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白明亮 《文教资料》2009,(32):179-180
信息网络化社会对教育,尤其高等教育的影响越来越深、越来越广。网络依凭其独特文化品性和特质,在改变学生社会属性、影响学生学习和教育生活的同时,也在不断冲击和侵蚀着教师的“知识权威”和“社会权威”。“教会学习”与“和而不同”,成为教师有效“教(整合网络知识)”和合理“育(构建和谐价值)”的必要角色选择。  相似文献   

历史教学美育渗透是历史教师通过传授历史知识,向学生进行审美教育的过程。在“教”与“学”的活动过程中,学生对历史上的美进行“观照”和“感受”,并进一步深化,从中受到美的享受和陶冶。由于时代的发展、社会的进步,学生知识量的获得越来越大,涉猎的的知识范围越来越广,对美的知识获得的欲望也日益  相似文献   

随着科技的进步,知识的不断更新,社会对教师角色的要求不再是单纯的“传道,授业,解惑”。正如《抗震救灾启示录》中所反映的那样:“教师的职责不仅仅是传递知识,而是越来越多地鼓舞、激励学生、真心地爱护学生、保护学生。”难怪不少教师都有“现在当老师越来越难”的感觉,因此随着社会的进步,教师必须具有正确职业态度,才能成为一名合格的教育工作者。  相似文献   

高师院校应全面做好学生能力的培养工作   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张波 《教育探索》2001,(2):50-51
国际师范教育界十分重视教师能力的培养问题,认为合格的教师不仅要掌握渊博的现代科学知识,而且要善于把知识交给学生,提高学生掌握知识的能力。美国曾盛行过“能力本位的师范教育”,认为一名合格教师必须具备“教学能力、实验指导能力、科学研究能力、革新创造能力、与学生交往能力、学生社会活动组织能力、学生升学就业指导能力、书面与口头表达能力、示范能力以及推理思考能力”;新近又强调教师应具备“熟练而有效地运用信息手段的基本能力” [1]。在我国教育界,越来越多的人也在关注教师能力结构的优化问题。在教师的能力越来越…  相似文献   

随着新课改的深入推进,教师专业发展与新课程教育教学理念缺失的矛盾日益突出,教师越来越感到自身的知识、能力等多个层面存在着明显的不足,仅靠很少的外出学习远远不够。因此,读书、学习成了教师专业成长的重要途径,它成了教师“充电”、“吸氧”、“补钙”的源泉。  相似文献   

开放教育关键要新在“教”与“学”上。电大的教学要充分利用现代化教育设施与信息 ,使教学向“教不必师”转化。而教师的工作要从“讲课”向“讲学”转化 ,即从传统的向学生传授知识向指导学生掌握获取知识的方法和能力转化。与此相适应 ,学生的“学”也要从被动的听课、记笔记、复习课文 ,向借助现代学习设施和信息手段来获取知识和提高能力转化 ,由被动的学向主动的学转化。“学无定式” ,现代学生获取新知识和提高学习能力的手段 ,应该越来越灵活 ,越来越现代化  相似文献   

教师知识是教师教学成功的保证,传统的“要教给学生一杯水,自己必须有一桶水”的杯桶理论和现代有人提出的教学的前提是“横要到边,竖要到底”的T型知识结构观点无不道出了教师知识对学生学习的重要性。不仅如此,教师知识同时还是实现自身发展的基础。[加]康内利等的研究表明,教师知道什么以及怎样表达自己的知识对学生的学习至关重要,教师知识的深化是促进他们自身学习和发展的主要途径。国内外学者在高度重视教师知识的前提下,越来越呈现出教师知识研究的实践取向。一、研究回眸:国内外教师知识分类理论梳理教师的知识素质对教育的成败与…  相似文献   

要提高教师的素质,首先要改变对教师的传统看法。人们一直认为,教师的作用就是“传道、授业、解惑”。这种传统观念内含有一种为知识而知识的倾向,在培养目标上,它指向的是“教”而不是“学”,如果说这种观念在以往还有它存在的理由的话,那么在深化教改的今天,这种观念已越来越与社会发展要求相悖  相似文献   

