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Teach for India is an alternative teacher credentialing program in India that is part of Teach for All, a global organization with strong ties to Teach for America, the American alternative credentialing program. This exploratory study employs institutional discourse analysis to raise questions about the appropriateness of Teach for India for its cultural context. This study compares Teach for India and Teach for America, describing how the programs are similar, and why these similarities might be problematic, given the dissimilar historical, cultural, and economic contexts.  相似文献   

This paper situates Teach For America (TFA) within the larger landscape of teacher education research. After discussing the widely publicized research on TFA and outlining the methods of this review, I overview theoretical, qualitative, and quantitative studies that are not highlighted by TFA in its internal review of literature. Next, I discuss how TFA’s emphasis on a limited base of research provides a partial picture of the organization’s practical materiality. To conclude, I theorize a multi-dimensional education research landscape that transcends existing conceptions of teacher/student/school success, which are largely based on the data that we attach to students and teachers.  相似文献   

美国教师生成有多种途径,其中一种是为非师范类的大学毕业生提供培训,鼓励他们从事教学,这当中"为美国而教"计划最为突出。介绍"为美国而教"计划的发展历程,志愿者的招募和遴选,针对志愿者的培训和支持,以及整个计划所取得的成就及其面对的批评,对我国现行的教师培养体制及资格制度有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

"为美国而教"计划开辟了美国教师培养的新路径,它招募、选拔、培养并派遣来自一流大学的优秀毕业生到贫困落后地区从事两年的教学工作,一定程度上缓解了美国教师短缺的问题。在20多年的发展历程中,"为美国而教"计划对美国教师教育领域产生了深远的影响,"为美国而教"计划之所以能够吸引一流大学毕业生的参与以及其他国家的效仿,主要在于其社会价值的建构和个人价值的实现。  相似文献   

This article draws on Bourdieu’s theorisation of domination and Gramsci’s notions of hegemony within the context of a larger empirical study of Australian university academic governance, and of academic boards (also known as academic senates or faculty senates) in particular. Reporting data that suggest a continued but radically altered form of collegial governance in which hegemony is exercised by management rather than by the professor, it theorises the domination of academic boards within western democratic universities. However, traditional collegial governance is also dependent upon a community of scholars, a role historically played by the academic board. In view of the suggested transition in collegial governance and the resultant convergence of academic work and management, the article concludes with questions about whether academic boards can continue to serve as communities of scholars in future.  相似文献   

美国教师教育方法技能类课程发展动向及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李玉峰 《教育学报》2005,1(4):78-82
教育方法技能类课程在教师教育课程结构中处于核心地位,但也是目前我国教师教育课程中亟待充实和完善的部分。本文从三个方面分析了美国教育方法技能课程发展动向,并对我国教育方法技能类课程的结构性变革提出一些建议。  相似文献   

美国教师组织是具有专业性组织和教师工会双重功能的社会组织。作为既定利益的代言人,教师组织为了教师群体的利益,经常通过集体谈判、政治结盟、罢教、支持或参加选举活动和司法行动等政治行为对学校和政府的相关教育政策的制定发挥影响作用。  相似文献   

This article provides an overview and analysis of the relationship between gender, educational policy, and governance in Scotland and Sweden and the two countries’ response to European Union and global legislative and policy change. In Scotland, gender is mainly invisible in recent policies on inclusion, achievement beyond academic attainment, and the idealisation of the child. Gender is thus marginalised within a range of factors contributing to social in/equality. In Sweden, in contrast, gender has higher visibility in policy and governance as both an indicator of democracy and a means of preserving social democratic consensus and prosperity. However, recently its privileged position has come under attack. We draw on social capital, gender, and policy theory to analyse the range of influences on gender and educational governance in the two countries including that of the social capital of organised feminism.  相似文献   

