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补全对话:一根据对话内容,在每个空白处填入一个适当的单词,使对话意思完整,合乎情景。A:Good morning.B:Good morning.Sit down,please.What’t wrong(1)__you?A:I’ve got a headache and a bad cough.B:(2)__(3)__have you been like this?A:For two days.B:What did you have for(4)__this morn-  相似文献   

听力部分 1 听对话,并圈出对话中出现的词汇 (1)A:Did you see the film "The Red Sun" yesterday evening? B: No,I didn't. I was out. A. say B. see C. stay (2)A:Xiao Wang, let's go for a walk outside.  相似文献   

请从下面的图画中找出各人喜爱的物品:(1)A:What do you like,Ben?B:I like strawberries.(2)A:Which do you like,a toy car or a toy bus?B:I like a toy bus.(3)A:I'd like to draw a tree.B:All right,Lin Tao.(4)Helen likes dress,but Lily likes skirt.(5)A:I like red flowers.And you,Kate?B:Me too.What do you like?!山东@白冰…  相似文献   

在期末考试中,听力部分占15分。1 在本题中,你将听到9个简短的对话,在每个对话后还将听到一个有关对话的问题(问题同时写在试卷上)。对话只放一遍。你必须在录音留出的空自时间内从所给的四个选择中找出最佳答案,并把答案的序号写在答题纸上。(斜体为录音中的对话内容。)(每题1分,共9分)(1) A : How did the movie end ?B : I don ' t know , it' ll be continued tonight. Question: What are they talking about? A. A play. B.A film.C. A story.D. A match.(2) A : Are you waiting for the Shanghai train ? B: Yes, I am. Where are you going? ToShanghai? Question: Where do you think they are?A. In an office.B. On the street.C. At a bus-stop.D. At the railway station.  相似文献   

听力部分 1 听对话,并圈出对话中出现的词汇 (1) A: Did you see the film "The Red Sun " yesterday evening? B: No, I didn ' t . I was out. A. say B. see C. stay (2)A: Xiao Wang, let' s go for a walk outside. B: All right. Let' s . A. work B. word C. walk (3)A: I saw our new English teacher this morning. B: Oh, what is she like? A. she B. he C. we  相似文献   

A.补全对话。(选择合适的句子补全对话,其中有一项多余) A:What club do you want to join? B: 1 A:Can you play the violin? B: 2 A:Can you play it well? B: 3 A:Good.Why do you want to join us? B: 4 A:How about the other ones? B: 5 A.Yes,I can.And I can play the trumpet too.B.Can you play chess? C.No,thanks.D.I want to ioin the music club.E.Yes.I can.  相似文献   

汪伦 《初中生》2002,(12):28-31
现行交际英语测试题型主要有以下5种:1补全对话2完成对话3对话配伍4对话排序5选择填空,其中125三种题型最为常见,现以最近两年各地中考试题为例加以说明。一、以选择填空来考查英语交际能力,如:例1)—What do you say when you are in danger?AI’m afraid BSos CHelp DPlease (安徽) 例2)— ?-Im looking for a skirt for my daughterAWhat do you want BIs there anything I can do for you CWhat do you want to see DWhat about this skirt(甘肃)例1)2)的答案分别是C和B。做这类题的关健是要弄清语言情境,熟悉英语习惯表达方式,切忌照搬汉语意思。  相似文献   

(Ⅰ)A.补全对话从方框内选择合适的句子补全对话,其中有两项为多余选项。A:Rose,are you free this afternoon?B:1A:I would like to do something to relaxmyself.Do you want to have a rest?B:2A:I am thinking about that.Do you want to play golf?B:No.I donBt like spor  相似文献   

A:Good bye.(再见。)B:Bye-bye.(再见。)A:I’ll see you later. (待会儿见。)  相似文献   

【考点1】A:How do you study for a test? B:I study by working with a group.(p.2)【直击中考】I study for a test____working with a group.(2005北京市海淀区) A.in B.by C.at D.to【解析】选B。介词by表示“通过……手段或方式”,后接名词或动名词。【考点2】What about listening to tapes? (p.3)  相似文献   

