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钧瓷在世界陶瓷史上享有独特而崇高的地位,体现着中国人"天人合一"的精神理念。钧瓷命名是以中国传统文化为依据,以艺术审美为手段,以哲学的、宗教的、艺术的语言为载体,将其文化内涵恰当地表示出来,这既是钧瓷营销之必需,又有引领人们发现美、享受美的作用。在多元化的社会背景下,钧瓷的命名不但要求造成产品之间的区别,而且还要凸显其亮点,产生"画龙点睛"、"点石成金"之功效,使人们产生美好的联想,寄予微妙的情趣,获得审美的愉悦。钧瓷命名的理念、方法和技巧体现在钧瓷企业、品牌及产品的命名上。  相似文献   

Many studies involving lexical access in picture-naming tasks have been undertaken at a point in time, mainly focusing on age of acquisition (AoA). To identify the real determinates of lexical access in recovery and their traces in the brain, we carried out a longitudinal study on a Chinese pure anomic patient using multiple logistic regression analysis. We found that AoA played an important role in early recovery but not in total recovery, whereas familiarity was significant in the whole process. From a new dynamic point of view, our results indicate that AoA and familiarity are the main determinants of lexical access in anomia recovery. We suggest that the changing effects of AoA during recovery may be related to the pathologic process; AoA and familiarity should be taken into account in constructing materials to assess and treat anomic patients.  相似文献   

The age of acquisition effect(faster recognition and production of earlierlearnt than later learnt words) is a robustfinding in both picture naming and written wordrecognition and naming. One possibleexplanation of this effect is the PhonologicalCompleteness Hypothesis of Brown and Watson[(1987) Memory & Cognition 15: 208–216], which proposes that early acquired wordsare recognised and produced faster than lateacquired words because they have lessfragmented phonological representations. Thoughoften cited, this hypothesis has never beentested experimentally. The present study setout to test this hypothesis using aphonological segmentation task. If earlyacquired words are stored in a more completeform, then adult participants should be slowerto segment early words than late acquiredwords. In addition, if the AoA effect is aconsequence of the quality of an individual'sphonological representations then there shouldbe a clear relationship between phonologicalskill (as measured by the phonologicalsegmentation task) and the magnitude of the AoAeffect size. In order to assess therelationships between phonological skill andthe AoA effect in adults, participants werealso given a word and nonword naming task. Theword naming task manipulated AoA andspelling-sound consistency. The results of thesegmentation task failed to provide any supportfor Brown and Watson's (1987) phonologicalcompleteness hypothesis. Phonological skill wasfound to predict the size of the AoA effect inthe word naming task, but not the size of theAoA effect in the segmentation task.  相似文献   

This is the preliminary study of a test of phonologicalawareness which does not require that subjects speak or hear toparticipate. The test was designed to minimize memory loads, and tomeasure speeded written naming and segmentation-by-sound. Spelling datacan also be collected. Subjects have 45 seconds to name items in each oftwo sets of line drawings. The average frequency of the names variesacross these sets. In the third set, subjects must name the items, andalso segment the written names into their constituent sounds. This taskwas administered to disabled and normally-reading adults, with twocommon tests of phonological awareness. The new test discriminatedbetween the readers as reliably as the benchmark tasks, correlating witheach better than they correlated with each other. The new test was thenadministered to deaf adults, who performed similarly to the disabled(hearing) readers. The data represent the first direct demonstration ofphonological abilities in deaf subjects, using a task designedspecifically for that purpose.  相似文献   

针对现有计算机屏幕图像传输技术使用网络带宽过大、占用系统资源过多、实时性差等问题,分析了影响计算机屏幕传输速度的几个因素,提出采用差异截图方式改进远程屏幕图像实时传输方法。通过对计算机屏幕相邻帧图像进行比较,仅对存在差异的部分进行截图和传输,减少网络数据传输量,实现屏幕图像快速传输。  相似文献   

教育部、国家语委联合发布的《现代常用字部件及部件名称规范》初步解决了部件的界定、拆分、命名等问题,但该规范尚有一些问题值得进一步讨论。概括起来,主要是成字部件的界定问题、代表字的用字范围问题,以及非单笔部件的命名方式问题。  相似文献   

基于内容的索引图片根据原图片的感兴趣区域对原图进行索引,有效地解决了现有索引图片由于直接缩放而造成的模糊不可辨别以及失真变形等问题。采用基于内容的索引图片能大大提高检索和浏览图片信息的质量和效率。本文研究的基于内容的索引图片自动生成算法,主要是以人脸区域作为感兴趣区域,首先采用基于肤色信息和几何信息的人脸检测算法,定位出感兴趣区域;然后按比例裁剪出已检测出的人脸区域,并使用插值缩放生成基于内容的索引图片。  相似文献   

17世纪的荷兰绘画多用于室内装饰,在加尔文教与新经济机制的影响下,以家庭为核心的美学享受在绘画作品中得到体现,普通人的日常生活成为了绘画的中心题材和组织原则。而室内画中悬挂的室内画体现了17世纪荷兰人对日常生活的注视,带给人们家庭生活中的视觉与精神享受。也体现了17世纪荷兰社会的艺术状态与市民文化精神。  相似文献   

