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This study explores the changing state of television by measuring binge-watching and its association with narrative transportation, using longitudinal data. The analysis based on a Hierarchical Linear Modeling found that the amount of binge-watching had a positive logarithmic association with transportation—the effect power lessens as binge-watching rate increases. Further, one’s typical binge frequency weakened the relationship between viewing session length and transportation. Overall, more frequent binge-watching reduces its effect power on transportation. Implications for theory and industry are also discussed.  相似文献   

Binge-watching, simultaneously treated as both guilty pleasure and legitimate health concern in popular press and academic discussions, is a pervasive media behavior. Yet distinguishing it from other ways of television viewing remains elusive in communication research. The present study employs empirically supported variables to determine if different outcome expectancies are relevant to the frequency of binge-watching as contrasted with appointment viewing of television through the lens of the model of media attendance. Survey results (N = 797) of a college student and representative adult sample reveal that binge-watching is motivated in large part by the behavior already being an entrenched habit among viewers, while suspense and anticipation associated with content and motivation to use viewing to regulate one’s emotions are also significant antecedents. Conversely, more frequent appointment viewing of television viewing was driven by viewing efficacy and older age.  相似文献   

Binge-watching—the intensive, consecutive viewing of televised series—has become a prevalent usage pattern of entertainment media, which may influence users’ psychological well-being both positively and negatively: On the one hand, binge-watching could increase viewers’ enjoyment, recovery experiences, and vitality through an increase in perceived autonomy. On the other hand, binge-watching can trigger goal conflicts and feelings of guilt, which may reduce well-being. Drawing on an online survey (N = 499), the present study examines the tension between these two mechanisms and their effects on users’ well-being. The data largely support the hypotheses: Binge-watching is perceived as recreational as long as goal conflicts and feelings of guilt can be avoided. Well-being, on the other hand, is positively affected by binge-watching-induced increases in perceived autonomy. These results corroborate the central role of self-determination as a link between media reception, media enjoyment, and psychological well-being.  相似文献   

This study explored an expanded definition and motivations for binge-watching behavior. In addition to the number of episodes, the amount of time, frequency, and engagement in binge-watched programs were considered for the binge-watching definition. Study findings revealed that over half of the respondents of this study were light binge viewers. In addition, among a total of seven motivations identified in literature, only the entertainment motivation is a significant predictor of binge watching for those with a low level of binge watching, while both passing time and entertainment were found to be significant predictors for those with a high level of binge watching.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of management view, power use, and affinity‐seeking on employee organizational identification in organizations that hire part‐time college students. Most managers were identified as manifesting a Theory Y view of management. Manager coercive and expert power were significantly related to employee organizational identification. Results indicated that manager view and affinity‐seeking were significantly related to employee organizational identification. Significant differences in affinity‐seeking and in employee organizational identification were found for Theory X and Theory Y managers.  相似文献   

对归还文献是否原物无损的自动化识别,是目前图书馆计算机管理系统尚未解决的技术问题,并直接影响到图书馆诚信服务质量。作者首次从文献缺损对构建大学图书馆诚信服务体系的影响出发,对建立图书馆文献缺损防范机制的必要性、技术途径及基本要求进行分析,并根据图书馆采用智能识别技术防范文献缺损的实际效果,对该技术在图书馆的应用前景进行客观评价。  相似文献   

A review of extant research evidence indicates that when source identification is delayed until after the message has been presented, the differential effectiveness of high‐ and low‐credibility communicators is reduced. In particular, those combinations of credibility level and advocated position that are ordinarily (i.e., with pre‐message identification) relatively advantageous (a low‐credibility source with a proattitudinal position, or a high‐credibility source with a non‐proattitudinal position) have persuasive effectiveness reduced by delayed identification, whereas those combinations that are ordinarily relatively disadvantageous (a high‐credibility source with a proattitudinal position, or a low‐credibility source with a non‐proattitudinal position) enjoy enhanced effectiveness with delayed identification. The magnitude of the effects associated with identification‐timing variations is quite large (mean absolute value of d = .753), at least by comparison to other factors for which quantitative estimates of persuasive effect are available. The observed effects place constraints on explanations of credibility's effects; in particular, credibility's effects cannot be explained through the mere association of a given communicator with a particular position.  相似文献   

