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上海市社区群众性体育健身团队的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料、实地调查和数理统计等方法对上海市社区群众性体育健身团队的现状进行了深入的调查研究和分析.结果显示:健身团队主要以中老年人为主,女性多于男性;不同区(县)的社区健身团队发展不平衡,分布不合理;绝大多数团队的活动仅能满足于日常锻炼,缺乏场地设施和展示平台,活动规模和水平不高.提出了发展和建设社区健身团队的相应对策和建议.  相似文献   

阐述了国际大众体育的发展现状,分析了韩国以及上海市大众体育的成功发展模式,提出了我国大众体育发展的3个目标以及策略:构建开放式大众体育组织网络,不断完善群众体育组织网络;充分发挥社会体育指导员的作用,加快大众体育的科学化进程;大力发展大众体育产业。  相似文献   

在“社会体育”以法的形式被加以确定后,“群众体育”的概念仍然有较高的使用频率,特别是在政府的重要文件中也是如此.二者是异还是同?以概念的重要性与概念研究引入,从以群众体育到社会体育为主线,论述了群众体育概念的演变及其对二者间关系的三种认识:学术研究视野下的互相替代关系、包容关系、工作视野下的群众体育.  相似文献   

内蒙古地区与发达地区城市社区体育发展的比较研究   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
通过文献资料调研、问卷调查等方法 ,比较内蒙古与发达地区城市社区体育的现状 ,发现内蒙古城市社区体育存在的问题 :社区体育管理体制责任不明 ;社区体育管理者及广大居民对社区体育认识不清、观念陈旧 ;居民主动参与意识差 ,社区体育的宣传力度不够 ;计划性的社区体育活动与日常性的社区体育活动脱节 ;社区体育参与对象呈现不均衡状况 ;社区体育管理者、指导者严重缺乏 ;社区体育的活动经费、场地设施严重短缺  相似文献   

以社区体育为研究对象,运用文献资料和实地调查等方法对社区体育的开展现状和发展趋势进行了分析。研究认为:随着社会经济全面发展,城市化进程加快和人们人本意识的增强,社区体育在政府支持、社会各方广泛参与和社区居民切实需要等多种因素的综合作用下,社区体育的场地设施条件会逐步改善,活动内容越来越丰富、形式更加多样,管理的专业化水平不断提高,社区体育的地位得到提升;加强宣传力度,提高人们健身意识,增强技术支持,提高社区体育科学化水平是社区体育良性发展的有效举措。  相似文献   

目前我国社区的弱势群体的健康状况不容乐观,作为体育工作者,有义务协助社区开展全民健身运动,倡导采用体育康复运动来促进社区弱势群体的身体的康复。在市场经济背景下群众体育社会化发展,使“让更多人参与”的目标不断成为现实。社区体育康复健身活动开展系列化,增强全民体质,改善健康状况,形成健康的生活方式,提高全民健康素质。  相似文献   


Interventions aimed at increasing the participation of young people with disabilities in recreational sport have had mixed success. The authors draw on in-depth interviews with representatives from State Sporting Associations, local government officers and volunteers within community sports clubs in Victoria, Australia, to examine why some sports clubs are unable or unwilling to translate policy ambitions into practice. The findings indicate how by framing disability provision as ‘too difficult’, ‘not core business’ and antithetical to competitive success, community sports clubs are able to resist policy ambitions to modify existing structures and develop more inclusive practice. Greater priority needs to be given to transformational inclusion objectives and challenging ableism if clubs are to structurally progress the development of participation opportunities for young people with disabilities.  相似文献   

健身花鼓是根据江苏传统民间项目海安花鼓改进而来的全民健身新项目。本文采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、调查法等,分析得出健身花鼓具有符合当前我国社区体育场馆建设现状,符合我国中低收入社区居民的消费愿望及消费水平,适合不同年龄层次群体,容易获得社区居民接受,能为社区居民提供充裕且务实的社会交往机会的自身特点及优势。  相似文献   


In policy contexts, social exclusion can be experienced through the systematic marginalization of groups by inhibiting their ability to access resources and support. In this article, we consider the context of community sport development in rural Canada to discuss the implications of rationalized policy systems for rural citizens. We discuss instances where engagement with the sport system was constrained as well as the way that rural people responded in order to continue engagement in sport both within and outside of policy frameworks. A more inclusive sport policy system requires the acknowledgement of diverse social outcomes which may be realized through sport. But, in order for this to take place, policy makers and practitioners must acknowledge that these outcomes can exist outside of athlete development and must re-consider the ways that resources and support can be allocated.  相似文献   


