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长期以来较为盛行的多元文化主义理念,在理论上基于本质主义性质的文化概念,对文化多样性持相对主义立场,实践上采用单向地突出弱势文化的补偿性课程模式,从而在促进互惠性文化对话和社会整合等方面存在局限。而后来兴起的文化互动主义,针对这些局限,强调不同文化间的相互尊重和成功交流,促进所有学生的发展与社会团结,因此日益受到国际社会重视。  相似文献   

Harvey Siegel 《Interchange》1997,28(2-3):97-108
In this paper, I first explore the reasons for embracing multiculturalism, arguing that multiculturalism is best conceived and defended in universalistic moral, rather than epistemic, terms. I then criticize the common view that multiculturalism is incompatible with a universalistic conception of science, and argue that multiculturalism is compatible with a suitably characterized epistemic universalism. Finally, I consider whether or not that sort of universalism is itself morally objectionable, and argue that it is not. The upshot is that science educators ought to embrace both a universalistic conception of multiculturalism (on moral grounds), and a universalistic conception of science (on epistemic grounds).  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the remnants of desegregation curricular reforms in a small urban district. This study documents the affects of various policies that were implemented to create equity and equality in urban, multi-racial and socio-economically diverse classrooms. These reforms were created due to a court desegregation order that demanded the district take multiple steps to raise the academic achievement levels of students of color in the district. Using the lens of Critical Race Theory to examine issues of interest-convergence and the effects of court-ordered desegregation initiatives, the researcher documents how teachers have come to terms with two major curricular changes that work in conjunction with other curricular reforms. Research that considers the affects of large-scale policy initiatives on classroom practices is necessary to further current conversations on successful reform implementation.
Thandeka K. ChapmanEmail:

多元文化理解教育中的教师角色应建构为理解型文化研究者.理解并树立多元文化理解教育理念、认识并塑造教师角色的特殊内涵、实践并提升教育智慧是建构理解型文化研究者的定向、基础和催化剂.  相似文献   

This study explores educators' reflections on professional childcare practice in different national contexts. The data were collected by showing video clips of classroom activities in Japanese, Dutch and German pre‐schools to experienced German and Dutch pre‐school teachers. The clips were used to elicit their opinions on playing and learning in educational settings through a standardized questionnaire completed immediately after viewing each clip. The participants were also invited to rate the strength of cognitive, social, physical and emotional developmental domains during the activity. These data were analysed by classifying the questionnaire responses into four categories: remarks related to teachers, to children, to peers and to context. The frequencies of the categories and the ratings of developmental domains were computed and compared by t‐tests between the German and the Dutch sample. The findings revealed that pre‐school teachers offered more elaborated perspectives on the content of the foreign video clips than on the clips from their own country. There were also some differences with regard to developmental domains. With regard to pre‐school teacher training it was concluded that the teachers' knowledge base should be used as an input for their professional practice.  相似文献   

As part of the efforts to globalize higher education in Indonesia, internationalization and multiculturalism are two globalization behaviors that have been promoted across higher education institutions. This study investigated both these behaviors through a qualitative case study analysis of four state universities in the country. The authors found that firstly, the autonomy of state higher education institutions played a significant role for the implementation of internationalization programs which is related not only to the flexibility in designing international programs, opening study programs, or recruiting foreign lecturers, but also to the budget amount allocations by the government. Secondly, in developing multiculturalism serious considerations on the cultural stance of the institution and the unique ideology of that institution needs to be undertaken and integrated with the national ideology. Thirdly, the role of the government in making policies and encouraging state higher education institutions to be more autonomous is essential to advance higher education in internationalization and multiculturalism.  相似文献   

文化多元主义理论视角中的新疆双语教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从文化多元主义理论视角探讨新疆的双语教育,分析由双语教育延伸出的双语教育体系,以及少数民族学生的学业成就,希望能够对研究和分析少数民族双语教育有所帮助。  相似文献   

多元文化教育是当今世界的一个教育思潮,它倡导平等、自由、宽容、和谐的思想和理念。多元文化教育是历史发展的必然要求,实践证明多元文化教育理论是人类文明发展的催化剂,多元文化教育更是中国教育的当务之急。  相似文献   

