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It was decided to display the whole collection of King Tutankhamun in the Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM). The collection comprises approx. 5640 objects different in material and state of conservation. The conservation centre in the Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM-CC) bears the responsibility of conserving GEM collection, and contributing to the exhibition production processes to ensure the optimal preservation for the collection on display. In this paper, a survey of the collection's materials and condition was undertaken to evaluate the risks and corresponding deterioration occurred in the former location which should be mitigated in the new one. It also reports on the parameters which were fulfilled in the designs of King Tutankhamun galleries to guarantee implementing preventive conservation programmes in order to preserve the collection for future generations.  相似文献   

主题展览如何设计?展览主题是什么?如何提炼和表达主题?是多年来存在诸多模糊认识和困扰展览设计团队的重要问题,并直接影响到展览设计的质量与展示效果。本文首先从基本概念、展示教育目标的角度,提出展览主题应是策展人“最希望观众在参观展览后能记住或认同的一个科学理念或概念”;进而提出“主题引领,纲举目张”的设计方式,二级、三级展区的分主题、内容、展品等,均应为有效表达主题服务;同时,采用主题的“语句式表达”“显性化表达”方式,以强化主题表达的效果。合肥市科技馆新馆展陈建设即采用了上述认识和设计方式,并取得良好效果。  相似文献   

2019年10月26—27日,“博物馆展览策划的理论与实践学术研讨会暨第三届科博论坛”在浙江杭州召开,会议围绕博物馆展览面临的挑战与对策展开了深入探讨,分享了不同领域与背景的观点。当今的中国博物馆展览发展迅速,建立起符合中国自身特点的策展机制,能为策划“好展览”提供制度性保障。以此为基础,立足于博物馆使命,策展团队通过提炼展览主题,采用多元的叙事方式、叙事视角、叙述语言以及视觉传达等手段,能为观众策划出更多有思想、有品质的好展览。  相似文献   

短期展览因具有形式灵活多变、内容覆盖范围宽泛、更新频率高、响应速度快等特点,在塑造科技馆形象、提高观众参观回头率方面发挥着举足轻重的作用,越来越受到各地科技馆的重视。但相对于常设展览而言,短期展览在安全性方面更容易受到时效性和资金投入等因素影响,另外由于科技馆观众的特殊性,短期展览安全性更低。本文归纳了科技馆展览安全要素,通过对中国杭州低碳科技馆近年来举办的主要短期展览进行总结分析,对安全性进行分类,以案例的形式进行剖析,提出相应对策。  相似文献   

文章对国内外古籍保护文献进行计量分析,从数量、时间、主题和学科领域分布角度呈现研究概况,在此基础上,从文献材料保护与修复、文献保护环境研究、文献保护技术(科技)、文献保护管理四个方向进行分析阐释。研究发现,国内外古籍保护主要研究方向初步成型,研究重点集中于材料和保护技术;考虑到国内外研究基础、研究情境和关联领域等的差异,宜借力图情档领域进行古籍保护学科建设,促进中华文化传承及创造性利用。  相似文献   

西方自然历史博物馆的展陈设计向来不是仅以科学作为独立的支撑。在其变迁中,艺术与文化的影响不可小觑。本文从西方历史、宗教和文化的背景出发,分析长期以来在自然历史博物馆的展陈设计中所隐含的科学观念与艺术文化现象,及其设计方式和影响范围。最后对新型自然历史博物馆所在学科理念和理论依据方面可尝试的突破方向做出了预期。  相似文献   

以“中华文明探源工程”为代表的中华文明起源研究是可作为科普创作主题的重要题材。科技馆应在充分发掘其中丰富展览素材的基础上,汲取国内外科学教育界、博物馆和科技馆界的先进教育理念,采取“多维目标取向”的思路策划中华文明起源科普展,立体地、综合地呈现中华文明起源研究中的科学知识、科学方法、科学思想、科学精神及科学家精神。在有特定教育意义、教育目标的环境设计中“讲故事”“模拟再现科学探究实践”是实现“多维目标取向”展览的有效方法。学术研究作为策展前期的准备工作,也应该围绕这样的目标和手段展开。  相似文献   

