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Contemporary changes in the domain of knowledge production are usually seen as posing significant challenges to ‘the University’. This paper argues against the framing of the university as an ideal-type, and considers epistemic gains from treating universities as assemblages (e.g. DeLanda, M. 2016. Assemblage Theory. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press) of different functions, actors and relations. It contrasts this with the concept of ‘unbundling’, using two recent cases of controversies around academics’ engagement on social media to show how, rather than having clearly delineated limits, social entities become ‘territorialised’ through boundary disputes. The conclusion extends this discussion to the production of knowledge about social objects in general.  相似文献   

本文表明:生产成本、交易成本、制度三者间的相互作用构成了人类经济社会发展的过程,三者在人类社会不同的发展阶段所起的重要作用并不相同,在现代社会中强调交易成本,制度安排的重要性有其独特的理由和现实意义。  相似文献   

交易费用决定论虽然打开了新古典企业的“黑箱”,但以此解释企业的性质,不仅导致对企业性质认识上的片面性,而且其结论也与现实相悖。交易费用只是企业存在的原因之一,完整的企业性质理论应抓住企业最基本的生产功能,并做到逻辑与历史相统一。  相似文献   

在计划经济体制下建立的传统农业技术推广体系曾经发挥过重要历史性作用,但是难以适应市场经济条件下农业与农村发展对多样化、多层次农业技术的需求。首先概述交易成本的概念;其次解释了农业技术推广中农民的交易成本过大,这样打击了农民参与应用农业技术、产品的积极性;最后,通过以农民为核心的创新农技推广渠道,以此来实现减少农民为获得农业技术、产品的交易成本的目标。  相似文献   

随机市场模型下美式看跌期权的定价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章讨论银行利率、期望收益率、分红率以及渡动率都是随机变量时美式看跌期权的定价问题,利用Fourier变换得出美式看跌期权的价格表达式,并给出有交易成本的美式看跌期权的定价公式.  相似文献   

Globalisation has significantly altered patterns of research and development, and production. In turn, this has generated new organisational forms and practices in higher education knowledge production. As a result, a strong trend towards the 'entrepreneurial' university has emerged, characterised by increasing market-like behaviour and governance. Within the dominant neo-liberal global consensus, this primarily serves the market and the private good. However, this is a growing counter concern for higher education's contribution to equity, community development and the public good. Drawing from various case studies, focusing on South Africa, this paper identifies the higher education-community partnership model as a complementary alternative to the entrepreneurial university. It is shown that knowledge production in these partnerships closely resembles so-called mode 2, applications-driven knowledge production. Potentially, however, the partnership model integrates and mutually enhances experiential learning, relevant research and community development.  相似文献   

研究了投资策略受限制、借款利率大于存款利率、投资者拥有或借入风险资产需交纳比例费用的有摩擦金融市场中的美式未定权益的套期保值问题.通过引入反映上述金融市场摩擦的辅助无摩擦金融市场类,利用Doob-Meyer分解和随机控制的方法给出了美式未定权益的上套期保值价格的表达式,并证明了最优上套期保值策略的存在性.  相似文献   

中国资源型城市转型势在必行,转型的制度变迁具有其他传统要素无法替代的作用。在生命周期理论框架下转型制度变迁的模型表现出各异的内容。转型制度变迁的供求受到不同因素的影响,二者的均衡是一个动态变化的过程。对应生命周期的不同发展阶段,资源型城市所采取的制度变迁模型组合存在差异.强制性制度供给在未来较长的时间里将对制度均衡发挥决定性的影响作用。  相似文献   

新升本科秘书专业的《档案管理学》课程教学既不能延续中专、大专阶段的教学方式,也不能照搬档案学专业的课程教学改革模式,必须在教学指导思想与培养目标、教学内容与教材、教学方式方法、实践教学、考核方式等方面进行改革,研究一套全新教学模式,以符合高校秘书专业的人才培养需要。  相似文献   

When Geoffrey Sherington and I set out on our project on the Australian Public University, which culminated in Sydney: The Making of a Public University (2012), we wanted to move away from the emphasis of conventional institutional history on chancellors, vice-chancellors and governing councils in order to explore the university as a social institution. Using the theoretical and methodological approach of social history, we studied how students, academics, researchers, philanthropists along with the university's governing body were all important characters in the creation and development of Australia's first university. This essay explores some of the influences in this approach, especially the relationship between oral history and women's history and the history of administration in the story of educational institutions such as universities, and examines the methodological challenges for historical analysis of bringing together these approaches.  相似文献   

刍议新时期高校行政管理的效能构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
效能作为绩效管理中的核心要素,加强效能建设对促进高校行政管理绩效的改善和提高、进一步深化高校行政管理改革和创新乃至推进高校和高等教育事业的发展具有重要意义。该文从当前高校行政管理体制中存在的严重的旧式行政管理体制模式与工作思维方式、方法等着手,通过分析高校行政管理体系构建的基本原则、主体内容来进一步探讨保障机制的建立。  相似文献   

