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语言具有社会交际工具与民族文化和身份认同的双重功能。在多语社会或国家,通常是通用语言承担较多社会交际工具功能,而少数民族语言承担较多文化认同功能,二者互相补充又互相不可替代。因此在语言的工具认同和文化认同意义上,我国国家通用语言和少数民族语言没有根本的冲突。在少数民族语言内部,由于存在强势语言和弱势语言、主体民族语言和非主体民族语言、简单语言环境语言和复杂语言环境语言、保持母语程度不同等复杂情况,所以对于不同民族语言来说,语言的民族认同也存在较大的区别。  相似文献   

华语教育与国际汉语教育有何异同?这不仅是一个学术问题,而且也是中国当前亟待解决的一个语言政策问题。本文提出的"语言认同过程"理论把语言认同分解为个人多重身份库、个人语码库和身份与语码匹配过程,并认为,语码的学习、储存、和使用需要与语言学习者的身份认同相匹配。根据该理论分析,华裔学生对华语的认同有别于非华裔学生对国际汉语的认同,因此华语教育与国际汉语教育的对象有重大的认知差别。本文运用该理论分析华裔学生学习华语的身份认同困惑,提出相应的华语教育理念、华语教学法、华语教材编写和华语教师培养方法,以期解决华裔学生华语学习中的认同问题,达到华人身份与华语语码的有机匹配。  相似文献   

作为中国现代文学史上“最不容易写的一章”的林语堂,由于宗教、文化、信仰、性格等多方面原因,造成他文化身份的多样性。其中各种因素缠绕错杂、相互渗透,形成了一个复杂的身份认同体系。文章将借助文艺学新兴的文化身份的研究方法,从宗教的角度对林语堂文化身份的认同体系与文化选择作一概述。  相似文献   

在认知语言学界,隐喻一直被视为人类的基本思维方式,而作为修辞手段渐次为人们所遗忘。本文从批评话语分析的角度,讨论了隐喻与语言意识的交织问题,借助对政治语篇中所包含的种族歧视的分析,指出隐喻是人类观照世界的视角,是交际中不可缺少的语用策略。  相似文献   

利益是意识形态的核心要素,是意识形态认同的基础。在社会转型期,利益分化在很大程度上影响着主流意识形态的认同。如何保持和重建社会主流意识形态的认同度和凝聚力,是当前社会转型过程中需要我们认真思考和研究的重要课题。要提高人们对主流意识形态的认同,必须要抓住利益这条主线,把实现好、发展好、维护好广大人民群众的利益作为根本途径。  相似文献   

语言是文化的载体,也是文化交流、保存和传承的工具.语言学习的过程同时也是文化学习的过程,因此语言学习在学习者文化身份的构建过程中起着至关重要的作用;反过来,文化身份认同也影响着语言的学习.二者相互影响,相互制约.如何正确理解和看待语言学习和文化身份的关系,有助于语言教学和学习者文化身份的保存与维护.  相似文献   


In the mid-20th century, as the global colonial order collapsed, language and education were two of the most affectively, politically, and economically challenging domains of decolonization efforts. Parler Algérien (Speak Algerian), an experimental method for the teaching and learning of Darija (Algerian vernacular Arabic), created by Catholic clergymen and women in the early 1970s, provides an illustration of an attempt to decolonize language learning in postcolonial Algeria. The Catholic creators of Parler Algérien assumed a stance of solidarity with the independent nation, an alignment that translated into the entextualization of a number of linguistic and non-linguistic features in the textbook. This ethnography of a Darija classroom examines the shifting language ideologies that mediate the text’s interpretation in the 21st century. I argue that the interdiscursive residues of Parler Algérien’s postcolonial context of production shape its uptake in the 21st century classroom, but not in the ways that the authors intended.  相似文献   

密利本德将意识形态在当代资本主义政治认同中的作用定义为政治的社会化和合法化过程。在当代资本主义国家生活中,不仅政治上的保守党,甚至左翼工人政党都在制造大量"民众政治"的幻象。宗教、民族主义、大众传播和文化教育作为意识形态渗透的主要手段,在确保资本主义政治正确和参与危机管理过程中都发挥着重要的导向作用,成为当代资本主义精神生产与阶级统治的重要工具。密利本德对当代西方国家政治认同策略的研究对新时代党的意识形态建设具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   


Our paper contends that growing awareness of the historicity of English lies at the heart of the process by which English language teachers develop “critical” identities. We compare novice teachers in three different contexts of English teaching: urban Guatemala, rural Nicaragua, and a Tibetan refugee community in India. Collectively, these ethnographic case studies illustrate the complexity of English teacher identity formation in contemporary global society, as our participants developed new understandings of their positions in history, their relationships with English learners, and the local meanings around English as symbolic capital.  相似文献   

论语言与文化身份的相互作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化身份是文化心态的固化和体现,其核心成分是价值观念,沉淀于个人和民族的灵魂深处。语言在文化身份的塑造中起着重要的作用。而文化身份影响语言的选择和使用,在人际交往中起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