This article presents the intervention process carried out on a work of art created by artist Yolanda Gutiérrez Acosta, using a series of ephemeral materials such as butterfly wings and agave thorns. The work, an installation from 2002, is entitled ‘Efímeras’ (‘Ephemera’) and consists of 12 flowers mounted on acetate sheets and attached to the same with vinyl acetate copolymers and acrylic acid esters (Mowilith®). These flowers are installed on the floor in a bed of dried flowers. The conservation of contemporary art can lead to some previously unimaginable problems for restorers. Current works of art are somewhat material in nature, but they also have a conceptual dimension that is essential for their artistic interpretation. The artist’s participation in the decision-making process prior to the restoration was quite useful. The passage of time, its effect on the work, and the need to understand the possibility of the demise and destruction of the work were implicit as of the onset of its creation, such that, according to the artist, we are forced to reflect upon the possibilities of its future state.  相似文献   


This present work focuses on the mapping of marbles, decorative patterns and area of the mosaics of the St. Nicola’s Basilica in Bari (Italy) by their photogrammetric survey. The extraordinary importance of these mosaics is due to the stylistic uniqueness and the undisputed workmanship and to the employed materials for tesserae. These mosaics include the white and polychrome marbles, used in the Roman age and reused in medieval artistic production, and imitation stones used as substitutes during the past restorations. The digital survey was realised by the photogrammetric reconstruction of mosaics collecting a photo dataset, after the mosaics redrawing by an image processing software and finally implemented it with lithological identification marbles. It allowed to obtain a punctual mapping of materials, through which to identify original areas and restoration areas, decorative patterns, recurring geometries. The research carried out, supported by the photogrammetric reconstruction as established method for high resolution digital reproduction and mapping, not only ensures the conservation and improvement of the enjoyment of the mosaic floors of the St. Nicola’s Basilica, but allows to conduct studies on materials, decorative patterns and restoration areas directly on the digitized product.  相似文献   


Like many museums and galleries following a prolonged period of austerity, the National Gallery has increased its public, private and corporate activities on an unprecedented scale and embarked on an extensive building programme to develop the site and its heritage-listed building. Together with an expanding loans and exhibitions programme, institutional attention has been drawn towards using the collection and building in ways not done before, both to attract new audiences and to develop new income sources. However, such new and escalating activities have the potential to expose the collection to risks not previously considered and are increasing cumulative exposure to certain environmental factors. A new group, the Preventive Conservation Working Group (PCWG), working at an operational level, has recently been established as a forum for discourse, collaboration and innovation at this time of transformation, and its activities and areas of current focus are presented. The role of this group in safeguarding the collection while helping the institution to respond to the expectations of modern life and the contemporary audience are discussed, as well as some of the other positive benefits resulting from the group's formation.  相似文献   

A select bibliography of publications focused on sustainability, walkability, and the overall philosophy of “being green” within the urban environment is presented. The publications include a mix of scholarly, trade, and popular titles. The same categories of information are present for each entry. This bibliography is the second in a series dedicated to examining the broad subject matter of urban studies within a more focused lens. The first bibliography, examining housing policy, was published in The Serials Librarian, 65(2).  相似文献   

“大医精诚 无问西东:中西医结合抗击新冠肺炎疫情纪实展”作为中国科技馆2020年策划并推出的应急科普展览,是快速开发应急科普展览的一次成功尝试。本文总结和梳理了该展览在主题提炼、设计思路、形式设计、展品征集等方面的做法和经验,提出了对于应急科普展览在策展机制、选题策划、展览内容和形式以及延伸传播方式等问题的思考和对策,以期为科技馆界进一步做好应急科普工作提供参考。  相似文献   

文章基于公共文化服务基本属性和发展现状,将公共文化服务理论与实践相结合,从省级层面出发系统构建我国公共文化服务治理环境对绩效影响的分析框架,运用实证研究方法构建多元线性回归模型,探析经济、政策、文化和人口环境对公共文化服务公益性、基本性、均等性和便利性的影响,为优化我国公共文化服务治理环境、提高我国公共文化服务绩效提出建议。  相似文献   

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