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Youth coaches play a crucial role in the development of young athletes and their physical, psychological and social well-being. Therefore, it is important to foster and develop youth coaches’ ability to govern and act effectively in their coaching practices. Sports organisations facilitate the development of youth coaches through formal coach education. However, research has shown this to be with limited effect. The purpose of this action research study was to involve youth coaches in developing a new and more effective coach education practice.

The coaches developed their practices through both dialogue and reflection with each other. A shift in the mindset of the coaches resulted in a more reflective and analytical approach in their way of thinking and talking about their practices. The most effective tools for improving the coach educational practice was the active management of the relations between the participating coaches and assisting the coaches’ reflection and dialogue through the use of scaffolding. In order to engage coaches in the educational practice, alignment between coaches’ expectations and both course content and form was crucial. These findings provide further insight into how coaches can develop their practices and how sports organisations can develop more effective coach education practices.  相似文献   

叶圣陶 《高中生》2012,(13):60-61
我如果当中学教师,决不将我的行业叫做"教书",犹如我决不将学生入学校的事情叫做"读书"一样。书中积蓄着古人和今人的经验,这些固然是学生所需要的,但就学生方面来说,重在消化那些经验,使之成为自身的经验,尤其重在能够随时随地就事事物物得到新经。说了"读书",便把这个意思抹杀了,好像入学校只需做一些书本上的功夫。因此,说了"教书",也便把  相似文献   

What if I were the headmaster? Let me tell you important something① about it.If I were the headmaster,I would ask the teachers to give the students less homework and reduce the students' pressure.I would give the students more time to do what they want.For example,I would make them to form② good study habits in learning all the subjects.I also want to train them to get over difficulties and how to learn very well.  相似文献   

本文拟就马仲英研究史料以及学术界有关马仲英的总体性研究、河州事变研究、马仲英在新活动研究、马仲英下落研究等方面的论著做一综述。  相似文献   

周鲁成 《初中生》2012,(33):57-59
【背景链接】蒙住双眼,把扑克牌放在鼻子下闻一闻就能说出数字花色;迅速翻阅书本,几秒内一目十行、过目不忘。这就是青少年脑力开发后的神奇功能,你信吗?请关注:"赢在右脑"培训班是如何行骗的?  相似文献   

老年人一般都好对青年人作指点。我们难免沉迷的一种消遣方式便是做如意梦:假如我们将自己的青春重过一次,那我们准会过得不同和过得更好。但即使这类再有机会和再试再干的假设对于我们仅是一  相似文献   

在一篮有部分变坏的苹果里,我发现很多中年人都会从变坏的那些苹果开始吃起,觉得这样不会浪费,而绝大部分的年轻人则会选择好的,这样就知道了好的滋味在哪里。为什么?因为中年人有贫穷的记忆。两代人经历的不同,注定了我们在每样事物,特别是对物质事物的分歧上,所作出的选择不同。  相似文献   

杰克 《海外英语》2005,(6):20-21
你怀念你的童年吗?你想回到童年重新设定你生命的程序吗?以下这篇小散文也许能够给你带来一些对生命的怀想与思考。  相似文献   

If I were a boy again,I would practice perseverance more often ,and never give up a thing because it was or inconvenient. If we want light, we must conquer darkness. Perseverance can sometimes equal genius in its results. "There are only two creatures," says a proverb, "who pyramids--the eagle and can surmount the the snail."  相似文献   

The first part of this paper introduces a method for identifying the major patterns or trends of an institution. This method rests upon the identification of concrete decisions which are perceived as highly significant by individuals representing various segments of an institution. In the second part of the paper the method is applied to a recently established graduate school and research and development center. Five major institutional patterns which have characterized the development of this institution are identified and discussed: 1) democratization, 2) centralization of decision-making over research and development funds, 3) legitimation of development and implementation activities, 4) growth, and 5) entrenchment.Finally, the relevance of the findings is discussed in reference to all institutions of higher education; institutions which are faced with demands for broader participation on the one hand and increasing accountability on the other.The study upon which this paper is based was funded by the Research and Development Review Board, The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. Thanks are also due to Professors John Holland and Michael Skolnik for many valuable suggestions.  相似文献   

张博  陈滔 《高中生》2011,(25):61
我盼望有这样一所大学来承载我的青春。它可以没有未名湖般的清雅景色,但是要有舒适宁静的学习氛围。在校园的某个角落,一定要有一片绿色满眸的小园子,供我寄情遐思。倚木席地而坐,品茗捧书细读,芳草发而幽香,佳木秀而繁阴,在天地之间领会知  相似文献   

如果所有的海汇成一片大海, 那将会是一片怎样的大海。 如果所有的树合成一棵树。  相似文献   

Laurie David,a global warming activist and the author of Stop Global Warming:The Solution If You!设想一下,如果每个人都是环保主义者,我们的世界会变成什么样子呢?或许气候不会变暖,北极熊也不必面临灭绝;或许大伙儿到了晚上都要接受漆黑的挑战,在没有电的空间中生存;或许……有太多的猜想和不得不解决的现实问题存在。看看Laurie David这位环保主义者的猜想吧。  相似文献   

This paper explores academic developer identity by applying self-concept theory and appreciative inquiry to the personal journeys of two academic developers. Self-attribution, social comparison and reflected appraisals are presented and applied to explain how academic developers form their identities. Sociological principles are incorporated to describe the recursive informing of academic development and developer identities. The presentation of implications positions academic developers as higher education leaders.  相似文献   

假如我又回到了童年,我做事要更有毅力,决不因为事情艰难或者麻烦而撒手不干,我们要光明,就得征服黑暗。毅力在效果上有时能同天才相比。俗话说:"能登上金字塔的生物,只有两种——鹰和蜗牛。"  相似文献   

微笑是一个可以让你脱颖而出的好办法,同时它也可以让你的身体更好地运作。微笑让你变得更健康、更能抵抗压力和让你更有魅力。微笑理由之一.它是让你活得更加长久的快乐途径。读读其他理由.并尽你所能试着去做。  相似文献   

贾庆文 《海外英语》2006,(12):34-35
当我四岁时,我把父母的胡桃木梳妆台上咬上牙印。他们没有看到我做这件事,但一次被发现了,他们并没有责备我。相反,40年来母亲充满深情地将牙印上的灰尘擦去。当我长大后,我问她为什么她从不将梳妆台的表面整修一下,她说,“我只是不想这样做。”直到我自己有了孩子我才能够完全理解这种情感。回忆孩子小时候的事情是人生最开心的事情之一。我的长子阿利屋夏如今20岁了,在外面上大学,但他少年时代的生活印记在我们房子里外到处都是。当他长大以后,我完成了使他长到门框边框的职责。偶尔我让他在靠着门框站立,测量他的身高,然后让他蹲到我们当…  相似文献   

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