This article draws attention to the role one’s language plays in socialization and explains the misunderstandings and conflicts over integration of the Roma in the Czech Republic. Recognizing the role of home language leads to successful socialization. By not demanding that schools account for home language in the process of teaching, the Roma have implicitly agreed that Czech is the natural way through which children of diverse cultural backgrounds access education and adapt. Children of minorities and namely, the Roma, have been disadvantaged by cultural assumptions enabling teachers, curricula, and textbooks to construct the profile of a Czech student in a way that precludes his or her multicultural origin. To compare, the study provides insight into the conflict between Standard American English and Afro-American English and highlights its factors, legal resolutions, and contemporary situation. The article also reviews research on bilingual classrooms and learning in the United States and suggests that it is relevant to the contentious interrelationship of standard Czech and Romani at schools.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a review of 33 journal articles chosen from 87 empirical studies on learner identity in Chinese as a foreign/second language (CFL/CSL) education, published during the years 2005–2019. By analyzing the co-occurrence of keywords in these Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) journal articles, this review identifies the theoretical perspectives and topical trends of CFL/CSL education research on learner identity. The review shows that while such post-structuralist theories and notions as capital, identity and investment model have continued to play a predominant role in CFL/CSL identity research, interdisciplinary perspectives seem to also demonstrate their theoretical value and interpretive power. Furthermore, the review found that researchers explored a wide array of topical issues in relation to learner identity involved in the complex linguistic and social ecology of Chinese language learning. The review concludes with suggestions for future projects to consider that expand the thematic and theoretical scope by exploring intersections between different social categories and learner identities in societal contexts.  相似文献   

由于宗教、文化、社会、性格等多方面因素的相互影响和相互渗透,林语堂对基督教文化的态度经历了从信仰到反叛再到重新信仰的迂回反复,也相应地造成了他文化身份的多样性和混杂性。现从林语堂的基督教信仰之旅这一视角出发,探讨林语堂在不断更迭的文化场域中的文化身份变迁。  相似文献   

从同一性的认识角度出发,对交际教学法、任务教学法和项目教学法本质特征进行对比,探讨相似性,得出三者的结合点:它们是同一集合关系,而非对立关系。任务教学是交际教学的实际运用,项目教学是系列任务教学的组合。它们相互融合、相互补充,构成多层次的教学形式和评价手段。对它们理性认识的回归,有助于中国特色的英语教学法体系的形成。  相似文献   

The authors situate the politics of language surrounding the passage of California's Proposition 227, by discussing the historical and contemporary conditions that have led to the recent dismantling of bilingual education. They review the dynamics of power, language, and ideology since precolonial times, through the colonial period, the era of the Treaty of the Guadalupe Hidalgo, the process of Americanization, the Civil Rights decades, and up to the current 227 law. These are used to bear the point that the hegemonic bond of language is a continual thread that carries over to the new millennium, as we witness the spread of English-only legislation.  相似文献   

语言社会化范式是上世纪八十年代发展起来的全新语言研究视角。这一范式摆脱了传统语言研究过度偏重心理认知的束缚,探讨了语言学习中的社会文化影响因素,从语境、认知和身份三个方面探讨语言习得的社会化过程。作为语言研究的重要领域,二语习得研究也开始受到语言社会化范式的影响,开辟出新的学术空间。从语境、认知和习得者身份三方面将语言社会化范式引入二语习得研究具有创新意义,推进了二语习得研究社会化转向的发展。  相似文献   

After centuries of “Eurocentric” linguistic ideology, the South African government has formulated African language development and multilingualism as one priority in the education system. While only English, and decreasingly Afrikaans, are the only “established” languages of instruction at tertiary level, most universities in the country have revised their language policies in order to show commitment to South Africa’s evident multilingualism. This article provides a critical analysis of particular language and identity politics in one of the leading tertiary institutions of the country. The theoretical framework is based on a critical sociolinguistic approach that draws attention to polarizing identity politics in relation to language policy, planning and implementation. Methodologically grounded in ethnography, the article has a two-fold perspective. First, it analyses particular language policy rhetoric at the University on focus and argues that its essentialist approach to Africanisation triggers contested identity politics. Second, the article provides insights into the developments of specific implementations, pointing to ideological as well as practical challenges at the university on focus.  相似文献   

语言与文类中的意识形态指涉--弗莱的意识形态理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从语言与文类两方面,论述了弗莱学说中的意识形态资源。弗莱认识到语言的结构作用,它在时间与空间上结构我们的意识。语言的集体性与历史沉积性特质,为隐喻及隐喻中的意识形态指涉提供了基础。詹姆逊曾在弗莱的文类批评中发掘出其意识形态功能,并针对弗莱的文类批评,提出了“意识形态素”的概念。  相似文献   

罗敏 《海外英语》2012,(15):236-238
Language is used to exchange information,but it means far more than that.It is also employed to establish and maintain social relationships.Language has varieties.Only by acquiring the variety of language a speech community adopts can a person be accepted and establish a target social identity.The movie My Fair Lady is a good illustration to this point,and Eliza’s experiences of transforming from a poor flower girl to a charming"princess"are cited in this paper.Both linguistic features like phonology,grammar,syntax and lexicon,and paralinguistic characteristics like pitch,volume,intonation,manners and topics will altogether contribute to the construction of a social identity.The ultimate goal is to cultivate people’s awareness of social identity and be conscious to speak.  相似文献   

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