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健身健美过程中饮食的营养搭配及摄取价值的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
健美运动是锻炼肌肉最为有效的体育项目。研究表明,该项目对饮食具有严格的要求,科学的搭配和摄取食物中的营养,对于当代大学生健身健美、增进健康、改善形体具有十分重要的作用,因此建立"营养、卫生、科学、合理"的饮食结构是健康肌体、满足肌肉生成、达到健美的必备条件。  相似文献   


Post-exercise recovery is a multi-facetted process that will vary depending on the nature of the exercise, the time between exercise sessions and the goals of the exerciser. From a nutritional perspective, the main considerations are: (1) optimisation of muscle protein turnover; (2) glycogen resynthesis; (3) rehydration; (4) management of muscle soreness; (5) appropriate management of energy balance. Milk is approximately isotonic (osmolality of 280–290?mosmol/kg), and the mixture of high quality protein, carbohydrate, water and micronutrients (particularly sodium) make it uniquely suitable as a post-exercise recovery drink in many exercise scenarios. Research has shown that ingestion of milk post-exercise has the potential to beneficially impact both acute recovery and chronic training adaptation. Milk augments post-exercise muscle protein synthesis and rehydration, can contribute to post-exercise glycogen resynthesis, and attenuates post-exercise muscle soreness/function losses. For these aspects of recovery, milk is at least comparable and often out performs most commercially available recovery drinks, but is available at a fraction of the cost, making it a cheap and easy option to facilitate post-exercise recovery. Milk ingestion post-exercise has also been shown to attenuate subsequent energy intake and may lead to more favourable body composition changes with exercise training. This means that those exercising for weight management purposes might be able to beneficially influence post-exercise recovery, whilst maintaining the energy deficit created by exercise.  相似文献   

Absorption of creatine supplied as a drink, in meat or in solid form.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We examined the plasma concentration curve obtained over 6 h after the ingestion of 2 g of creatine (Cr) (equivalent to 2.3 g Cr x H2O) contained in meat or in solution in five non-users of creatine supplements. Peak plasma creatine concentration was lower after the ingestion of meat but was maintained close to this for a longer period. Measurements of the area under the plasma concentration curve indicated approximate bioequivalence of creatine contained in meat with the same dose supplied in a solution. In a separate study, we examined the plasma concentration time curve after ingestion of solid Cr x H2O. Creatine ingested as a lozenge (crushed in the mouth and swallowed) or as a crystalline suspension in ice cold water resulted in a 20% lower peak concentration and 30-35% smaller area under the plasma creatine concentration curve than the same dose administered in solution. Despite a possibly lower bioavailability, 2.3 g Cr x H2O supplied in either solid form was nonetheless sufficient to raise the plasma concentration five- to six-fold in individuals with a mean body mass of 75.6 kg. We conclude that creatine administered as meat or in solid form is readily absorbed but may result in slightly lower peak concentrations than when the same dose is ingested as a solution.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2014,17(4):407-418
This qualitative case study provides a sport-oriented perspective of sport tourism. It examines a strategic alliance between an Australian national sport organisation (NSO), the Australian Rugby Union (ARU), and a sport tour operator (STO), FanFirm. The study contributes insights into how NSOs can facilitate and develop sport tourism for major events through alliances with STOs. Findings indicate that by collaborating with the STO, the ARU accrued a range of intangible and financial benefits, which in turn provided an impetus for ongoing maintenance of the strategic alliance. In addition, the alliance was perceived to deliver advantages beyond the NSO–STO nexus, with rugby fans and host governments of rugby events also benefiting. The study demonstrates that sport organisations can play a role in maximising the tourism outcomes of major events and also suggests that smaller-scale, ‘bottom-up’ cross-sector alliances can contribute to maximising tourism outcomes of major sport events.  相似文献   

This study aims to describe the intensity and load demands of different stage types within a cycling Grand Tour. Nine professional cyclists, whom are all part of the same World-Tour professional cycling team, participated in this investigation. Competition data were collected during the 2016 Giro d’Italia. Stages within the Grand Tour were classified into four categories: flat stages (FLAT), semi-mountainous stages (SMT), mountain stages (MT) and individual time trials (TT). Exercise intensity, measured with different heart rate and power output based variables, was highest in the TT compared to other stage types. During TT’s the main proportion of time was spent at the high-intensity zone, whilst the main proportion of time was spent at low intensity for the mass start stage types (FLAT, SMT, MT). Exercise load, quantified using Training Stress Score and Training Impulse, was highest in the mass start stage types with exercise load being highest in MT (329, 359?AU) followed by SMT (280, 311?AU) and FLAT (217, 298?AU). Substantial between-stage type differences were observed in maximal mean power outputs over different durations. FLAT and SMT were characterised by higher short-duration maximal power outputs (5–30?s for FLAT, 30 s–2?min for SMT) whilst TT and MT are characterised by high longer duration maximal power outputs (>10?min). The results of this study contribute to the growing body of evidence on the physical demands of stage types within a cycling Grand Tour.  相似文献   