In this article, the authors tease out the constructions of multi/intercultural education in Australia and the Netherlands through a comparative study of the two contexts including the population, scope of diversity, policies of multiculturalism and the policy and practice of multi/intercultural education. The comparison highlights commonalities and context‐bound differences. The article then discusses some dilemmas in the practice of multi/intercultural education based on findings from the authors' recent empirical research in both countries using a critical multiculturalism framework. The dilemmas discussed include the interwoven dimensions of culturalism and individualism and the tendency towards social agnosticism among teachers and teacher education students.  相似文献   

In Norway, 9 out of 10 children between the ages of one and five participate in an educational formation programme which, despite around half of the kindergartens being privately owned, is regulated by a common law and relatively detailed regulations describing what the content of kindergartens should be. Norwegian kindergartens therefore represent a central institution for integration and transfer of values and morals in today's multicultural Norwegian society. The relatively new situation of multicultural diversity is challenging earlier cultural hegemonies where Christian heritage and tradition combined with a strong social democratic movement were important components. The issue discussed in this paper is how this cultural diversity is dealt with in the early childhood education documents, with emphasis on understanding where the limits of multiculturalism are set. I argue, in dialogue with three standpoints of multiculturalism, that while Norwegian early childhood education embraces cultural diversity, it is unclear about the limits to its political implications.  相似文献   

专业化:教师教育的理念与策略   总被引:47,自引:0,他引:47  
20世纪80年代以来,教师专业化成为世界各国广泛关注的热点之一。在这一背景下,明确教师职业的专业性,进行以"专业化"为核心理念和策略的改革,成为教师教育发展的潮流与趋势。本文拟从教师专业化理论的演进过程及教师专业化的核心与内涵,反思当前我国教师教育发展的现状和问题,探讨我国教师教育改革的宏观应然走向。  相似文献   

近百年来,我国音乐教师教育在办学机构、政策法规、课程设置等方面做了大量的基础性工作,但距离专业化标准要求还有很大差距。如办学单位专业水准低、法规建设不够健全、课程设置不够合理等。重新评估音乐教师教育办学单位、继续建立健全音乐教师教育法规、尽快全面实施科学合理的课程方案等,是加快我国音乐教师教育专业化进程、提高其专业化水平的当务之急。  相似文献   

A well-educated active citizenry is the primary aim of our education systems. An essential component of a well-educated citizenry in a civil society is its understanding of the value of human rights and what it means to live with dignity in a community, where rights and freedoms are protected. This paper uses evidence from international and national reports and programmes to argue that HRE should be an essential component of the curriculum in Australian schools. It draws on data from the first national cross-sectoral Australian study investigating the place of HRE in the school curriculum. There is a need for both pre-service and in-service teachers to have focused professional training, in order to better engage students to be critically aware of the importance of developing a human rights culture within a school; also, to adopt a transformative “whole school” approach linked to local, national, and global communities.  相似文献   

全球化和多元化对许多国家的发展带来重要影响,同时也要求这些国家的教育适应其人口多元化的发展.过去60年英国也在致力于探寻一条适应其人口多元化发展的路径.人口的多元化发展,不仅要求课程设置进行改革,也要求教师培养方式的转变.然而这种由人口多元化带来的差异与统一的国家和公民身份融合仍显得比较困难.  相似文献   

在很多西方国家,多元文化主义公共政策领域的重要话语,对教育领域的影响尤其深远,但这种理念也始终面临各种价值争议与实践困惑。所以,在借鉴西方经验的过程中,中国学者必须始终坚持批判与自省的立场,深入探讨多元文化教育的中国意义与中国问题。本文认为,多元文化主义的理论精髓在于强调文化的多样性、动态性与协商性,这一观点提示人们在追求公平与正义的道路上重新审视主流文化与非主流文化之间的关系。这种文化反思不仅为我国少数民族教育带来新的启示,也为中国社会现代化变革所带来的诸多问题开辟了更广阔、更深刻的理解角度。同时,多元文化主义还促使人们深入思考我国教育在西方文化帝国主义面前的立场与价值担当。  相似文献   