一、问题提出著名教育家杜威(Deway)曾说:“教师怎样能够做理智的领导者呢?这是一个重要的实际问题.第一个条件,他要有充分而盈溢的知识.”Ll-随着教师专业化与教师专业发展的提出,人们越来越认识到教师知识的重要性,认为它是教师专业发展的  相似文献   

1.教师是教给学生学习方法的顾问传统的教育是“以教师为中心”的模式,过于注重知识的传授;新课程的理念是“以人为本”,以学生的发展为出发点和归宿,服务于学生的全面发展。有一位学者这样说“:教师的主要职责是越来越多地激励学生思考,将越来越成为一个顾问,一个意见交换的参与者。”教师如果有了这种观念就会对学生自主性学习起着监督和指导作用。新教材《历史与社会》的每一个单元后,都安排了一节“综合探究”课,这种课的主体完全是学生,而不是教师。学生通过对一单元知识的回顾和总结,然后结合当地的实际进行分析和质疑。这时教师的角…  相似文献   

Collaborations between the K-12 teachers and higher education or professional scientists have become a widespread approach to science education reform. Educational funding and efforts have been invested to establish these cross-institutional collaborations in many countries. Since 2006, Taiwan initiated the High Scope Program, a high school science curriculum reform to promote scientific innovation and inquiry through an integration of advanced science and technology in high school science curricula through partnership between high school teachers and higher education scientists and science educators. This study, as part of this governmental effort, a scientist–teacher collaborative model (STCM) was constructed by 8 scientists and 4 teachers to drive an 18-week high school science curriculum reform on environmental education in a public high school. Partnerships between scientists and teachers offer opportunities to strengthen the elements of effective science teaching identified by Shulman and ultimately affect students’ learning. Mixed methods research was used for this study. Qualitative methods of interviews were used to understand the impact on the teachers’ and scientists’ science teaching. A quasi-experimental design was used to understand the impact on students’ scientific competency and scientific interest. The findings in this study suggest that the use of the STCM had a medium effect on students’ scientific competency and a large effect on students’ scientific individual and situational interests. In the interviews, the teachers indicated how the STCM allowed them to improve their content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), and the scientists indicated an increased knowledge of learners, knowledge of curriculum, and PCK.  相似文献   

目前,我国初中综合科学课程的发展面临着一些问题,教师素质是其中之一。对长春市未实施综合科学课程的15所初中理科教师的问卷调查的数据显示:总体上来说,目前的分科教师还很不了解综合科学课程;对初中综合科学课程持否定态度;不具备符合综合科学课程要求的学科知识结构和技能。可以通过高师院校改革、调整教师培训策略、增进交流等方面来增强教师对综合科学课程教学的适应性。  相似文献   

学科教学知识(PCK)是教师知识的核心,发展PCK是教师专业发展的重要途径。文章阐述小学科学教师PCK的内涵,即教师为适应不同能力和兴趣的小学生,在将特定科学知识转化为学生易于理解的课堂教学形式时所使用的知识,它由小学科学课程知识、学习者知识、教学策略知识和学习评价知识构成。小学科学教师PCK的发展策略主要有:根据PCK内涵进行反思;加强专业阅读,进一步学习科学知识和科学教育知识;在学习共同体成员的交流中建构PCK。  相似文献   

The challenge of preparing novice primary teachers for teaching in an educational environment, where science education has low status and many teachers have limited science content knowledge and lack the confidence to teach science, is great. This paper reports on an innovation involving a sustained simulation in an undergraduate science education course as a mediational tool to connect two communities of practice—initial teacher education and expert primary science teaching. The course lecturer and student teachers role-played the expert classroom teacher and primary students (Years 7/8) respectively in an attempt to gain insights into teaching and learning through authentic activity that models good practice in primary science teaching and learning. Activity theory was used to help frame and analyse the data. Findings from the first trial indicate that the simulation was very effective in initiating science pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) development of primary student teachers.  相似文献   