This study aims at understanding the use of punctuation in children's early writings in connection with the organisation of the written text. Data are drawn from a larger comparative study in which written stories of Little Red Riding Hood were collected from primary school children who speak one of the three Romance languages (Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian). The corpus consists of 134 written stories of second grade children from low income families. Different quantitative and qualitative analysis are presented. Results show that all children, in spite of differences in literacy practices, try to make sense of the conventions of a system of writing, including punctuation marks (PMs). Some children seem to assume a ‘graphic principle', while others make sophisticated attempts to distinguish the function of PMs for different types of speech genre. Contrastive textual use of PM seems to be critical also for teaching purposes.  相似文献   

纷争、建构与悬置--关于华文文学命名科学性的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界华文文学学科命名的科学性一直以来存在着争论.首先表现为对研究地域的论争,继而表现为以人种/语种为划分依据的争论.而伴随着纷争,华文文学学科对象的不完整在实际操作中得到了不断地建构、弥补,也即命名的科学性与否在现实层面已经解决了.故而笔者认为,对“世界华文文学”这一命名的科学性、规范性、完整性的论争是不必要的,宜悬置起来,存而不论.  相似文献   

论"师道尊严"与师生各正其名   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"师道尊严"是"师严道尊"的误传,其实质是只有严肃认真负责任的教师才能使社会尊重教育。理解其本义后,自然不该对其批判与否定了。而今日之教育应倡导"师严道尊",要解放教师思想,以使之具有教育的独创性,且使之加强对学生的爱心、责任心;学生要积极学习,尊敬教师,博采众师之长,以成就自己的超越。  相似文献   

“男子作闺音”作为中国古代诗歌创作的独特现象应该引起关注,本文介绍了男子作闺音现象的六基本类型。  相似文献   

原创图画书《团圆》成功之处在于:处处彰显传统民族文化;将传统和现代完美融合;将浓浓儿童情趣贯穿全书.《团圆》的完美呈现带给原创图画书的启示是:美术方面可以采用独具中国特色的绘画艺术;故事的选材要有创新性;应该遵循幼儿的审美规律.  相似文献   

在摄影教学中,教师应用多媒体技术演示与教学内容有关的照片,主要有6个方面的作用:有利于新课导入、节省绘图时间并且获得准确度很高的图像、解决教材中的重点和难点、激发学生学习摄影的兴趣、培养学生的观察能力和创造性思维能力、提高学生的审美能力。  相似文献   

吴志华 《教育学报》2003,(12):35-40
生物教材图像系统要具有最佳教学功能 ,必须体现能力培养结构。生物教材图像能力培养结构应由三部分构成 :生物课程认知结构、生物课程实验能力训练、问题与解决方法。课程改革新版生物教材图像系统具备这三种结构 ,其组织形式、展示的内容和呈现的类型以及图面设计三个要素均能体现能力培养目标  相似文献   

作为阅读文化的新取向,绘本已经成为一种流行的阅读形态,它的发展已呈欣欣向荣的局面。绘本兴盛原因在于绘本自身的发展和外部环境因素的共同作用。绘本周边产品市场的兴起,为绘本艺术开拓了新的设计领域和发展方向。  相似文献   

酒店KTV餐厅命名的文化心理观照   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
酒店KTV餐厅的命名,是语言现象,更是文化现象,它是浓缩的汉民族文化。通过命名分析。可透视汉民族崇尚儒家思想,追求财富吉祥,向往纯朴、自然等的文化传统、文化观念和社会心理,也可窥探由于异族文化的影响,汉民族思想文化观念发生的变化。从而引领酒店KTV餐厅的命名规范健康地发展。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the ability of children in third (about 8-years-old) and fifth (about 10-years-old) grade to produce spoken and written summaries. Two main measurement types were distinguished: micropropositional analysis and story grammar analysis. In micropropositional analysis, the results showed significant differences between both summary conditions (spoken/written); while the spoken condition provided the use of inferences and macrorules, the written condition increased the literal recall (copy-delete). In contrast, in the story grammar analysis, the findings showed that both the structural organization and the type of propositions recall were very similar in both types of summaries. Finally, our results showed that the older children appeared to have some qualitative advantage in the use of the story schema; and the effects of the summary type seemed to be less significant.  相似文献   

本文先简单介绍了照片演示的含义和作用,然后简要叙述了将照片演示应用到摄影课堂教学中的全过程,分为课前准备和课堂演示两个阶段,并指出每个阶段需注意的一些问题。  相似文献   

Over the last 10 years, text comprehension research has undergone profound theoretical and methodological upheaval. Today, psychologists study language and texts because they present the trace markers of structures and cognitive operations. A text is no longer seen as a vehicle for conveying constructed meaning. Rather, text has been redefined as merely a structured sequence of stimuli, which activates both domain-related knowledge triggered by text information and linguistic knowledge. We present the theoretical views and experimental findings of the TEXTIMA group, characterized by the importance of the connectionist concepts.  相似文献   

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