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At existing rates of progress, fragile states represent those countries most at-risk of failing to achieve universal primary education. It is estimated that around a third of the world's out of school children live in countries where the state faces severe development challenges instigated and perpetuated by weak institutional capacity, poor governance, political instability, or the legacy effects of past conflict. Typically, fragile states have the most difficulty in mobilising domestic resources to finance national education strategies and, consequently, rely heavily on other sources of educational investment. This paper examines the provision of development aid within a group of 52 low-income countries, and concludes that despite the international commitment to universal primary education, the prevailing attitude of selectively allocating aid to ‘good performers’ has led to education in fragile states being sidelined by the development community.  相似文献   

Abby Riddell 《Prospects》2008,38(3):363-376
Over the past decade there has been increasing concern with aid effectiveness, and, more generally, development effectiveness. New ways of delivering aid have been developed, including sector-wide approaches and direct budget support. This paper reports on the progress that has been made through some of these new modalities of aid to education, as perceived by some of the senior staff of a handful of the major development agencies. Where have these developments led us in the education sectors of many developing countries? What are the prospects for the ways in which aid is planned and delivered and in the relationships between donors and recipient governments? What are the main issues and challenges currently being raised and addressed? How have these changes affected the impact of the aid provided? These are some of the questions that are raised in this study, with answers provided by the agencies themselves.  相似文献   

我国自1987年开始建设学生资助体系以来,助学型资助模式发挥了很大的作用,解决了部分贫困生实际困难。但不可否认的是,该资助模式也存在很多亟待解决的问题,本文以循环救助的新视角,试图改善高校贫困生助学型资助的困境。  相似文献   

罗斯托是20世纪50和60年代活跃在美国理论界和政界的经济学家和经济史学家,他以冷战思维模式下的经济发展观为基础,提出了对第三世界国家进行发展援助的理论,希望通过美国的发展援助,帮助不发达国家进行有组织的开发,使这些国家的经济进入"起飞"阶段.罗斯托在肯尼迪及后来的约翰逊政府中担任要职,因而为20世纪60年代美国对外发展援助政策深深地打上了自己的烙印,并对以后的美国对外援助政策产生了深远影响.  相似文献   

小学生素质水平集中体现了小学教育质量。相对于小学生质量综合评价这一评价模 式,构建了一种更加宏观的,适应新形势的小学质量评价模式──小学生群体素质评估制度 ,以解决小学教育质量评估问题。  相似文献   

本文阐述了实施物理新课程要树立发展性教学评价观念 ;确定多元化的评价内容和标准 ;运用多样化的评价方法  相似文献   

近年来,一批本科院校在现代化建设的历史大潮中应运而生,它们既面临着良好的发展机遇,同时也面临着严峻的挑战。文章从确定发展思路是新建院校的首要任务、确立科学的办学理念是确定发展思路的关键、找准学校的发展定位是确定发展思路的重点三个方面对新建本科院校如何寻求更大的发展进行了论述。  相似文献   

Although there has been dramatic economic development in parts of Asia approximately one-third of the Asian population live in poverty. In response to the persistence of poverty a new international development assistance model supported by the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank and many other international agencies is emerging with a major focus on alleviation of po paper will examine educational implications of the new model in one of Asia’s poorest countries, Lao Peoples Democratic Republic. Attention is given to: (1) the changing social, economic and policy contexts within which Lao education functions; (2) the strategic concepts associated with the model of poverty reduction; (3) two potential scenarios of propoor educational change; and (4) assessment of the feasibility of each scenario in increasing the equality of educational and social opportunities for the poor.  相似文献   

What insights and generalisations can be drawn from looking across the work of multiple governmental and non-governmental organisations aimed at supporting basic education in low and medium income countries? To address this question, this study analysed findings of nine evaluation meta-studies completed by international assistance organisations, each of which was examining the effectiveness of their work in basic education over a multi-year period. The value of the underlying project activities reviewed in these evaluations represents $6–$6–8 billion. Studies analysed with respect to (a) the criteria each used to judge success of their underlying projects, (b) the extent to which these studies focused on outcomes and impacts, (c) the extent to which projects were judged sustainable, (d) the adequacy of the project-level evaluations being reviewed, (e) what the underlying projects accomplished, (f) weaknesses identified in underlying project designs and (g) cost. A major weakness identified in almost all of the meta-studies reviewed was the paucity of evidence regarding the impact of the project activities in promoting student learning outcomes.  相似文献   

