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……当春天从玫瑰红的云彩中露出她的碧眼,当阳光在我的书桌上闪烁时,我渴望的发疯般地闻一闻那百花绽放的大地的芳香,看一看那山坡上落叶松的葱郁,听一听高地上云雀的歌唱。曾几何时,似乎比童年还要遥远的那个时刻,我满腔热情地拿起了笔。如果那时我的手在颤抖,那也只是因为希  相似文献   

The article surveys the historiography of the influenza pandemic of 1918–19, charting growing interest in the field and offering a critical review of recent publications. While, against the background of current anxieties concerning the threat of an outbreak of an avian influenza epidemic, the Great Flu has belatedly become a hot topic, the cultural history of this catastrophe remains to be written.  相似文献   

<正>In celebration of the 30th anniversary of the China-Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship, the exhibition "Great Romance of the Three Kingdoms", presented by Art Exhibition China, traveled to seven Japanese cities including  相似文献   

Hispanic and Latino Americans want security from terrorists as much as all other Americans. A protective membrane surrounding the country that is too porous is of little use and constitutes a danger to residents, both citizens and non-citizens alike. This much is uncontroversial. Similarly, most American citizens truly benefit from the work product of undocumented workers. Presumably, some case can be made that most undocumented workers see themselves as better off than if they had remained in their country of origin. Things become controversial when an attempt is made to balance resident safety against resident desire for inexpensive labor. The controversy inevitably escalates when consideration is given to the fairness of wages paid to undocumented workers. These moral issues cannot be ignored. However, as important as these issues are, the present argument addresses more specifically the duties educators have towards learners and potential learners regardless of their current citizenship status. The argument acknowledges that all citizens of a nation have certain duties to that nation but then the argument concludes by pointing out that some ageless professions like medicine and pedagogy have special duties transcending any immediate and transient duties imposed by nationalistic affiliation. Specifically in the case of education, all pedagogues have a duty to do nothing to exclude any willing participant from participation in the Great Conversation of Humankind.  相似文献   

黄玉顺 《寻根》2010,(4):28-34
西方传人的现代大学模式作为一种学制,丧失了某种“大学精神”。这种大学精神就是:居仁由义。这种大学精神乃蕴涵在“大学之道”之中。这种大学之道就是:立德爱人。这种大学之道最初表述在作为儒家“四书”之一的《大学》文本里。诚然,当我们用一个中国古有的词语“大学”去翻译西方的词语“university”并获得普遍认可的时候,这已经表明了两者之间尽管没有等同性,却毕竟存在着某种对应性;但这种对应性其实只是外在的,仅仅意味着,不论古今,所谓“大学”所指的都是教育体制当中在学龄上的最高阶段而已。换句话说,这种对应性并没有涉及大学的某种内在精神——大学精神。  相似文献   

罗哲文 《寻根》2001,(6):66-76
问:我们通常说“万里长城”,但随着考古的发现及研究的深入,这一说法已经过时了,请问:长城到底有多长? 答:长城的长度问题,由于我国历史上有二十多个朝代和诸侯国修筑过长城,而且每个朝代和诸侯国修筑长城的位置和长度都不一样。因此,它的长度要分别情况具体计算。 根据历史文献记载,长城超过一万里的有三个朝代:一是秦始皇时修筑的西起临洮,东止辽东的万里长城;二是汉朝修筑的西起今新疆,东止辽东的内外长城和烽燧亭障,全长二万多里;三是明朝修筑的西起嘉峪关,东到鸭绿江,全长一万四千七百多里的长城。还有金代的长城也…  相似文献   

An opportunity sample of 108 Chinese participants (nmale = 51 and nfemale = 57; Mage = 29.34) was compared to a second opportunity sample of 98 Northern Irish participants (nmale = 45 and nfemale = 53; Mage = 23.67) on levels of acculturation, self-efficacy and social support. The administered questionnaire contained three scales to measure the aforementioned constructs. The first was the AMAS-NIC, a version of the Abbreviated Multidimensional Acculturation Scale [Zea, M. C., Asner-Self, K. K., Birman, D., & Buki, L. P. (2003). The Abbreviated Multidimensional Acculturation Scale: Empirical validation with two Latino/Latina samples. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 9, 107–126] modified to apply to a population of Chinese immigrants in Northern Ireland. The second measure was Mary Wegner's 1992 English version of the General Self-Efficacy Scale [Wright, S., Johnston, M., & Weinman, J. (1995). Measures in health psychology portfolio. UK: Windsor]. The third was the Social Support Questionnaire (SSQ) whose items emerged through a semi-structured interview and was designed to measure levels of received and sought social support. The purpose of the study was to ascertain the extent to which previous findings concerning acculturation can be generalised to a Chinese immigrant population in Northern Ireland, a country characterised by segregation. T-tests, correlation analyses and a hierarchical regression initially provided support for the generalisability of previous studies on the health benefits of integration as a preferred acculturation strategy [Berry, J. W. (2008). Globalisation and acculturation. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 32, 328–336], but further interpretation of the results brought to light the shortcomings of this model in the context of a segregated society and the inapplicability of the GSES measure within a collectivistic immigrant population. The limitations of the study are discussed and recommendations for future research are made.  相似文献   

强群 《寻根》2009,(1):114-116
“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”,这是被称做“百世田园之王,千古隐逸之宗”的东晋隐逸诗人陶渊明写下的千古绝唱。而他的《桃花源记》则是上过中学的人都耳熟能详的著名文章。如今,南京禄口机场附近的禄口镇昝(本地念做zuo)巷聚居着一支陶渊明的后代。  相似文献   

虞云国 《寻根》2005,(6):98-101
《水浒传》对大相国寺着笔不多,但因鲁智深曾管过寺属的菜园,又在菜园里倒拔过垂杨柳,读者对其印象是绝对深刻的。小说写鲁智深初见相国寺道:  相似文献   

郑晓江 《寻根》2005,(1):90-101
窗外是如注的瓢泼大雨,三菱吉普的雨刷在不停地左右摆动着,我们一行四人乘车艰难地在山间公路上驰行。车过奉新县西塔乡,猛然间雨小了,我们迫不及待地要司机停下车,钻出车门。呀,这大雄山真的是太美了:一条溪流蜿蜒曲折从山间奔来,水有些混浊,却欢快地流淌着。翠绿的山峰被大雨一洗,  相似文献   

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