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As a noted author of childbirth education articles, books, and videotapes, Penny Simkin muses over the changes in maternity care during her career and the lessons she has learned. She searches for reasons to keep on working to bring normal birth to women, especially in an era when medical intervention based on editorials rather than evidence continue to increase.  相似文献   

快乐DO RE MI     
在美丽的嘉陵江畔,有一所在刘伯承、贺龙等诸多老一辈革命家亲自关心指导下成长起来的学校——重庆市人民小学。这里是队员成长的摇篮,更是小主人向往的乐园。在这里,人人有快乐的追求,天天有攀登的行动,时时有成功的喜悦。“快乐小主人,精彩每一天!”让我们一起走进这个温暖、快乐的大家庭。  相似文献   

姜敏赫正在出演《继承者们》,让大家再一次感受到了这个阳光大男孩的魅力,你是否也像宝娜那般一见他就忍不住嘴角上扬呢?  相似文献   

我教DO RE MI     
刚刚走出大学校门,我便幸运地成为了一名音乐教育工作者。虽说是对口专业,然而初出茅庐的我,没什么经历,更谈不上经验。在教学中,我不断地学习,不断地总结。  相似文献   

最近,在一期英语辅导性杂志上看到一篇对疑难问题的分析文章,其中提到这样一道题: Once the price of the land has been____, We can go ahead to build the house.其提供的选项是: A.agreed on B.agreed about C.agreed to D.agreed with 所提供的答案是:A.agreed on.对答案的解释是:达成协议 就这道题来讲,选择A当然是正确的。agree on意思是“在某一点上取得或具有相同意见,达成协议”。但除了agreed on之外,其他选项是否同样可以呢?我们不妨将其他几个选项分析一下。 选项C,agree to意思是“同意(答应,接受)某一建议、安排”等,不仅表示主浯和对方看法一致,而且还意味着承担进行所述的动作,例如:They should agree to the peaceful seltlementof the dispute.他们  相似文献   

Mr Black was a reporter on New York Times.He was sent tosouth Africa for taking some pictures.One morning Mr Black arrived at atribe(部落)and found some native children were playing by the river.He  相似文献   

年级:初一 课题:《DO RE MI》 课型:以参与创作,体会情感为主的综合课。 教具:多媒体课件、竖笛、钢琴、自制乐器等。 教学目的: 1、通过欣赏和模仿影片《音乐之声》的插曲《DO RE MI》,培养学生对自然大调音阶的听,辨,唱,写和创的能力。  相似文献   

Characters:Kangaroo,Raccoon,Pig,Zebra,Fox,Bee,Rabbit and Dog,Scene:in the classroom(It's snowing outside.Kangaroo is the teacher.She is giving lessons inthe classroom.)  相似文献   

Once there was a fish seller who was fond of arguing with others. On a summer day he carried a load of fish and arrived at a teahouse.He heard the storyteller saying,“Cao Cao was leading seven hundred andthirty thousand troops and horses towards the south of the Changjiang River  相似文献   

The National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference on Early Identification of Hearing Impairment was convened to address the advantages of early identification of hearing impairment and the consequences of late identification of hearing impairment, the issue of which children should be screened for hearing impairment and when, the advantages and disadvantages of current screening methods, the question of which model for hearing screening and follow-up is preferred, and future directions for research in diagnosis and management of hearing impairment in infants and young children. Among their findings, the panel concluded that (1) all infants admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit be screened for hearing loss prior to discharge, (2) universal screening be implemented for all infants within the first 3 months of life, (3) the preferred model for screening should begin with an evoked otoacoustic emissions test and should he followed by an auditory brainstem response test for all infants who fail the evoked otoacoustic emissions test, (4) comprehensive intervention and management programs must be an integral part of a universal screening program, (5) universal neonatal screening should not be a replacement for ongoing surveillance throughout infancy and early childhood, and (6) education of primary caregivers and primary health care providers on the early signs of hearing impairment is essential.  相似文献   

“阅读是一种构造过程,在这个过程中,读者的推断能力与他原来的知识起关键性作用。”这是认知心理学家雷斯尼克对阅读所下的精辟的定义。它告诉我们,阅读不是一个被动、机械地吸收文章的过程,而是积极主动地获取各类信息的过程,在这过程中,  相似文献   

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