This is an examination of the ethnic media use of French and British Muslims. A total of 677 Muslims participated in the study. Analysis reveals being an immigrant or a native of a nation does not significantly influence ethnic media use in France but does in Britain. Ethnic identification was also revealed as an influential predictor of ethnic media use among Muslims in France but not in Britain. Religiosity significantly predicted ethnic media use among British Muslims. The article argues religiosity and ethnic identification should be included in studies examining media use among ethnic groups.  相似文献   

郭承龙 《图书情报工作》2012,56(10):124-130
针对在线交易的信任缺乏已成为电子商务进一步发展的主要障碍这一问题,认为由于第三方机构授权网上商家使用的“认证标识”有助于增加网络消费者的初始信任,同时会计师,特别是注册会计师在国内具有较高公信力,可基于注册会计师和第三方认证机构合作开展新型业务--网誉认证,并重点从理论上阐述新型网誉认证的作用机制,指出网誉认证可以有效发挥导流渠作用,在电子商务领域重塑网络消费者初始信任。  相似文献   


Considerable research has been devoted to the effects of celebrity endorsers on consumer behavior. Most of the research has examined credibility or attractiveness as a determinant of message effectiveness, A review of Burke, Kelman, and Bandura's theories suggests that there may be another critical factor underlying celebrity effects — identification. A review of previous research results suggests that identification may be a viable explanation for the effectiveness of celebrity endorsers. A test of the identification effect was probed by examining people's personal concern, perceived risk, and sexual behaviors a year after Magic Johnson's announcement that he tested positive for HIV. The results of this study indicate that identification mediates message effects. This finding has important implications for media campaigns. It suggests that a spokesperson with whom the audience identifies insures the greatest likelihood of achieving lasting attitude or behavior change.  相似文献   

This study conducted a survey of 217 adult game players in Hong Kong to explore the effects of gaming motivations and avatar-self identification on symptoms of online game addiction. Results show that avatar-self identification is positively associated with the problems and salience dimension as well as the uncontrollable game-play dimension of game addiction. The motivation to relax is positively related to perceived avatar-self identification and uncontrollable play; the motivation to socialize in online games is positively linked with the avatar-self identification and both symptoms of online game addiction. The motivation to escape is positively related to the symptom of problems and salience. The drive to achieve virtual accomplishment in online games is negatively associated with the problem caused by gameplay and the salience of online games.  相似文献   

This study investigates televised spots by Clinton and Dole in 1996. It extends Burke's concept of identification (positive messages) to include attempts to create division (attacks), and explores the rhetorical and textual bases of these appeals. Burke's concept of identification, as operationalized here, permits insights into the nature of these spots that cannot be obtained from traditional analyses of advertisements. Surprisingly for political discourse, neither candidate used explicit identification. The incumbent Clinton used more identification than challenger Dole, who used more division. Clinton attempted to use policy more than Dole, whereas Dole focused more on character. Both campaigns attempted to identify and divide through association with groups and individuals.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to identify the functions of symbols in the rhetoric of social campaigns. Working from a semiotic perspective, 208 social campaign symbols were analyzed for both their visual content and their use in campaigns. This study found that symbols have 4 primary functions: explanation, awareness, identification, and sanction. The article concludes with a discussion of the usefulness of the identification of these functions.  相似文献   