美国另类教育理念的学校实践具有很特殊的一面,同时这些学校的创办理论基础、运行模式、社会影响等方面也有非常成功的一面,这对于我国的教育改革具有非常有价值的启示:尊重新生事物的出现,理论要先于实践,注重教学方法的创新及学校的外部环境。  相似文献   

The restructuring of higher education (HE) according to neoliberal market principles has constructed the student consumer as a social category, thereby altering the nature, purpose and values of HE. In England, a key government attempt to champion the rights of the student consumer has taken the form of institutional charters which indicate the level of services students can expect to receive and what they will be expected to do in return. Pierre Bourdieu’s conceptual framework is applied to analyse the dynamics of practice in the context of the intensification of marketisation in English universities. The impact on student identities and learning processes, on the curriculum and on the academic practices of faculty is explored. By studying the production of institutional information related to charters, a particular image of the ‘good’ student is promoted to prospective students, which simultaneously regulates current student expectations. We argue that the marketisation of learning may result in passive and instrumental learners, a reduction in the range of disciplinary knowledge and a deterrence of innovation in teaching practices, all of which impact on the public good functions of universities.  相似文献   

资优教育往往被认为是追求卓越的典范,但恰恰因为追求卓越忽视教育公平而广受诟病。公平与卓越表面看来是资优教育发展的一对矛盾,事实上,资优教育在追求卓越的同时兼顾着公平。美国资优教育的发展很好地表明,除了追求卓越之外,教育公平也是资优教育的内在之义。  相似文献   

This paper presents findings from a survey of pre-service teacher training institutions in England with regard to the provision of health and well-being education. It examines factors affecting the inclusion of health and well-being, and explores educational implications in light of the changing landscape of pre-service teacher education in England. Provision of health and well-being education is noticeably variable across institutions, and many course leaders are unclear about the coverage in their partner schools. Course leaders regard health and well-being as an important part of the curriculum, but the focus is usually on generic health-related themes such as child protection and behaviour management, which address Government priorities, rather than on specific topics such as education about diet, drugs, alcohol, smoking, sex and relationships and physical activity. The paper argues that these aspects should be addressed for pre-service teachers to have an increased sense of self-efficacy and become capable health promoters.  相似文献   

Scaffolding as a metaphor for support of learning processes places focus on the relationship between the psychic and social aspects of those processes. This paper examines the conceptualization of this relationship in activity theory and in operational constructivism. The importance of a distinction between psychic processes, language and communication is especially emphasized and discussed in relation to understandings of empathy, inter-subjectivity, and distributed cognition.  相似文献   

This article explores the school inspection as a political ritual for the management of tensions between competition and equality inherent in neo-liberal educational regulatory regimes. At the centre of the article is a case study of how teachers in an allegedly failing working-class English primary school coped with issues of social class, educational success-and-failure and an Office of Standards in Education (OFSTED) inspection and related accountability measures. National educational policy – relative performance data and inspection – generated a crisis within the school, and intervened in teacher discourse about the role of social class in pupil attainment. Whereas previous scholarship on OFSTED and inspections has emphasised their harmful effects on teachers and teaching practice, the current article broadens the focus from regulatory to political issues, from specific schools to the stability of the educational order more generally. Based on this case study, situated within a broader analysis of shifting discourses about social class and education in English educational policy, I argue that (1) the current regulatory regime makes ‘failure’ inevitable, thereby posing a symbolic problem for policy-makers and politicians; (2) by identifying failure and allocating blame, the inspection ritual fulfils an important symbolic function; which (3) serves to buttress the legitimacy of the neo-liberal educational order.  相似文献   

Sexual violence is a serious and prevalent violation that is experienced by as many as one in three people worldwide. Professionals working in areas of health, social work, law, policy-development and other fields engage with survivors of sexual violence. Their knowledge of this issue is an important determinant in how they react towards survivors and the quality of care they provide. It is essential that third-level students in the health and social sciences receive education on this topic; however, in Irish third-level education, instruction about sexual violence is often absent or minimal within these curricula. In this article the authors advocate for the inclusion of education about sexual violence within undergraduate and postgraduate social and health science programmes. They draw from their experience teaching about sexual violence in Irish third-level education to highlight the challenges and barriers in providing such instruction and provide practical pedagogical approaches and examples of how risks for students and lecturers can be mitigated and barriers reduced.  相似文献   


