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ABSTRACT— This article offers some thoughts on possible connections between genomics and education. Genomics is already revolutionizing the way medical care is delivered and distributed; it will inevitably affect children's developmental trajectories by introducing more pharmacological and behavioral therapies. Educators should be prepared to understand the effect of these changes on children in the classroom, where children around the world spend a large portion of their formative years. Educators should also be prepared to understand the current advances in genomics and be able to discuss them with the parents and health care providers of their students.  相似文献   

I wish I could report good news to Fatima and the millions of other non-U.S, citizens who need a loan to pay for an American college. But the sad truth is that there just aren't many loans out there for them. The cheapest student loans in the United States are backed by the federal government, which will lend to only a few kinds of non-citizens, such as refugees. And the credit crunch seems to have dried up the more expensive private loans made by banks.  相似文献   


Against the background of public concern over the moral education of the young, the contemporary constructions imposed upon schools in England by politicians, the intellectual forces arising from post‐modernism and the pressures of a pluralistic society are examined. The deep structures and slow‐growing processes which can cultivate a sense of moral values in a human community are related to how some schools have successfully achieved a moral community, in which all are valued and can make a contribution. The personal vocation and professionalism of teachers is fundamental.  相似文献   

批判性思维对于培养具有创新意识的新型人才具有重要的意义。文章介绍了批判性思维的定义、构成、特点以及培养学生批判性思维的必要性,借鉴西方教育学家在该领域的研究成果,阐述了一系列的课堂教学策略。  相似文献   

本通过概述教师职业发展的历程,就批判反思型教师提出的背景、意义与价值进行分析。在此基础上,笔提出了培养批判反思型教师的四个前提条件,即个性化的解放、教育体制的解放、教师的自我解放和培养体制的解放等。  相似文献   

教育是文化教育,文化教育的文化至少包含五个方面的内涵:知识,思维,方法,原则,精神。教育工作的最终机理在于人脑的思维过程。因此,研讨思维,研讨包含着丰富的知识、思维、方法、原则和精神的批判性思维,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

德育如何才能植根于孩子的心灵   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德育问题一直为社会各界所关注,关注的焦点是学校德育能否很好地内化为学生个体的思想品德。切实增强德育工作的针对性、实效性和主动性,成了社会各界的共同呼声。如何才能让德育植根于孩子的心灵?我认为要从德育的目标体系、教师观念、学生的生活情趣和教育网络等方面入手。一、制定科学的德育目标体系,是增强德育针对性的前提德育目标体系就是针对不同的年龄阶段所作的目标定位问题,也就是每个阶段让学生掌握什么样的道德规范和准则。我们一味地要求小学生做共产主义接班人,但他们由于年龄、学识的原因,连什么是共产主义都一无所知…  相似文献   

网上教学也应注意对学生评判性思维能力的培养,这是为学生提供具有智利性挑战的相关学习经历的基础。文章将评判性思维进行基本的描述,并讨论如何使学生具备这种深层次的思维能力  相似文献   

每个人都有自己的能力,而个人使用能力的方式又不同,心理学家把人们运用能力的不同方式称为风格。早在几十年前,就有心理学家开始关注风格在人类行为中的作用。近十几年,又重新燃起了对风格研究的兴趣,因为人们发现很多问题不是用能力不同就可以解释的,特别在教育领域,很多学  相似文献   

VaR:全面风险的度量与管理工具   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金融风险管理实际上就是进行风险和收益之间的平衡。VaR方法可以用于积极的风险管理:业绩评估、资本的分配和经营战略决策。首先可以使用VaR测度经济资本,其次运用VaR可以实现从利润中扣除风险因素后进行业绩评价,即RAPM方法,最后,VaR可以用于股东价值分析,从而据以进行战略决策。  相似文献   

主题班队课是对学生进行道德教育的一种重要形式。主题班队课应改变以往传统的说教形式,以真实的道德难题思辨为主要形式,让学生走进生活德育现场,贴近生活的德育内容,有利于提升学生思辨能力和道德品格。在平常的教学活动中,教师应该将课堂与学生的实际生活联系起来,更多地挖掘学生周围的道德难题,并以此为中心展开系列道德难题讨论活动,提高学生的道德思辨能力,并形成需要的道德行为方式。  相似文献   

Critical Race Theory (CRT) scholars in Education, like activists, are intent on dismantling racism in education (and society at large), and often do so by engaging the problem of racial injustice through social science research. CRT research creates a wealth of awareness about how racism functions, and as a result, inspires social agency to create a more just society. This conceptual piece explores how CRT research, when joined with the efforts of activists, is even more potent with capacity to realize social justice. In the paper, the tenets of CRT in Education are outlined, and serve as the foundation of a model that reveal how each tenet can shape research designs, that inform decision making in social movement strategy development. The model is inspired by the author’s personal experiences with combining CRT research with social movement strategy development, and is intended to serve as an impetus for increased dialogue about how CRT social science research, particularly in Education, can support activists’ goals to dismantle racism.  相似文献   

In this commentary, I summarize my own research with colleagues to affirm Dr. Gersten's call for considering design experiments prior to conducting intervention research. I describe how design experiments not only can inform teaching and the learning of innovative approaches, but also hold the promise of effectively bridging the research‐to‐practice gap to produce meaningful change in practice when innovative practices are fine‐tuned and validated by partnerships with teacher‐researchers.  相似文献   

讨论式学习中大班幼儿批判性思维的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
批判性思维对幼儿创新能力的发展具有重要的意义。讨论式学习中创设能激发质疑的心理环境、设计多样性开放性的问题、采取灵活多变的形式和方法、开展有针对性的指导,有利于培养大班幼儿的批判性思维。  相似文献   

互动讨论作为在线学习的重要组成部分,普遍被用于培养学生批判性思维,然而尚未有文献研究在线学习中互动讨论模式与批判性思维之间的关系.文章采用定量内容分析和滞后序列分析,对在线互动讨论中1411条消息进行话语分析,探究在线学习中教师角色变化对学生互动讨论模式和批判性思维的影响,并挖掘互动讨论模式与批判性思维的隐含关系.结果发现:教师辅助的在线互动讨论比教师主导时学生的互动讨论模式更丰富、讨论更深入,批判性思维水平更高.同时,文章提出基于四个阶段的在线互动讨论模式与批判性思维的关系模型,准确把握在线学习环境中的教师角色,为高效利用教师角色变化规律提高在线互动质量和批判性思维水平提供可行的理论借鉴和策略参考.  相似文献   

This article offers a new interpretation of Piaget’s decanting experiments, employing the mathematical notion of equivalence instead of conservation. Some reference is made to Piaget’s theories and to his educational legacy, but the focus in on certain of the experiments. The key to the new analysis is the abstraction principle, which has been formally enunciated in mathematical philosophy but has universal application. It becomes necessary to identity fluid objects (both configured and unconfigured) and configured and unconfigured sets-of-objects. Issues emerge regarding the conflict between philosophic realism and anti-realism, including constructivism. Questions are asked concerning mathematics and mathematical philosophy, particularly over the nature of sets, the wisdom of the axiomatic method and aspects of the abstraction principle itself.  相似文献   

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