古丽萍  李森 《中学教育》2009,(11):29-32
新一轮基础教育课程改革背景下,对教师成为研究者的呼声愈来愈高,“教师即研究者”已经成为广大教师的共识,每一位教师都需要学习教育科研知识,懂得开展教育教学研究的方法。本文就乐山市中区小学教师教育研究能力现状进行调查分析,针对存在的问题提出相应对策建议。  相似文献   

The application of information and communication technology in instruction is highly emphasized in the contemporary education of science teachers. This paper hence aims to explore science teachers’ perceptions of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) addressing teachers’ perceptions of the affordances of technology application in instruction. A total of 222 pre- and in-service science teachers in Singapore were surveyed. Structural equation models analysis was utilized to examine the model of TPACK involving the seven factors of technological knowledge (TK), pedagogical knowledge (PK), content knowledge (CK), technological content knowledge (TCK), technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK), pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), as well as synthesized knowledge of technology, pedagogy, and content (TPC). The results confirm the seven-factor model and indicate that the science teachers’ perceived TPC significantly and positively correlated with all the other TPACK factors. This paper further reveals the relationships between the science teachers’ perceptions of TPACK and their demographic characteristics such as teaching experience, gender, and age. The findings indicate that female science teachers perceive higher self-confidence in pedagogical knowledge but lower self-confidence in technological knowledge than males. Further, female in-service science teachers’ perceptions of TK, TPK, TCK, and TPC significantly and negatively correlate with their age.  相似文献   

This paper describes a case study focusing on the subject matter knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and beliefs about science teaching of student teachers in Turkey at the start of their university education. The topic of interest was that of teaching chemical reactions in secondary chemistry education. A written test was developed which used the research literature on potential student misconceptions with regard to different aspects of chemical reactions. Thirty beginning science student teachers were tested, with an additional eight interviews from the student teachers in the same sample. The interviews focused on student teachers’ views about how to best teach chemical reactions in lower secondary chemistry classes. The results revealed deficits in the subject matter knowledge of the student teachers. It also became obvious that the teachers in this sample held very traditional and teacher-centred beliefs when it came to chemistry teaching at the secondary level. Their teaching attitudes were geared mainly towards the acquisition of facts by pupils, and often ignored the development of process-oriented skills. Implications for science teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

There is an ongoing discussion about what content that should be taught in science education and there are different views among teachers about what represent good science content. However, teachers are not isolated individuals making their own interpretations, but are part of institutionalised systems building on patterns in the selection of teaching goals and content. Earlier research shows that teachers teach in alignment with different selective traditions, which can be understood as well-developed teaching habits. Individual teachers seem to develop their personal habits on the basis of the contextual situations created by earlier generations of teachers. In order to find out which content teachers find representative for science education, we asked nine teachers to take part in group interviews to talk about what they value as “good” science content. The participants were grouped according to their selective traditions expressed in earlier studies. The method was used to dynamically explore, challenge and highlight teachers’ views. The starting point for the group discussions is national tests in science. In Sweden, national tests in biology, physics and chemistry were introduced in secondary school science (year 9) in 2009. One overarching aim of these tests is to support the implementation of the science curricula and to include for example knowledge about socio-scientific issues (SSI). The content of the tests can consequently be seen as important for teachers to consider. The findings show that ‘resistance’ to including SSI is not just an issue for individual teachers. As individuals teachers can create many kinds of obstacles, but still be interested in integrating SSI in their science teaching. However, in group discussions the teachers tend to collectively adopt the scientific rational discourse. This discourse is what joins them and creates their common identity as science teachers. In turn, they seek to free scientific knowledge from social knowledge and thereby make assessment easier.  相似文献   

知识是教育教学活动的核心要素,知识观比课程观、教学观更为基础,也更为根本。对杭州市区173位初中科学课教师进行了问卷调查,对9位教师进行了半结构式访谈,通过量化与质性研究,旨在了解科学课教师知识观的一般特征,为科学课程的有效实施提供现实依据。研究发现多数教师具有科学课程提倡的知识观念,部分教师对于知识是什么?知识的学习、认识上存在着差异。  相似文献   

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