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以RTK技术灵活的控制点三维坐标采集方式,结合运用ArcGISDesktop9.2软件,实现了旧图数字化的管理,为GIS的应用开发提供了方便。在研究开发福建客家土楼资源管理信息系统中,以永定初溪土楼群旧地形图为例,经过对旧图的扫描、加载,结合RTK测量的坐标数据,进行地理参考转换,实现了具有地理坐标系统的数字化地图,为系统研究开发所需的数字化资料提供了重要的保障。  相似文献   

长期以来,学校德育的实效不高,学校德育没有形成系统,缺乏长远的、综合的考虑,学校德育手段显得苍白无力,学生的德育认知和道德行为在一定程度上令人担忧。中华民族传统美德蕴涵着深厚的“中华魂”,我们从实践中体会到,抓好中华民族传统美德教育(以下简称“传美”教育)是提高德育实效的有效途径。  相似文献   

Factors which comprise the bases for salary increases and adjustments at major research universities have long been topics of conversation and supposition. Based on responses from over 12,000 faculty members, this paper reviews, by faculty rank, items which are likely to contribute to salary and suggests that faculty members can follow certain strategies which are more likely than others to bring a financial reward. Research procedures employed include linear models and multiple regression.  相似文献   

Since the early 1800s, mainstream Western discourses that entwined racializing and ableizing discourses have involved, among other things, particular notions of temporality and ways of privileging scopic regimes that presume surface-depth relations mediated by a theory of time and materiality. In this essay, Bernadette Baker analyzes the link between the production of visual surface-depth relations, the theorization of time, and the conception of matter in a high profile movement that today has been discredited. She takes as her case an instance of the first neuroturn (nineteenth century), specifically the physiognomy and phrenology in a textbook-style volume written by F. J. Gall. Translated and published in 1835, Gall's treatise discusses morality and the brain in relation to the shape of the head. The reconstitution of entitlement emerges through Gall's treatise via unexpected epistemological alliances that mark a shift in the architecture of medical perception and that build a bridge from the spirit to the flesh. While relatively humble in tone, Gall's content draws upon empirical and metaphysical reference points that have, in turn, become major legacies for the second neuroturn, education, and other social sciences to deal with. This essay thus examines pivotal horizons in the Gallian approach that, while discredited now as a pseudoscientific fad, raise many difficult questions that expose the link between seemingly oppositional political and intellectual commitments.  相似文献   

2002年是大连教育学院50年来实现历史性跨越的一年,在干训、中小学教师继续教育、各类教育教学教研指导等方面取得了令人瞩目的成绩。随着学院硬件建设任务的基本完成,自2003年始,大连教育学院的工作重心实行向内涵发展战略转移,弘扬"观念兴院、学术兴院、管理兴院"的办学理念,全面开创学院各项工作新局面  相似文献   

1994年,加州一位电机工程教授匹斯特打算建造一个能够探测出光、振动和空气加速度微小变化的微传感器网络.   ……  相似文献   

随着高等教育的飞速发展,网络型、创业型、企业型大学不断涌现,关于大学的界定日渐模糊,通过分析大学的发展历程及现状,对比国内外大学的根本职能,阐明大学的本质在于育人。文章探究了人文教育和科学教育的兴衰交替过程,指出科学教育衍生的"科学主义、实用主义、功利主义"造成了人文危机。关注科学教育的同时,加强人文教育(首在思想先行,重在课程建设,贵在培养方案)可使现代大学在快速发展的高等教育环境下健康前行。  相似文献   

凸显教学功能建设安全工程实验室   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对安全工程学院实验室建设中遇到的问题进行了分析,并根据安全工程学科的培养目标和教学要求,结合实验室的建设实际,提出了安全工程实验室以满足教学要求为根本出发点,突出安全检测检验和安全评价两条主线的"一点两线"建设模式,解决了安全工程实验室建设中超常规、跨越式发展导致实验室建设与学科的协调发展.  相似文献   

Out of the window,To the blind girl,A little bird一f珍ing in her shadow,Singing happilv for the blind girl一Hearing the bliss in the song.Out of the window,Colorful and明rm,A soft breeze一swa夕ing the shadow,Touehing the hair of the blind gir卜Tasting the sweet of the air.Out of the window,FOr the sake of the flowers,An elegant rose一daneing with the shadow,Aroma to the blind girl一ISmellinq the luek of the nature. Inslae tne wlndOW, Seated the blind girl. Tears in her shadow, Hear the…  相似文献   

Out of the abyss     
This paper suggests that the post-Lawrence momentum for multicultural education and some form of education for social justice has all but faded from the teacher training agenda. Evidence is supplied to suggest that race issues in predominantly white classrooms are systematically ignored in the drive to meet National Curriculum requirements. Post-Lawrence statistics are offered alongside crude dismissals of the Macpherson Report's significance. Finally, it is claimed that there are still ways forward for all those involved with initial teacher training.  相似文献   

7月22日晚,天降大雨.混合着阴雨之气和古都的残余脂粉,南京五台山体育场迎来了一拨客人.……  相似文献   

莱斯·布朗和他的双胞胎兄弟出生在迈阿密一个非常贫困的社区,出生后不久就被帮厨女工梅米·布朗收养了。  相似文献   

系统分析了科研院所研究生教育的特点,并根据自身办学的实践经验总结出了"优入、精教、慎立、严出"的八字办学方针,指出在研究生培养过程中应严把"招生、授课、开题、答辩"四关,开展有科研院所特色的研究生培养工作.  相似文献   

高校辅导员是思想政治教育工作者,是学生事务管理者,心理健康辅导者以及职业生涯规划的引导人.在实际工作中,较多地强调辅导员的主观性;从工作效果评价上,也多以定性的标准来判断.本文通过对科学精神的把握与阐述,尝试性地探索在高校学生工作中引入科学的理念与精神,从而减弱这项工作的主观盲从性、臆断性、强制性等弊端,从而提高教育的成效.  相似文献   

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