美国高校多元文化教育变革探源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国高校多元化教育变革以尊重各种文化固有的历史性、民族性和相对性为主旨,促使了美国在平等开放基础上构建出多元共容的新文化。平等承诺与现实境遇相悖引发的民权运动为其奠定了政治基础,教育机会 均等与贫富差距扩大的反差激发了少数族裔、贫困学生缩小差异的愿望,大学教育的异化和变革促使师生新思想、新观念成行,冲击美国主流文化的多元文化主义的兴趣和发展,倾向弱势群体的某些教育政策的实行等多种历史因素推动了多元文化教育变革的成功。  相似文献   

Globalization and the increasingly multicultural characteristic of many countries and societies have placed an acute spotlight on whether nations are able to develop citizens who are multiculturally educated and globally engaged. While the character and citizenship education literature in Asia and the Pacific often mentions intercultural understanding and global-mindedness as desirable outcomes, few models exist that translate effortlessly into citizenship curriculum or classroom pedagogy. There has also been a lack of interdisciplinary exchange between the best science and practices of intercultural competence from other disciplines and the domain of citizenship education. Cultural intelligence, a theory-based and empirically rigorous construct propounds an ideal framework for promoting intercultural competence in character and citizenship education. To that end, teachers are faced with both the chance and challenge to lead and teach with cultural intelligence. In this paper, the inexorable requirement for intercultural competence in character and citizenship education is contended. The fit between the theory and practice of cultural intelligence and citizenship education is explored and examples offered for how teachers can teach with cultural intelligence and develop culturally intelligent students who will become multiculturally educated and globally engaged citizens.  相似文献   

Drawing on a combination of prior experience, theoretical stance, and intuition, along with pedagogical practices identified to be effective in addressing diversity with teacher candidates, a model for teaching multicultural education to teacher candidates was designed. This study examined how particular elements of this model were effective in developing teacher candidate’s cultural competence. The results indicate that teacher candidates gained substantial knowledge about and experiences with issues of diversity by the end of the course. Participants pointed to the multiple methods employed in the class; in particular the interactive strategies, group work, diverse cultural experiences, and opportunities to critically reflect on these experiences as accounting for their gains. Their sense of ownership and understanding has given them the ability to use these strategies in their own future work. Implications for research and teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

Nurit Dvir  Dor Harari 《Compare》2015,45(4):568-588
This paper focuses on children of refugees and migrant workers from 48 countries who study together in one multicultural school in the city of Tel Aviv, Israel. The context of our study is the current ethos of globalisation and within it the phenomenon of vast migrations and creation of intercultural social realities. The aims of the study were to illustrate the principles, practices and dilemmas that form the very basis of the school culture, to let the special or ‘foreign’ voices of the children and the teaching staff be heard, and to identify the educational qualities that are responsible for the school’s success. In our research we employed both the method of qualitative case study and the philosophical interpretive discourse. On the basis of our observations, interviews and text analyses of the school’s educational manifesto, we suggested the following pedagogical virtues as the key factors responsible for the school’s extraordinary achievements: (1) a firm commitment to a humanist and multicultural stance; (2) a progressive and pragmatic dialectic approach regarding students’ empowerment, via social integration and academic success as well as via multicultural pedagogy; and (3) a dialectic pedagogical approach that stresses therapeutic-individualised teaching as well as challenging students to attain high academic standards.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to explain why the policy history of school funding in regard to Australian Catholic Education looks and sounds the way it does today through the production of a genealogy of the subject. The questions addressed are, first, why has the funding of Catholic schools in Australia become an occluded historical site since the 1970s, despite the controversy in which popular accounts of the funding of Australian schools is mired, and when its prevalence so completely dominated the discourses of Australian education in the prior century? Second, has funding policy discourse been defined and contained and what basis is there for contesting such discourse in light of events since that period of time? Third, which or whose policy version triumphs and becomes the accepted policy process and which other policy approaches are obliterated in this process? The theoretical perspective adopted in this paper draws from both postmodern critiques and cultural theories of historical construction, as framed within Foucauldian Studies.  相似文献   

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