American organizations bringing assistance to deaf people in developing countries unintentionally create relationships of dependency or oppression rather than relationships of support. Using qualitative methods, the author examined the effectiveness of development assistance provided to the Jamaican Deaf community by two American churches, one American nongovernmental organization, and one U.S. federal agency. Documents were reviewed and observations were made. Interviews were conducted with more than 60 deaf and hearing people involved with the American organizations, the Jamaican organizations, and deaf Jamaican beneficiaries. The author concludes that the Jamaican Deaf community was often excluded in planning, designing, or evaluating programs, and was unsatisfied with the American assistance it received. Results also indicate that the American organizations were poorly prepared to work with the Deaf community. Suggestions for American organizations wishing to strengthen and empower deaf people through development assistance in developing countries are proposed.  相似文献   

This study investigates the extent to which Japanese learners of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) are able to offer mediation to their peers while engaging in pair work, and whether that mediation is sensitive to the needs of their partner. Grounded in sociocultural theory, the study assesses the extent to which the study participants identify and respond to a partner’s developmental level, offering appropriate help. Further, evidence in the data of learner development is examined. Six first-year university learners of EFL participated in the study, and were placed in to three pairs. Each pair was given a set of pictures in random order, and was asked to construct a story from the pictures, first orally, then in writing, working together closely with their co-participant. The audio-recorded sessions were transcribed and analysed for instances of developmentally sensitive peer–peer assistance. Numerous examples were found throughout the data showing all study participants being capable and willing to offer such assistance to their peers. Further, evidence was found of the assistance leading to microgenetic development in task performance.  相似文献   

一种新的评价形式——档案式评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育是一个长期的过程,人的智能是多元化的,作为教育重要环节的评价,对学生知识和能力的估量亦应该是多元的。在新课程标准的教育改革背景下,我们实践中的评价形式更应多样化,而不能仅限于考试一途。档案式评估完全是一种新的评价方式。因为档案式评估对学生实施真实性的过程评价,可以有效地激发学生的主动性和积极性,改变其在传统教学中被动学习的局面,同时还能有效地转变教师传统的教学观念,进而为升学等高风险的决策提供更翔实有效的参考。  相似文献   


In recent years there has been sustained emphasis in many countries on preparing academic staff for their teaching role. However, the necessary emphasis on teaching has distracted attention from the fact that university teachers are facing many other complex demands. University teachers are being appointed from a greater range of backgrounds and types of experience and performing an increasingly diverse range of roles. Moreover, while the emphasis has tended to be on the needs of full‐time tenurable staff, the numbers of casual and contract staff have grown. While much has been achieved, staff development provision is not coordinated, resources are not necessarily provided, centralized schemes do not link with departmental activities and responsibilities are often ambiguous.

The paper identifies some of the influences on preparation for academic roles being faced today and argues that new frameworks are needed. It suggests that a holistic view should be adopted: one which places as central the staff members and their roles, and which emphasizes negotiation and flexibility in response to the diversity of academic activities. The paper outlines the dimensions of such an approach.  相似文献   

《Assessing Writing》2002,8(1):17-30
What are the best assessment practices for ESL and international students who must be placed into first-year composition courses at both two- and four-year institutions in the United States? In this article, I examine this issue in three ways. First, I enumerate the stances in the literature; following that I submit results of preliminary research which questions modes of writing assessment and their relationship to final grades in composition classes. Finally, I present results of an internet search of one set of prominent American institutions’ placement practices. From this data, it might be inferred that we use multiple instruments to place ESL students into composition classes rather than resorting to a multiple-choice test (especially a standardized instrument) as the sole means of determining placement.My primary purposes in this paper are to argue that second language composition specialists need to examine our placement practices and aim for a reconciliation of these practices with our classroom pedagogies. Further, if we are not involved in placement decisions at our various institutions, we must strive to be included in important decisions concerning our students and to be advocates for second language writers.  相似文献   

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