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The author uses a trip to a Holocaust museum to explain and illustrate psychoanalytic concepts from Freud to Lacan in order to re-imagine persistent dilemmas in teacher education. The author suggests that psychoanalytic vocabularies provide an additional and productive lens to conceptualize productive possibilities in teacher education.  相似文献   

概述了在蜂群出现分蜂行为前后所涉及的3种类型蜂发育、雌性蜜蜂的级型理论、工蜂监督及蜂群分蜂行为的发生等诸多蜜蜂生物学知识。这也是蜜蜂生物学研究领域中的热点问题。另外还介绍了人工分蜂的简要方法。  相似文献   


Young children seem to begin to develop a sense of historical consciousness and associated belonging to a wider collective identity prior to the commencement of formal schooling. Historical consciousness is a capacity to differentiate and also make connections between the past, present and future that contributes to a growing understanding of one’s own life and identity in the context of a historical past. The responses of 24 young children aged from 3 to 7 years visiting a small social history museum were analysed through photo-elicitation and parent reports. It would seem that the museum experience assisted in the development of foundational concepts of historical consciousness. Growth of a sense of historical identity was evident for some children, related to a sense of belonging to the ‘we’ of contemporary times in contrast to the ‘they’ of the past. The role of language to support young children’s understanding and thinking is highlighted by this research.  相似文献   

Over the centuries, universities have functioned as gatekeepers and treasurers of received knowledge, while concomitantly furthering innovative contributions to society. Yet, when cultivating research ‘silos’, universities encourage scholars to explore in seeming isolation. Out of such tensions, universities have supported, and will continue to pursue, different kinds of, and approaches to, furthering knowledge and creativity. In the past, the humanities had been central to this mission. More recently, however, the efficient and global acceleration of consumer-oriented ‘knowledge production and consumption’ seems to form a critical factor upsetting the centrality of the humanities in university cultures. In this context, exploring the academic communities of the late middle ages proves to be a useful exercise. Forged in strong relationships with ecclesiastical and secular powers, mediaeval universities nonetheless share critical concerns with today’s academic institutions; thus, they too were constrained by the need to attract and exact excellence, to navigate relationships with their immediate environs, and to train professionals, who could ensure continuity in academic communities, the church, and the imperial courts. In other words, mediaeval universities also experienced polarising tensions that reveal consonances between then and now and that can gloss today’s acceleration driving the consumer model of knowledge production and consumption, while also encouraging scholars to form more explicit links to external constituencies.  相似文献   

Often we 're told that we have to suffer now - give up what we want - in order to succeed later, that introder to save we must sacrifice. Give up instant gratification to get delayed gratification.  相似文献   

本文论述了叙事学的定义、理论来源,列举了叙事学的代表人物,并简述了他们的主要思想、贡献和代表作品,最后指出目前叙事学正与其他学科紧密结合,对文学写作和文学批评产生更深远的影响。  相似文献   

Pedagogy: East and west,then and now   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This is the first of six commentaries discussing Zongjie Wu’s essay, ‘Interpretation, autonomy, and transformation’. Wu’s analyses of pedagogy have opened a new window for looking at the essence of education. The comparison of Confucius’s pedagogy with contemporary teaching in China provides a striking contrast. However, perhaps it is unfair and inaccurate to attribute the evolution of Chinese pedagogy to western influences alone. Such an evolution is also underpinned by changes in society during the process of industrialization. Meanwhile, despite the modern structure, much of the cultural heritage is still retained in China’s contemporary education. Nonetheless, when society further advances, the Confucian pedagogy, which amazingly embraced the essence of contemporary learning theories, should have a role to play.  相似文献   

第二次鸦片战争前后是美国对华政策的过渡时期,在此之前其奉行的是孤立主义的外交方针,而在此期间其政策则反复多变,过渡性的特点十分明显。这种过渡为其后它倡行"合作政策"打下了基础。  相似文献   

卡夫卡《变形记》的含混迫使读者对格里高尔所变成的东西与变成了格里高尔的东西进行猜测和联想。作为“变形前记”,《乡村婚礼的筹备》中的“甲虫想象”为理解格里高尔的变形逻辑提供了参照。自我灵魂想象性地从躯壳分离出来逃避身体性生育的烦恼,所呈现的恰是灵魂自身及其与身体之间唯有神学可以解释的困局。作为“变形后记”,《乡村医生》的“乡村婚礼”是这一困局的复现。  相似文献   

Stanley Segal, principal of Ravenswood Village for the mentally handicapped, Crowthorne, Berkshire, was the foremost campaigner for an enquiry into special education, from the mid sixties onwards. He reviews events leading up to it  相似文献   

世事的变幻,情的打击,将韦应物逼近佛门,僧人的引导,佛学的熏陶,使他思想扳依佛门,而浩荡的皇恩,济世的情怀,又让他自身留佛门之外-在佛门前徘徊。  相似文献   

Background: Knowledge about the brain has been growing rapidly since the 1990s as a result of developments in neuroscientific research linked to improvements in functional neuroimaging and other brain imaging technologies. As the brain is the ‘principal organ involved in learning’ (1), it would seem reasonable to assume that education should be one of the chief beneficiaries of this research, leading to advances in our understanding of how people learn, the development of new curricula and innovative teaching and learning approaches. However, the linkage between neuroscience and education has, historically, always been weak, and, we suggest, continues to be so, notwithstanding important research initiatives since the year 2000.

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to critically explore current theoretical understanding of joint neuroscientific and educational research, herein referred to as ‘neuroeducational’ research. There is a particular focus on a critique of the transdisciplinary model as applied in a study of imitation in learners with autism.

Main argument and sources of evidence: The review of the literature in the first half of the paper identifies the key barriers to neuroeducational research, including neuromyths, lack of shared understanding, the problem of the translation of neuroscientific findings to schools and clashing research assumptions, methodologies and traditions. However, a model of transdisciplinarity is presented as a possible way forward. This model is tested in the second half of the paper against the experiences of the authors in conducting transdisciplinary research in autism and imitation in the secondary classroom. Here, we develop the concepts of ‘transfer affordances’, ‘transfer challenges’ and ‘transfer opportunities’ to structure our analysis of the various dimensions of the transdisciplinary research process. These new concepts are defined, and their relevance and utility explained.

Conclusions: The main conclusion of the paper is that the transdisciplinary research process within neuroeducation is complex, far from fully understood and requires further mapping. It is proposed that the concepts of ‘transfer affordances’, ‘transfer challenges’ and ‘transfer opportunities’ are useful theoretical ideas in pursuit of this aim.  相似文献   

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