This article casts the Spalding world baseball tour of 1888–1889 in a context of the campaign to construct a national identity during the late 19th century. In doing so, it intends to show how baseball magnate Albert Spalding and fellow sporting missionaries used cultural perspectives promoted on the tour to assert baseball's national purpose and, through the sport, stake America's claim in the Anglo-Saxon imperium of the times. Spalding initiated the mission with a remarkable tourist venture that spanned the globe, from Chicago across the Pacific and through Europe before returning from overseas. In New York, at a famous reception at Delmonico's restaurant, the tourists and commentators imbued the sport with the rhetoric of nationalism so critical to constructing empire ten years later. The banquet serves as the window in which to look on parts of the tour, particularly the contrasting results of the visits to Australia and Britain.  相似文献   


Nine males cycled at 53% (s = 2) of their peak oxygen uptake ([Vdot]O2peak) for 90 min (dry bulb temperature: 25.4°C, s = 0.2; relative humidity: 61%, s = 3). One litre of flavoured water at 10 (cold), 37 (warm) or 50°C (hot) was ingested 30 – 40 min into exercise. Immediately after the 90 min of exercise, participants cycled at 95%[Vdot]O2peak to exhaustion to assess exercise capacity. Rectal and mean skin temperatures and heart rate were recorded. The gradient of rise in rectal temperature was influenced (P < 0.01) by drink temperature. Mean skin temperature was highest in the hot trial (cold trial: 34.2°C, s = 0.5; warm trial: 34.4°C, s = 0.5; hot trial: 34.7°C, s = 0.6; P < 0.01). Significant differences were observed in heart rate (cold trial: 132 beats · min?1, s = 13; warm trial: 134 beats · min?1, s = 12; hot trial: 139 beats · min?1, s = 13; P < 0.05). Exercise capacity was similar between trials (cold trial: 234 s, s = 69; warm trial: 214 s, s = 52; hot trial: 203 s, s = 53; P = 0.562). The heat load and debt induced via drinking resulted in appropriate thermoregulatory reflexes during exercise leading to an observed heat content difference of only 33 kJ instead of the predicted 167 kJ between the cold and hot trials. These results suggest that there may be a role for drink temperature in influencing thermoregulation during exercise.  相似文献   

Nine males cycled at 53% (s = 2) of their peak oxygen uptake (VO(2peak)) for 90 min (dry bulb temperature: 25.4 degrees C, s = 0.2; relative humidity: 61%, s = 3). One litre of flavoured water at 10 (cold), 37 (warm) or 50 degrees C (hot) was ingested 30 - 40 min into exercise. Immediately after the 90 min of exercise, participants cycled at 95%VO(2peak) to exhaustion to assess exercise capacity. Rectal and mean skin temperatures and heart rate were recorded. The gradient of rise in rectal temperature was influenced (P < 0.01) by drink temperature. Mean skin temperature was highest in the hot trial (cold trial: 34.2 degrees C, s = 0.5; warm trial: 34.4 degrees C, s = 0.5; hot trial: 34.7 degrees C, s = 0.6; P < 0.01). Significant differences were observed in heart rate (cold trial: 132 beats . min(-1), s = 13; warm trial: 134 beats . min(-1), s = 12; hot trial: 139 beats . min(-1), s = 13; P < 0.05). Exercise capacity was similar between trials (cold trial: 234 s, s = 69; warm trial: 214 s, s = 52; hot trial: 203 s, s = 53; P = 0.562). The heat load and debt induced via drinking resulted in appropriate thermoregulatory reflexes during exercise leading to an observed heat content difference of only 33 kJ instead of the predicted 167 kJ between the cold and hot trials. These results suggest that there may be a role for drink temperature in influencing thermoregulation during exercise.  相似文献   

