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Larry T. McGehee is currently vice president and professor of religion at Wofford College, where he has served since 1982. His earlier career included service as chancellor of the University of Tennessee at Martin and academic and executive vice president at the University of Alabama. He authors a weekly syndicated column, Southern Seen,. for 103 newspapers in eight southern states, and weekly book reviews for 73 newspapers.  相似文献   

太平天国以建设"人间小天堂"作为现实斗争目标,汲取西方基督教教义和中国传统文化的精髓作为思想基石,并在均田同耕的土地原则,公有共享的物质资料分配原则,崇拜上帝的风俗教化原则,兵农合一、耕织结合的生产原则的指导下进行实践,虽最终失败,却留下了很多值得借鉴的经验和教训。  相似文献   

将工程训练中心建成大学生创新实践的乐园   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
华北电力大学工程训练中心(下称中心)是国家级实验教学示范中心建设单位,秉承学校"重实践、强能力"的传统,经过多年的建设,逐步发展成为一个既具备工业技术基础实践条件,又体现电力工业现场实际技术水平的现代化、综合性工程训练实践平台.中心以创新人才培养为己任,特别重视学生创新思维、创新能力的培养,在工程训练的基础上,大量增加创新项目,从体系构筑、硬件建设、制度保障等方面不断完善,使其不仅成为学生进行工程实践训练的重要基地,更成为学生创新实践的乐园.  相似文献   

Reading for pleasure is essential in the development of literacy. This paper reports on findings from a paired reading strategy introduced into primary schools in Antigua and Barbuda in order to foster children's pleasure in reading. This programme of cross‐age peer tutoring intervention began with the training of teachers in a small group of seven schools and was extended to all the schools on the islands in the following year. Qualitative research data from children and teachers showed that children were enthusiastic about the experience, with some evidence to show that their wider interest in reading was stimulated. Although for the pupils, particularly the younger ones, the main benefit of shared reading was perceived to be an improvement in reading skills, for teachers, it was the increase in children's confidence in reading that was cited as the most positive outcome. Although resource constraints in some schools did limit the scope of the programme, the paper argues that it boosted the reading development of a number of children and may have acted as a catalyst for stimulating a lasting pleasure and joy in reading.  相似文献   

20 0 1年股市风波的起因复杂 ,深层原因是大量银行资金进入股市。资本市场隐藏着发展危机。构建中国的银证合作 ,要以银证优势互补、资源共享、实现多赢为原则 ,将银证合作与关系到国计民生的国民经济全局性问题联系起来 ,将全局性问题化解为某一局部领域的技术性问题来处理 ,使局部问题的解决产生对全局的革命性影响。  相似文献   

This article describes a hands‐on activity that has been used with students aged 12–18 years to promote the study of Statistics. We believe there is evidence to suggest an increase in student enthusiasm for Statistics at school, within the Mathematics curriculum, but also within other subjects such as Geography. We also believe that the use of such activities has resulted in some students giving more serious thought to studying Statistics at University. The activity described here is supported with a web‐based application to allow younger or less experienced students to engage with the material.  相似文献   

Recognition of features of the physical environment by the paradise fish was examined in the course of passive avoidance conditioning, in the presence of a key-stimulus-carrier dummy. During conditioning, the fish were placed into one of two differently arranged shuttle-tanks according to a random schedule. If a fish entered the dark compartment of one of the tanks it was punished by shock or, for some groups, confronted by a predator-like dummy; the other tank was safe and without the dummy. It was found that in the presence of the key stimulus carrier, associative learning was concentrated on the stimulus carrier, and that the less salient features of the physical environment were not associated with the punishment.  相似文献   

1、Verizon Wireless和RIM公司推出黑莓Storm,旨在冲击苹果公司的iPhone。黑莓首款触屏手机(带有触觉反馈)可能是目前为止iPhone最强劲的对手。  相似文献   

社会经济、技术的发展和教育观念、手段的变革使终身学习成为未来人类社会的生存方式,并得到世界各国的关注。本文在对中国西部,尤其是陕西省边远地区远程学习者需求分析的基础上,总结陕西广播电视大学近年来的探索与实践,指出发展现代远程开放教育,实践和丰富了终身学习的理念与内涵。以学生为中心的教学观念,确立了学习者的主体地位;以现代教育理论为指导的教学模式,突出了个别化自主学习和协作性小组学习;丰富多样的多种媒体远程学习材料,满足了在职成人的全面学习与个性化需求;基于计算机网络的现代教育技术手段,保证了优质资源的传输与共享;便利有效的学习支持服务系统,实践着无所不在与终身过程的学习;鲜明的人才培养特色与严格的质量管理体系,实现了提高个人生存质量和促进社会进步的宗旨。作者进而提出必须通过变革学习与生存观念、建立法律保障体系、整合各类教育资源、形成财政与舆论支持系统来促进国家终身学习体系的健全与完善。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代,优厚的物质条件给东方女性带来了共同的问题——缺乏精神家园的依靠。理想的失落,价值的迷惑使她们“幸福”地生活在痛苦之中。这一切都被作家细腻地记载于文学作品当中,其中贾平凹的《废都》和渡边淳一的《失乐园》对此都有深刻的思考。  相似文献   

"四月风暴",是解放战争时期北平各院校参加的规模最大的反对国民党统治的民主运动。它在扩大中国共产党的影响,牵制国民党军的力量,有力支援人民解放军的作战等方面所起的作用是巨大的,影响是深远的。  相似文献   

中国失地农民问题及其释困途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
据统计,中国失地农民总数已经超过4000万人,并且这一数字仍以每年5%左右的速度递增,日益严重的失地农民问题已成为一个亟待解决的难题。本文就中国失地农民现状予以剖析,并且结合部分地区的实践经验对进一步解决好这一问题加以探讨。  相似文献   

The rapid urbanization and industrialization involve an unsustainable use of natural systems,leading to various problems in cities.The urban hydrological system experiences fluctuating amount of surfac...  相似文献   

This paper examines the ideology of one the best known figures in science education in the USA, and draws attention to the relationship between the political climate and curriculum in national curriculum developments. We are mindful of the forces shaping the schooling of science in Australia, and we present this analysis as an example of the social forces that dominate education both here and overseas. Paramount is our desire to open the door for a socially responsible Australian school science experience. Social Responsibility of Science in Science Education Group.Specializations: sociology of science education, the nature of science and the production of scientific knowledge, comparative science education and environmental education. Social Responsibility of Science in Science Education Group.Specializations: comparative education with particular reference to China, the nature of science and the production of scientific knowledge.  相似文献   

分析我国遭遇反倾销的原因,提出应对国外反倾销的相关举措,包括完善反倾销法规和反倾销机制,推进企业经济改革,强化行业协会职能,调整优惠及鼓励政策等,构建全方位一体化的反倾销防御系统.  相似文献   

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