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《电工仪表与测量》是技工学校电工专业的专业课,该课程实践性较强,采用传统的教学方法,学生不易掌握。本文作者通过多年教学实践与探索,阐述了改进该课程教学方法的几点体会。  相似文献   

作为一名有20年教龄的教师,期望以己之能、尽己之力,为学院的发展贡献力量。在多年教学实践中,摸索出了一些教学方法、积累了一些教学经验、形成了一些教学特色,同时也思考了教学中存在的不足,在此谈几点体会。1教学所感———以真情授真知、用真诚唤真信众所周知,教师的职责是  相似文献   

目前,大学德语教学中尚未完全摆脱传统的教学方式,文章首先对几个概念进行了阐释,随后概括了大学德语的现状及问题,其中只想对自己的一些想法和做法,作一简介和总结。  相似文献   

函数是数学中的一个重要的基本概念。函数概念以及它的思想方法是数学教学的主线之一。对函数概念的学习,是学生对现实世界中具体的数量关系的认识向抽象的数量关系的认识的一个飞跃。  相似文献   

教育学教学“诗·思·用”三维模式,旨在从教师教育的高度探讨教育学教学的改革方式。通过“扎根于史”、“启趣于思”、“立足于用”,从时间、空间和实践三个维度进行系统研究,期望从根本上改变教育学教学的现状,使之适应教师教育发展的需要,使教育理论真正进入学生的意识,为教育实习和人职就业服务。  相似文献   

Classroom teaching is a life-practice in which both teacher and pupils engage and bring in their authentic and living experiences. Classroom teaching should be seen as a period of life-experience that is a meaningful component of the lives of both teachers and students. However, this is not how teaching is seen in most pedagogical and educational theory, teacher education, and in Chinese classrooms, and this perception inhibits reform. What must be understood to facilitate a view of teaching as a life-practice?  相似文献   

The overall appeal of ICT in education in China is promoting deep integration of ICT technology with teaching. From a regional point of view, intelligent terminals, such as laptop and tablet, were integrated into classroom, in Beijing, Shanghai and other developed cities. Interactive media equipment (whiteboards, interactive TVs and iPad etc.) have been applied in classroom teaching with deeper and broader ways. However, regarding the pedagogy, it is still a challenge to apply ICT technology for the revolution and further development of classroom instruction properly. In order to evaluate the quality of classroom teaching in an ICT environment and support teachers teaching with ICT technology in daily life practices, this study explored, measured and analyzed the features of classroom instruction in ICT environment, according to the sample lessons from a district in Beijing. Based on our prior research findings on Pad-enhanced teaching pedagogy, the “TPOCME Deep Classroom model” was proposed. 66 sample lessons that applying the TPOCME model was analyzed. The study found that student’s Higher-order Thinking, Classroom Participation and Meaningful learning all have qualitative improvement compared with the traditional classes. The progress concerning the integration of ICT in education and teaching changes the relations between teaching and learning in traditional classes. This study also proved the effectiveness of the proposed model and provided a basis for further development. It was an exploration of promoting ICT-enabled classroom teaching pedagogy in China.  相似文献   

CBI,英文全称"Content-based Instruction",也称内容教学法。CBI教学模式和传统的英语教学模式相比是创新的,其新颖之处在于着重培养复合型人才。CBI教学理念是将理论知识和提高语言技能两者合二为一有机地结合起来。其在课堂上所采用的教学模式,对于国家培养应用型的专业英语人才意义深远。文章主要论述了新时期的CBI教学理念,以及在如何将CBI教学理念应用到高校英语教学中。  相似文献   

探究教学是当前基础教育改革中最热门的话题之一。在此之前,国内传统教学中早已出现了诸如启发式教学法、引导发现法、尝试教学法等具较大影响力且含有探究成分的教学。由于这些教学与新时期倡导的探究教学仍有较大的差距,因而在以此作为新时期倡导探究教学的生长点的同时,提出改造传统“探究教学”的方法:如适当增加“大步子探究”、“形成性探究”、“开放性探究”等。  相似文献   

This two-phase mixed-methods study compares the job satisfaction of Turkish preschool teachers who are paid hourly against the satisfaction of those on regular contracts. The participants in its first, quantitative phase were 260 preschool teachers, of whom 81 also participated in the second, qualitative phase. Initial data collection from all phase-one participants was via the Job Satisfaction Scale. Then, in phase two, the members of the hourly paid group were asked three open-ended questions, and the regular-contract teachers two of the same questions, related to the advantages and disadvantages of hourly paid teaching. The results indicated a significant difference in job satisfaction levels between the two types of teachers. None of the interactive effects between preschool teachers’ working status and their gender, age, marital status, and in-service training was statistically significant. In phase two, moreover, more than half of the 41 hourly paid teachers (n?=?22) emphasised that they worked as hourly for economic reasons, while more than a third (n?=?30) of the overall phase-two sample stated that there was no advantage of working as an hourly paid teacher. Working conditions for hourly paid teachers were described as disadvantageous by almost half the members of the phase-two sample (n?=?37).  相似文献   