对舟山市体育旅游市场的现状,开发体育旅游市场的优势和资源环境的探讨和分析,提出开发体育旅游市场的基本策略。  相似文献   

黑龙江省滑雪体育旅游市场现状及对策研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在分析黑龙江省滑雪体育旅游市场自身特点和优势的基础上,针对目前黑龙江省滑雪体育旅游市场存在的问题进行分析。并提出相应的对策和合理性建议。  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(2):236-258
This survey of beer advertising in football programmes illuminates how the rationalisation of the British brewing industry in the 1960s severed the links between beer and football in local identity. The supremacy of national brands is considered against the parochial allegiances of football supporters, and wider trends in an increasingly cosmopolitan society.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2019,22(1):167-179
Tobacco, alcohol and gambling-related sport sponsorships have faced widespread scrutiny due to a critical consciousness that questions the alignment of unhealthy products and damaging addictive behaviours with a healthy activity such as sport. The purpose of this study was to explore how a public health agenda may influence rugby union organisations in their negotiation of sponsorship relationships with food and beverage companies. Interviews with a purposeful sample of New Zealand regional rugby organisation managers reveal the potential influence of emergent threats about government-regulated restrictive sponsorship measures on the delivery of community and youth sport. Findings indicate that many regional rugby organisations depend on sponsorships to fund required and desired activities. In addition, some organisations in more rural regions of New Zealand not only contend with the difficulty of securing sponsorships, but fear that criticism of, and impending restrictions on, fast-food and beverage companies are likely to have detrimental consequences for the provision of rugby.  相似文献   

武陵山区是典型的少数民族聚居区,具有丰富的民族传统体育资源,如何开发利用好这些资源优势是当地脱贫致富的必然选择.采用田野考察和对比等研究方法,分析了武陵山区的民族传统体育的旅游开发价值与现状,指出了存在的问题,并提出了武陵山民族传统体育旅游的开发对策.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of a caffeine-containing energy drink to enhance physical and match performance in elite badminton players. Sixteen male and elite badminton players (25.4 ± 7.3 year; 71.8 ± 7.9 kg) participated in a double-blind, placebo-controlled and randomised experiment. On two different sessions, badminton players ingested 3 mg of caffeine per kg of body mass in the form of an energy drink or the same drink without caffeine (placebo). After 60 min, participants performed the following tests: handgrip maximal force production, smash jump without and with shuttlecock, squat jump, countermovement jump and the agility T-test. Later, a 45-min simulated badminton match was played. Players’ number of impacts and heart rate was measured during the match. The ingestion of the caffeinated energy drink increased squat jump height (34.5 ± 4.7 vs. 36.4 ± 4.3 cm; < 0.05), squat jump peak power (< 0.05), countermovement jump height (37.7 ± 4.5 vs. 39.5 ± 5.1 cm; < 0.05) and countermovement jump peak power (< 0.05). In addition, an increased number of total impacts was found during the badminton match (7395 ± 1594 vs. 7707 ± 2033 impacts; < 0.05). In conclusion, the results show that the use of caffeine-containing energy drink may be an effective nutritional aid to increase jump performance and activity patterns during game in elite badminton players.  相似文献   

大学生食物多样性及食物成分偏好对体质健康的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用文献资料、社会调查和数理统计对江苏省10所高校1500名大学生饮食方式中的食物多样性及食物成分偏好进行调查并与其体质健康状况作相关性分析。结果发现:1)从大学生所吃食物多样性调查结果看,有58.6%的大学生一直保持“每日食物多样性”,只有0.6%的大学生从未“每日食物多样性”,可见大学生营养较全面;2)从大学生食物成分偏好调查结果看,只有24.0%的大学生坚持“少吃高脂肪食物”,有21.0%的大学生坚持“少吃含盐量高的食物”,大学生较喜欢甜食,只有7.3%的大学生坚持“少吃甜食”;3)大学生是否“每日食物多样性”与其体质健康非常显著相关;4)大学生的食物成分偏好状况与其体质健康的相关性不显著。建议在大学生中普及食物营养常识,并对其每日食物的多样选择性进行适度干预。  相似文献   


Throughout the world, women are a small minority within the governing bodies of organized sport. This paper presents the results of three empirical studies that have been undertaken within a German research project. The representative survey of all male and female executives in German sports federations (N=697) included questions concerning their socio-demography, their careers as executive members of sports organizations, as well as their careers in sport and their chosen occupation. The survey reveals significant gender differences in terms of, for example, age, family situation, responsibilities in the executive committees, duration of office, and career barriers. Furthermore, we conducted 23 in-depth, semi-structured interviews with women in leadership positions to explore the women's individual perspectives. The aim of a second interview study (“drop-out” study) was to identify barriers in the voluntary careers of seven male and nine female leaders who left office prematurely (i.e. earlier than they had originally planned). These informants can be seen as experts who have an excellent insight into their organizations and who have also experienced barriers that caused them to “drop out”. The respondents’ statements showed similarities with regard to socio-economic background but considerable differences in terms of gender-specific experiences, attitudes, and evaluations. The demands placed on the sports leaders were much more in line with the biographies of the men interviewed than with the personal circumstances of the women.  相似文献   

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