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This study explored the problem-solving schemas developed by 7th-grade pre-algebra students as they participated in a teaching experiment that was designed to help students develop effective schemas for solving algebraic problem situations involving contexts of (1) growth and change and (2) size and shape. This article describes the qualities and types of schemas that students developed through examples of problems used to develop schemas, examples of students' reasoning and writing, and excerpts from student interviews. Findings from the study indicated that there is a link between the type of generalizations students construct and the schemas they are forming. By using these schemas students recognize, extend, and generalize patterns and quantitative relationships both verbally and symbolically. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Two studies assessed student writing in a critical thinking course. The first study examined initial and final versions of a term paper. Linguistic inquiry and word count (LIWC) analyses of essays revealed significant differences in linguistic variables and some differences in cognitive variables. The second study examined student essays at the beginning and end of the semester. Taken together, the studies indicate that students express themselves with less tentativeness at the end of the semester, and are consistent with the suggestion that students move from relativism to commitment during the course of a semester. In addition, the results indicate that the LIWC may detect differences between different writing genres.  相似文献   

随着经济条件和外部环境的变化,西部地区传统机械装备工业发展战略需要进行重新评价和审视。依据迈克尔-波特的“钻石模型”理论,西部传统机械装备工业的历史基础、生产要素条件、市场前景和产业政策等都具有进一步发展的优势,但它在企业经营战略上还存在着许多问题和劣势。依托优势企业搞联合发展,用高新技术和先进适用技术改造提升传统机械装备工业,加快国有经济战略性重组步伐以及加大金融支持等是今后发展的根本出路。  相似文献   

系统教学法强调对课程知识体系进行系统化处理,凭借学科概念或问题之间的内在逻辑关系帮助学生创建动态的封闭集群概念图。基于系统化思路,可以把宏观经济抽象为一个由四个部门与四个市场构成的简单系统,通过追踪国民收入在宏观经济系统的循环流动,复杂的国民收入核算问题得以生动形象地说明。这有利于学生更深刻地理解和更系统地掌握相关知识。  相似文献   

This study presents an exploration of the belief changes of prospective teachers (PTs) through social co-constructivist teaching. The future presumed in-class teaching orientations of the PTs were also estimated by metaphor analysis. A case study was conducted to monitor the belief changes of the PTs and estimate their probable in-class practices. The participants were six PTs involved in a certification in education programme. The data were gathered from the following different sources; interviews, written reflections and metaphor explanations. The data that were analysed interpretatively and specific parts of the analysed data were subjected to quantification. The PTs held considerably conventional and idealistic teaching beliefs prior to the implementations. The PTs improved their reasoning and enlarged their conceptualisations regarding teaching and learning after the implementations. Five types of teaching belief typologies displaying inherently sophisticated nature of the beliefs were extracted. Some of the PTs appeared to have promise in terms of implementing more learner-centred teaching; however, others preserved their traditional teaching practical orientations. It was considered that changes in teaching beliefs may have motivational and attitudinal dimensions. Finally, capturing the metaphors of the PTs regarding teaching and learning appeared to provide more realistic insights into the estimated in-class practical orientations.  相似文献   

依法治校是高校教育、管理的永恒主题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国社会向法制社会和社会主义市场经济体制的转型以及高等教育的连年扩招,对高等院校学生教育、管理等工作的改革提出了崭新的要求。在新形势下,依法治校必然成为高校教育、管理工作的永恒主题。  相似文献   

英国14-19岁普通教育考试制度与高校入学机制的关系研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文研究了英国14-19岁阶段普通教育的考试制度及其与高校入学机制的关系.分析了其以资格证书为基础的考试制度的特点、经验和问题,为我国普通高中考试制度改革和高校入学机制改革提供参照.  相似文献   

骈文从建安时期获得了“体”之“生命”后,日臻完善,至南朝“永明声律说”出,具备了完全成熟的条件,这一过程从一个独特的角度体现着着文学之自觉,不仅将文学之所以成为文学的因子“殖”进文学之“体”中;亦“移”入非文学“躯”内,使之成为文学,从而拓大文学之域。  相似文献   

This study documents the experience of an Asian woman faculty in the rural Mountain West as it relates to difficulties teaching predominantly White preservice teachers about the importance of diversity and social justice to prepare them adequately with skills and materials for their P-12 classrooms in a rapidly changing world. The current challenge has its origins in US history (the macro-level) and continues into the present (the micro-level) beyond the preservice teachers to include college of education colleagues and administrators, and community members. Using nexus analysis to reveal this larger picture, the hope is to develop actions to keep the problem from persisting into the future. This study is geography-specific in that not all rural areas are predominantly White, nor do they all share the same worldview. The results suggest that rural university communities remain predominantly White in their demographic makeup and crucial actors often hold fast to Whiteness and White ignorance. This is problematic – the need to transform and change is urgent in rural teacher education programs.  相似文献   

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