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Whereas earlier research has shown that (traditional) cricket was invented in Flanders (i.e. the Southern Low Countries), this article focuses on the introduction of modern cricket in the Netherlands (i.e. the Northern Low Countries). The result is a broad textual study, based on large-scale digital analysis. We show that the integration of this sport textually took place in three phases: first in small groups via billingual translation dictionaries (starting in 1724), translated literature and ego documents, then through educational leisure books and manuals, and finally by means of articles in periodicals and news papers (with information about cricket matches). With regard to the practice and propagation of cricket, pupils and former pupils of Noorthey, a Protestant-Christian boarding school for boys, played a very important role. Clubs were founded all over the Netherlands, and in 1883 the Dutch cricket federation was established. In the end, however, cricket did not become a popular national sport in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

王邵励 《体育科学》2020,(4):90-96,F0003
英国是现代板球运动的发祥地。在英帝国扩张进程中,板球运动传播到南亚、中南美洲、澳洲、北美和南非等殖民地,于19世纪形成全球板球交往圈。通过体育全球史的视角,以板球运动在印度等英殖民地的传播为典型个案,实证再现板球"全球之旅"的多重景观。结果表明,板球的传播并非由英国人单向掌控,殖民地的板球受众也以调试、利用、改造等"再发明"手段,尝试了外来体育的在地化,通过与英国体育传统的互动,构建起交错杂糅的全球板球运动格局。体育全球史的释义旨在超越"西方中心论"的桎梏,启发当下尊重人类体育的多元传统,推动体育的跨文化互鉴与平等交往,在人类共同命运的视域高点上审视全球体育的未来。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法等,以广西为个案,研究中国共产党成立百年来体育推动边疆民族团结的实践经验与启示。实践历程:体育促进边疆民族团结历经了新民主主义革命、社会主义革命与建设、改革开放后的中国特色社会主义建设三个实践阶段,具有文化认同、文化自觉、文化自信的体育实践特征,形成了大联合、大联欢、大团结的民族团结进步实效。主要经验:中央与边疆互动,共生民族团结模式;经典与现代融合,共创民族团结动力;境内与境外交流,共享边疆和谐文化。主要启示:传承与弘扬体育精神,铸牢中华民族共同体意识;以文化自强汇集体育动力,凝聚中华民族伟大复兴力量;中央赋权边疆为国际战略支点,倡导构建人类体育命运共同体。  相似文献   

作为历史上客观存在并对历史进程和体育发展产生了重要影响的一种特定社会存在,体育经济长期以来没有被纳入到相关学科及其研究领域的视野中。体育经济活动、现象、问题是整个体育活动和经济活动历史中发生过作用、还将产生重大作用的事实存在。对体育经济史的研究,就是为了揭示经济、体育乃至社会发展的重要动力,从而更准确和全面地阐释整个人类社会发展的真实面貌及其演进的动力机制。从体育资助类型和体育经济活动、现象入手,可以比较合理地确立中国体育经济史的研究思路,从而构建中国体育经济史的研究框架。  相似文献   


The 40th anniversary of the biennial Sporting Traditions Conference provides a timely opportunity to examine the health of sports history in Australia. This paper identifies three methods through which we can take the temperature of the field and judge its wellbeing. Usually neglected, the first approach is to explore the teaching of sports history in Australia. The second is an analysis of the individuals who have presented to the 21 Sporting Traditions conferences held since 1977 and the content of their papers. The third method is to consider the impact of research in Australian sports history through citations and the other methods used by the Commonwealth of Australia to judge research quality. All three methods support the conclusion that after 40 years sports history’s future in Australia remains far from secure.  相似文献   

中国古代体育的经济学审视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体育经济是一个客观存在的历史现象 ,经济和体育的相互作用及影响不容忽视。依照中国古代社会的实际情况 ,可以从体育的资助渠道来解剖中国古代的体育经济。中国古代体育资助主要通过四个渠道获得 :其一是皇宫和王室贵族 ,其二是商贾地主 ,其三是军队 ,其四是公众 (市场 )。资助一方面维持并促进了体育的发展 ,另一方面也规定了体育的特征。影响中国古代体育经济发展的因素可以概括为衍生型、外附型、内化型三种。  相似文献   

芭蕾对体育舞蹈的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郑小宝 《体育学刊》2006,13(1):117-118
通过芭蕾与体育舞蹈发展过程的对比研究,认为芭蕾对体育舞蹈在审美、规范化、技术动作等方面有着积极的影响。  相似文献   

采用文献与实地研究等方法,通过回顾新中国村落体育文化的历史变迁,把村落体育文化的发展历程分为建国初期(1949—1965年)、文革时期(1966—1976年)、改革开放时期(1977—)三个历史过程,并指出村落体育疏于组织,健身文化尚未形成、提升国民身体素质,实现体育新跨越,从弘扬村落传统体育文化、推进村落体育文化创新,增强村落文化发展活力,规范体育文化的发展方向,实现文化转型等方面对村落体育的发展路径做了定位.  相似文献   

体育仲裁的受案范围是指体育仲裁机构受理仲裁案件的范围。与普通仲裁相比,体育仲裁的受案范围有其特殊性。我国正在制定体育仲裁条例,而确定其受案范围则是仲裁条例中的首要问题。笔者从介绍国外及国际体育仲裁中关于仲裁范围的规定入手,提出我国体育仲裁的范围应当满足3个条件,即争议必须是在竞技体育活动中发生的争议、该争议必须具有可仲裁性及必须有仲裁协议或属于强制仲裁的范围。根据以上条件,体育仲裁的受案范围包括注册、流动、转会等身份争议、参赛资格争议、纪律处罚争议及合同争议,而裁判员的临场裁判争议及体育行政争议则应排除在体育仲裁的受案范围之外。  相似文献   