This paper examines several key debates in the literature onthe effects of economic performance on political support, usingthe Continuous Monitoring Survey of the 1984 CPS American nationalelection study. Box-Jenkins time-series analyses show that theelectorate operates in terms of a reward-punishment model whichis asymmetrical and sociotropic in its effects. In the modelsdeveloped party identification and economic evaluations Granger–causepresidential approval, the effects of the former being strongerthan those of the latter. Partisanship and economic evaluationsform two independent streams of influence on presidential approval,casting doubt on some revisionist interpretations in the votingliterature, i.e., that party identification is simply a runningtally of voters' judgments about party performance on economicand other issues. In addition, the results suggest that popularityfunctions which omit party identification are theoreticallymisspecified.  相似文献   

本文针对“档案鉴定”这个老生常谈的话题,就其中的档案价值鉴定、开放鉴定、数字化鉴定等进行了积极的探索和理性思考。针对档案保管期限,建议将一直以来实行的“三分法”改为永久和定期10年“两分法”;针对档案存毁鉴定,主张对经鉴定拟剔除的档案原则上不销毁,可考虑其直接进入文物市场流通;针对档案的开放鉴定,建议应与政府信息公开条例接轨,取消30年禁锢期限,可将档案分为主动公开的、依申请公开的、不予公开的三类;针对档案数字化鉴定,提出档案数字化的根本目的是方便利用,应将扫描对象区分为扫描件和不扫描件,以剔除冗余信息,节约成本并提高工作效率。一己之见,期作引玉之“砖”。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):385-404
Current managerial practices such as downsizing and the use of temporary labor require scholars to reconsider the organizational desirability of member identification. Maintaining an identified workforce takes time, energy, and resources that organizations may not always be willing to provide. This study examines the temporary help industry in order to analyze the ways in which contemporary labor strategies might complicate our existing theories of organizational identification. Drawing upon interview data from 39 temps and their supervisors, this study highlights communicative strategies that prevent rather than promote member identification with organizations.  相似文献   

In response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, there have been several statutory and regulatory changes that enhance the collection and use of personal information for intelligence and law enforcement purposes. This article first examines how particular sectors, including financial, educational, libraries, and transportation, have been affected by these changes, with particular attention to the requirements of the USA PATRIOT Act. Next, five common themes and trends, including the lowering of standards for individualized suspicion and the weakening of judicial safeguards, are identified and their effects on privacy and due process are explored. Finally, the article analyzes several political and social implications of the omnibus reduction in privacy protections in the face of terrorism, including the proposal for a national identification system.  相似文献   

英国对异常查档采取严格的制度规制,国家法律和国家档案馆规章对异常查档的认定和处置都有详细规定。英国规制异常查档在知情权放开和约束、法规制度体系、认定标准和处置措施、监督和救济制度等方面具有鲜明特点。结合修订施行的《中华人民共和国档案法》关于档案利用权的条款,提出对我国规制异常查档的启示。  相似文献   

该文介绍了开放阅览室管理系统,该系统采用基于SOA的系统架构,并将基于指纹的身份识别应用于该系统中,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 政策工具的识别与分析是政策研究的重要手段之一。此项工作目前多以人工开展。本文运用深度学习方法进行政策工具的自动识别,以期提高政策工具识别的效率。[方法/过程] 设计与实施政策数据采集与清洗——政策工具人工标引——模型训练——结果解读的政策工具自动识别的实验流程,并以北上广贵四地的政府信息公开政策为例,对比传统机器学习方法和深度学习方法在政策工具识别任务上的性能表现。此外,提出整合政策全局信息进行各段落政策工具识别的方案,并通过实验证明方案的有效性。[结果/结论] 深度学习模型CNN在全量测试数据上达到76.51%的准确率,整合全局信息的CNN模型达到77.13%的准确率。而仅对模型的高置信度结果进行评估发现,整合全局信息的CNN模型在其中55.63%的测试数据上准确率达到了95.44%。该准确率已经达到了实用的要求,表明超过一半的政策工具标引可以借用模型的高置信度结果,无需人工复核。基于深度学习方法研究政策工具的自动识别取得较好的效果,提升政策工具标引的效率,为大数据量的政策工具自动识别提供正面经验。  相似文献   

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