This study explored the nature of the integration of the five components of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK): (a) Orientations toward Teaching Science, (b) Knowledge of Student Understanding, (c) Knowledge of Instructional Strategies and Representations, (d) Knowledge of Science Curriculum, and (e) Knowledge of Assessment of Science Learning. Given the topic and context specificity of PCK, this investigation was conducted in the context of the photosynthesis and heredity instruction of four teachers who were working at the same high school with the same curricular materials. Data sources included classroom observations, semi‐structured interviews, lesson plans, instructional materials, and students' work samples. Data were analyzed through three different approaches: (a) in‐depth analysis of explicit PCK, (b) enumerative approach, and (c) the constant comparative method. Data analysis indicated five salient features of the integration of the PCK components: (a) the integration of the components was idiosyncratic and topic‐specific; (b) Knowledge of Student Understanding and Knowledge of Instructional Strategies and Representations were central in the integration; (c) Knowledge of Science Curriculum and Knowledge of Assessment of Science Learning had most limited connection with other components; (d) Knowledge of Assessment of Science Learning was more often connected with Knowledge of Student Understanding and Knowledge of Instructional Strategies and Representations than with the other components; and (e) Didactic Orientations toward Teaching Science directed Knowledge of Instructional Strategies and Representations inhibiting its connection with other components. This study highlights that the quality of PCK depends on the coherence among the components as well as the strength of individual components. From a methodological perspective, this study demonstrates the possibility to make PCK more visible and accessible by using a PCK Map, a pictorial representation of the interactions of the PCK components. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 49: 922–941, 2012  相似文献   

知识生产模式1的知识生产情境主要由特定共同体的学术兴趣所主导,知识生产活动由特定学科兴趣所驱动;大学作为知识生产组织体现出同质性;知识生产主体多为大学教师等学术人员,其知识生产质量控制主要依靠同行评议.知识生产模式2具有知识生产情境的应用性、知识生产的跨学科性、异质性与组织多样性、社会问责性与反思性、质量控制方式的综合性与多维性等特征.杜克大学主动对自身状况、社会变革以及市场需求进行分析与调适,通过大学战略规划来推动知识生产模式1向模式2的转型:制定顺应知识生产目的 转变的战略目标;实施以打破学科边界,推动学科跨越式发展为核心的战略行动计划;建构以多主体互补嵌入式关系为特征的组织结构;建立多主体参与质量控制的战略评价体系.当前,为了更好地以战略规划推动大学转型发展,我国大学在战略规划中应转变战略发展理念,兼顾学术使命与社会责任;开放组织边界,构建多元化跨学科单位;重构战略规划实施的评价,将内部自评与外部评估相结合.  相似文献   

英国大学终身教职制度改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为撒切尔时代新右派改革的一项重要产物,《1988年教育改革法》规定大学有权以人员多余为由解聘学术人员,从而大大软化了传统的刚性终身教职。英国大学终身教职制度改革不仅导致学术人员提前退休和临时工化趋势,而且强化了学校行政权力,对大学治理和学术专业产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

李梅 《铜仁学院学报》2008,10(4):118-120
在知识经济时代,传统的管理体制束缚着高校图书馆的发展。高校图书馆要生存发展,就要转变经营理念;建立文献资源数据库,实现资源共享;联合社会力量,共建高校图书馆;建立信息服务社会化运作的机制等措施,为社会经济建设服务。  相似文献   

This paper elaborates a typology of universities in which each university is characteristically associated with (i) diverse missions, (ii) different ways of producing knowledge and (iii) contrasting pedagogical configurations. Four university forms are identified, analysed and illustrated, namely the expert university, the non-elite university, the entrepreneurial university and the revolutionary university. It is suggested that the typology and the analysis of university forms offered here provide insight into the current positioning of universities in relation to the wider world and have potential in prompting new forms of university for the twenty-first century. The paper further advances another possible university for the future, namely the complex university. The complex university is part of and respectful of diverse ecosystems. It creates new frameworks to understand the world and, in that way, supports social transformations.  相似文献   

高校行政人员对整个高校的管理工作起着举足轻重的作用,随着我国高等教育的深入改革和迅猛发展,对高校行政人员的能力提出了越来越高的要求。本文阐述了高校行政工作人员的知识结构和能力模型,同时提出高校行政人员应具备语言文字、信息处理、协调沟通和辅助管理等方面的具体能力要求。  相似文献   

以科学的方法培育科学的精神--大学怎样进行科学教育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文通过分析我国大学科学教育中存在的问题,提出大学实行科学教育应当重视提高教师的科学素质,形成研究氛围,促进学生快速进入准研究状态;同时要在教学内容调整、科学课程知识结构体系建构和问题情境设立等方面采取灵活多样的方法,挖掘科学教育中的人文内涵,培养大学生的科学精神和科学素养以及科学的思维能力。  相似文献   

伴随着高等学校办学能力和水平的不断提高,教育体制改革的逐年深入,高校院(系)级档案管理工作的重要性日益突显,已成为摆在高校档案管理工作者面前的重要课题.目前,高校院(系)级档案管理工作还不完善,有待创新突破,切实采取有效措施,大力推进高校院(系)级档案管理工作,实现档案管理科学化、制度化、规范化.  相似文献   

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