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<正>A major ST event in the world refers to an ST activity and its achievements with worldwide influence,including:1.A transformative breakthrough in fundamental scientific understanding,which gives rise to systematic ST innovation,and multiple technological innovation clusters,such as the discovery of electromagnetic induction and the establishment of electromagnetic theory;2.Discovery of phenomena unexplainable by the existing theoretical system,like blackbody radiation discovery gave birth to quantum mechanics;3.A transformative technological breakthrough  相似文献   

<正>Having undergone a series of dramatic advances in science,technology and industry in the 20th century,ST progress in today’s world shows new features:1.Breakthroughs in many fields and interdisciplinary synergy Physical science is explored both in a more macroscopic and microscopic way and under extreme conditions.Life science is done more precisely,with an emphasis on regeneration and regulation.Information and information technology are employed to f inely control matter and energy.As a result,there is great optimism that many fundamental difficulties in science will be resolved.In addition,the integration and convergence of different academic disciplines  相似文献   

On September 17, 1979, scientists from the CAS Institute ofElectronics succeeded in obtaining their first microwave re-mote sensing images from a prototype airborne synthetic ap-erture radar (SAR) system. Over the past 25 years, Chinese scientistshave won many R&D results and made remarkable progress in devel-oping SAR and its ground receiving systems.The application of SAR technology is noted for its unmatchedstrong points in all-weather and around-the-clock service when pro-viding lan…  相似文献   

<正>The central authorities place great importance on the role of science and technology as the primary productive force and attach strategic priority to ST innovation.Since2002,when the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China convened,the government has set the strategic objective of building China into an innovationoriented nation,implemented the Outline of the National Program for Long and Medium-Term ST Development(2006-2020),and greatly increased ST investment.In order to strategically deploy ST resources in priority areas or research directions,the government launched programs such as the National Science Foundation of China,the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China(863 Program),the National Basic Research Program(973 Program),the National Key Technology RD Program,National Major Science and Technology Projects,the Knowledge Innovation Program,and the Technology Innovation Program.Furthermore,the  相似文献   

As a developing country,China has always attachedgreat importance to South-South cooperation, especially whenit comes to scientific research.Beginning in 1987, following a1985 meeting between DengXiaoping, late Chinese leader, andAbdus Salam, founding president ofthe Third World Academy of Sci-ences (TWAS), the Chinese govern-ment has financed the CAS South-South Cooperation Fund. The Fund,which has an annual budget of 2 mil-lion Yuan (about US$ 250,000), isused to support the local…  相似文献   

Under the joint auspices of CAS, the ChineseAcademy of Engineering (CAE) and the edito-rial office of the newspaper Science Times, theTop 10 S&T achievements in China in 2005 have beenelected by 570 CAS and CAE members. The event wasparticipated in by celebrated Chinese scientists includingCAS President LU Yongxiang and CAE president XUKuangdi.CAS Executive Vice President BAI Chunli and CAEVice President DU Xiangwan made commentaries and an-swered questions regarding the de…  相似文献   

周昀 《百科知识》2014,(8):24-26
最近,美剧《纸牌屋》从寒冷的冬季一直火到了今年春天,以绝对暗黑之姿横扫了世界各地。上至美国总统奥巴马,下至远在大洋彼岸的中国观众都在闷头追剧,甚至大声疾呼不要剧透。凯文·史派两塑造的那位阴险狡诈、反复无常、心狠手辣的政客——弗朗丙斯·安德伍德更是深入人心。从这个角度来说,《纸牌屋》的确是个中翘楚,生动地展示了美国的官场规则。  相似文献   

——读者(京):我发现有时候“下期要日”,冲列出的文章下期根本没登;本来挺想看的,结采让人失望。  相似文献   

根据腾讯的最新数据,在刚刚过去的新年中,除夕夜高峰时段平均一分钟有一千万条微信信息发出,而微信屏幕上掉下的“橘子”高达65亿个。那边传统短信拜年黯淡退场,  相似文献   

汪朗 《百科知识》2014,(8):50-52
现如今流行谭家菜是“榜眼菜”“翰林菜”的说法,除了谭宗浚榜眼、翰林的身份和官场履历没有问题,其余大都是捕风捉影的乱弹。  相似文献   

短缺科技论与政府对科技活动的干预   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在社会主义市场经济条件下,政府要不要干预科技活动、政府为什么要干预科技活动以及如何干预科技活动等这些关乎科技、经济和社会发展的基本问题需要在理论上给予回答。本文在对传统的政府干预科技的理论进行分析的基础上,提出“短缺科技论”应作为政府干预科技活动的理论基础,并以此为依据,对政府干预科技活动的目的、范围、方式等问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

正CAS released its 13~(th) Five-year Plan(2016–2020)in Beijing on August 31,2016,aiming at further breakthroughs in areas from particle physics and astronomy to brain science,artificial intelligence,oceanology,ecology and the environment.The plan,announced by CAS President BAI Chunli,sets the Academy’s goals and development priorities in the next five years.  相似文献   

随着国内外形势的改变,国际科技合作在任务、内容、重点、要求显示出与以往显著不同的特点,尽快提升我国国际科技合作发展层次与规模已刻不容缓,但是目前的国际科技合作框架体系显现出对新的形势和新的任务不能适应的矛盾。本文设计了一种新的具有开创性的国际科技合作战略框架,对我国科技部门的决策者将具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

本文指出科技成果展示交易活动,为国防科技成果的展示交易搭起了有效的平台,是国防科技工业与外部各界展开科技交流与合作的重要方式之一。  相似文献   

Thanks to their decades of painstaking efforts, Chinese S&T historians recently saw two book series on ancient Chinese history of science and technology and astronomy in print.  相似文献   

我国有组织科技活动发展战略初探   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文在分析我国有组织科技活动的现状和特点的基础上,提出抓住我国加入WTO和经济结构战略性调整的机遇,对我国有组织科技活动进行整合,并提出我国科技竞争力的相关措施。  相似文献   

我国高层次科技人才激励政策分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
高层次科技人才是推动我国科技创新和科技事业发展的重要力量。本文主要分析我国高层次人才激励政策体系的构成,以及存在的主要问题,并从激励理论出发,探讨相关政策的创新路径。  相似文献   

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