Absence from sport participation among girls from ethno-cultural minorities is often highlighted as an inclusion policy challenge. Based on 35 interviews with community sports coaches, managers and partners, we explore how the absence of girls is problematized in four Swedish sports-based interventions, focusing on how problems, as well as the means and the ends of social inclusion, are articulated. The girls are assessed as being in need of social change due to their alleged social exclusion. Absence is explained by “patriarchal norms” as well as by the introvert conduct of the girls themselves. Girls-only sports activities performed by female coaches as role models are described as a way for girls to gain social inclusion and to become emancipated from subjugating norms. In conclusion, participation in community sport is highlighted in discourse as crucial for adopting powers of emancipation. A similar discourse could be recognized elsewhere, inside and outside the realm of sport.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2015,18(1):126-138
This case study examined manager and staff perspectives on their local sport and recreation department's role, organizational practices, and challenges faced when developing and sustaining a wellness program for immigrants that received a program excellence award from a provincial recreation association in Canada. Data were collected through a document analysis and interviews with all 10 staff and managers involved in the development and implementation of the newcomer wellness program, an integrated intervention with a physical activity and sport component. The findings revealed that the recreation department largely adopted an assimilation role where newcomers were expected to fit into existing programs and the implications of this are discussed. Managers and staff pointed to four key organizational practices that fostered newcomer inclusion including: having multiple staff champions, using a leisure access counselling approach, developing community partnerships and outreach, and implementing culturally sensitive marketing. Challenges encountered were reducing multiple barriers to program participation, uncertainty about interculturalism, managing partnerships, and a reliance on short-term funding that threatened the sustainability of the program. We extend a theoretical framework on the organizational dimension of social inclusion, suggest ideas for future research, and discuss implications for community sport and recreation practitioners.  相似文献   

我国城市社区体育的现状及发展趋势   总被引:150,自引:7,他引:150  
社区体育即基层社区内的群众体育。结果表明:现阶段我国城市社区体育尚处于初步发展阶段,发展也不平衡。具有组织结构基层化;组织管理居民自发自主与行政参与相结合;活动规模小型化;活动时间日常化;活动场所就近等10大特点。随着我国城市经济体制改革的深化和城市社会结构功能的分化,城市居民(除学生)的体育利益取向将逐步转向社区,以街道办事处(基层社区行政机构)为依托的城市社区体育将得到更大的发展。  相似文献   

Sport-for-development (SFD) provides a platform for sport to be used as a tool or “hook” to contribute to positive outcomes in areas including economic development, social inclusion, cultural cohesion, healthy lifestyles, education, gender equity, as well as reconciliation and peacebuilding. The area of sport for social change (SFSC) represents a sub-field of SFD that uses sport as a catalyst to build social capacity and develop socially and physically healthy communities. The Managing Sport for Social Change special issue of Sport Management Review brings together a collection of conceptual advances, empirical research papers and teaching case studies from a range of social and cultural perspectives, with a focus on managing sport for social change; aimed at engaging critically with sport management theory and praxis, and discussing associated practical and policy implications. Theoretical gaps and recommendations for future research, including: local engagement, innovative research methodology, and a broadening of the scope of research are also discussed.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查、文献资料调研、访谈等方法,就连云港市社区体育的现状进行调查研究,旨在系统、全面地了解连云港市社区体育的现状并发现存在的主要问题。为进一步深化连云港市社区体育改革和促进我国经济欠发达地区社区体育向纵深方向发展提供依据。研究表明:连云港市体育场(馆)设施匮乏,经费短缺,社区体育组织、制度、立法不够完善和健全等外在客观条件是居民参加社区体育活动的主要障碍。建议通过多种渠道和方式加大对社区体育的资金投入,不断完善有关法规、制度等,改变居民参加社区体育活动明显不足的现状,促进社区体育的健康、可持续发展。  相似文献   

运用文献综述法、综合分析法,从终身体育的角度来思考学校体育和社区体育的关系。研究发现,学校体育和社区体育是终身体育不可缺少的两个部分,它们之间存在着有机的内在联系:学校体育是社区体育的基础,社区体育对学校体育起巩固和加强作用,是学校体育的延续,二者可在终身体育体系中协调发展。  相似文献   

在对金华市社区体育的的活动情况、活动场所以及组织管理等现状调查的基础上,分析了制约社区体育发展的主要因素,对其探析了发展趋势及对策。  相似文献   

本文通过实地调查、数理统计、文献资料等方法,对重庆市社区体育活动点的形成与管理方式、性别、职业和年龄、活动时间、项目、场所、活动经费和存在的主要困难等情况进行了调查统计,并依据体育社会学原理从不同的角度、层面对社区体育的开展状况给予了客观的评述和建议。从而为政府及有关部门在了解、掌握这一地域的群众体育情况提供参考依据。  相似文献   

高校体育与社区体育合作发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体育是我国开展全民健身活动的重要组成部分,高校体育在人才培养、体育设施和服务管理等方面具有很大的优势,我们应当充分利用高校体育资源,积极与社区体育合作促进共同发展。  相似文献   


(Re-)Engagement with education and employment is a common objective within interventions designed to enhance social inclusion through sport participation. Consequently, the acquisition of capital to expedite the (re)engagement process has become a familiar theme. Literature has examined how various forms of capital may be accumulated through participation in sport. However, competing literature has explored how participation may enable positive psychological capital—which comprises personal qualities such as resilience, hope, optimism and self-efficacy—to be developed. This article adds to this work, by providing insights from a sports-based project which aimed to develop social inclusion among marginalized youth in three regions of the UK. Utilizing data from semi-structured interviews, we highlight how participation enabled young people to enhance the components of positive psychological capital, and offer a further theoretical vantage point from which to understand and debate the relationship between participation in sport and social inclusion.  相似文献   

通过文献资料、专家访谈、历史分析等方法,对国际大众体育兴起的社会背景进行深入分析。在此基础上分析并阐述了国际奥委会为推进大众体育在全球的开展,在国际奥委会中设立了大众体育委员会专门机构,考察了世界大众体育大会及世界大众体育运动会的创立和发展,并对世界大众体育大会对国际大众体育的影响进行回顾。最后,以历届世界大众体育大会的主题为线索,探寻促进我国大众体育发展的科学路径。  相似文献   

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