有效教学是能够引发、维持并促进学生学习与发展教学活动。基于当代教学论的框架,有效教学的行动表现从目标到评价可概括为九个方面:明确的教学目标定位,全面的教学方案设计,清晰的教学语言表达,适切的教学内容呈现,互动的教学实践样态,多样的教学策略运用,恰当的教学技术介入,高超的教学艺术体现,及时的教学信息反馈。这九个特征,既可以作为评价有效教学的基本参考标准,也可作为追求有效教学的行动框架。  相似文献   

陕西省高校学前教育专业教学存在的问题及其解决策略   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
在国家高度重视和大力发展学前教育事业的背景下,探讨高校学前教育专业的教学现状,对保障我国学前教育师资的培养质量具有重大的现实意义.然而本研究通过问卷调查、深入访谈、现场观摩等方法,发现当前高校学前教育专业教学质量堪忧.以陕西省为例,当前高校学前教育专业教学普遍存在专业教师数量不足、学历层次偏低、专业化水平不高、科研意识和能力匮乏,专业教学经费难以落实、教学资源配置欠缺,教材陈旧、教学内容没有及时更新、教学方法落后、教学效果不理想、教学评价体系不健全等问题.为此,各高校均应提高对学前教育专业的重视程度,加快其专业教师队伍建设,加大专业建设资金投入,从加强教材建设与管理、加快课堂教学改革、完善科学评价体系等方面持续提升专业教学质量.  相似文献   

Metaphors as blueprints of thinking about teaching and learning   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This study analyses the metaphorical conceptions of learning based on the reflections of 50 experienced teachers in an evening course on instructional psychology. The metaphors were achieved by collaboration in small groups. “Co-reflection” of group members was well suited to promote metaphorical reconstructions of teachers’ tacit theories about learning. The results show that the majority of these teachers shares traditional metaphors depicting teaching and learning as transmission of knowledge, followed by a smaller group of teachers expressing constructivist metaphors. Only a minority seems to conceive of teaching and learning as a social process. These results are compared with metaphors formulated by 38 prospective teachers without classroom experience participating in a course on curriculum design. In further collaborations these metaphors should serve as stepping stones to broader and more profound conceptions of the nature of teaching and learning.  相似文献   

对如何根据中学生的心理特点,通过适用分析、联想、推理、论证、归纳等方法实施教学,充分发挥学生的记忆、思维、想象等能力、激发学习兴趣,达到提高教学质量的目的进行了论述。  相似文献   

通过对山西省251名初中教师进行的随机抽样调查可以看出,让初中教师了解教育学的学科价值是当前迫切需要解决的教育问题,是寻找富有实践底蕴的教育学这一学科发展的有效路径。  相似文献   

本文基于教学实践,分析了高校中关于学前教育史在教学过程中存在的不足之处,并着重介绍了教师应该投入更多的关注在学前教育史上,帮助学生去了解它的发展进程,学生应该加强学前教育史的学习兴趣,认清这门课程开展的目的以及学校应该出台相关的政策,去保障学前教育史在教学过程中的重要地位等具体改进措施和具体应用,从而实现学前教育史的有效教学。  相似文献   


This article describes the development, implementation, and systematic evaluation of a public health pedagogy course for first-time graduate student instructors in a Health Behavior doctoral program at a Midwestern School of Public Health. The pedagogy course focused on intensive pedagogical training in the first 8 weeks of a 16-week semester and then served as a forum for reflection and feedback during the second 8 weeks, when the enrolled graduate students served as either instructors of record or graduate teaching assistants for introductory health courses. Course participants (N = 7) completed anonymous pre-, mid- and post-course online surveys that assessed general teaching skills, discipline-specific teaching skills, and desire to pursue scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) activities. Participants' teaching self-efficacy increased for almost all survey items throughout the semester, particularly related to the instruction of health courses. Participants reported positive perceptions of the course and described it as essential for their teaching practice. This research study contributes to and expands upon the interdisciplinary study of the benefits of graduate level pedagogy courses and offers the first known assessment of a pedagogy course in the public health discipline.  相似文献   

本文就行动导向教学法在计算机教学中的应用进行了阐述。  相似文献   

世界上高校的大学英语教学主要是专门用途英语教学,尤其是为学生专业课程服务的学术英语教学。而我国学术英语刚刚起步。通过对复旦大学等四所大学的需求分析,我们发现,在高等教育国际化背景下,学生对学术英语的学习需求是非常迫切的。为此我们从学术英语课程的目的、教材、课堂模式和教学效果等方面进行案例分析,试图提出一个适合我国高校、可从新生就开始学习的学术英语教学模式和方法。  相似文献   

文章对山西省某机关幼儿园大班教师的课堂教学奖励活动进行个案研究,试图在自然的课堂情境中观察与倾听教师和幼儿的言行,通过了解其课堂教学奖励活动的现状,找到存在的问题,并提出教师应注意控制奖励对象的均衡化、教师应提高关于"奖励活动"的理论水平以及注重课堂奖励的人性化和艺术化的建议,旨在唤起包括调查对象及其所在的幼儿园在内的更多学前教育工作者去思索课堂教学过程中的奖励活动。  相似文献   

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