Drawing upon recent theorising of numbers and data, and applications to schooling, this paper reveals how tensions between more accountability-oriented logics, and more contextually-situated conceptions of engagement with data, played out in one school in a regional community in northern Queensland, Australia. The research reveals that at the same time teachers’ work and learning were heavily influenced by more reductive processes of quantification to account for teachers’ practices, teachers also sought to draw upon the attention to numeric markers of student achievement to foster more substantive teacher learning for student learning. These tensions were expressed in relation to: efforts to foster improved student learning through collection of evidence via ‘short-term data cycles’; engagement in various ‘data conversations’ with senior members of staff, and coaching by more experienced teachers, and; broader teacher learning initiatives focused on enhancing outcomes for specified groups of students identified as able to perform at higher levels of attainment. The research cautions that such practices present a quandary; even as broader processes of quantification of education may stimulate instances of more ongoing, substantive teacher learning for student learning, more performative applications of these numbers and data mitigate against the educative potential of such practices, and substantive learning for all students.  相似文献   


This article chronicles the mass firing of veteran teachers in New Orleans, most of them African American, following Hurricane Katrina. The role of Teach for -America in providing inexperienced White teacher recruits from outside the community is critiqued. Countering the ahistorical discourse that blames Black veteran teachers for the shortcomings of New Orleans public schools, the author reveals what is lost if the culture of the community is replaced by the culture of the market.  相似文献   

Just as surveillance in general has become more sophisticated, penetrative and ubiquitous, so has the surveillance of teachers. Enacted through an assemblage of strategies such as learning walks, parental networks, student voice and management information systems, the surveillance of teachers has proliferated as a means of managing the risks of school life, driven forward by neoliberal notions of quality and competition. However, where once the surveillance of teachers was panoptic, a means of detecting the truth of teaching behind fabrications, this article argues that surveillance within schools has become a simulation in Baudrillard’s terms, using models and codes such as the Teachers’ Standards and the Schools Inspection Handbook as predictors of future outcomes, simulating practice as a means of managing risk. And if surveillance in schools has become a simulation, then so perhaps has teaching itself, moving beyond a preoccupation with an essentialist truth of teaching to the hyperreality of normalised visibility and the simulation of teaching. This article argues that surveillance – including external agencies such as Ofsted – no longer exists to find the truth of teaching, the surveillance of teachers exists only to test the accuracy of the models and codes upon which the simulation is based.  相似文献   

19世纪后期至20世纪初期,欧美出现的教育科学研究运动是教育研究领域一次具有深远意义的运动它的出现与这个时期欧美社会新的发展和教育的深刻变革,以及人们对科学、科学与教育关系的认识有密切的联系。根据欧美教育科学研究运动中一些突出的事件加以划分,其发展可以分为四个阶段,且每个阶段都有其显著的特点。19世纪末至20世纪初期,欧美出现的教育科学研究运动是现代科学研究思想和方法在教育研究领域里的初次运用和实践,其所关注的领域和所争论的问题值得今天反思与借鉴。  相似文献   

义务教育制度在中国到近代才开始逐步受到关注并基本建立起来,其发展历程也随着近代中国社会的跌宕起伏而变化,直到建国后中国的义务教育制度才进入稳定的发展时期。而美国从独立到现在义务敷育制度经历了从无到有再到逐步完善的迅速发展历程。文章将对中美两国义务教育制度发展史上各自在学制演变、经费筹措和师资培养三个方面的发展过程进行描述,通过比较归纳出两国义务教育制度发展过程的区别及相似之处。  相似文献   

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