. To date, archivists and records administrators, both in Canada and worldwide, have recognized the case file challenge and are rethinking solutions for dealing with this persistent problem. This article argues that by building on our cumulative knowledge acquired through years of applying macroappraisal and functional analysis to the appraisal of government records, and staking out a modern definition of “case file records” based on their transactional characteristics, we indeed do have the skills and the expertise to tackle the problem and develop a new solution for case file records. Rather than taking a piecemeal approach or relying on sampling techniques, Library and Archives Canada (LAC) Case Files Appraisal Working Group (CFAWG)1 demonstrates how to consistently make keep-destroy appraisal decisions for the disposition of operational case file records.2  相似文献   

This article explains the re-engineering of the government records disposition program at Library and Archives Canada (LAC) in 2002–2004. The main point is that the framework of accountability has grown since the launch of the macroappraisal program (often referred to as the planned approach to disposition) at the (former) National Archives of Canada (NA) in 1990–1991. The opportunity for building an expanded framework of accountability presented itself after 2000 when a number of “push” (internal to the disposition program) and “pull” (external to the program) factors coalesced to challenge a reduced program. The reengineering exercise involved LAC government records archivists working together to develop the following new program documentation: Government-Wide Plan (GWP); Memorandum of Understanding (MOU); Appraisal Checklist; Terms and Conditions for the Transfer of Archival Records; Briefing Note for the Librarian and Archivist of Canada; and the Multi-Institutional Disposition Authority (MIDA) for Operational Case Files. Significant work also went into creating version three of the Records Disposition Authorities Control System (RDACS). As a result of reengineering the appraisal and disposition program, there is an accountability framework now in place for more than keep-destroy recommendations, one that has moved beyond disposition to include acquisition of and accessibility to the archival record.  相似文献   

撷取文学作品中出现的三个图书馆员形象,分析作家眼中的图书馆员形象以及他们所具备的修养,探讨当今图书馆员在实际工作中如何改善服务、重塑形象、提升修养。  相似文献   

In 1999–2000 the National Archives of Australia (NAA) adopted a functions-based approach to appraisal. Since that time functional appraisal projects have for the most part been conducted in cooperation with individual agencies. What has been missing is a broad whole-of-government or macroappraisal framework which might assist with the strategic prioritisation of projects, the allocation of resources and the identification of high-value functions, activities and record classes. This article describes a project commenced by the NAA during 2003–2004 to research and develop a functions-based macroappraisal framework for current and prospective appraisal and for retrospective application to records of the past 30 years of the Australian Government. The article compares the Australian approach with macroappraisal strategies pursued in Canada, the Netherlands and South Africa.  相似文献   

The article sets off with a brief summary of the history of appraisal and disposal of records as processed at the National Archives of Iceland (NAI) since its establishment in 1882 to present times. Rules on appraisal and disposal of records introduced in 1900, 1911, and 1916 were ignored and all records were kept. Status quo remained until 1985 when a new National Archives Act was passed. The appraisal and disposal process adopted then is described and explained. It included the publication of instructions on records management as well as forms relating to records management. The influence of acts of law on the appraisal and disposal process is explained. Finally the experience with the arrangement of organised appraisal in Iceland is described.  相似文献   

新形势下潮汕文化研究资料的证集整理工作   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析潮汕文化研究的范畴,提出大汕文化研究资料的收集方法与途径,并就资料的揭示和整理工作提出建议和方法。  相似文献   

“Macroappraisal, the next frontier” describes a records disposition pilot project which was based on a refinement of the current macroappraisal methodology in use at Library and Archives Canada. Still very much a work in progress, the refined approach builds upon macroappraisal theory and methodology, and this paper presents its application to Fisheries and Oceans Canada, a major federal government department in the Government of Canada. The project focused on providing the institution with total records disposition coverage based on a single archival appraisal and two Records Disposition Authorities. This paper demonstrates the feasibility of appraising records at the mandate level instead of at the function or program level. It also outlines and points to the benefits and advantages of appraising large government institutions intheir totality rather than in smaller, discrete sectors, branches, or divisions. We wish to thank the journal’s readers for their comments on an earlier draft of this article. We also wish to thank Candace Loewen for her insights, comments, and encouragement. Thanks are also extended to our colleagues who commented on various aspects of the project during Library and Archives Canada (LAC) appraisal seminars. Kerry Badgley also wishes to thank Sarah, Paul, and Shannon Badgley for providing a daily reminder of why it is important to document the past.  相似文献   

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