竞技运动的节奏性规律   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
龚斌 《体育学刊》2002,9(4):113-115
为进一步深化竞技运动的理论研究,通过对竞技运动节奏的分析,阐述了竞技运动实际上是一个节奏运动体系的基本内容和特征。节奏性规律是竞技运动应该遵循的基本规律,它将是竞技运动发展和创新的重要理论依据。  相似文献   


The study examined, what and how 12 K-8 physical education teacher education (PETE) majors learned, about a movement approach that was discrepant from their experiences with physical education. This article describes one portion of the findings: what and, how PETE majors learned about a movement approach to game play/strategy and mechanisms of advanced knowledge acquisition that contributed to confusion about this topic. Analytic induction and constant comparison were used to analyze qualitative data from interviews, observations, and relevant documents. Eleven PETE majors initially maintained partial or inaccurate conceptions about a movement approach to game play/strategy or taught the content in ways that were inconsistent with their goals for physical education, their knowledge about learning and teaching game skills, and the information presented by faculty and cooperating teachers. Interacting with students' prior knowledge and what and how faculty taught, the following learning mechanisms contributed to confusion: (a) overgeneratizing a contrast between a movement and traditional approach, (b) forming associations prior to adequate differentiation, and (c) overrelying on bottom-up thinking when intially developing lesson/unit progressions.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to analyse the Law on Physical Education of 1938 to demonstrate the state interventions in Turkey's sport history. The Law was claimed to be the first one in the world which made physical education (PE) and sports obligatory to its citizens and was created on the verge of the Second World War. It was prepared by Carl Diem under the direction of Atatürk, the founder of the Republic of Turkey. According to the Law, male citizens aged between 12 and 45 years, and female citizens between 12 and 30 years would be required to perform PE and sports regularly. For the execution of the Law, a General Directorate of Physical Education was founded. Many grand plans such as creating sports complexes, and training teachers and staff were made without taking the socio-economic conditions of the country into consideration. Ultimately, due to the effects of the economic and political conditions of the nation and the wider world, the Law failed to fulfil the expectations of its creators. Two government-supported journals named Beden Terbiyesi ve Spor and Ülkü are examined here as primary sources to see how the Law was enforced and how they reflected the Law and the period.  相似文献   

分析了个案研究在体育社会问题研究中应用的相关理论问题.体育社会问题总体边界的模糊性导致个案研究的运用具有理论上的必要性;个案研究具有深入剖析与积极应对体育社会问题的效果,有助于体育社会问题理论的建构与重构;体育社会问题个案的选取应该遵循典型性、分层抽取以及重点突出的原则;体育社会问题个案研究中可以综合运用文献法、观察法和访问法;研究者在体育社会问题个案研究中需要具有理论勇气,并保持价值中立.  相似文献   

定向运动对提高学生综合素质的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
通过定向运动教学实验课的研究,探索定向运动在学校体育教育中对学生综合素质提高的重要作用,确立定向运动在学校体育中的地位,揭示定向运动在学校体育中开发与应用的意义。  相似文献   

体育运动领域中归因研究的历史、现状及其未来   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
自归因理论提出以来,显示了其巨大的生命力,在各个领域得到了广泛的应用,特别是在体育运动领域内。本文在纵向上拟从归因理论在体育领域中应用的历史、现状及其未来进行综述,在横向上拟从归因理论的前因研究和归因理论的结果研究来进行总结和分析。  相似文献   

从思想史视角对我国不同历史时期的体育分类内容及思想进行谱系性考察。研究认为:"体育分类"可以划分为五个历史时期:①凸显体育军事化思想的分类;②引入体育教育化思想的分类;③彰显体育"本土化"思想的分类;④赋予体育"使命化"思想的分类;⑤呈现体育"多元化"思想的分类。体育分类的历史演变浓缩了我国体育"本土化"、现代化历史进程,也暴露出我国体育分类研究受到实用性、工具性思想的掣肘。启示:需要重新界定"体育分类"概念,解构和重构体育分类研究问题域,构建体育分类研究新范式。同时,构建中国特色体育学科体系,加强体育基础性理论研究。  相似文献   

从思想史视角对我国不同历史时期的体育分类内容及思想进行谱系性考察。研究认为:"体育分类"可以划分为五个历史时期:①凸显体育军事化思想的分类;②引入体育教育化思想的分类;③彰显体育"本土化"思想的分类;④赋予体育"使命化"思想的分类;⑤呈现体育"多元化"思想的分类。体育分类的历史演变浓缩了我国体育"本土化"、现代化历史进程,也暴露出我国体育分类研究受到实用性、工具性思想的掣肘。启示:需要重新界定"体育分类"概念,解构和重构体育分类研究问题域,构建体育分类研究新范式。同时,构建中国特色体育学科体系,加强体育基础性理论研究。  相似文献   

通过文献的分析,得出东方体育的内涵不仅包括现代体育所具有的人体肢体运动的内容,而且还包涵人体的呼吸运动、思维运动以及运动时时宜的环境、时间因素等本质属性。并指出发展东方体育将推动现代体育质的变化。  相似文献   

针对大学生的特点,将体育活动引入矫正大学生网络成瘾的治疗当中。实验结果表明:体育活动疗法、体育心理相结合疗法与心理辅导疗法均能取得一定疗效,其中体育心理相结合疗法最佳;各种类型体育活动的疗效存在显著差异,群体活动好于单独活动,中等运动量好于小运动量及大运动量。  相似文献   

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