Key 听力材料及答案I.1.——Is it going to rain? ——I don’t think so.(B)2.I like meat very much.(D)3.There is a boat in the river.(B)4 Uncle Tom is eighty years old.(C)5.This is her coat.Mine is over there.(A)Ⅱ.1.W:Jim,could you help me,please? M:Certainly.Lucy.What’s wrong? W:My bike is borken.(B) 2.w:Mike!Is your kite broken? M:Yes,it is. W:Let me have a look. M:Here you are. W:Oh.Don’t worry.I can mend it.(C) 3.W:Are Mr Green's trousers black or blue? M:They're brown.(B) 4.M:What team are you in,Li Ling?Are you in Team l? W:No.I’m in Team 2.  相似文献   

(A) 【情景对话】 A: Are you a musician? B: Yes, I play for a rock band. A: What can you play? B: I can play the trumpet. A: Can you play it well? B: Yes, a little.  相似文献   

一、请判断下列每组句子中的哪一个为正确的口语表达形式。请问你找谁?A.“M ay I know who you are looking for?”is Chinese English.B.“M ay I know who you are calling for?”is right.(电话中)你好,我是Jane。A.“H ello,I'm Jane.”is a word-for-word translation from C hinese.B.“H ello,This is Jane.”is right.在商店A.“Can I help you?”is right.B.“W hat do you wantto buy?”is C hinese English.当别人夸奖你时,你回答——A.“Thank you very m uch.”is right.B.“I did notdo so w ell.”is not the r…  相似文献   

Unit 4 1.——Which do you like better,the city or the country?(城市和乡 村相比,你更喜欢哪里?) ——I like the country better.(我更喜欢乡村。) 当你询问对方两者之中比较喜欢哪一个时,可使用句式:Which do youlike better,A or B?例如: ——Which do you like better,summer or winter?(夏季和冬季相比,你更喜欢哪个季节?)——I like summer better.(我更喜欢夏季。) 如果询问三者当中最喜欢哪个时,则使用句式:Which do you like best,A,B or C?例如:  相似文献   

Wish You Success     
[争当翻译家]竞赛题 I.下面是“日本国大学入学考试英语科考试题”,第2问B从①~④四个选项中为每段对话的空白处选择一个最恰当的句子(保留原试题序号)。 19.A:Brian Ford is the man for the job,don’t you think? B:__(19) A:Who do you suggest,then?  相似文献   

【考点1】—Thank you very much.—You’re welcome.(词义替代)(03长沙)A.No,thank you.B.I think so.C.Yes,please.D.That’s all right.【解析】选D。That’s all right用作答谢用语时,意为“不用谢”,相当于You’rewelcome./That’s OK.等。【练笔】1.—Thanks for helping me so muchL—.(补全对话)【考点2】—It’s nearly twelve o’clock.It’s timefor you to go to bed,Jane.—OK..Mum.(04甘肃)A.Good night B.GoodbyeC.Good evening D.See you【解析】选A。Good morning.Goodafternoon.Good evening.是人们在早上…  相似文献   

王嵩 《今日中学生》2006,(18):33-34
1.—Will you go shopping together with us this Sun-day,Jenny?—####.(’04烟台)A.I do B.I’d like toC.I’d love to do B.I’m busy2.—What can I do for you,sir?—I’d like two####.(’04常德)A.bottle of orange B.bottle of orangesC.bottles of orange D.bottle of oranges3.—He didn't go to school this morning,did he?—##.Though(虽然)he was not feelingvery well.(’04甘肃)A.No,he didn’t B.Yes,he didC.No,he did D.Yes,he didn’t4.My pen friend Philip####to see me from Aus-tralia.He will be h…  相似文献   

[知识与技能]阅读下列对话,注意与旅行相关的语句:(1)A:Where are you going for your vacation? 你去哪儿度假?B:I’d like to go to Taiyuan. How about you? 我想去太原,你呢?A:I haven’t decided, but I prefer Datong. 我还没决定,不过我想去大同。B:I went there last summer. It’s worth seeing. 去年夏天我去过,值得一看。(2)A:Excuse me,could you tell me where it is on the map? 对不起,你能告诉我它在地图上是什么位置?B:Oh,It’s here.This is Wuyi Road. 噢,在这儿,这是五一路。A:Co…  相似文献   

一、“动词+介词”构成的短语动词[历年高考题例]①——Will somebody go and get Dr.White?——He’s aleady been_.(1991)A.asked for B.sent for C.collect for D.looked for②I can hardly hear the radio.would you please_?(1995) A.turn it for B.turn it down C.turn it up D.turn it off  相似文献   

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